33 research outputs found
Ellerden uzakta, Çin ile yan yanadır. Zemini dik ve gayet yüksektir. Göğü öpen ve birbirine geçmiş dağlarıyla, sıkıntı veren dar geçitleriyle, dokuz ay süren sert kışlarıyla Asya'nın dört büyük medeniyetini: İran, Hind, Çin ve Orta Asya'yı bünyesine katmıştır. Halbuki bu dört coğrafyaya en uzak noktadadır ve bu topraklardan kaçanlara, sadece şahıslara değil fikirlere ve kadim inançlara da daima emniyetli bir sığınak olmuştur. Onları kenarda tutmamış, onlarla birlikte kaynaşmıştır. Bunun misalleri, onlara ait elyazmalarında: Bedahşan İsmaililerine ait elyazmalarında mevcuttur. Yazar da, bu makalede, saha araştırması yoluyla onları tanıtmaya çalışacaktır. It is away from hands and side by side with China. Its floor is perpendicular and very high. Through its mountains touching to the sky and mingled each other, through its extremely narrow and obtrusive crossovers, through its nine-month-long hard winters; four great civilizations of Asia; Persian, Indian, Chinese and Central Asia have been concluded by its (Badakhshan's) body. However, it is the furthest point from these four geographies and it is always a safe shelter to those fleeing from these lands, not only to people, but also to ideas and ancient beliefs. It has not kept aside them, having fused with them. The examples of that, in the manuscripts belonging to them: in the manuscripts of 3smailids of Badakhshan, are available. The author of this article will attempt to present them with aid of the field research
Evaluation and Comparison of Clinical Rounds from the Perspective of Professors and Students of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: Evaluating different fields of clinical education is necessary to improve the medical course. Among these, clinical rounds are an important part of clinical education. Therefore, achieving maximum realization in any clinical field is the goal of every medical training center.
Methods: Present descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences by census method on more than 67% of clinical medical professors and 79% of medical students who are on internship. The research instrument included a questionnaire of demographic information and a clinical round, which was prepared based on clinical standards approved by the Ministry of Health. 30 out of 44 clinical professors and 30 out of 38 interns succeeded in completing the questionnaires. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS-16 software and tests (T-test and ANOVA).
Result: The mean scores of clinical rounds of professors were 65± 13.16 and interns were 52.47± 35.19 and in general, the situation in this field was described as higher than the average (42) for both groups. Comparison of the two groups also showed a significant difference (P = 0.00). Thus, the mean scores of clinical round scores in the professors’ group were higher than the average scores of the interns’ group.
Conclusion: The current clinical rounds situation in Shahrkord University of Medical Sciences was described as more favorable than average. Therefore, in order to further promote medical education, it is recommended that universities continuously evaluate and monitor the status of various areas of clinical education in order to reach the ideal level as soon as possible.
Keywords: Teaching Rounds, Education, Medical, Student
Study on effects of physical, biological and chemical parameters on growth and bloom-forming of dinoflagellates Cochlodinium polykrikoides
The red tide, as a natural phenomenon, has been frequently occurred in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea coastal waters. Harmful algal blooms of Cochlodinium polykricoiedes were first observed in August 2007 and coincided with massive aquatic organisms’ mortalities and have caused substantial economic losses and negative effects on the aquatic environment in the Persian Gulf. The objective of this study was to evaluate direct control or mitigation of C. polykricoiedes blooms through physical (flocculation with clay; 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2, 4 and 10 g L^-1), biological [6 seaweeds; fresh and extract (aqueous and methanol)] and chemical (hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, acetic acid and sodium hypochlorite; 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 g L^-1) treatments. The results of the physical assay showed that the growth of C. polykricoiedes was strongly inhibited by using clay slurry in 4 or 10 g L^-1. The removal efficiency of C. polykricoiedes by clay was 99% after 24 hour. The seaweeds showed the most mitigation effect on C. polykricoiedes using aqueous extract was C. sinnosa, using mixed aqueous and methanol were S. illicifolium , U. lactuca and G. corticata, fresh tissue were E.intistialis، C.sinuosa, H.valentiea, and culture filtrate of E. intistialis. The results clearly showed that the flocculants; potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, acetic acid and sodium hypochlorite had the highest removal efficiency (100%) of C. polykricoiedes cells in the lowest concentration (0.05 g L^-1). Overall, our experiments suggest that using clay and seaweeds as a control strategies could be considered for HABs in the Persian Gulf coastal waters
Needs assessment of faculty members' educational needs in order to empower them at Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: Faculty members are considered as basic resources of every university.
Therefore, educational needs assessment in order to empower most faculty members is an
inseparable part of educational planning.
Methods: The study was conducted using a descriptive cross sectional method. The population
consisted of university professors. About 65% professors participated. The reliability and
validity of data collection tool, a self-made researcher questionnaire, was approved according
to different studies. The participants were selected through census method and the results were
analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: The highest priority of the professors in this study included the realms of modern
methods and techniques of teaching (68%), training tips and consultation (62%), methods of
professional promotion (61%), academic regulations and rules (58/3%), applying computers in
education (55%), evidence-based practice (47%), and student assessment methods (43%).
Among different academic ranks (p=. / 043) or instructors of basic sciences and clinical sciences (p =. / 053), there was no statistically significant difference between the instructors' preference to attend the workshops virtually or in person and they mostly preferred to attend the workshops in person.
