841 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan metode pembelajaran PBI (Problem Based Instruction) dan Make-a Match pada pokok bahasan Reproduksi Manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan bentuk desain Eksperimen True Eksperimental dengan bentuk Posstest-Only Control Design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI semester 2 SMK N I Mojosongo Boyolali tahun pelajaran 2010/2011. pengambilan sampel dengan teknik Non Random Sampling jenis Purposive Sampling sehingga terdapat sampel yang terdiri dari 3 kelas yaitu kelas X1 TPHP 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen I (dengan metode pembelajaran PBI (Problem Based Instruction), kelas XI TPHP 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen 2 (dengan metode Make-a Match) dan kelas ATR sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik pengumpulan data hasil belajar siswa pada aspek kognitif dengan tes bentuk obyektif, analisis data untuk pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Non Parametik dengan metode Kruskal – Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode PBI (Problem Based Instruction) dan metode Make A Match lebih baik dari model pembelajaran konvensional (kontrol) dengan rata-rata 75 : 80,69 : 69,57. Penggunaan metode Make A Match lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan penggunaan metode PBI (Problem Based Instruction)


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    Status DPD terbentuk berdasarkan kewenangan, tugas, dan hak-hak yang dimiliki oleh DPD, yang selanjutnya secara umum disebut dengan kekuasaan DPD. Anggota DPD disamping memiliki status sebagai angota DPD, juga merupakan anggota MPR sehingga juga memiliki tugas, kewenangan, dan hak sebagai anggota MPR. Berkaitan dengan sistem bikameral, yang dinyatakan sebagai sebuah model pemerintahan yang merujuk pada adanya dua dewan dalam suatu negara dan juga proses pembuatan undang-undang yang melaui dua dewan atau kamar, yaitu melalui Majelis Tinggi dan Majelis Rendah, maka peran DPD menjadi penting dalam rangka menjamin semua produk legislasi dan tindakan-tindakan pengawasan dapat diperiksa secara ganda (double check). Keunggulan sistem double check ini semakin terasa apabila Majelis Tinggi yang memeriksa dan merevisi suatu rancangan undang-undang memiliki anggota yang komposisinya berbeda dari Majelis Rendah. DPD sebaiknya memiliki kekuasaan yang lebih besar dari yang dimiliki pada saat ini. Paling tidak kekuasaan DPD harus mencerminkan kedudukannya sebagai revising chamber yang dapat menunda proses pembahasan RUU menjadi undang-undang Memperkuat kedudukan DPD sekaligus merupakan upaya untuk menerapkan prinsip checks and balances antara DPR dan DPD. Kecenderungan legislative heavy yang saat ini dimiliki DPR perlu diimbangi dengan kekuasaan DPD. Kata kunci : DPD, bikameral, checks and balance

    Penggunaan Media Foto Peringatan Hutke 64 Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Makna Proklamasi

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    Understanding the independence proclamation is an abstract thing which most SMP Negeri 2 Polosari student find it difficult to discern. That was the reason behind this classroom action research. The aim was to improve the student understanding of the meaning of independence proclamation for them and to motivate learning. This was done to class VII B, with 34 students. Consisted of four stages (planning, action, observation, and reflection). In the action stage students had to discuss a topic in which photographs of the 64th independence celebration in pemalang was the focus. Data was taken through observation, questionaire and test. The result was that the use of photographs improved students understanding on the meaning of independence proclamation. This was based on the fact that students participation increased from 71,42% in cycle I to 90,47% in cycle II. The result of the questionaire and the observation showed increase in student motivation from 70,35% in cycle I and 79,85% in cycle II. Similiar tendency was also shown the average result of the test which was 66,62 in cycle I and 75,44 in cycle II. This also hapenned to the mastery level which showed increase from 50% in cycle I and 91,18% in cycle II. Key Words: photo\u27s medium, meaning of the independence proclamatio

