29 research outputs found


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    Penelitian  ini merupakan studi tentang penggunaan model pembelajaran koperatif tipe STAD untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menganalisis unsur intrinsik cerpen  pada siswa kelas XI IPS 2 SMAN 22 Bandung, yang dilatarbelakangi rendahnya nilai Bahasa Indonesia siswa. Permasalahan  penelitian ini adalah tentang bagaimana upaya guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa  menganalisis unsur cerpen. Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk  meningkatkan  kemampuan siswa  dalam  menganalisis unsur instrinsik cerpen.  Metode penelitian  ini  merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan dalam tiga siklus. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan  bahwa proses  pembelajaran dan    kemampuan  siswa dalam  menganalisis unsur intrinsik cerpen  meningkat setelah guru menggunakan metode  pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Nilai rata-rata pada siklus I 69.12. Peningkatan nilai sebesar 9.41 dari nilai rata-rata pretest 59.71. Nilai rata-rata pada siklus II 77.65 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 8.53 dari tes siklus I. Adapun nilai rata-rata pada siklus III adalah 84.41, berarti mengalami peningkatan 6.76 dari tes siklus II. Sementara itu, postest nilai rata-ratanya 91,18 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 31.47 dari nilai pretest

    Distribution and Growth Patterns of Crab (P. pelagicus) Based on Environmental Characteristics in Candi Waters, Pamekasan Regency, East Java Province

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    Blue swimming crab (BSC) is a fishery commodity with high economic value and great demand in domestic and foreign markets. P. pelagicus swimming crabs are commonly found in Indonesian sea waters, one of the largest contributors to the country's foreign exchange after shrimp and tuna. The high demand for blue crab resources will trigger an increase in fishing efforts. If this is done continuously, it is feared that it could endanger the population structure. Moreover, disrupting the sustainability of blue swimming crab resources in the waters, this study examines the morphometric distribution and growth pattern of P. pelagicus crabs based on environmental characteristics in Candi waters, Pamekasaan Regency. Census sampling was carried out using the census method; the census method was carried out by taking all crab samples caught by fishermen. The results obtained found 33 individual crabs, which were divided into three classes, namely small (10 cm), and large (>12 cm) size classes. Male crabs dominated the research locations with wider straps than female crabs. The analysis results show that the width-weight relationship's b values are 1.47 (males) and 2.00 (females). In addition, male and female crabs have a positive allometric growth pattern. Blue swimming crabs are often found in habitats with a substrate of dusty mud, high salinity and organic matter


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    This study aims to determine the effect of applying the mind mapping method to learning outcomes in accounting. The research method used is the experimental method. Data collection techniques from this study included participant observation and learning achievement tests. The population in this study were class X students of the Accounting Study Program at Setia Bhakti Vocational High School, Bandung, totaling 54 students with a sample of all students. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in learning outcomes between the experimental group and learning that applies Mind Mapping and the control group with learning without applying Mind Mapping to accounting learning outcomes. The difference obtained is proven by testing the t-test hypothesis with the results tcount > ttable, where tcount is 2.134 and table is 1.68195. The implication of the results of this study is that teachers should apply the Mind Mapping learning method in teaching and learning activities in class, because the learning outcomes of Accounting applying Mind Mapping are better than without applying Mind Mapping.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan metode Mind Mapping terhadap hasil belajar Akuntansi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini dengan cara observasi partisipasi dan tes hasil belajar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X Program Studi Akuntansi SMK Setia Bhakti Kota Bandung yang berjumlah 54 siswa dengan sampel seluruh siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan hasil belajar antara kelompok eksperimen dengan pembelajaran yang menerapkan Mind Mapping dan kelompok kontrol dengan pembelajaran tanpa menerapkan Mind Mapping terhadap hasil belajar akuntansi. Perbedaan yang diperoleh, dibuktikan melalui pengujian hipotesis uji-t dengan hasil thitung > ttabel, dimana thitung sebesar 2,134 dan ttabel sebesar 1,68195. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah hendaknya guru menerapkan metode pembelajaran Mind Mapping dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas, karena hasil belajar Akuntansi menerapkan Mind Mapping lebih baik dibandingkan tanpa menerapkan Mind Mapping