Conclusion: Holding educational workshops, considering educational priorities, to empower professors functionally, seems necessar
Determination of effective parameters on growth and bloom forming of Cochlodinium polykrikoides
Although the most alga blooms usually provide positive impacts on marine ecosystems, but blooming of certain species of algae may also have negative impacts which evidence suggests that over the past few decades the frequency and duration of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) have been increasing both nationally and worldwide. Harmful algal blooms of Cochlodinium polykrikoides in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea were first observed in 2008. In order to provide optimum growth and bloom forming, C. polykrikoides cells were sampled during the bloom conditions in the coastal waters of Bandar Abbass, Qeshm and Hourmoz Islands from March 2012 to June 2015. After sampling, the samples transferred to Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research Institute phytoplankton Lab and adapted to filtered seawater. In Phycolab, they isolated and purified by positive phototropism characteristic of species to light. They were grown in modified media culture at different salinities (30, 32 and 35ppt), temperatures (20, 23, 26 and 28ºC) and intensities (35, 70 and 90 µmol m^-2s^-1). During this study 3 Dinoflagellates species were identified in Hormozgan Coastal waters. The first species was Noctiluca scintillans. This species was alive in F/4 media culture and under the 32ppt salinity, 25°C temperature, and an 11h light: 13h dark photoperiod regime only for 4 months. The second species was Protoperidinium quinquecorne and produced temporal blooms that could not be isolated under usual and modified media cultures. The last Dinoflagellates species that caused spreading blooms in Hormozgan Coastal waters and could be possible to isolate was Cochlodinium polykrikoides. The results clearly showed that the best media culture for growth of this species is A2 and the highest alga biomass was obtained following culture under the 32ppt salinity, 26°C temperature, and under an 11h light: 13h dark photoperiod regime at a light intensity of 90 µmol m^-2s^-1 provided by cool white fluorescent tubes. Maximum cell density of C. polykrikoides in a 5 liter Erlenmeyer for 12 days reached to 1.6 × 106 cell L^−1 with 2-12 and occasionally to 16 cells chain. Based on the results from the present study, providing suitable media culture and physical condition, bloom forming of C. polykrikoides start from day 8 and will be continued until day 24
Monitoring of fisheries resources in artificial reefs in east of Kish Island waters
Artificial reefs are manmade materials deployed under water in order to improve environment and increase the exploitation of fishing area. Usage of artificial technic has developed due to increase of world population and need to supply of protein, aim to restoring of natural specially rehabilitation of demersal fishes. It has effected to increase the production in order sustainable exploitation. Coasts and Islands have destruction due to over harvesting from ecosystems and other activities by humans and natural, these caused many aquatic as demersal fishes has endangered in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. The artificial reef is one way or method that can improve the environment and restore the aquatic. Iranian fisheries has established an artificial reefs area in west of Kish Island. This area has studied during one year, Data of assembled fishes and physical sampling were collected in seasonal during spring, summer, autumn and wintered. There were tow treatment for sampling as artificial reefs site and a control site. Collected data has analyzed and evaluated by SPSS and Exel. The results showed that there was significant difference between the sites and assembled fishes in artificial reefs were more than control site. Consequently the artificial reefs can be a tool and technic to improve the marine environment and increase the production of fishes, especially the demersal fishes
26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017): Part 3 - Meeting Abstracts - Antwerp, Belgium. 15–20 July 2017
This work was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research,\ud
Disseminations and Innovation Center for Neuromathematics (grant\ud
2013/07699-0, S. Paulo Research Foundation). NLK is supported by a\ud
FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2016/03855-5). ACR is partially\ud
supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)
Promise or Threat? : The Co-production of Technology and Politics in Uranium Enrichment in Iran
The thesis’ point of departure is to recapture the co-production idiom within the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) when analyzing Iran’s nuclear energy development, especially their uranium enrichment technology, and its political dependency. First, the thesis presents an overview of Iran’s nuclear development, and further explains why the uranium enrichment technology in Iran has become a controversial topic in the international community. Further the thesis explains how nuclear technology in the West has regained a newfound optimism the last ten years, and how the West attempts at the same time to delegitimize and exclude this development in Iran. Thereafter the thesis describes why there was a need for a political structure for nuclear technology development, which was realized through the nuclear non-proliferation regime that have the aim of preventing nuclear weapon proliferation. The thesis describes both the Iranian view and the Western view on nuclear energy technology development. How has politics contributed to the idea that nuclear energy technology development is either “good” or “bad” depending on the country that develops it? The aim is to examine and describe both technological and political causes and effects of nuclear energy technology development.
Keywords: nuclear energy, Iran, nuclear enrichment, nuclear fuel cycle technology, technology and politics, Science and Technology Studies, co-productio
Toxicity of Graphene Oxide-Based Nanoparticles against Chaetoceros Muelleri Microalgae
The growing demands for nanotechnology in recent years have resulted in the environmental release of nanomaterials. The aim of the present study was to synthesize graphene oxide-based nanoparticles using an aqueous extract of green macroalgae and evaluate their toxicity against Chaetoceros muelleri microalgae as an important live feed in mariculture. In a laboratory study, first, the biosynthesis process of graphene nanoparticles was performed using the aqueous extract of the green alga Ulva flexuosa and then the anti-algae activity was evaluated and the content of photosynthetic pigments and microalgae protein was determined. The results of characterization analyses of graphene oxide reduction with the aqueous extract of the green alga U. flexuosa and its conversion to graphene were confirmed. Evaluation of the anti-algae activity of the studied samples showed that the reduced graphene oxide has a higher anti-algae activity than graphene oxide. The results also showed that with increasing the concentration of synthesized nanoparticles, the content of photosynthetic pigments and proteins decreased. The toxic effects of the released nanoparticles can damage the stocks of C. muelleri as an important live feed in mariculture