    Urgensi Pembaharuan Hukum Indonesia Berdasarkan Nilai-nilai Pancasila

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    Imperialisme di era globalisasi adalah meningkatnya marginalisasi / hilangnya identitas sebuah bangsa termasuk bangsa Indonesia, dan digantikan oleh ideologi liberalisme. penyebab hukum dan sistem hukum kami terasa kering dari nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan keadilan sosial.Perasaan keadilan tidak dapat dihapus dari akar di mana hukum lahir, keadilan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari nilai-nilai/hukum agama dan hukum adat yang hidup dalam masyarakat, dan merupakan hal yang wajar bahkan sebuah "semangat zaman" terutama bagi bangsa Indonesia untuk mengakomodasi nilai-nilai itu ke dalam hukum nasional yang di cita-citakan


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    This study aims to increase learning achievement in English lessons at SMA Negeri 1 Pagaralam by applying a project-based model. The type of research used is classroom action research and quasi eskperiment. This classroom action research was carried out in 3 cycles, each cycle consisting of four stages, namely: Planning, Action, Observation, Reflection, The subjects of this study were Eleventh Grade of Social Program. Data collection using observation sheets and tests. The conclusion of this study is that the project-based model is very effective in increasing learning achievement of students in online learning English for class XI of the Social Studies Program at SMA Negeri 1 Pagarala

    Criminal Liability against Children as Perpetrators of Theft

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    The objectives of this study are: 1. To analyze criminal responsibility towards children as perpetrators of criminal acts of theft in the jurisdiction of the Pati District Court. 2. To analyze constraints in the implementation of criminal responsibility against children as perpetrators of criminal acts of theft in the jurisdiction of the Pati District Court and their solutions. The research method used is juridical empirical. Research results and discussion The background of the crime of theft committed by children is various factors, including; lack of parental attention and supervision. The occurrence of the criminal act of theft, not only raises legal problems but also creates economic problems and social problems in the community, because it is an act that is detrimental to the state and to this act the state reacts with punishment as the last resort (Ultimum Remedium)Accountability for the verdict of case Number: 5 / Pid.Sus-Anak / 2017 / PN Pati, with the defendant WES Known as Wn Bin S having been legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing the crime of "Theft in Aggravating Circumstances"; as regulated and punishable under Article 363 paragraph (1) 4 of the Criminal Code as in the single indictment, imposes a crime against the child of WES Known as W Bin S, in the form of imprisonment for 7 (seven) months at the LPKA (Special Development Institution for Children), arrest and detention that has been served by the child is fully deducted from the sentence imposed, so that the child remains detained, by charging the child a case fee of IDR 2,500 (two thousand and five hundred rupiah)

    Special Measures for Crime Unit Police Resort Kudus in Law Enforcement of Infringement Currency Crime

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    This study aims to 1) special crimes unit Efforts to combat the crime of counterfeiting currency in the police resort Kudus; 2) The implementation of the inhibiting factors against the crime of counterfeiting currency in police resort Kudus; 3) The solution in overcoming barriers to enforcement against the crime of counterfeiting currency  Police resort KudusThe results showed that Significantly, the circulation of counterfeit money in Kudus Regency has experienced a dramatic decline in the period 2016 to 2017. It certainly shows that the performance of the police improved and further strengthen the Police in achieving the common goal of protecting the public. Role in preventing the circulation of counterfeit money by providing guidance and counseling especially those of the general public and institutions engaged in financial cooperation with Bank Indonesia. For problems counseling time and place, it is determined from the results of the evaluation in areas that are found counterfeit money circulation. Factors hindering the implementation of the Crime Against Counterfeiting Currency Police resort Kudus Already a strong determination of the Kudus Police to combat the crime of counterfeit money in circulation to the brain from the source or the manufacturer and distributor of counterfeit money because the circulation of counterfeit money has been very disturbing society and causing huge losses for the society and the state.Keywords: Crime; Law Enforcement; Counterfeit Currency

    The Role of Attorney As the Guards Team Of Security Government And Regional Development In The Prevention Efforts Of Criminal Corruption (Case Study In State Attorney Of Purworejo)

