475 research outputs found
Population genetics of the invasive plant species Impatiens glandulifera in Southern Finland
Biological invasions affect biodiversity worldwide, and, consequently, the invaded ecosystems may suffer from significant losses in economic and cultural values. Impatiens glandulifera Royle (Balsaminaceae) is an invasive annual herb, native to the western Himalayas and introduced into Europe in the 19th century as a garden ornamental plant. The massive invasion of I. glandulifera is due to its high reproductive output, rapid growth and its ability to outcompete native species. In Finland, the first observations regarding the presence of I. glandulifera date from the year 1947, and today it is considered a serious problem in riparian habitats. The aim of this master’s thesis research is to reveal the population genetic structure of I. glandulifera in Finland and to find out whether there have been one or multiple invasions in Finland. The study focuses on investigating the origin of I. glandulifera in Southern Finland, by comparing plant samples from the Helsinki region with those from its native region and other regions of invasion. Samples from four populations in Helsinki and from the United Kingdom, Canada, India and Pakistan were collected and genotyped using 11 microsatellite markers. The genetic analyses were evaluated using the programs Arlequin and Structure. The results of the genetic analyses suggested that I. glandulifera has been introduced to Finland more than once. Multiple introductions are supported by the higher level of genetic diversity detected within and among Finnish populations than would be expected for a single introduction. Results of the Bayesian Structure analysis divided the four Finnish populations into four clusters. This geographical structure was further supported by pairwise Fst values among populations. The causes and potential consequences of such multiple introductions of I. glandulifera in Finland and further perspectives are discussed
Umbilical cord wrapping and enlargement in monochorionic monoamniotic twins with letal outcome
We present the case of tapered umbilical cords in monoamniotic monocorial twins with late abortion as an outcome. A pregnant woman at the age of 38 had healthy course of her second pregnancy. In the 9th week of gestation, an monoamniotic monocorionic pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasound. Early amniocentesis was done due to the older age of a mother. During the procedure an enlargement of the umbilical cord was discovered, and the wrapping of the two umbilical cords. Mosaic trisomy of the 21st chromosome was proved. In the 19 w + 3 d gest., negative heart beats were detected for both of fetuses. The induction of abortion was initiated by prostaglandin vaginal gel (dinoprost). There were no signs of maceration, the weights were 230 and 190 grams, with increased and wrapped umbilical cords. The pathohistological fi nding confi rmed monochorionic-monoamniotic twin pregnancy with a long and tightly knit umbilical cord with complete blood fl ow obstruction and no signs of fetal malformalities. Also, there were no clinical signs of fetal transfusion syndrome. It is probably that the umbilical cord of the second twin was hypoplastic and with more complications
Project Based Learning in the subject of Energy and sustainable development
[EN] The standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
lay down that one of the keys to combining learners¿ knowledge and skills is the implementation of
new more student-centred methodologies, and learning based on competences. One of the most
widely used and effective active learning methodologies is Project-Based Learning (PBL). This is a
practical pedagogical methodology in which the student carries out a project focused on solving a real
problem by applying the theoretical concepts from a practical point of view.
In this work, projects implanted using the PBL methodology are aligned with the Agenda 2030. This
Agenda for Sustainable Development, approved in 2015, establishes that the universities must play a
major role in compliance with it, in due consideration of their responsibility in relation to training,
research, relations with society and a model for higher education governance. This agenda contains
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This proposal is focused on Goal 7, ¿Affordable and
Clean Energy¿.
