34 research outputs found

    Akuntabilitas Perumusan Kebijakan Publik dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (MUSRENBANG)

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    The implementation of the development planning meeting (MUSRENBANG) in each region including the Malang district is often not optimal in the process so that the development development that is expected by the community through musrenbang does not have a good impact and does not give satisfaction to the residents. In the process of the Musrenbang, of course, it cannot be separated from the supervision and escort of the poor district government apparatus to begin with fiscal, program, process, legal and outgoing accountability in its implementation. So that the expectations of researchers through this paper can provide a brief summary of the accountability of the Musrenbang implementation process so far. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive type of research. The results of this study on the implementation of policy formulation in the musrenbang in the poor district bappeda in the implementation process have been carried out well, directed, integrated and responsive to change, in accordance with what is already in the regent's vision and RPJM. However, this is also related to the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation process so far including among others citizen participation and the budget which are often the maximum constraints to the implementation of the musrenbang and insufficient budgets are also obstacles to its implementation

    The Urgence of Notary Deed for Organs Transplantation in Framework of Preventing Human Organs Transaction

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    Trafficking in human organs is a threat and also a crime for humanity. Crimes against humanity, the United Nations then formulated the practice of trafficking in human organs which was carried out with illegal means and purposes as part of a transnational crime. The regulation on organ transplantation in Indonesia is regulated in Act No. 36 of 2009 concerning Organ Transplantation. To ensure legal certainty in organ transplantation, both donors and recipients will submit a written statement not to buy organs from a prospective donor or enter into a special agreement with a prospective donor, which is stated in the form of a notary deed or a written statement ratified by a notary. The research objective is to analyze the urgency of the notarial deed of organ transplantation in the context of preventing the sale and purchase of human organs based on the Minister of Health Regulation No. 38 of 2016, the obstacles that arise in the making of a notary deed, the formulation of a notary deed in the implementation of organ or human tissue transplantation. This research is included in empirical juridical research with descriptive analysis research specifications. Sources of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection was carried out by field research and library research, then after the data was analyzed, conclusions were drawn using inductive thinking methods. Based on the results of the study found From the positive law, namely Permenkes No. 38 of 2016 and Islamic law, in organ transplantation it is known that there is a condition that there is no sale and purchase of organs, there is no special agreement that provides benefits to the donor and is carried out with a notarial deed in the form of an agreement or written statement under the hand that legalized or waarmerking. Currently, there are no technical or procedural obstacles in making a notarial deed of organ transplantation in the context of preventing the sale and purchase of human organs. The formulation of a notarial deed in the implementation of human organ or tissue transplants based on the Minister of Health Regulation No. 38 of 2016 is based on the legal arrangement regarding authentic deeds, namely Article 1868 BW


