91 research outputs found

    Concepciones sobre la discapacidad de estudiantes universitarios españoles

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    En el contexto de la educación y, concretamente, en la etapa universitaria, la presencia de personas con discapacidad en la Educación Superior es hoy en día una realidad, tanto en España como en otros contextos internacionales. En la actualidad, existe un movimiento global que reivindica el derecho al acceso, permanencia y éxito de estudiantes no tradicionales, entre los que se encuentran las personas con discapacidad. Este estudio pretende presentar y analizar las concepciones de 676 universitarios (grado y posgrado) de diferentes áreas de conocimiento de la Universidad de Sevilla (España) sobre la discapacidad. Se ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa con la aplicación de la Escala Intercultural de Conceptos de Discapacidad (EICD). Los resultados mostraron una preponderancia de la concepción social de discapacidad, seguida de los aspectos biológicos/médicos. Se observaron diferencias en relación con las variables analizadas, universitarios más jóvenes y aquellos que realizaban estudios de posgrado señalaron la prevalencia de afirmaciones vinculadas al modelo social de discapacidad. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los y las participantes con y sin discapacidad. Entre las conclusiones, podemos destacar la relevancia de la comprensión de la discapacidad como un fenómeno social para la oferta de prácticas psicosociales y psicoeducativas inclusivas. Esta decisión revela entonces que, aceptar la revisión de los paradigmas sociales para resignificar conceptos en la concepción social de la discapacidad, es un camino posible por el reconocimiento de las diferencias que constituyen lo humano./In the context of education and, specifically, in the university stage, the presence of people with disabilities in Higher Education is today a reality, both in Spain and in other international contexts. Currently, there is a global movement that claims the right to access, permanence and success of non-traditional students, including those with disabilities. This study aims to present and analyze the conceptions of 676 university students (undergraduate and postgraduate) from different areas of knowledge of the University of Seville (Spain) on disability. A quantitative methodology has been used with the application of the Intercultural Scale of Disability Concepts (EICD). The results showed a preponderance of the social conception of disability, followed by the biological/medical aspects. Differences were observed in relation to the variables analyzed, younger university students and those who were doing postgraduate studies indicated the prevalence of statements linked to the social model of disability. No significant differences were found between participants with and without disabilities. Among the conclusions, we can highlight the relevance of understanding disability as a social phenomenon for the offer of inclusive psychosocial and psychoeducational practices. This decision then reveals that accepting the review of social paradigms to resignify concepts in the social conception of disability is a possible for the recognition of the differences that constitute the human

    Concepciones sobre la discapacidad de estudiantes universitarios españoles

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    In the context of education and, specifically, in the university stage, the presence of people with disabilities in Higher Education is today a reality, both in Spain and in other international contexts. Currently, there is a global movement that claims the right to access, permanence and success of non-traditional students, including those with disabilities. This study aims to present and analyze the conceptions of 676 university students (undergraduate and postgraduate) from different areas of knowledge of the University of Seville (Spain) on disability. A quantitative methodology has been used with the application of the Intercultural Scale of Disability Concepts (EICD). The results showed a preponderance of the social conception of disability, followed by the biological/medical aspects. Differences were observed in relation to the variables analyzed, younger university students and those who were doing postgraduate studies indicated the prevalence of statements linked to the social model of disability. No significant differences were found between participants with and without disabilities. Among the conclusions, we can highlight the relevance of understanding disability as a social phenomenon for the offer of inclusive psychosocial and psychoeducational practices. This decision then reveals that accepting the review of social paradigms to resignify concepts in the social conception of disability is a possible for the recognition of the differences that constitute the human.En el contexto de la educación y, concretamente, en la etapa universitaria, la presencia de personas con discapacidad en la Educación Superior es hoy en día una realidad, tanto en España como en otros contextos internacionales. En la actualidad, existe un movimiento global que reivindica el derecho al acceso, permanencia y éxito de estudiantes no tradicionales, entre los que se encuentran las personas con discapacidad. Este estudio pretende presentar y analizar las concepciones de 676 universitarios (grado y posgrado) de diferentes áreas de conocimiento de la Universidad de Sevilla (España) sobrela discapacidad. Se ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa con la aplicación de la Escala Intercultural de Conceptos de Discapacidad (EICD). Los resultados mostraron una preponderancia de la concepción social de discapacidad,seguida de los aspectos biológicos/médicos. Se observarondiferencias en relación con las variables analizadas, universitariosmás jóvenes y aquellos que realizaban estudios de posgrado señalaron la prevalencia de afirmaciones vinculadas al modelo social de discapacidad. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los y las participantes con y sin discapacidad. Entre las conclusiones, podemos destacar la relevancia de la comprensión de la discapacidad como un fenómeno social para la oferta de prácticas psicosociales y psicoeducativas inclusivas. Esta decisión revela entonces que, aceptar la revisión de los paradigmas sociales para resignificar conceptos en la concepción social de la discapacidad, es un camino posible por el reconocimiento de las diferencias que constituyen lo humano

