778 research outputs found

    Public and private partnership and business actors in political processes concerning military issues

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    Purpose: The article researches the actual issues of developing partnership and cooperation between the state and private business in matters of production and modernization the military-industrial complex of Russia. The main object of the research is the Russian NAVY. The subject of the research is the comparison of the Russian and US NAVY modernization in the context of public and private partnership. Design/Methodology/Approach: The authors used a wide range of methodological tools in the course of the study. The method of economic analysis, the method of structural analysis, the statistical method and the method of mathematical comparison were used. Findings. Studying the role of business actors in the national rearmament programmes in Russia the authors revealed such key indicators as economic viability and financial efficiency of programme implementation. A comparative analysis of budget and private funding of the similar US programme was conducted and statistical data supporting the main findings of the study were introduced. Practical Implications: The development of cooperation between business and the MIC at the state level should go along the path of creating conditions for public-private partnerships (PPPs) - a set of organizational, legal, financial and economic relations and joint actions of the state and private business aimed at achieving the goals of the state economic policy in order to address socially significant tasks on mutually beneficial conditions. Originality/Value: The authors’ conclusion that state’s financial and economic policy in the field of defense and modernization of the domestic defense industry has all chances to become the locomotive of the country’s industrial, scientific and technological development gives new horizons for discussing the most appropriate rearmament strategy.peer-reviewe

    Project of global sociology: new perspective of sociological analysis

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    The article is devoted to global sociology as a new project of social science, based on the problem of global inequality. Global sociology tries to reject the widespread economic approach to global inequality. Comparative analysis of different approaches to interpretation of global sociology represented by A. Martinelli, M. Burawoy etc., suggests that contemporary sociology tends to a substantial transformation of its importance and role in society. Analysis of main characteristics of global sociology demonstrates a high gnostic potential and efficiency of accepting a new perspective for the sociological study of global social inequality.Статья посвящена рассмотрению глобальной социологии в качестве нового проекта социологической науки, основанном на проблеме глобального неравенства. Глобальная социология стремится отойти от распространенного экономического подхода к глобальному неравенству. Сравнительный анализ различных подходов к интерпретации глобальной социологии таких авторов, как А. Мартинелли, М. Буравой и других, позволяет утверждать, что современная социология стремится к значительной трансформации своего значения и роли в обществе. Анализ основных характеристик глобальной социологии демонстрирует высокий познавательный потенциал и продуктивность принятия новой перспективы для социологического изучения глобального социального неравенства

    Transformation of the object of sociology in Latour’s and Urry’s works

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    В статье рассматриваются подходы к трансформации предмета социологии, предложенные Б. Латуром и Дж. Урри. Подходы авторов характеризуются радикальным отказом от использования понятия «общество» в социологии. Б. Латур и другие представители акторно-сетевой теории исходят из необходимости не только отказа от понятия «общество», но и выступают за пересмотр основ социологической теории, постулируя необходимость альтернативной социологии, обращенной к анализу «материального». Причиной этой ревизии является отказ от признанияспецифики социальной реальности и социальных процессов, а результатом – отказ от понятия «социальное». Основной категорией социологического анализа становится «актант», целью которого является замена понятия «субъект». Дж. Урри пишет о необходимости восстановления социальных наук, возникающей по причине утраты социологией своей центральной категории. Взамен утраченного предмета британский социолог предлагает обратиться к понятию «мобильность», которое способно отразить изменения в науке и социальной реальности.The paper analyzes Latour‘s and Urry‘s arguments on transformation of the object of sociological science. The main idea of the two arguments is a rejection to use the notion ―society‖ in sociology. Latour as well as other adherents of Actornetwork theory not merely refuse to use the notion ―society‖ but also call for revision of the background of sociological theorizing. They maintain necessity foralternative sociology studying the world of material objects. The precondition of this revision is a rejection from ―sui generis‖ nature of social reality and the result is denial form ―society‖. From this point the main nation of sociological analysis is becoming ―actant‖ replacing ―subject‖. Urry argues for rebuilding of social sciences after they has lost theirs object. British sociologist addresses the problem with the notion of ―mobility‖ reflecting changes in the sociological science as well as in social reality

    A spectral characterization of skeletal maps

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    We prove that a map between two realcompact spaces is skeletal if and only if it is homeomorphic to the limit map of a skeletal morphism between ω-spectra with surjective limit projections

    Muonic hydrogen ground state hyperfine splitting

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    Corrections of orders alpha^5, alpha^6 are calculated in the hyperfine splitting of the muonic hydrogen ground state. The nuclear structure effects are taken into account in the one- and two-loop Feynman amplitudes by means of the proton electromagnetic form factors. The modification of the hyperfine splitting part of the Breit potential due to the electron vacuum polarization is considered. Total numerical value of the 1S state hyperfine splitting 182.638 meV in the (mu p) can play the role of proper estimation for the corresponding experiment with the accuracy 30 ppm.Comment: 18 pages, Talk presented at the 11th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Moscow State University, August 200

