690 research outputs found

    Probing the cosmic-ray pressure in the Virgo Cluster and the origin of the very-high-energy gamma rays of M87 with H.E.S.S. and CTA

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    Das High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) ist ein System von fünf atmosphärischen Cherenkov-Teleskopen (IACT) in Namibia. Die H.E.S.S. Teleskope sind empfindlich für sehr energiereiche (VHE) Gammastrahlen zwischen ~30 TeV und 100 TeV. Mit einer Entfernung von 16,5 Mpc ist Messier 87 (M87) eine der nächsten Radiogalaxien und beherbergt eines der massereichsten supermassiven Schwarzen Löcher, das Materie in einen Plasmastrahl relativistischer Teilchen emittiert. Der Strahl wird im Bereich des gesamten elektromagnetischen Spektrums beobachtet und untersucht. M87 befindet sich im Zentrum des Virgo-Galaxienhaufens, eines kühlen Galaxienhaufens, der von Gas gefüllt ist, das in der Nähe des Zentrums kälter und in den Außenbereichen des Galaxienhaufens heißer ist. Gemäß der Cooling Flow (CF) Theorie kühlt das Plasma in Cool Core (CC) Haufen am Rand des Haufens ab und sinkt nach innen, wodurch die Sternentstehungsrate im Zentrum erhöht wird. Optische Messungen des Virgo Galaxienhaufens scheinen diesem Modell jedoch zu widersprechen. Als Heizmechanismus wird der aktive galaktische Kern Rückkopplungsmechanismus vorgeschlagen, der die Abkühlung des ICM ausgleicht und dessen CF vermeidet. Die kosmische Strahlung des Jets interagiert mit der ICM und erzeugt neutrale Pionen, die in Gammastrahlen zerfallen und ein nicht variables und ausgedehntes Gammastrahlensignal erzeugen. Allerdings konnten keine Gammastrahlen-Beobachtungen mit dem Pionenzerfall in dem Galaxienhaufen in Verbindung gebracht werden. In dieser Studie der H.E.S.S. Beobachtungen des niedrigen Strahl-Aktivitätszustands von M87 haben keine signifikante Ausdehnung der Emissionsregion gezeigt, woraus eine 3σ Obergrenze von 0.016° ≈ 4.6 kpc abgeleitet wurde. Das Verhältnis des Drucks in kosmischer Strahlung zur thermischen Strahlung ist auf <0.36 im Zentralregion beschränkt. Diese abgeleitete Obergrenze nimmt einen Gleichgewichtszustand zwischen den Erwärmungs und den Kühlprozessen an. Die neue Generation von IACTs, das Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO), wird eine unvergleichbare Empfindlichkeit und Winkelauflösung bieten. Um die langfristige Verfügbarkeit der Teleskope sicherzustellen, wurde ein auf Schwingungsmessungen basierendes Strukturüberwachungssystem entwickelt und zwischen 2019 und 2020 in Berlin am Prototyp des mittelgrossen Teleskopes erfolgreich getestet. CTAO wird in der Lage sein die Gammastrahlung des Virgo Haufens zu untersuchen und sie laut Simulationen und dem Steady-State-Modell innerhalb von ~210 h zu detektieren.The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is an array of five Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) located in Namibia. The H.E.S.S. telescopes are sensitive to Very-High-Energy (VHE) gamma rays between ~30 TeV and ~100 TeV. At a distance of 16.5 Mpc Messier 87 (M87) is one of the closest radio-galaxies, hosting one of the most massive Super-Massive Black Hole, which accretes matter and launches an inclined jet of relativistic particles. The jet is detected and studied by radiation emitted through the entire electromagnetic spectrum. M87 is located at the very center of the Virgo galaxy cluster, a Cool Core (CC) cluster, characterized by an Intra-cluster Medium (ICM) that is colder close to the center and hotter towards the outskirts of the galaxy cluster. According to the Cooling Flow (CF) theory, the plasma in CC clusters cools in the outskirts of the cluster and falls inwards, increasing the star formation ratio in the region. However, optical measurements of the Virgo Cluster seem to contradict this model. The Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) feedback mechanism is proposed as a heating mechanism, which counterbalances the cooling of the ICM and avoids its CF. The cosmic rays from the jet interact with the ICM producing neutral pions, which decay to gamma rays, forming a non-variable and extended gamma-ray signal. However, no gamma-ray observations could be associated with pion decay in galaxy clusters. In this work, deep H.E.S.S. observations of M87's low state are analyzed, and the results have shown no significant gamma-ray extension leading to a 3σ upper limit of 0.016° ≈ 4.6 kpc. The ratio of cosmic-ray pressure to thermal pressure XCR is constrained to < 0.36 at its maximum position, assuming a steady-state between the heating and the cooling processes. The new generation of IACTs, the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) will offer unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution. To assure the long-term availability of the telescopes, a structure monitoring system based on vibration measurements was developed and successfully tested at the Medium-sized Telescope (MST) prototype between 2019 and 2020 in Berlin. CTAO should be able to probe the gamma-ray emission from the Virgo Cluster, and, according to simulations and to the steady-state model, significantly detect it after ≈ 210 h

