2,334 research outputs found

    Seguridad, estandarización, objetivos de control y su cuantificación económica para el sistema transaccional de gestión presupuestaria GEPRE – UNCuyo, en el marco de la gestión de calidad

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    El crecimiento casi exponencial de los clientes, flujos de datos, tiempos de uso y servicios para los sistemas transaccionales de gestión presupuestaria en la intranet/extranet de la Universidad hace indispensable pensar, a lo menos desde hace más de un quinquenio, se adjudiquen gran parte de los esfuerzos y dineros institucionales a tareas de clasificación, jerarquización y almacenamiento de éste. Así mismo se ha de considerar como uno de los activos con gran valor agregado a la disponibilidad del sistema transaccional para la gestión presupuestaria de la UNCuyo “GEPRE" y como consecuencia del anterior trabajo, respecto a los accesos indebidos y caídas de la seguridad en la intranet de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Aunque con tal crecimiento y auge por el uso de NTIC (Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) en la UNCuyo no se ha acompañado el desarrollo de un plan de contingencias ni siquiera establecida una matriz de riesgos que denote las áreas de función de informática susceptibles y por tanto no existe un plan de auditoria. En este sentido no se pretende activar una auditoria en particular sino iniciar una investigación que dispare en un marco más amplio un plan general de auditoria sustentable bajo las normas y estándares de calidad IRAM-ISO 17799 y los objetivos de control para la información y tecnología afines CoBiT. En especial contestar a la pregunta ¿cuál es el coste, para la UNCuyo, por la no estandarización y/o expresión de los objetivos de control en materia de seguridad de seguridad, caídas de servicio y de sistema, etc., en las áreas funcionales en contacto a través de la red?The growing almost exponential of the clients, data flow, use times and services for the transactional of budget conduct in the intranet/extranet of the University makes thinking indispensable, to the least since more than a quinquennium, big art of the efforts and the institutional money to qualification works, ranking and storing of this. The same thing has been considered as one of the active with a big aggregate value to the availability of the transactional system for the budget conduct of the UNCuyo “GEPRE" and as consequence of the anterior work, respecting to the unlawful access and falls of the security in the Faculty of Science Economics. Although, with such growing and supreme for the use of the News Technologies Information and Communication in the UNCuyo hasn’t been accompanied. Even though such increment is due to the use of NTIC in UNCuyo eventually array haven’t been developed or established. That carries out a function in computer science or establishes an audit plan. In this way it doesn’t pretend to activate a particular an audit if not star an investigation that discharges in an extended frame a general plan of sustainable audit under the norms and standards of quality IRAM_ISO 17799 and the objectives of control for the information and technology cognate CoBiT in order to applied MAGERIT methodology. Specially to answer the question which is the cost, for the UNCuyo, in order to don’t standardize and/or expression of the objectives in matter of security, fall of service and system, and so forth., in the functional areas of contact across of the net

    Reinsurance of National Unemployment Benefit Schemes. CEPS Working Document No. 401, 6 January 2015

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    This study is a contribution to the debate around the creation of an unemployment insurance scheme for the EU/euro area by proposing an alternative mechanism to the Europeanisation of national insurance schemes. The authors make the case for a reinsurance mechanism and show that such a system delivers, for a small average contribution, large shock-absorption capacities. At the same time, due to a threshold issue, it is not suitable for EU-level absorption of small national shocks. It is rather meant to deliver a large punch once activated, which should occur only in case of MAJOR events for the labour market. Had such a scheme been in place in the EU during the period 2000-2012, it would have been triggered 40 times

    3D Lyman-alpha radiation transfer. I. Understanding Lyman-alpha line profile morphologies