    Understanding the aerosol information content in multi-spectral reflectance measurements using a synergetic retrieval algorithm

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    An information content analysis for multi-wavelength SYNergetic AErosol Retrieval algorithm SYNAER was performed to quantify the number of independent pieces of information that can be retrieved. In particular, the capability of SYNAER to discern various aerosol types is assessed. This information content depends on the aerosol optical depth, the surface albedo spectrum and the observation geometry. The theoretical analysis is performed for a large number of scenarios with various geometries and surface albedo spectra for ocean, soil and vegetation. When the surface albedo spectrum and its accuracy is known under cloud-free conditions, reflectance measurements used in SYNAER is able to provide for 2–4° of freedom that can be attributed to retrieval parameters: aerosol optical depth, aerosol type and surface albedo. <br><br> The focus of this work is placed on an information content analysis with emphasis to the aerosol type classification. This analysis is applied to synthetic reflectance measurements for 40 predefined aerosol mixtures of different basic components, given by sea salt, mineral dust, biomass burning and diesel aerosols, water soluble and water insoluble aerosols. The range of aerosol parameters considered through the 40 mixtures covers the natural variability of tropospheric aerosols. After the information content analysis performed in Holzer-Popp et al. (2008) there was a necessity to compare derived degrees of freedom with retrieved aerosol optical depth for different aerosol types, which is the main focus of this paper. <br><br> The principle component analysis was used to determine the correspondence between degrees of freedom for signal in the retrieval and derived aerosol types. The main results of the analysis indicate correspondence between the major groups of the aerosol types, which are: water soluble aerosol, soot, mineral dust and sea salt and degrees of freedom in the algorithm and show the ability of the SYNAER to discern between this aerosol types. <br><br> The results of the work will be further used for the development of the promising methodology of the construction error covariance matrices in the assimilation system

    Hyperfine structure of the ground state muonic He-3 atom

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    On the basis of the perturbation theory in the fine structure constant α\alpha and the ratio of the electron to muon masses we calculate one-loop vacuum polarization and electron vertex corrections and the nuclear structure corrections to the hyperfine splitting of the ground state of muonic helium atom (μ e 23He)(\mu\ e \ ^3_2He). We obtain total result for the ground state hyperfine splitting Δνhfs=4166.471\Delta \nu^{hfs}=4166.471 MHz which improves the previous calculation of Lakdawala and Mohr due to the account of new corrections of orders α5\alpha^5 and α6\alpha^6. The remaining difference between our theoretical result and experimental value of the hyperfine splitting lies in the range of theoretical and experimental errors and requires the subsequent investigation of higher order corrections.Comment: Talk on poster section of XXIV spectroscopy congress, 28 February-5 March 2010, Moscow-Troitsk, Russia, 21 pages, LaTeX, 8 figure

    Synergetic aerosol retrieval from SCIAMACHY and AATSR onboard ENVISAT

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    International audienceThe synergetic aerosol retrieval method SYNAER (Holzer-Popp et al., 2002a) has been extended to the use of ENVISAT measurements. It exploits the complementary information of a radiometer and a spectrometer onboard one satellite platform to extract aerosol optical depth (AOD) and speciation (as choice from a representative set of pre-defined mixtures of water-soluble, soot, mineral dust, and sea salt components). SYNAER consists of two retrieval steps. In the first step the radiometer is used to do accurate cloud screening, and subsequently to quantify the aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550 nm and spectral surface brightness through a dark field technique. In the second step the spectrometer is applied to choose the most plausible aerosol type through a least square fit of the measured spectrum with simulated spectra using the AOD and surface brightness retrieved in the first step. This method was developed and a first case study evaluation against few (15) multi-spectral ground-based AERONET sun photometer observations was conducted with a sensor pair (ATSR-2 and GOME) onboard ERS-2. However, due to instrumental limitations the coverage of SYNAER/ERS-2 and the AERONET network in 1997/98 is very sparse and thus only few coincidences with AERONET were found. Therefore, SYNAER was transferred to similar sensors AATSR and SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT. While transferring to the new sensor pair a thorough evaluation of the synergetic methodology and its information content has been conducted, which led to significant improvements in the methodology: an update of the aerosol model, an improved cloud detection, and an enhanced dark field albedo characterization. This paper describes the information content analysis and these improvements in detail and presents first results of applying the SYNAER methodology to AATSR and SCIAMACHY