    A Condition Monitoring Concept Studied at the MST Prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a future ground-based gamma-ray observatory that will provide unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution for the detection of gamma rays with energies above a few tens of GeV. In comparison to existing instruments (like H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS) the sensitivity will be improved by installing two extended arrays of telescopes in the northern and southern hemisphere, respectively. A large number of planned telescopes (>100 in total) motivates the application of predictive maintenance techniques to the individual telescopes. A constant and automatic condition monitoring of the mechanical telescope structure and of the drive system (motors, gears) is considered for this purpose. The condition monitoring system aims at detecting degradations well before critical errors occur; it should help to ensure long-term operation and to reduce the maintenance efforts of the observatory. We present approaches for the condition monitoring of the structure and the drive system of Medium-Sized Telescopes (MSTs), respectively. The overall concept has been developed and tested at the MST prototype for CTA in Berlin. The sensors used, the joint data acquisition system, possible analysis methods (like Operational Modal Analysis, OMA, and Experimental Modal Analysis, EMA) and first performance results are discussed.Comment: 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference -ICRC2019- 8 pages, 4 figure

    Projeto interseções: um diálogo entre a geografia física e humana

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    Este trabalho visa suprir algumas demandas sobre o ensino e a prática de geografia, sobretudo, física, no sentido de fazer uma correlação entre a geografia que é considerada humana e a geografia física. Diante disso iremos explicitar a partir do projeto do PIBID de geografia da PUC-RIO como algumas práticas podem ser colocadas na escola de maneira lúdica através de maquetes e elaboração de croquis.

    Avaliação Executiva de Programas Governamentais: perspectiva de suporte ao processo orçamentário

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    Nos últimos anos, a avaliação de programas vem ganhando notoriedade e relevância no setor público brasileiro, na medida em que a informação qualificada gerada por ela pode subsidiar o planejamento governamental e as decisões sobre priorização de esforços e alocação orçamentária. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar, à luz da experiência recente do Governo de Minas Gerais com as avaliações executivas de programas governamentais, a perspectiva de benefício do uso de avaliações em relação ao processo orçamentário. O trabalho demonstra que os programas governamentais do governo do Estado de Minas Gerais foram avaliados com base em uma metodologia composta por 29 questões, distribuídas em quatro eixos: propósito e concepção; planejamento; execução e gerenciamento e resultados. A avaliação permitiu a identificação das características, das boas práticas e das vulnerabilidades dos programas e o apontamento de oportunidades de melhorias para cada critério avaliado. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de evolução do processo de planejamento e de adoção de ferramentas específicas para o gerenciamento dos programas. Como toda ação de natureza inovadora que implica mudança de cultura, a integração do processo de avaliação com o processo orçamentário é gradativa e ainda depende do enfrentamento de desafios como o alinhamento com o ciclo orçamentário, a superação dos aspectos formais do orçamento público e a absorção dos resultados das avaliações como insumo à retroalimentação positiva dos programas e ações governamentais.Número de páginas: 65 p.Gestão PúblicaOrçamento e FinançasPrêmio SOF de monografias 2011- Tema 2: Novas Abordagens do Orçamento Público. 2º Luga