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    Ketersediaan energi listrik merupakan salah satu faktor penting ditengah perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat. Contohnya untuk keperluan industri kecil diperlukan energi listrik yang terus menerus atau kontinyu dalam menjalankan fungsi maupun produksinya. Pada kenyataanya suplai energi listrik dari PLN terkadang mengalami gangguan seperti sumber listrik PLN padam sehingga dibutuhkan back-up suplai utama PLN yang lain, seperti genset. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat alat Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) dan Automatic Main Failure (AMF)  yang akan menghidupkan genset ketika sumber listrik PLN padam serta mematikan genset ketika sumber listrik PLN kembali menyala. Sistem ini menggunakan fasilitas SMS pada jaringan GSM, untuk memberi informasi perpindahan listrik PLN ke genset dan sebaliknya. Pengiriman SMS dan pengaturan pengsaklaran dilakukan oleh rangkaian mikrokontroler Arduino2560. Pada sistem ini juga terdapat sensor arus dan tegangan untuk memonitoring tegangan dan arus pada blok PLN dan genset, dan dari hasil pengujian sensor tegangan telah diperoleh nilai rata-rata pada blok PLN sebesar 215VAC dan blok genset sebesar 184V sedangkan dari pengujian sensor arus diperoleh nilai rata-rata pada blok PLN sebesar 0,11A dan blok genset sebesar 0,13A. Nilai sensor tegangan dan sensor arus yang diperoleh dari blok PLN dan blok genset masih dalam batas toleransi. Sedangkan pengujian perpindahan listrik dari PLN ke genset dan perpindahan listrik dari genset ke PLN memiliki waktu perpindahan yang sama yaitu 5 ms dan waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengirim SMS dari modul SIM900 ke handphone yaitu 2 detik, catatan waktu  ini bisa berubah-ubah tergantung kondisi jaringan SIM card GSM. Kata kunci: Mikrokontroler, SMS, GSM The availability of electrical energy is an important factor in the midst of rapid technological developments. For example for small industry needs continuous electrical energy in performing its functions and production. In fact, the supply of electrical energy from PLN is sometimes disrupted so another electricity back-up supply is needed, such as genset. The purpose of this research is to make Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) and Automatic Main Failure (AMF) equipment that will turn on the generator when PLN power source goes out and turn off the generator when PLN power source is back on. This system uses SMS facility on GSM network, to give information of PLN electricity transfer to generator and vice versa. SMS delivery and switching settings are performed by the Arduino2560 microcontroller circuit. In this system there is also a current and voltage sensors to monitor the voltage and current on the PLN block and generator, and from the test of the voltage sensor obtained the average value on PLN block is 215VAC and genset block of 184V while from the current sensor testing obtained the average value on PLN block of 0.11A and genset block of 0.13A. The value of the voltage sensor and current sensor obtained from PLN block and genset block are still within tolerable limits. While testing of the electricity transfer from PLN to the generator and the transfer of electricity from the generator to the PLN has the same displacement time of 5 ms and the time required to send SMS from SIM900 module to handphone that is 2 seconds, this time record can change depending on network condition GSM SIM card. Keywords : microcontroller, SMS, GS

    Hasil Cek Similarity: Akuntabilitas Perumusan Kebijakan Publik Dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrenbang). (Studi Pada Badan Perencanaan Dan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Malang).

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    The implementation of the development planning meeting (MUSRENBANG) in each region including the Malang district is often not optimal in the process so that the development development that is expected by the community through musrenbang does not have a good impact and does not give satisfaction to the residents. In the process of the Musrenbang, of course, it cannot be separated from the supervision and escort of the poor district government apparatus to begin with fiscal, program, process, legal and outgoing accountability in its implementation. So that the expectations of researchers through this paper can provide a brief summary of the accountability of the Musrenbang implementation process so far. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive type of research. The results of this study on the implementation of policy formulation in the musrenbang in the poor district bappeda in the implementation process have been carried out well, directed, integrated and responsive to change, in accordance with what is already in the regent's vision and RPJM. However, this is also related to the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation process so far including among others citizen participation and the budget which are often the maximum constraints to the implementation of the musrenbang and insufficient budgets are also obstacles to its implementation

    Peer Review:Akuntabilitas Perumusan Kebijakan Publik Dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrenbang). (Studi Pada Badan Perencanaan Dan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Malang).

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    The implementation of the development planning meeting (MUSRENBANG) in each region including the Malang district is often not optimal in the process so that the development development that is expected by the community through musrenbang does not have a good impact and does not give satisfaction to the residents. In the process of the Musrenbang, of course, it cannot be separated from the supervision and escort of the poor district government apparatus to begin with fiscal, program, process, legal and outgoing accountability in its implementation. So that the expectations of researchers through this paper can provide a brief summary of the accountability of the Musrenbang implementation process so far. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive type of research. The results of this study on the implementation of policy formulation in the musrenbang in the poor district bappeda in the implementation process have been carried out well, directed, integrated and responsive to change, in accordance with what is already in the regent's vision and RPJM. However, this is also related to the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation process so far including among others citizen participation and the budget which are often the maximum constraints to the implementation of the musrenbang and insufficient budgets are also obstacles to its implementation

    Akuntabilitas Perumusan Kebijakan Publik dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (MUSRENBANG)