In the framework of the PBL methodology and integrating the SDGs of the Agenda 2030, the main
goal of this work is the development of project-based learning in the subject "Energy and Sustainable
Development" in the bachelor¿s degree in Energy Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de
València. The paper described the developed methodology, the results achieved and the initial
conclusions obtained.This work was carried out within the framework of the PIME's Educational Improvement and
Innovation Project 2018-2019 Coordination of transversal competences in nuclear subjects of the
Energy Engineering Degree, Referencia B16, del Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación
de la Universitat Politècnica de València.Marton Lluch, I.; Villanueva López, JF.; Gallardo Bermell, S.; Carlos Alberola, S.; Sánchez Galdón, AI. (2020). Project Based Learning in the subject of Energy and sustainable development. IATED Academy. 4811-4819. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2020.1266S4811481
Šezdeset godina primjene modificirane manualne perinealne zaštite po Ritgenu
The aim is to present the 60-year experience in modified Ritgen maneuver according to perineal injuries. This retrospective clinical observational study (1950-2010) analyzed the impact of modified Ritgen maneuver delivery technique (controlled fetal head deflexion with left hand and synchronous reduction of perineal strain with extended right hand thumb along the right side of the vulva and perineum without pushing) on peripartum perineal tears at the Maternity Ward, Bjelovar General Hospital in Bjelovar, Croatia, divided into five-year intervals. The rate of perineal tear in general was less than 5% until 2000. The rate of perineal tear grade I was very low until 1995, then increased to 8.6% in 2010, yet never exceeding 10%. The rate of perineal tear grade II never exceeded 2%, whereas perineal tear grade III was a sporadic event never exceeding 0.4% of the study material with a single case of grade IV tear. The rate of intact perineum in vaginal deliveries without episiotomy ranged from 96.2% to 100% in the 1950-1960 period, with a decrease to 46% in 2010. The study revealed the modification of Ritgen maneuver described to have resulted in significant reduction of all grades of perineal tear over decades.Cilj istraživanja bio je prikazati 60-godišnje iskustvo u modificiranoj manualnoj perinealnoj zaštiti po Ritgenu u odnosu na razdore međice. Retrospektivna opservacijska klinička studija (1950.-2010.) analizirala je petogodišnje intervale učinka modificirane Ritgenove tehnike perinealne zaštite (kontrolirana fetalna defleksija lijevom rukom uz sinkronu redukciju napetosti međice desnom rukom koja je ispružena s desne strane međice i vulve, bez tiskanja rodilje) na peripartalne razdore međice u rodilištu Opće bolnice u Bjelovaru, Hrvatska. Ukupna stopa razdora međice bila je manja od 5% do 2000. godine. Stopa razdora I. stupnja bila je vrlo niska do godine 1995., zatim se povećala na 8,6% u 2010. godini, ali nikada iznad 10%. Razdori međice II. stupnja nisu prelazili stopu od 2%, dok su razdori međice III. stupnja bili sporadični i nisu prelazili 0,4% u ispitivanom materijalu, uz jedan slučaj razdora IV. stupnja. Netaknuta međica bez epiziotomije bila je u rasponu od 96,2% do 100% u razdoblju od 1950. do 1960. godine, sa smanjenjem od 46% u 2010. godini. Ovo istraživanje dokazalo je značajno smanjenje razdora međice svih stupnjeva uporabom modificirane manualne zaštite po Ritgenu
Postoji li povezanost komplikacija rane trudnoće s biometeorološkom prognozom?
The aim of our study was to connect the possible complications of early pregnancy
(miscarriage and symptomatic ectopic pregnancy) up to the 12th week of gestation with biometeorological
conditions while assuming a greater number of incidents with an unfavorable biometeorological
forecast. We performed a retrospective observational study using medical data of a single
medical center of Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Sveti Duh University Hospital and
meteorological data from the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrometeorological Service in Zagreb.