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    This study aims to determine the effect of applying the mind mapping method to learning outcomes in accounting. The research method used is the experimental method. Data collection techniques from this study included participant observation and learning achievement tests. The population in this study were class X students of the Accounting Study Program at Setia Bhakti Vocational High School, Bandung, totaling 54 students with a sample of all students. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in learning outcomes between the experimental group and learning that applies Mind Mapping and the control group with learning without applying Mind Mapping to accounting learning outcomes. The difference obtained is proven by testing the t-test hypothesis with the results tcount > ttable, where tcount is 2.134 and table is 1.68195. The implication of the results of this study is that teachers should apply the Mind Mapping learning method in teaching and learning activities in class, because the learning outcomes of Accounting applying Mind Mapping are better than without applying Mind Mapping.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan metode Mind Mapping terhadap hasil belajar Akuntansi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini dengan cara observasi partisipasi dan tes hasil belajar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X Program Studi Akuntansi SMK Setia Bhakti Kota Bandung yang berjumlah 54 siswa dengan sampel seluruh siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan hasil belajar antara kelompok eksperimen dengan pembelajaran yang menerapkan Mind Mapping dan kelompok kontrol dengan pembelajaran tanpa menerapkan Mind Mapping terhadap hasil belajar akuntansi. Perbedaan yang diperoleh, dibuktikan melalui pengujian hipotesis uji-t dengan hasil thitung > ttabel, dimana thitung sebesar 2,134 dan ttabel sebesar 1,68195. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah hendaknya guru menerapkan metode pembelajaran Mind Mapping dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas, karena hasil belajar Akuntansi menerapkan Mind Mapping lebih baik dibandingkan tanpa menerapkan Mind Mapping

    Kemampuan Pemasaran Produk Berbasis Media Sosial Dengan Model Problem Based Learning

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    The problem that often arises in relation to entrepreneurship is product marketing which is a very important aspect of running a business. Good product marketing skills can help to expand market share, increase sales, and improve brand image. 21st century learning is known as the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) as four skills that are important and needed for 21st century education, especially in the learning planning process. This study raises the issue of efforts to use social media with the help of the Problem Based Learning model to improve product marketing learning outcomes in Craft and Entrepreneurship subjects. The research was conducted at Bumi Siliwangi High School Bandung - West Java in class XI IPS 1 and 2 as many as 36 people in each class. The implementation of this study used two classes where the IPS 1 class would apply Problem Based Learning and was said to be the experimental class and the IPS 2 class would apply lectures and was said to be the control class. Data collection instruments in the form of evaluation test sheets and observation sheets. Data analysis was carried out by analyzing learning outcomes which produced scores and average values. The results showed that there were differences in learning outcomes, teacher and student activities, the teacher's ability to manage learning, and good student responses to the application of the Problem Based Learning model with social media which was more varied than the non-experimental class


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    Usnea has been used for a long time in Indonesia for traditional medicine and crude material for jamu. The study of taxonomy and local knowledge at Priangan are less information. The research was conducted between March 2011–April 2012. The aim of this research was to explore the local knowledge of species Usnea conducted by emic and ethic approaches. The specimens collection was done by survey along the pine forest at Bandung, Sumedang, Garut, Ciamis and Tasikmalaya in Priangan areas. The specimens were analysis morphological, anatomy and chemical. The etnolichenology study was done by descriptive qualitative, survey and interview also observation participative at Gunung Gelap Village and Kamojang area of Garut Regency and Cibunar village,Sumedang Regency in West Java. The interview was done with key informants. The taxonomical study found the 11 species of Beard lichens found in pine forest at Priangan, belong to 3 subgenus. They are subgenus Dilichousnea, consist of Usnea filipendula, U. hirta,U. longisima and U. trichodea. Subgenus Eumitra consist of U.baileyi and U. ceratina. Subgenus Usnea consist of U. cornuta, U. flexilis, Usnea. flexuosa, U. florida and U.glabra. The dominant species growing on pine in different location are U. baileyi and U. flexilis. They have thalli colour dark green, yellow-green, pale green and reddish brown. Thallus branching is dichotomous in all species with difference in the thickness form the isotomic or anisotomic dichotomous types. Species Usnea is fructicose with habits erect type or subpendent type or pendent type.The lichenic acid contain in Usnea species are different and dominant by usnic acid and protocetoric acid. The stictic acid only found in U.flexuosa. The result of interview known that Usnea was called janggot kai by the Sundanese. People grouping the Usnea based on colour, growth pattern and surface of thallus, so known “Janggot kai hejo, janggot kai koneng, janggot kai rubak, janggot kai ngaruntuy, janggot kai kesrak and janggot kai lemes”. Mostly the people used Usnea as raru for preservative nira, medicine and spices. The Sudanese used Usnea in formula oj jamu or ubar kampong to treat mouth ulcer, dysentery, catch a cold, skin eruption, stiff, menstruation painful, hemorrhoids,child birth ease and in making mahinum (jamu for mother after utter) and used as face powder of noble woman.Keywords: Usnea, local knowledge, raru, ubar kampong

    PENGARUH FASILITAS BELAJAR DAN PERAN GURU TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR ONLINE SISWA: Survei Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022 Kelas X BDP SMK Pasundan 4 Bandung