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    The implementation of the development planning meeting (MUSRENBANG) in each region including the Malang district is often not optimal in the process so that the development development that is expected by the community through musrenbang does not have a good impact and does not give satisfaction to the residents. In the process of the Musrenbang, of course, it cannot be separated from the supervision and escort of the poor district government apparatus to begin with fiscal, program, process, legal and outgoing accountability in its implementation. So that the expectations of researchers through this paper can provide a brief summary of the accountability of the Musrenbang implementation process so far. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive type of research. The results of this study on the implementation of policy formulation in the musrenbang in the poor district bappeda in the implementation process have been carried out well, directed, integrated and responsive to change, in accordance with what is already in the regent's vision and RPJM. However, this is also related to the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation process so far including among others citizen participation and the budget which are often the maximum constraints to the implementation of the musrenbang and insufficient budgets are also obstacles to its implementation

    Similarity Akuntabilitas Perumusan Kebijakan Publik dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (MUSRENBANG)

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    The implementation of the development planning meeting (MUSRENBANG) in each region including the Malang district is often not optimal in the process so that the development development that is expected by the community through musrenbang does not have a good impact and does not give satisfaction to the residents. In the process of the Musrenbang, of course, it cannot be separated from the supervision and escort of the poor district government apparatus to begin with fiscal, program, process, legal and outgoing accountability in its implementation. So that the expectations of researchers through this paper can provide a brief summary of the accountability of the Musrenbang implementation process so far. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive type of research. The results of this study on the implementation of policy formulation in the musrenbang in the poor district bappeda in the implementation process have been carried out well, directed, integrated and responsive to change, in accordance with what is already in the regent's vision and RPJM. However, this is also related to the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation process so far including among others citizen participation and the budget which are often the maximum constraints to the implementation of the musrenbang and insufficient budgets are also obstacles to its implementation

    Development of DNA Extraction Method for Forensics Studies of Preserved Hair and Skin Samples from Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae, Pocock 1929)

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    Poaching and illegal wildlife trade present severe threats to the Sumatran tiger. The high demand for tiger body parts leads to a high number of imitations in illegal markets, complicating the morphological identification of any confiscation cases. Accurate identification is essential in legal due process, given that the national protection law only regulates Indonesia's native species. Identification using molecular approaches may overcome the problem. However, most illegally traded tiger body parts have been preserved for an extended period of time, reducing the quantity and quality of the recovered DNA. This study aimed to develop a fast and effective method to recover DNA from preserved forensic samples. The methods had been tested with several museum samples of arsenic-treated hairs and a tiger skin piece obtained from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN, formerly LIPI), tiger hairs obtained from Conservation of Natural Resources Agency (BKSDA) of Bengkulu Province, and a confiscated tiger skin sample from BKSDA Aceh. The DNA was extracted using ion-exchange, salting out, and protease-based methods. The results showed that the protease-based extraction outperformed the others to yield applicable DNA isolates for PCR-based species identification by Cyt b and ND2 mtDNA partial genes from preserved samples. However, further works are still needed to recover sufficient DNA yields for sex identification