    Autonomous RPCs for a Cosmic Ray ground array

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    We report on the behaviour of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) developed for muon detection in ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) experiments. The RPCs were developed for the MARTA project and were tested on field conditions. These RPCs cover an area of 1.5×1.2m21.5 \times 1.2\,{m^2} and are instrumented with 64 pickup electrodes providing a segmentation better than 2020\,cm. By shielding the detector units with enough slant mass to absorb the electromagnetic component in the air showers, a clean measurement of the muon content is allowed, a concept to be implemented in a next generation of UHECR experiments. The operation of a ground array detector poses challenging demands, as the RPC must operate remotely under extreme environmental conditions, with limited budgets for power and minimal maintenance. The RPC, DAQ, High Voltage and monitoring systems are enclosed in an aluminium-sealed case, providing a compact and robust unit suited for outdoor environments, which can be easily deployed and connected. The RPCs developed at LIP-Coimbra are able to operate using a very low gas flux, which allows running them for few years with a small gas reservoir. Several prototypes have already been built and tested both in the laboratory and outdoors. We report on the most recent tests done in the field that show that the developed RPCs have operated in a stable way for more than 2 years in field conditions.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017), Busan, South Korea. Presented by R. Concei\c{c}\~{a}o. 8 page

    Análise semiótica do vídeo “assim é ser criança”: o papel do jogo de faz-de-conta no protagonismo e autoria das crianças

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    O artigo focaliza o vídeo de animação “Assim é ser criança”, do Mundo Bita, cujas exibições acontecem na rede social Youtube. O objetivo do estudo é analisar, a partir dessa animação, o papel do jogo de faz-de-conta nas criações infantis. Criatividade, ludicidade e produção cultural são alguns traços exibidos pelos personagens infantis no vídeo em questão nesse artigo e servem como reflexão para que professores repensem suas práticas pedagógicas no intuito de valorizar o protagonismo das crianças em suas aulas. No processo de análise, utiliza-se o método semiótico proposto por Charles Sanders Peirce, em diálogo com a Sociologia da Infância e com os Estudos do Cotidiano, para interpretação dos signos e na desocultação dos sentidos propostos pelos criadores desse material audiovisual


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    Objetivo: apreender as representações sociais sobre o viver com HIV para pessoas hospitalizadas em situação de rua e identificar os conteúdos, elementos e estrutura dessas representações. Método: trata-se de estudo descritivo, embasado na Teoria das Representações Sociais, realizado com pessoas hospitalizadas, que vivem com HIV em situação de rua. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se um formulário e o Teste de Associação Livre de Palavras. A análise de dados ocorreu por meio da estatística descritiva e do software EVOC. Resultados: dos 65 participantes, 46 eram do sexo masculino, com idade média de 39 anos. Observou-se como núcleo central das representações sociais: medo, doente e preconceito, indicando as proporções funcionais e relacionadas à imagem do objeto investigado. O grupo investigado representou o viver com HIV/aids na rua por meio de palavras negativas, carregadas de mágoa, tristeza e medo. Conclusão: as representações têm um provável núcleo central na palavra “medo”. Descritores: Representação Social. Pessoas Mal Alojadas. HIV. Hospitalização. Enfermagem

    Usefulness, Reliability, Quality, and Content of Portuguese Language YouTube Videos on COVID-19

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    Objective: To investigate the usefulness, reliability, quality, and content of Portuguese-language YouTube videos on COVID-19. Material and Methods: Three keywords selected on Google Trends were searched on YouTube, and the 60 first videos listed with each term were analyzed. Two calibrated researchers evaluated the reliability (DISCERN Modified Scale), the quality (Global Quality Score - GQS), and the usefulness of videos for the users (COVID-19 Specific Score - CSS). The number of views, likes, and engagement were also analyzed. The data were evaluated by the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman correlation (α=5%). Results: 59 videos were included. The average scores of quality, reliability, and usefulness were 3.0 (±1.1), 3.2 (± 0.8), and 1.5 (± 0.9), respectively. Two-thirds of the videos (64.4%) had low/moderate quality, and the majority (76.2%) were about signs and symptoms. The numbers of views (p=0.005), likes (p=0.006), and engagement (p=0.014) were significantly higher in moderate/good quality videos. The number of comments (p=0.007), duration of videos (p=0.004), and the DISCERN score (p&lt;0.001) were significantly higher in videos made by health professionals. The general quality of the videos was positively correlated to the CSS scores, number of views, likes, and engagement (p&lt;0.05). Conclusion: Most videos had moderate quality and reliability and low usefulness for the users

    Caracterização clínica dos pacientes sob ventilação mecânica internados em unidade de terapia intensiva / Clinical characterization of patients under mechanical ventilation in an intensive therapy unit