    Estratégias de orientações psicoeducacionais para familiares de deficientes

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo propiciar o estabelecimento de uma proposta de intervenção psicoeducacional, em encontros sistemáticos, com os respectivos pais e/ou familiares de deficientes, na tentativa de se estabelecer um espaço de discussão sobre as problemáticas relacionadas ao processo educacional. Participaram desse projeto 30 familiares de alunos com deficiências, sendo 21 pais de alunos com deficiência auditiva e 9 pais de alunos com deficiência física, que freqüentavam atendimento pedagógico no Centro de Estudos da Educação e Saúde (Cees Unesp/ Marília). Após a implementação do programa de orientações psicoeducacionais a familiares e, conseqüentemente, do acompanhamento das atividades realizadas, verificamos que a realização desse programa, além de orientar os familiares sobre os aspectos educacionais, favoreceu o esclarecimento de algumas questões concernentes ao desenvolvimento global de indivíduos com necessidades educacionais especiais; a população investigada confirmou a carência de programas de orientações psicoeducacionais em serviços públicos, manifestando dificuldade em ter acesso a profissionais e locais que oferecem esse tipo de suporte. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho vêm reafirmar a importância de se implementar propostas de orientações com familiares, aliadas aos atendimentos com os indivíduos que apresentam necessidades educacionais especiais, como na literatura pesquisada. De acordo como proposto na abordagem sistêmica, entende-se que a intervenção psicoeducacional só será efetivada com sucesso quando deixar de focar apenas o indivíduo e se estender aos seus pares, principalmente àqueles que convivem diretamente com ele. Strategies of psyco-educational orientations for family members of handcaps Abstract The current work had the aim to provide the establishment of a proposal of psyco-educational intervention, in systematic meetings, with the respective parents and/or family members of handcaps, attempting to establish a discussion space about the problems related to the educational process. Thirty family members of students with auditive disabilities took part in this project and nine parents of students with physical disabilities who attended the pedagogical service at the Center of Education and Health Studies (Cees Unesp/ Marília). After the implementation of the program of psyco-educational orientation for family members and consequently, the follow up of the performed activities, we noticed that the achievement of this program besides orienting the family members about educational aspects, it favored the elucidation of some questions concerning the global development of individuals with special educational necessities; the studied population confirmed the lack of psyco-educational orientation programs in public service, showing difficulty in having access to professionals and locals who offer this kind of support. The obtained results in this work reaffirm the importance of implementing proposals of orientations with family members, together with the services with individuals who present special educational necessities, as in the researched literature. According to what was proposed in the systemic approach, it is understood that the psyco-educational intervention will only be effective successfully when it stops forcing the individual and extends itself to its pairs, mainly those who live directly with him

    Estudo comparativo sobre dois tipos de cateteres para cateterismo intermitente limpo em crianças estomizadas

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    The objective of this crossover study was to compare the use of two catheters for clean intermittent catheterization in continent children with a urostomy, in terms of their handling, complications and direct costs. This study complied with all ethical requirements and was developed at a Children's Hospital in the city of São Paulo. The children who, together with their guardians, agreed to participate in the study were submitted to the consecutive use of both the traditional and the pre-lubricated catheter, for one month each. During that period, the children completed the data collection instruments and were followed by the researchers once a week through home visits and hospital consultations, including quantitative and qualitative urine cultures that were performed every other week. Data analysis was performed using Wilcoxon and Kaplan-Meier tests. Eleven children completed the study. Statistical significant differences were found only for costs (p=0.003), which were higher for pre-lubricated catheters.El estudio, del tipo crosover, objetivó comparar el uso de dos catéteres para cateterismo intermitente limpio en niños con urostomías continentes, en lo que se refiere al manejo, complicaciones y costos directos. Cumplidas las exigencias éticas, fue desarrollado en un Hospital Infantil, en São Paulo. Los niños que, juntamente con sus responsables, consintieron en participar de la investigación, fueron sometidos a la utilización consecutiva de catéter tradicional y de catéter lubrificado, durante un mes cada uno. En ese período, las niños llenaron los instrumentos de recolección de datos y fueron acompañados por las investigadoras semanalmente, por medio de visitas domiciliares y consultas hospitalarias, que incluyeron a recolección quincenal de culturas cualitativas y cuantitativas de orina. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando las pruebas de Wilcoxon y Kaplan Meyer. Once niños completaron el estudio. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas apenas en lo que se refiere a costos directos (p=0,003), superiores para el catéter lubrificado.O estudo, do tipo crossover, objetivou comparar o uso de dois cateteres para cateterismo intermitente limpo em crianças com urostomias continentes, no que se refere ao manejo, complicações e custos diretos. Cumpridas as exigências éticas, foi desenvolvido em um Hospital Infantil, em São Paulo. As crianças que, juntamente com seus responsáveis, consentiram em participar da investigação, foram submetidas à utilização consecutiva de cateter tradicional e do cateter pré-lubrificado, durante um mês cada um. Nesse período, as crianças preencheram os instrumentos de coleta de dados e foram acompanhadas pelas pesquisadoras semanalmente, por meio de visitas domiciliares e consultas hospitalares, que incluíram a coleta quinzenal de culturas qualitativas e quantitativas de urina. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se os testes de Wilcoxon e Kaplan Meyer. Onze crianças completaram o estudo. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas apenas quanto aos custos diretos (p=0,003), superiores para o cateter pré-lubrificado