    Analisis Sinyal Seismik Untuk Mengetahui Proses Internal Gunung Ijen Jawa Timur

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    Aktivitas Gunung Ijen pada bulan Desember 2011 sampai dengan Maret 2012 menarik untuk dikaji karena aktivitas selama bulan tersebut mengalami Perubahan status dari kondisi normal menjadi waspada kemudian meningkat menjadi siaga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik gempa vulkanik (tipe A dan tipe B) dan tremor harmonik serta melakukan identifikasi kantong magma dan proses internal Gunung Ijen terkait dengan seismisitasnya. Analisa data dilakukan pada data rekaman sesimik dari gempa vulkanik (tipe A dan tipe B) dan tremor harmonik yang didapatkan dari 3 stasiun seismik yaitu Ijen (Ijen), Terowongan Ijen (TRWI) dan Kawah Utara Ijen (KWUI). Sinyal diseleksi berdasarkan waveform dan dianalisis spektralnya untuk mendapatkan kandungan frekuensinya. Analisis hiposenter dilakukan untuk mengetahui kedalaman gempa-gempa vulkanik yang digunakan sebagai dasar identifikasi kantong magma dan proses internal Gunung Ijen. Berdasarkan analisa terhadap data rekaman sinyal seismik didapatkan karakteristik gempa vulkanik dalam (VA) memiliki ciri sinyal dengan amplitude berkisar 5–46 mm, lama gempa berkisar 6–45 detik, kandungan frekuensi berkisar 3,4 Hz dan kedalaman sumber gempa berkisar 2.500 – 4.000 meter dibawah Kawah Ijen. Gempa Vulkanik Dangkal (VB) memiliki ciri sinyal dengan amplitude berkisar 3–46 mm, lama gempa berkisar 5–25 detik, kandungan frekuensi berkisar 2,6 Hz dan kedalaman sumber gempa berkisar 0 - 2.500 meter dibawah Kawah Ijen. Untuk Tremor vulkanik kandungan frekuensinya berkisar 0,83 Hz, amplitude berkisar 0,5 – 45 mm dan sumber berada di bawah kawah. Aktivitas Gempa Vulkanik Gunung Ijen mengalami peningkatan tinggi ditandai dengan peningkatan gempa vulkanik dalam (VA) dan gempa vulkanik dangkal (VB) diikuti oleh tremor harmonik serta peningkatan energi gempa vulkanik yang terkai dengan proses internal yang merupakan proses pergerakan magma dari dalam bumi menuju permukaan disebabkan oleh adanya kegiatan tektonik disekitar gunung yang menyebabkan adanya suplai magma dari kantong magma dalam yang diperkirakan berada pada kedalaman lebih dari 4000 meter dibawah permukaan laut


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang Pengembangan Wisata Kuliner Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata (Studi Kasus Kuliner Tionghoa Di Jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru, Jakarta Pusat) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi wisata kuliner Tionghoa yang ada di jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru, dan mengetahui komponen 4A yang ada di wisata kuliner Tionghoa jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru, serta menganalisa cara pengembangan yang dilakukan, agar menjadi daya tarik wisata. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa tempat kuliner di Jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru sudah memenuhi pengembangan wisata kuliner sebagai daya tarik wisata, dengan menggunakan teori 4A dalam bidang pariwisata, yaitu Atraksi, Amenitas, Aksesibilitas dan Ansilari. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran 4A dalam wisata kuliner tentunya sangat penting, bagi pengembangan di Bakmi Gang Kelinci, Cakwe Ko Atek dan juga Bakmi Aboen. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini ditunjukkan kepada pengelola ketiga tempat makan yang ada di Jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru, untuk meningkatkan kembali komponen atraksi, amenitas, aksesibilitas dan ansilari, agar bisa menarik wisatawan lebih banyak untuk berkunjung. Kemudian diharapkan pengembangan ini dapat meningkatkan minat pengunjung, untuk tertarik mendatangi tempat kuliner tersebut. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Wisata Kuliner, Daya Tarik Wisata, Jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru. This research discusses the development of culinary tourism as a tourist attraction. (Case Study of Chinese Culinary on Jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta). This research aims to determine the potential of Chinese culinary tourism in Jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru and to find out the 4A components that exist in Chinese culinary tourism in Jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru, as well as analyze how development is carried out so that it becomes a tourist attraction. The method used in this research is qualitative with data collection methods through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that several culinary places on Jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru have fulfilled the development of culinary tourism as a tourist attraction, using the 4A theory in the tourism sector, namely Attractions, Amenities, Accessibility and Accessibility. This research shows that the role of 4A in culinary tourism is certainly very important, for the development of Bakmi Gang Kelinci, Cakwe Ko Atek and also Bakmi Aboen. Recommendations from this research are shown to the managers of the three eating places on Jalan Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru, to improve the components of attractions, amenities, accessibility and accessories, so that they can attract more tourists to visit. Then it is hoped that this development can increase visitor interest so that they are interested in visiting this culinary place. Keywords: Culinary Tourism Development, Tourist Attraction, Kelinci Raya Pasar Baru Street