We tracked the number of visits to the gynecology and obstetrics emergency unit on a daily basis
during 2017. Days with five or more visits were selected and underwent further analysis, during which
the number of miscarriages and symptomatic ectopic pregnancies was noted. The information from
the biometeorological forecast was then extracted and added to the database. Our results did not show
a statistically significant difference between the groups determined by biometeorological forecast in
the number of spontaneous abortions or ectopic pregnancy. Also, statistically significant results did not
follow the expected trend of the increasing number of complications related to worse biometeorological
forecast, or vice versa, a decreased number of complications with better forecast. Our single-center
retrospective analysis of emergency unit visits related to weather conditions did not show a connection
between the complications of early pregnancy and biometeorological conditions. However, different
results could emerge in future studies. Considering the large and high-quality database collected for
this study, efforts in researching the connection between other gynecologic pathologies and weather
conditions will be feasible.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je povezati komplikacije rane trudnoće (spontani pobačaj i izvanmaternična trudnoća) do 12.
tjedna gestacije s biometeorološkim uvjetima, očekujući veći broj incidenata u uvjetima nepovoljne biometeorološke prognoze.
Proveli smo retrospektivno opservacijsko istraživanje koristeći medicinske podatke Klinike za ginekologiju i porodništvo
Kliničke bolnice Sveti Duh i meteorološke podatke Državnoga hidrometeorološkog zavoda u Zagrebu. Zabilježili smo broj
hitnih pregleda na Klinici za ginekologiju i porodništvo tijekom 2017. godine. Dani s pet ili više pregleda su zabilježeni, a
zabilježen je i broj spontanih pobačaja i izvanmaterničnih trudnoća. Informacije o biometeorološkoj prognozi za obrađene
dane su dodane prikupljenoj bazi podataka. Naši rezultati nisu pokazali statistički značajnu razliku između skupina određenih
biometeorološkom prognozom u broju spontanih pobačaja i izvanmaterničnih trudnoća. Statistički značajne rezultate nisu
pokazali ni očekivani porast broja komplikacija s lošijom biometeorološkom prognozom ili smanjen broj komplikacija povezanih
s boljom biometeorološkom prognozom. Naša retrospektivna analiza nije pokazala povezanost posjeta hitnom prijmu
s vremenskim prilikama, stoga ni povezenost komplikacija rane trudnoće s vremenskim uvjetima. Međutim, drugačiji rezultati
se mogu dobiti u budućim istraživanjima. S obzirom na veliku i kvalitetnu bazu podataka prikupljenu u ovom istraživanju
daljnja nastojanja u istraživanju povezanosti ginekološke patologije i vremenskih uvjeta uvelike su olakšana
SPIRE Point Source Catalog Explanatory Supplement
The Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) was launched as one of
the scientific instruments on board of the space observatory Herschel. The
SPIRE photometer opened up an entirely new window in the Submillimeter domain
for large scale mapping, that up to then was very difficult to observe. There
are already several catalogs that were produced by individual Herschel science
projects. Yet, we estimate that the objects of only a fraction of these maps
will ever be systematically extracted and published by the science teams that
originally proposed the observations. The SPIRE instrument performed its
standard photometric observations in an optically very stable configuration,
only moving the telescope across the sky, with variations in its configuration
parameters limited to scan speed and sampling rate. This and the scarcity of
features in the data that require special processing steps made this dataset
very attractive for producing an expert reduced catalog of point sources that
is being described in this document. The Catalog was extracted from a total of
6878 unmodified SPIRE scan map observations. The photometry was obtained by a
systematic and homogeneous source extraction procedure, followed by a rigorous
quality check that emphasized reliability over completeness. Having to exclude
regions affected by strong Galactic emission, that pushed the limits of the
four source extraction methods that were used, this catalog is aimed primarily
at the extragalactic community. The result can serve as a pathfinder for ALMA
and other Submillimeter and Far-Infrared facilities. 1,693,718 sources are
included in the final catalog, splitting into 950688, 524734, 218296 objects
