45 research outputs found

    Green Synthesis ZnO Nanoparticles Using Rinds Extract of Sapindus rarak DC

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    The green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles was carried out using a natural capping agent, Sapindus rarak DC rinds extract at low-temperature calcination and environmentally friendly solvent. The mixture of Zn(CH3COO)2, NaOH, and rinds extract was sonicated for 4 h at room temperature. The calcination was carried out at low temperature, 95oC for 8 h, and resulted in pale brown powder. XRD and SEM were used to confirm the structure and to analyze the morphology of ZnO nanoparticles respectively. XRD pattern of ZnO nanoparticles was corresponding to JDCPS card no 36-1451 with hexagonal structure. The average crystal size of ZnO nanoparticles was calculated using the scherrer equation and the average size was about 35.8 nm. From this study, the extract of the rind of Sapindus rarak DC was found to be a natural capping agent to synthesis ZnO nanoparticles because Sapindus rarak DC contain a pythochemical compound to limit the interaction between crystal seeds


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    Sel bahan bakar adalah sel elektrokimia yang secara kontinyu mengubah energi kimia dalam bahan bakar dan oksidan (oksigen) menjadi air dan menghasilkan energi listrik, dengan proses yang melibatkan sistem elektroda-elektrolit. Sel bahan bakar merupakan suatu bentuk teknologi seperti baterei yang dapat diisi bahan bakar, layaknya seperti sebuah baterei sel kering. Semua jenis sel bahan bakar mempunyai elektroda negatif (anoda) dan elektroda positif (katoda) yang merupakan tempat terjadinya reaksi elektrokimia. Selain elektroda di dalam satu unit sel bahan bakar terdapat elektrolit yang akan menghantarkan muatan-muatan listrik dari satu elektroda ke elektroda lain, serta katalis yang akan mempercepat reaksi di elektroda. Arus listrik dan energi panas yang dihasilkan dari setiap jenis sel bahan bakar merupakan hasil reaksi kimia yang terjadi di katoda dan anoda

    Broiler Chicken Livestock Business Development Strategy in South Lampung Regency

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    This study aims to to analyze the internal environment, analyze the external environment and, develop strategies for developing broiler chicken enlargement businesses. The data used is primary data for 2022 with a quantitative descriptive type of research. The method used the SWOT and QSPM analysis.  This reaserch used primary and secondary datas.  Primary data was used to answer questionnaire strategi development obtained by interview technique questionnaire. The results of the analysis show that the strategy for developing a broiler rearing livestock business is the utilization of a business location with a internally has the main strength in the form of the type of cage used and the main weakness in the form of the use of modern technology that has not been maximized. Externally, the main opportunity is in the form of established partnerships and the main threat is in the form of fluctuations in feed prices. Priority strategies that can be used for the development of Seandan Farm broiler rearing farms are:Utilization of business locations with a modern cage system to meet the high market demand for broiler chickens, utilization of raw material supplies from a partnership pattern that is established to meet the high consumption of broiler chickens, increasing the knowledge and skills of breeders through the use of modern technology in the business of raising broiler chickens, strengthening farmer capital through collaboration with other parties to maintain the quality of DOC, and improve the management of broiler housing systems by implementing standard operating procedure in order to tackle the spread of disease outbreaks in broiler chickens

    Design and Implementation of the Culinary Recommendation System Using Sentiment Analysis and Simple Adaptive Weighting in Bengkulu, Indonesia

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    In 2017, the minister of Indonesia tourism stated that everyone who travels spends his time for culinary about 30-40%. The key point in increasing the tourism income; especially from the culinary sector is about how to inform and promote the wealth of Indonesia culinary to all travellers. The information system of Bengkulu tourism has been developed in the previous study. However, that system has not been able to provide the best culinary recommendations to the travellers. This study focuses on designing and implementing the recommendation system of Bengkulu culinary by using sentiment analysis and simple adaptive weighting (SAW). The recommendation offered is based on the user review and criteria as well. The user review will be classified into positive, negativeand neutral reviews by the sentiment analysis method. If the user needs culinary information based on criteria, the system will provide a recommendation and rank of culinary by using simple adaptive weighting. These criteria used are the average price,opening hours, facilities, distance from a central city, and transportation as well. Sentiment analysis method obtains the accuracy of recomendation classification at 79% while the recommendation rank obtained by the SAW method is 90.83%. These results show that the proposed method has a potential for assisting the travellers to gain the best culinary recommendation, especially in the Bengkulu area.