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    The efforts to overcome of the Corruption by law enforcement can be done by way of prevention (preventive) and prevention (repressive).The problems of this study are: Guards Team Establishment, Security Government and Regional Development in the law enforcement of corruption in the State Attorney of Purworejo. The Role of the Prosecutor as Guards Team of Security Government and Regional Development in the Prevention of Corruption in the State Attorney of Purworejo, a limiting factor of the role of the Prosecutor as Guards Team , Security Government and Regional Development in the Prevention of Corruption in the State Attorney of Purworejo and solutions.This research use socio-juridical approach and specification in this study were included descriptive analysis. The source and type of data in this study are primary data obtained from interviews with field studies Public Prosecutor in the State Attorney of Purworejo, And secondary data obtained from the study of literature relating to the theory of supervision, authority and law enforcement.Based on the results of research that Purpose of establishing of the Guards Team of Security Government and Regional Development, namely: 1) the loss of doubt the power of the budget (KPA), the power of the commitment (KDP), and implementing activities in carrying out its activities, 2) absorption of the budget properly and on time, and 3) development of Purworejo run properly and without corruption. The role of the Attorney divided into three normative role, the ideal role, and the role of factual. Inhibiting factor is the factor of its own law, law enforcement apparatus which is not widely understood rule of law, the factors supporting infrastructure and inadequate facilities, community factors and cultural factors. Solutions to overcome obstacles, namely: a) Prevention / preventive and persuasive, b) Legal Assistance; c) Coordination with APIPs and / or related agencies; d) Conduct Monitoring and Evaluation; and e) The Enforcement of Repressive Laws.Keywords: Attorney; Corruption; Role; Guard Team of Security Government and Regional Development; Crime


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    Fenomena sosial global abad 21, antara lain ditandai corak relasi dominasi kekuasaan terhadap kaum lemah yang pada gilirannya mengakibatkan ketimpangan sosial yang seakan tak berkesudahan. Dominasi kekuasaan tersebut didukung oleh berbagai modal, modal ekonomi, status, pendidikan, simbol, bahasa. Semua modal terakumulasi pada kaum kapitalis dengan ideologi neoliberalisme yang kemudian menguasai dunia melalui proses globalisasi telah melahirkan tata dunia baru yang memunculkan keresahan umat manusia, utamanya di negara-negara dunia ketiga (termasuk Indonesia). Kondisi kehidupan kontemporer demikian, telah memunculkan beberapa persoalan filsafati,seperti masalah dualisme volunterisme dan determinisme, subjektivisme dan objektivisme, serta agen dan struktur, telah menarik perhatian dan sekaligus memunculkan keprihatinan intelektual seorang filsuf yang juga sosiolog kontemporer “Pierre Bourdieu”.   Beberapa isu penting kontemporer dewasa ini ialah persoalan konstruksi kekerasan sosial, dan dikotomi sosial oleh Bourdieu tidak dipandang hanya sebagai pertentangan kelas, tetapi juga menyangkut hubungan individu dengan masyarakat, gaya individual, kekuasaan, kepemilikan modal, struktur modal, dominasi sosial, representasi kelas sosial, konsumerisme, semuanya bermuara pada neoliberalisme dan globalisasi. Konsep habitus, arena (field), dan modal telah  memperlihatkan bentuk tersembunyi dari kekerasan yang sangat halus yang dikenakan pada agen-agen sosial tanpa mengandung resistensi, sebab sudah terlegitimasi secara sosial karena bentuknya yang sangat halus.  Pemikiran filosofis sosiologis Bourdieu menunjukkan corak mengatasi persoalan epistemology: oposisi atau dualisme metode filsafati, yaitu:subyektivisme- obyektivisme, mikro-makro, kebebasan-determinisme. Persoalan tersebut oleh Bourdieu diatasi dengan pendekatan / metode “berpikir relasional”, yaitu struktur objektif dan representasi subjektif, agen dan pelaku atau antara agensi dan struktur yang terjalin secara dialektis dan saling mempengaruhi secara timbal balik,