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    Using a Monte Carlo technique, we have developed a 3D lyman-alpha radiation transfer code allowing for prescribed arbitrary hydrogen density, ionisation, temperature structures, and dust distribution, and arbitrary velocity fields and UV photon sources. We have examined the lyman-alpha line profiles predicted for several simple geometrical configurations and their dependence on the main input parameters. Overall, we find line profiles reaching from doubly peaked symmetric emission to symmetric Voigt (absorption) in static configurations with increasing dust content, and asymmetric red-(blue-) shifted emission lines with a blue (red) counterpart ranging from absorption to emission (with increasing line/continuum strength) in expanding (infalling) media. The following results are of interest for the interpretation of lya profiles from galaxies. 1/ Standard lya absorption line fitting of global spectra of galaxies may lead to an underestimate of the true hydrogen column density in certain geometrical conditions. 2/ Normal (inverted) P-Cygni like lya profiles can be obtained in expanding (infalling) media from objects without any intrinsic lya emission, as a natural consequence of radiation transfer effects. 3/ The formation and the detailed shape of lya profiles resulting from expanding shells has been thoroughly revised: for sufficiently large column densities, the position of the main lya emission peak is redshifted by twice the expansion velocity.This is in excellent agreement with the observations of z~3 LBGs. This finding indicates also that large scale, fairly symmetric shell structures must be a good description for the outflows in LBGs.(shortened abstract)Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures, accepted to A&

    Tracing glacier wastage in the Northern Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan/Central Asia) over the last 40years

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    The status and dynamics of glaciers are crucial for agriculture in semiarid parts of Central Asia, since river flow is characterized by major runoff in spring and summer, supplied by glacier- and snowmelt. Ideally, this coincides with the critical period of water demand for irrigation. The present study shows a clear trend in glacier retreat between 1963 and 2000 in the Sokoluk watershed, a catchment of the Northern Tien Shan mountain range in Kyrgyzstan. The overall area loss of 28% observed for the period 1963-2000, and a clear acceleration of wastage since the 1980s, correlate with the results of previous studies in other regions of the Tien Shan as well as the Alps. In particular, glaciers smaller than 0.5km2 have exhibited this phenomenon most starkly. While they registered a medium decrease of only 9.1% for 1963-1986, they lost 41.5% of their surface area between 1986 and 2000. Furthermore, a general increase in the minimum glacier elevation of 78m has been observed over the last three decades. This corresponds to about one-third of the entire retreat of the minimum glacier elevation in the Northern Tien Shan since the Little Ice Age maximu

    Effect of management on reproductive performances of the Achai cattle in the Hindu Kush (Northern Pakistan)

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    This study evaluates the effect of management on the undocumented Achai cattle reproductive performance in transhumant farming systems (TFS) and in sedentary farming systems (SFS) in northwestern Pakistan. Data were collected from 172 households in TFS and 270 households in SFS to analyze the effect of farming systems, parity, and calving season on key reproductive traits. The results show that farming systems significantly affect pubertal age, while parity has no significant effect on any of the key traits. The calving season significantly affects the postpartum anoestrus interval in TFS only. More than 50% of the cows in both systems have postpartum anoestrus intervals and calving intervals within the recommended values for cows in tropical countries. Achai cows have high first-service conception rates (70% and 71% for TFS and SFS, respectively) and require a relatively small number of services per conception (1.53 ± 0.06 and 1.48 ± 0.05SE for TFS and SFS, respectively). This local breed thus warrants conservation under both farming system

    Seasonally resolved ice core records from West Antarctica indicate a sea ice source of sea-salt aerosol and a biomass burning source of ammonium

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (2014): 9168–9182, doi:10.1002/2013JD020720.The sources and transport pathways of aerosol species in Antarctica remain uncertain, partly due to limited seasonally resolved data from the harsh environment. Here, we examine the seasonal cycles of major ions in three high-accumulation West Antarctic ice cores for new information regarding the origin of aerosol species. A new method for continuous acidity measurement in ice cores is exploited to provide a comprehensive, charge-balance approach to assessing the major non-sea-salt (nss) species. The average nss-anion composition is 41% sulfate (SO42−), 36% nitrate (NO3−), 15% excess-chloride (ExCl−), and 8% methanesulfonic acid (MSA). Approximately 2% of the acid-anion content is neutralized by ammonium (NH4+), and the remainder is balanced by the acidity (Acy ≈ H+ − HCO3−). The annual cycle of NO3− shows a primary peak in summer and a secondary peak in late winter/spring that are consistent with previous air and snow studies in Antarctica. The origin of these peaks remains uncertain, however, and is an area of active research. A high correlation between NH4+ and black carbon (BC) suggests that a major source of NH4+ is midlatitude biomass burning rather than marine biomass decay, as previously assumed. The annual peak in excess chloride (ExCl−) coincides with the late-winter maximum in sea ice extent. Wintertime ExCl− is correlated with offshore sea ice concentrations and inversely correlated with temperature from nearby Byrd station. These observations suggest that the winter peak in ExCl− is an expression of fractionated sea-salt aerosol and that sea ice is therefore a major source of sea-salt aerosol in the region.This work was supported by grants from the NSF Antarctic Program (0632031 and 1142166), NSF-MRI (1126217), the NASA Cryosphere Program (NNX10AP09G), and by an award from the Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship Program (DOE SCGF) to ASC.2015-01-2