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    RESUMOObjetivo: Descrever as características clínicas de pacientes sob ventilação mecânica internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Métodos: Estudo transversal e quantitativo, com amostra de 90 pacientes internados em um hospital referência em atendimento de doenças cardiopulmonares, situado na cidade de Fortaleza/Ceará. Coleta de dados realizada em outubro de 2016 através de um instrumento estruturado. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Intituição sob o protocolo CAAE- 53956816.2.0000.5052. Resultados: Observou-se que 56,7% eram do sexo feminino, na faixa etária de 50 a 59 anos (59%). Os principais motivos de internação foram as doenças cardiovasculares (53,3%); 88,9% utilizaram antibioticoterapia; 34,4% apresentaram pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica; 80% utilizaram drogas vasoativas e apenas 25,6% realizaram traqueostomia após a internação 36,7%. Conclusão: O paciente crítico possui peculiaridades que exige do enfermeiro um planejamento das ações de cuidados que vise à redução de possíveis complicações graves e letais. Descritores: Ventilação Mecânica,Unidades de Terapia Intensiva, Enfermagem.ABSTRACTObjective: Lo describe the clinical characteristics of patients under mechanical ventilation admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Methods: A cross - sectional and quantitative study with a sample of 90 patients admitted to a referral hospital for cardiopulmonary diseases, located in the city of Fortaleza / Ceará. Data collection conducted in October 2016 through a structured instrument. The study was approved by the Institutional Research Ethics Committee under protocol CAAE-53956816.2.0000.5052. Results: It was observed that 56.7% were female, in the age group of 50 to 59 years (59%). The main reasons for hospitalization were cardiovascular diseases (53.3%); 88.9% used antibiotic therapy; 34.4% presented pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation; 80% used vasoactive drugs and only 25.6% performed tracheostomy after hospitalization 36.7%. Conclusion: The critical patient has peculiarities that require the nurse to plan care actions aimed at reducing possible serious and lethal complications.Descriptors: Respiration  Artificial,Intensive Care Units, Nursing. RESUMENObjetivo: Describir las características clínicas de los pacientes con ventilación mecánica hospitalizado en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). Métodos: Estudio transversal y cuantitativo con una muestra de 90 pacientes ingresados en un hospital de referencia para las enfermedades cardiopulmonares de atención, ubicados en Fortaleza / Ceará. La recolección de datos en octubre el año 2016 a través de un instrumento estructurado. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética de Investigación de Intituição bajo CAAE- 53956816.2.0000.5052 protocolo. Resultados: Se observó que el 56,7% eran mujeres, de 50-59 años (59%). Las principales razones de hospitalización fueron las enfermedades cardiovasculares (53,3%); 88,9% utiliza antibióticos; 34,4% había una neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica; 80% usa drogas vasoactivas y solamente el 25,6% fue sometido a traqueotomía después de la hospitalización del 36,7%. Conclusión: El paciente crítico tiene peculiaridades que requieren enfermeras planificación de las acciones de atención dirigidas a reducir las posibles complicaciones graves y letales.Descriptores: Respiración Artificial, Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, Enfermería

    Autonomous RPCs for a Cosmic Ray ground array

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    We report on the behaviour of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) developed for muon detection in ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) experiments. The RPCs were developed for the MARTA project and were tested on field conditions. These RPCs cover an area of 1.5×1.2m21.5 \times 1.2\,{m^2} and are instrumented with 64 pickup electrodes providing a segmentation better than 2020\,cm. By shielding the detector units with enough slant mass to absorb the electromagnetic component in the air showers, a clean measurement of the muon content is allowed, a concept to be implemented in a next generation of UHECR experiments. The operation of a ground array detector poses challenging demands, as the RPC must operate remotely under extreme environmental conditions, with limited budgets for power and minimal maintenance. The RPC, DAQ, High Voltage and monitoring systems are enclosed in an aluminium-sealed case, providing a compact and robust unit suited for outdoor environments, which can be easily deployed and connected. The RPCs developed at LIP-Coimbra are able to operate using a very low gas flux, which allows running them for few years with a small gas reservoir. Several prototypes have already been built and tested both in the laboratory and outdoors. We report on the most recent tests done in the field that show that the developed RPCs have operated in a stable way for more than 2 years in field conditions.Peer Reviewe