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    This study aims to determine the effect of learning facilities and the role of teachers on online learning outcomes in odd semester economic subjects in class X BDP SMK Pasundan 4 Bandung. The method used in this research is a survey. The subjects in this study used a sample of 56 students. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, classical assumption test and hypothesis testing through multiple linear regression calculation and coefficient of determination with the help of SPSS 25.0 for Windows. From the results of research using descriptive analysis, it is obtained that the average score recapitulation of respondents regarding learning facilities is in the "undecided" category, indicated by an average weight of 3.11 with a percentage of 62.40%. This indicates that most of the students are hesitant about learning facilities according to the average respondent. Meanwhile, regarding online learning outcomes, students are in the "Strongly Agree" category, indicated by an average weight of 4.50 with a percentage of 89.20%. This indicates that most students strongly agree that students' online learning outcomes increase according to the average respondent. Based on the classical assumption test through the normality test that has been carried out, it is obtained a significant value of 0.200> 0.05, it can be concluded that the residual value is normally distributed. In the hypothesis test, multiple linear regression coefficients (Y= 1.638 – 0.513X1 + 0.577X2 + 0.347) which means that if learning facilities (variable X1) and the role of teachers (variable X2) increase, it will cause a tendency to increase student online learning outcomes (variable X2). Y) of 1.09. The contribution of the influence given by the learning facilities variable to students' online learning outcomes is 34.5% and the teacher's role variable to students' online learning outcomes is 35.8%, the percentage is calculated based on the results of the calculation of the coefficient of determination is 70.3%, while the rest amounted to 29.7% influenced by external factors that were not examined by the researcher, and the conclusion was acceptable. As the end of the research, the author conveys suggestions for schools for learning facilities and teachers to use adequate learning facilities in the ongoing teaching and learning process, specifically on learning facilities and the role of teachers in general so as to improve student online learning outcomes


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    This study aims to determine the effect of learning facilities and the role of teachers on online learning outcomes in odd semester economic subjects in class X BDP SMK Pasundan 4 Bandung. The method used in this research is a survey. The subjects in this study used a sample of 56 students. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, classical assumption test and hypothesis testing through multiple linear regression calculation and coefficient of determination with the help of SPSS 25.0 for Windows. From the results of research using descriptive analysis, it is obtained that the average score recapitulation of respondents regarding learning facilities is in the "undecided" category, indicated by an average weight of 3.11 with a percentage of 62.40%. This indicates that most of the students are hesitant about learning facilities according to the average respondent. Meanwhile, regarding online learning outcomes, students are in the "Strongly Agree" category, indicated by an average weight of 4.50 with a percentage of 89.20%. This indicates that most students strongly agree that students' online learning outcomes increase according to the average respondent. Based on the classical assumption test through the normality test that has been carried out, it is obtained a significant value of 0.200> 0.05, it can be concluded that the residual value is normally distributed. In the hypothesis test, multiple linear regression coefficients (Y= 1.638 – 0.513X1 + 0.577X2 + 0.347) which means that if learning facilities (variable X1) and the role of teachers (variable X2) increase, it will cause a tendency to increase student online learning outcomes (variable X2). Y) of 1.09. The contribution of the influence given by the learning facilities variable to students' online learning outcomes is 34.5% and the teacher's role variable to students' online learning outcomes is 35.8%, the percentage is calculated based on the results of the calculation of the coefficient of determination is 70.3%, while the rest amounted to 29.7% influenced by external factors that were not examined by the researcher, and the conclusion was acceptable. As the end of the research, the author conveys suggestions for schools for learning facilities and teachers to use adequate learning facilities in the ongoing teaching and learning process, specifically on learning facilities and the role of teachers in general so as to improve student online learning outcomes


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    Artikel ini menguraikan cara-cara yang lebih komprehensif bagaimana mengaplikasikan lesson study pada pembelajaran, menjaga keberlangsungannya hingga dapat meningkatkan efektifitas pembelajaran di FKIP Universitas Pasundan Bandung. Untuk melihat peningkatan efektifitas pembelajaran pada peserta didik, penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, penelitian ini menggunakan dua siklus penelitian. Pada setiap siklus pelaksanaan lesson study memiliki empat tahapan yaitu melakukan persiapan (plan), pelaksanaan (do), refleksi (check atau see) dan tindak lanjut (act). Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa tingkat 3 (tiga), Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pasundan Bandung. Berdasarkan hasil observasi pada siklus ini, secara umum pelaksanaan tindakan belum mencapai hasil yang memuaskan. Sementara berdasarkan hasil kuisioner tentang pelaksanaan pembelajaran diperoleh informasi bahwa sebagaian besar peserta didik merasa senang dengan pembelajaran ekonomi dengan menggunakan metode belajar PBL. Hal ini disebabkan karena pembelajaran dengan menggunakan PBL mampu membangkitkan aktifitas belajar mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran