58 research outputs found

    The Recharge Channels of the Sierra Nevada Range (Spain) and the Peruvian Andes as Ancient Nature-Based Solutions for the Ecological Transition

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    Nature-Based Solutions for Integrated Water Resources Management (NbS-IWRM) involve natural, or nature-mimicking, processes used to improve water availability in quantity and quality sustainably, reduce the risks of water-related disasters, enhance adaptation to climate change and increase both biodiversity and the social-ecological system’s resilience. United Nations and the European Commission promote their research as a cornerstone in the changeover to the Ecological Transition. In the Sierra Nevada range (Spain) and the Andean Cordillera, there is a paradigmatic and ancestral example of NbS-IWRM known as “careo channels” and “amunas”, respectively. They recharge slope aquifers in mountain areas and consist of an extensive network of channels that infiltrate the runoff water generated during the snow-thawing and rainy season into the upper parts of the slopes. The passage of water through the aquifers in the slope is used to regulate the water resources of the mountain areas and thus ensure the duration of water availability for the downstream local population and generate multiple ecosystem services. This form of water management is known asWater Sowing and Harvesting (WS&H). As shown in this work, it is a living example of a resilience and climate change adaptation tool that can be qualified as a nature-based solution.Organismo Autonomo Parques Nacionales from the Ministerio para la Transicion Ecologica y el Reto Demografico SPIP202102741 2768/2021Ibero-American Science and Technology for Development Programme (CYTED) 419RT0577"Severo Ochoa" extraordinary grants for excellence IGME-CSIC AECEX202

    Structure of a complex carbonate aquifer by magnetic, gravity and TDEM prospecting in the Jaén area, Southern Spain

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    Knowledge of aquifer geometry is essential for efficient and sustainable groundwater management, particularly in carbonate aquifers due to uncertainties inherent to karstic systems. The geological structure and hydrogeological continuity of Los Chotos-Sazadilla-Los Nacimientos and La Serreta-Gante-Cabeza Montosa carbonate aquifers (Jaén; SE Spain) have been established through structural measurements, geophysical prospecting –magnetic, gravity and time-domain electromagnetics (TDEM)– and the study of piezometric levels. Yet the scarce hydrogeological data, the complexity of the tectonic structure and the presence of Plio-Quaternary rocks covering the highly permeable carbonate rocks make it difficult to establish a robust conceptual hydrogeological model of the aquifer. This study focuses on an area where hydrogeological disconnection between the two aquifers was traditionally assumed, given the diapiric emplacement of low permeable rocks between them. The new geophysical data demonstrate connection between aquifers that implies greater groundwater reserves than previously supposed. This field example supports the suitability of the combined use of electromagnetic methods with gravity and magnetic research that have been poorly combined up to recent times for hydrogeological studies.This work was financed by the Diputación Provincial de Jaén and through the project CGL-2010-21048, and the Junta de Andalucía group RNM148 and P09-RNM-5388

    Monitorización de infraestructuras críticas expuestas a riesgos naturales y antrópicos mediante interferometría radar de satélite

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    [EN] Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is a remote sensing technique very effective for the measure of smalldisplacements of the Earth’s surface over large areas at a very low cost as compared with conventional geodetictechniques. Advanced InSAR time series algorithms for monitoring and investigating surface displacement on Earth arebased on conventional radar interferometry. These techniques allow us to measure deformation with uncertainties of 1mm/year, interpreting time series of interferometric phases at coherent point scatterers (PS) without the need for humanor special equipment presence on the site. By applying InSAR processing techniques to a series of radar images over thesame region, it is possible to detect line-of-sight (LOS) displacements of infrastructures on the ground and therefore identifyabnormal or excessive movement indicating potential problems requiring detailed ground investigation. A major advantageof this technology is that a single radar image can cover a major area of up to 100 km by 100 km or more as, for example,Sentinel-1 C-band satellites data cover a 250 km wide swath. Therefore, all engineering infrastructures in the area, suchas dams, dikes, bridges, ports, etc. subject to terrain deformation by volcanos, landslides, subsidence due to groundwater,gas, or oil withdrawal could be monitored, reducing operating costs effectively. In this sense, the free and open accessCopernicus Sentinel-1 data with currently up to 6-days revisit time open new opportunities for a near real-time landmonitoring. In addition, the new generation of high-resolution radar imagery acquired by SAR sensors such as TerraSARX,COSMO-SkyMed, and PAZ, and the development of multi-interferogram techniques has enhanced our capabilities inrecent years in using InSAR as deformation monitoring tool. In this paper, we address the applicability of using spaceborneSAR sensors for monitoring infrastructures in geomatics engineering and present several cases studies carried out by ourgroup related to anthropogenic and natural hazards, as well as monitoring of critical infrastructures.[ES] La interferometría radar de apertura sintética (InSAR) es una técnica de teledetección muy eficaz para medir pequeños desplazamientos de la superficie terrestre en grandes áreas a un coste muy pequeño en comparación con las técnicas geodésicas convencionales. Los algoritmos avanzados de series temporales InSAR para monitorizar e investigar el desplazamiento de la superficie terrestre se basan en la interferometría radar convencional. Estas técnicas nos permiten medir la deformación con incertidumbres de un milímetro por año, interpretando series temporales de fases interferométricas en retrodispersores puntuales coherentes (PS) sin necesidad de presencia humana o de equipos especiales en el sitio. Al aplicar técnicas de procesamiento InSAR a una serie de imágenes radar de la misma región, es posible detectar desplazamientos de infraestructuras proyectados en la línea de vista del satélite (line-of-sight o LOS) y, por lo tanto, identificar movimientos anormales o excesivos que indiquen problemas potenciales que requieran una investigación detallada del terreno. Una de las principales ventajas de esta tecnología es que una sola imagen radar puede cubrir un área importante de hasta 100 km por 100 km o más, ya que, por ejemplo, los datos de los satélites de banda C Sentinel-1 cubren una franja de 250 km de ancho. Por lo tanto, todas las infraestructuras civiles de la zona, como presas, diques, puentes, puertos, etc., sujetas a deformaciones del terreno por actividad volcánica, deslizamientos de tierra, hundimientos por extracción de agua subterránea, gas o petróleo, podrían ser monitorizados, reduciendo los costes operativos de manera efectiva. En este sentido, los datos Sentinel-1 de Copernicus, de acceso abierto, con hasta 6 días de tiempo de revisión actual abren nuevas oportunidades para una monitorización terrestre casi en tiempo real. Además, la nueva generación de imágenes radar de alta resolución adquiridas por sensores SAR como TerraSAR-X, COSMOSkyMed y PAZ, y el desarrollo de técnicas multi-interferograma ha mejorado nuestras capacidades en los últimos años en el uso del InSAR como herramienta para el control de deformaciones. En este trabajo se aborda la aplicabilidad del uso de sensores SAR espaciales para la monitorización de infraestructuras civiles en ingeniería geomática y presentamos varios casos de estudio realizados por nuestro grupo relacionados con riesgos naturales y antrópicos, así como de monitorización de infraestructura crítica.ERS-1/2 and Envisat datasets were provided by the European Space Agency (ESA). Sentinel-1A/B data were freely provided by ESA through Copernicus Programme. Data have been processed by DORIS (TUDelft), StaMPS (Andy Hooper), SARPROZ (Copyright (c) 2009-2020 Daniele Perissin), and SNAP (ESA). The satellite orbits are from TUDelft and ESA, as well as from the ESA Quality Control Group of Sentinel-1. Research was supported by [ESA Research and Service Support] for providing hardware resources employed in this work; [Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness] under ReMoDams project ESP2017-89344-R (AEI/FEDER, UE); [University of Jaén (Spain)] under PAIUJA-2021/2022 and CEACTEMA; [Junta de Andalucía (Spain)] under RNM-282 research group; [ERDF through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme] within project «POCI-01-0145-FEDER006961»; [National Funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology)] as part of project UID/EEA/50014/2013; [The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports from the National Programme of Sustainability (NPU II)] under project «IT4Innovations excellence in science - LQ1602» (Czech Republic); and [Slovak Grant Agency VEGA] under projects No. 2/0100/20Ruiz-Armenteros, A.; Delgado-Blasco, J.; Bakon, M.; Lazecky, M.; Marchamalo-Sacristán, M.; Lamas-Fernández, F.; Ruiz-Constán, A.... (2021). Monitoring critical infrastructure exposed to anthropogenic and natural hazards using satellite radar interferometry. En Proceedings 3rd Congress in Geomatics Engineering. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 137-146. https://doi.org/10.4995/CiGeo2021.2021.12736OCS13714

    Las acequias de careo de Sierra Nevada (sur de España), un sistema de recarga ancestral en acuíferos de alta montaña

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    En las partes altas de Sierra Nevada (sur de España) se realiza, desde época andalusí (Edad Media), un Sistema Integrado de Gestión del Agua Subterránea, en el que las acequias de careo constituyen un elemento clave. Estos canales excavados en el terreno están diseñados para recargar las aguas procedentes del deshielo, a lo largo de su recorrido y en distintas zonas concretas, donde hay una mayor permeabilidad del terreno. Una vez que el agua se infiltra en las partes altas de los valles, pasa a circular lentamente por los acuíferos superficiales y surge por ríos y manantiales situados a media ladera. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados conseguidos mediante el monitoreo e investigación hidrogeológica de una cuenca de 68 km2 (cuenca del río Bérchules), situada en Sierra Nevada, donde se aplica la técnica de careo. Los resultados conseguidos han permitido comprobar que el careo aplana el hidrograma de los ríos de alta montaña, reduciendo su componente nival y aumentando la subterránea. Además contribuye a mantener el caudal de los manantiales y los ecosistemas asociados a esta descarga. Su uso en otras zonas de alta montaña permitiría disponer de una excelente herramienta de adaptación al cambio climático.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaUniversidad Politécnica de Cataluña, EspañaAgencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de la Junta de Andalucía, EspañaUniversidad Pablo de Olavide, EspañaConsejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio, Junta de Andalucía, EspañaPeer reviewe

    Spatial variability of physico-chemical characteristics of groundwater in carbonate aquifers of Haouz (Tetouan, Northern Morocco)

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    La cadena montañosa del Haouz, situada entre las ciudades de Ceuta y Tetuán, con una superficie superior a los 90 km2, está constituida por una serie de acuíferos kársticos, fundamentalmente dolomíticos. Estos acuíferos se caracterizan por una fuerte compartimentación consecuencia de una estructura en escamas afectada, a su vez, por importantes fracturas trasversales. En este trabajo se presenta una primera evaluación de su funcionamiento hidrogeológico así como de la variabilidad espacial de las características fisico- químicas de sus aguas subterráneasThe Haouz mountain range, situated in the north of Morocco, between the cities of Ceuta and Tetouan, has a surface area greater than 90 km2 and consists of karst aquifers mainly dolomitic. These aquifers are characterized by a thrust nappes structure which gives rise to a marked partitioning of the aquifers. A first approach on its hydrogeological functioning and spatial variability of the physical-chemical characteristics of groundwater is presented in this pape

    Combination of lumped hydrological and remote-sensing models to evaluate water resources in a semi-arid high altitude ungauged watershed of Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain)

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    Assessing water resources in high mountain semi-arid zones is essential to be able to manage and plan the use of these resources downstream where they are used. However, it is not easy to manage an unknown resource, a situation that is common in the vast majority of high mountain hydrological basins. In the present work, the discharge flow in an ungauged basin is estimated using the hydrological parameters of an HBV (Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning) model calibrated in a “neighboring gauged basin”. The results of the hydrological simulation obtained in terms of average annual discharge are validated using the VI-ETo model. This model relates a simple hydrological balance to the discharge of the basin with the evaporation of the vegetal cover of the soil, and this to the SAVI index, which is obtained remotely by means of satellite images. The results of the modeling for both basins underscore the role of the underground discharge in the total discharge of the hydrological system. This is the result of the deglaciation process suffered by the high mountain areas of the Mediterranean arc. This process increases the infiltration capacity of the terrain, the recharge and therefore the discharge of the aquifers that make up the glacial and periglacial sediments that remain exposed on the surface as witnesses of what was the last glaciation.Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrànea, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, EspañaInstituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica de Andalucía, EspañaUnidad de Granada, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaUnidad de Zaragoza, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaAgencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de la Junta de Andalucía, EspañaDepartamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chil