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    Community Service Activity (CSA) of the application of science and technology entitled "Application of Liquid-Gas Phase Extraction Technology on Development of Kalamansi-Orange-Based Products" has been completed. This activity aims to implement gas-liquid extraction technology, namely steam distillation in extracting essential oils from residues of Kalamansi orange syrup processing, providing knowledge and ways to process Kalamansi orange essential oil into products which have economic value in addition to syrup. It was carried out with the target audience, namely Bhakti Nusa Production Unit in SMKS 16 Bengkulu. It is done to help the production unit to develop Kalamansi-based products by utilizing residues produced by syrup which is rich in essential oils. The products produced on the CSA of the application of science and technology include aromatherapy candles, air freshener gels, anti-mosquito lotions and Bay Tat cakes of Kalamansi jam. The product produced is more widely informed through the socialization activity that received a response and enthusiasm from the audience. Products of CSA of the application of science and technology are expected to be a superior product from the Bhakti Nusa Production Unit of SMKS 16 Pharmacy as well as to be a top-quality product of the pride of Bengkulu City with high economic value. Keywords: Extraction, Liqiud-Gas, Kalamansi, Essential oil                                                    


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    Community services activity group on empowerment of farmers group in sambirejo trhrouh integrated process of waste to energy alternative and improvement of family income have been done. This activity aims to improve the welfare of the villagers in sambirejo especially members of Amanah Farmer Group and Makmur Jaya Farmer Group through community based integrated waste. In this activity, training of garbage separation of organic and inorganic, making organic fertilizer/compost with Takakura method, making handicrafts from plastic packaging waste and biogas installation which is expected to produce alternative energy to replace LPG and firewood for daily cooking. The implementation of these activities carried out by two methods : (1) counseling and discussion about separating domestic waste, products can be made from waste, and what types of waste can be used, (2) demonstration and practice on how to make compost with Takakura method, and biogas installations on both partners. Through these activities are expected to members of the two groups of farmers, especially the women will be able to sort household waste properly and process the waste into products which has economic value that can create small-scale domestic industry that would be able to contribute to the family and the environment. Keywords: Farmer’s Group, Waste, Takakura, Plastic Pack, Economic Produc


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    Community Service Activities for Residual Diversification of Processed Products Home Industry Syrup Kalamansi in Bengkulu Tengah has been completed. This activity aims to reduce the residual volume of unused Kalamansi syrup yields, the production of high value essential oils and various essential and economically valuable essential oil-based citrus oil products. In this activity we have conducted training on the way of extraction of essential oil from citrus peel residue and crude fiber (dregs) leftover of Kalamansi syrup using direct steam distillation method, followed by training of various essential oil based health products in form of aromatherapy roll oil, and Antiseptic liquid soap. From the results of the activities that have been done, the essential oil from the residue of Kalamansi syrup made of clear liquid smelling orange Kalamansi. It has also been produced several products made from active essential oil of orange Kalamansi such as wind oil roll on, liquid bath soap, lotion and liquid washing soap. The four products have a typical citrus scent Kalamansi, but need to be refined formula to produce a quality product and selling value. Keywords: Citrus Kalamansi, Steam Distillation, essential oils, wind aromatheraphy oil

    Pemanfaatan Sampah Rumah Tangga Sebagai Eco enzyme Bagi Warga RT.17 dan RT.22, Kelurahan Dusun Besar, Kota Bengkulu

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    Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita tidak bisa lepas dari sampah, baik organik maupun anorganik. Desa Dusun Besar Kecamatan Singalang Patti Kota Bengkulu dilakukan pengolahan sampah khususnya di RT. 17 dan RT. 22, RW. 07 karena meningkatnya timbunan sampah. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan sampah ini adalah dengan mengolah sampah organik menjadi cairan Eco enzyme. Eco enzyme adalah cairan yang dibuat dengan memfermentasi limbah sayur dan buah dengan tambahan gula. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarkat dengan memanfaatkan sampah rumah tangga sebagai Eco enzyme bagi warga RT. 17 dan RT. 22 Kecamatan Dusun Besar Kota Bengkulu melaksanakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan produksi Eco enzyme. Sebuah kegiatan bakti sosial yang memanfaatkan limbah rumah tangga warga sebagai Eco enzyme di RT. 17 dan RT.22 Kecamatan Dusun Besar berhasil dilaksanakan dan mendapat dukungan dari warga sekitar. Eco enzim berhasil diekstraksi dari limbah kulit nanas dan didistribusikan ke warga di lokasi

    Sintesis Dan Identifikasi Material Besi Berpendukung ZnAl2O4 (Fe/ZnAl2O4)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis katalis besi berpendukung ZnAl2O4 (Fe/ZnAl2O4). SintesisFe/ZnAl2O4 dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap, yaitu sintesis ZnAl2O4 menggunakan metode keramikyang dikembangkan oleh Ballarini (2009), dengan sedikit modifikasi dan impregnasi besi padaZnAl2O4. Identifikasi produk menggunakan XRD menunjukkan bahwa difraktogram ZnAl2O4 yangterbentuk mirip dengan difraktogram ZnAl2O4 standar yang dilakukan oleh Ballarini (2009).Identifikasi Fe/ZnAl2O4 yang terbentuk menggunakan XRD menunjukkan bahwa difraktogramFe/ZnAl2O4 yang terbentuk mirip dengan difraktogram Fe/ZnAl2O4 standar. Hal ini memberikanindikasi bahwa sintesis material besi berpendukung ZnAl2O4 kemungkinan besar telah berhasildilakukan