for the 250\mu m, 350\mu m, and 500\mu m bands, respectively. The catalog comes
with well characterized environments, reliability, completeness, and
accuracies, that single programs typically cannot provide
Usability issues of maps presented in-car Route Guidance and Navigation System (RGNS) may result in serious impacts on traffic safety. To obtain effective RGNS, evaluation of ‘user satisfaction’ with the system has played a prominent role, since designers can quantify drivers’ acceptance about presented information. An important variable related to design of RGNS interfaces refers to select appropriate scale for maps, since it interferes on legibility of maps. Map with good legibility may support drivers comprehend information easily and take decisions during driving task quickly. This paper evaluates drivers’ preference for scales used in maps of RGNS. A total of 52 subjects participated of an experiment performed in a parked car. Maps were designed at four different scales 1:1,000, 1:3,000, 1:6,000 and 1:10,000 for a route composed of 13 junctions. Map design was based on cartographic communication principles, such as perceptive grouping and figure-ground segregation. Based on studies cases, we conclude intermediate scales (1:6,000 and 1:3,000) were more acceptable among drivers compared to large scales (1:1,000) and small (1:10,000). RGNS should select scales for maps which supports drivers to quickly identify direction of the maneuver and, simultaneously, get information about surroundings of route. More results are presented and implications discusse
Ocorrência e quantificação de fungos anaeróbicos ruminais, provenientes de bovinos de leite mantidos na Embrapa Gado de Leite, Juiz de Fora, MG
-Os microorganismos anaeróbios presentes no rúmen desempenham papel relevante na produção animal, devido as suas atividades degradativas
sobre os componentes da dieta. A celulose e outros polissacarídeos presentes na parede celular de vegetais representam a maior fonte nutrição para
os herbívoros. Os fungos anaeróbios são responsáveis pela colonização inicial do material fibroso no rúmen, onde iniciam e contribuem para digestão
eficiente da biomassa da planta ingerida. Participam do rompimento físico da fibra e esta capacidade fibrolítica pode aumentar a utilização dos
nutrientes em dietas de baixa qualidade, além de aumentar o consumo voluntário do alimento A importância dos fungos anaeróbios ruminais motivou
nosso trabalho, que teve como objetivos verificar a ocorrência e realizar a quantificação de fungos anaeróbios ruminais, a partir da utilização de
material obtido de rúmem proveniente de vacas Holandês x Zebu mantidas na Fazenda Experimental de Coronel Pacheco, submetidas a dietas a
base de Brachiaria spp. A parte experimental do trabalho foi desenvolvida no Laboratório de Microbiologia do Rúmem da Embrapa Gado de Leite
(Juiz de Fora, MG). Para tal utilizou-se o meio de cultura Growth Study Medium (GSM) empregado para o crescimento de bactérias anaeróbicas
ruminais, acrescido de Penicilina G, Sulfato de Estreptomicina e Cloranfenicol, em solução ou adicionados diretamente ao meio, visando inibir o
crescimento bacteriano. O crescimento fúngico foi confirmado pela observação macroscópica de estruturas filamentosas aderidas ao material fibroso
e microscopicamente pela presença de hifas e esporângios, corados com azul de algodão. A partir morfologia observada, sugerimos a ocorrência de
pelo menos três gêneros de fungos anaeróbios Neocallimastix, Piromonas, Orpinomyces. A identificação definitiva só seria possível a partir da
obtenção destes fungos em cultura pura, o que não foi conseguido. Não foi possível também realizar a quantificação fúngica conforme proposto
inicialmente, pois a técnica não se mostrou satisfatória. . Apesar dos objetivos não terem sido plenamente contemplados, este estudo possibilitou, a
partir das modificações realizadas, a obtenção de crescimento fúngico num meio de cultura utilizado para crescimento de bactérias anaeróbicas.
Assim, este meio passa a constituir uma alternativa de cultivo, uma vez que, na literatura consultada não foi encontrada nenhuma referência
descrevendo seu uso para este fim. Novos estudos necessitam ser realizados com o objetivo de encontrar uma técnica ideal para o isolamento
destes microorganismos, pois o conhecimento destas espécies e de seu comportamento oferecerá informações sobre a dinâmica das populações de
fungos, relevantes para o incremento da produtividade da pecuária bovina nacional
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