    Siembra y cosecha de agua en Iberoamerica

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    Esta publicación es una contribución de la Red de Investigación “Siembra y Cosecha del Agua en Áreas Naturales Protegidas” del Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo

    Factors determining subsidence in urbanized floodplains: evidence from MT‐InSAR in Seville (southern Spain)

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    Major rivers have traditionally been linked with important human settlements throughout history. The growth of cities over recent river deposits makes necessary the use of multidisciplinary approaches to characterize the evolution of drainage networks in urbanized areas. Since under‐consolidated fluvial sediments are especially sensitive to compaction, their spatial distribution, thickness, and mechanical behavior must be studied. Here, we report on subsidence in the city of Seville (Southern Spain) between 2003 and 2010, through the analysis of the results obtained with the Multi‐Temporal InSAR (MT‐InSAR) technique. In addition, the temporal evolution of the subsidence is correlated with the rainfall, the river water column and the piezometric level. Finally, we characterize the geotechnical parameters of the fluvial sediments and calculate the theoretical settlement in the most representative sectors. Deformation maps clearly indicate that the spatial extent of subsidence is controlled by the distribution of under‐consolidated fine‐grained fluvial sediments at heights comprised in the range of river level variation. This is clearly evident at the western margin of the river and the surroundings of its tributaries, and differs from rainfall results as consequence of the anthropic regulation of the river. On the other hand, this influence is not detected at the eastern margin due to the shallow presence of coarse‐grain consolidated sediments of different terrace levels. The derived results prove valuable for implementing urban planning strategies, and the InSAR technique can therefore be considered as a complementary tool to help unravel the subsidence tendency of cities located over under‐consolidated fluvial deposits. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Departamento de Geodinámica, Universidad de Granada, EspañaDepartamento de Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodésica y Fotogrametría, Universidad de Jaén, EspañaCentro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias de la Tierra (CEACTierra), Universidad de Jaén, EspañaInstituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, EspañaInstituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Granada, EspañaDepartamento de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad de Granada, EspañaInstitute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, Universidade de Trás‐os‐Montes e Alto Douro, PortugalInstituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaDepartment of Radar Technology, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, Países BajosGrupo de Investigación Microgeodesia Jaén, Universidad de Jaén, EspañaDepartment of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Delft University of Technology, Países Bajo

    Responding to the challenges of Water and Global Warming: Environmental Hydrogeology and Global Change Research Group (HYGLO-Lab)

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    [EN] The current Global Warming of planet Earth is probably the most important geological phenomenon in the last 20,000 years of its history and for human race. This process is having nowadays notable effects on the climate, ecosystems and natural resources. Possibly the most important renewable geological resource is water. One of the most strategic phases of the water cycle is groundwater. Despite its low visibility, quantitatively (and qualitatively too) it is essential for life on Planet Earth. Foreseeable consequences on groundwater due to climate change and sea level rise will be very significant. Hydrogeology can provide answers to many of the questions that are beginning to be raised in relation to these impacts and their effects. Environmental hydrogeology is a way of understanding the set of disciplines mixed in Hydrogeology as a Science of Nature. The HYGLO-Lab Research Group of the IGME-CSIC National Center attempts, through its lines of research, with a double global and local component, to provide answers to some of these questions.Peer reviewe

    Aguas subterráneas y patrimonio cultural e histórico

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    Congreso Ibérico sobre Agua subterránea, medio ambiente, salud y patrimonio (2018. Salamanca)En esta ponencia se hace una breve descripción de las bases que vinculan las aguas subterráneas con el extenso, aunque poco conocido, patrimonio hidrogeoarqueológico, así como de la presencia del agua subterránea en la cultura, en sus diferentes manifestaciones. Se pretende de esta forma orientar la sesión titulada “Aguas subterráneas y patrimonio cultural e histórico” de este Congreso, con objeto de ayudar a difundir los aspectos culturales e históricos del agua subterránea, frecuentemente olvidados por los especialistas en Hidrogeología.Unidad de Granada, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Españ