    Effect of Intergalactic Medium on the Observability of Lyman Alpha Emitters during Cosmic Reionization

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    We perform a systematic study of how the inhomogeneities in the Inter-Galactic Medium (IGM) affect the observability of Lyman Alpha Emitters (LAEs) around the Epoch of Reionization. We focus on the IGM close to the galaxies as the detailed ionization distribution and velocity fields of this region could significantly influence the scattering of Ly-alpha photons off neutral H atoms as they traverse the IGM after escaping from the galaxy. We simulate the surface brightness (SB) maps and spectra of more than 100 LAEs at z=7.7 as seen by an observer at z=0. To achieve this, we extract the source properties of galaxies and their surrounding IGM from cosmological simulations of box sizes 5-30 Mpc/h and follow the coupled radiative transfer of ionizing and Ly-alpha radiation through the IGM using CRASH-alpha. We find that the simulated SB profiles are extended and their detailed structure is affected by inhomogeneities in the IGM, especially at high neutral fractions. The detectability of LAEs and the fraction of the flux observed depend heavily on the shape of the SB profile and the SB threshold (SB_th) of the observational campaign. Only ultradeep observations (e.g. SB_th ~ 10^-23 ergs/s/cm^2/arcsec^2) would be able to obtain the true underlying mass-luminosity relation and luminosity functions of LAEs. The details of our results depend on whether Ly-alpha photons are significantly shifted in the galaxy to longer wavelengths, the mean ionization fraction in the IGM and the clustering of ionizing sources. These effects can lead to an easier escape of Ly-alpha photons with less scattering in the IGM and a concentrated SB profile similar to the one of a point source. Finally, we show that the SB profiles are steeper at high ionization fraction for the same LAE sample which can potentially be observed from the stacked profile of a large number of LAEs.Comment: 22 pages, 23 figures, 2 tables, Accepted by MNRAS. Minor change

    Sea ice and pollution-modulated changes in Greenland ice core methanesulfonate and bromine

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    Reconstruction of past changes in Arctic sea ice extent may be critical for understanding its future evolution. Methanesulfonate (MSA) and bromine concentrations preserved in ice cores have both been proposed as indicators of past sea ice conditions. In this study, two ice cores from central and north-eastern Greenland were analysed at sub-annual resolution for MSA (CH3SO3H) and bromine, covering the time period 1750–2010. We examine correlations between ice core MSA and the HadISST1 ICE sea ice dataset and consult back trajectories to infer the likely source regions. A strong correlation between the low-frequency MSA and bromine records during pre-industrial times indicates that both chemical species are likely linked to processes occurring on or near sea ice in the same source regions. The positive correlation between ice core MSA and bromine persists until the mid-20th century, when the acidity of Greenland ice begins to increase markedly due to increased fossil fuel emissions. After that time, MSA levels decrease as a result of declining sea ice extent but bromine levels increase. We consider several possible explanations and ultimately suggest that increased acidity, specifically nitric acid, of snow on sea ice stimulates the release of reactive Br from sea ice, resulting in increased transport and deposition on the Greenland ice sheet

    Priorities for the Juncker Commission: Policy recommendations and advice from the research team at CEPS. CEPS Special Report No. 92, 22 October 2014

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    In the months leading up to his nomination as President of the European Commission by the European Council in June 2014 through to his approval by the European Parliament in mid-July and finally his approval at a second special summit in August, CEPS’ researchers have closely followed the travails of Jean-Claude Juncker. We have also carefully studied his fundamental restructuring of the College in re-grouping commissioners around seven project teams, each headed by a vice-president. In our view, these changes promise to improve internal coordination, policy-making and transparency of rule-making and hopefully will reduce the personalisation of portfolios. This Special Report brings together under a single cover a series of 14 separate commentaries prepared by senior CEPS researchers, offering their assessment of these profound changes underway and their policy advice to the new commissioners from the perspective of their field of specialisation
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