    Estudo comparativo sobre dois tipos de cateteres para cateterismo intermitente limpo em crianças estomizadas

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    The objective of this crossover study was to compare the use of two catheters for clean intermittent catheterization in continent children with a urostomy, in terms of their handling, complications and direct costs. This study complied with all ethical requirements and was developed at a Children's Hospital in the city of São Paulo. The children who, together with their guardians, agreed to participate in the study were submitted to the consecutive use of both the traditional and the pre-lubricated catheter, for one month each. During that period, the children completed the data collection instruments and were followed by the researchers once a week through home visits and hospital consultations, including quantitative and qualitative urine cultures that were performed every other week. Data analysis was performed using Wilcoxon and Kaplan-Meier tests. Eleven children completed the study. Statistical significant differences were found only for costs (p=0.003), which were higher for pre-lubricated catheters.El estudio, del tipo crosover, objetivó comparar el uso de dos catéteres para cateterismo intermitente limpio en niños con urostomías continentes, en lo que se refiere al manejo, complicaciones y costos directos. Cumplidas las exigencias éticas, fue desarrollado en un Hospital Infantil, en São Paulo. Los niños que, juntamente con sus responsables, consintieron en participar de la investigación, fueron sometidos a la utilización consecutiva de catéter tradicional y de catéter lubrificado, durante un mes cada uno. En ese período, las niños llenaron los instrumentos de recolección de datos y fueron acompañados por las investigadoras semanalmente, por medio de visitas domiciliares y consultas hospitalarias, que incluyeron a recolección quincenal de culturas cualitativas y cuantitativas de orina. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando las pruebas de Wilcoxon y Kaplan Meyer. Once niños completaron el estudio. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas apenas en lo que se refiere a costos directos (p=0,003), superiores para el catéter lubrificado.O estudo, do tipo crossover, objetivou comparar o uso de dois cateteres para cateterismo intermitente limpo em crianças com urostomias continentes, no que se refere ao manejo, complicações e custos diretos. Cumpridas as exigências éticas, foi desenvolvido em um Hospital Infantil, em São Paulo. As crianças que, juntamente com seus responsáveis, consentiram em participar da investigação, foram submetidas à utilização consecutiva de cateter tradicional e do cateter pré-lubrificado, durante um mês cada um. Nesse período, as crianças preencheram os instrumentos de coleta de dados e foram acompanhadas pelas pesquisadoras semanalmente, por meio de visitas domiciliares e consultas hospitalares, que incluíram a coleta quinzenal de culturas qualitativas e quantitativas de urina. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se os testes de Wilcoxon e Kaplan Meyer. Onze crianças completaram o estudo. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas apenas quanto aos custos diretos (p=0,003), superiores para o cateter pré-lubrificado

    Cynara cardunculus: Use in Cheesemaking and Pharmaceutical Applications

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    Cynara cardunculus L. is the most widespread species of Cynara genus (f. Asteraceae). This herbaceous perennial plant is native to the Mediterranean region and invasive in other parts of the world, growing naturally in harsh habitat conditions. There are three subspecies: globe artichoke; cultivated cardoon and the progenitor of the two, the wild cardoon. The culture of Cynara cardunculus L. follows an annual growth cycle, emerging in autumn and harvesting in summer. Cynara cardunculus has been considered as a multi-purpose crop due to its relevant biochemical profiles. Inflorescences have been used as food, whereas leaves are a rich source of bioactive compounds. Consequently, larger plants without spines have been selected for technological purposes. Due to its high cellulose and hemicellulose content, the lignocellulosic fraction has been used as solid biofuel, biogas and bioethanol. Both pulp fibers production and seeds oil are suitable for biodiesel production. Over the centuries, the inflorescence pistils of Cynara cardunculus L. have been widely used for cheesemaking. The present chapter gives an overview of the Cynara cardunculus L. emphasizing recent knowledge regarding the use, conservation, preparation and application of Cynara cardunculus in ovine milk cheesemaking, as well as other biotechnological applications

    Burnout in nursing residents

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    Enfermeiros Residentes podem experimentar desgaste físico e emocional decorrentes do cotidiano da Residência de Enfermagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a incidência do Burnout em Residentes de Enfermagem. Realizou-se um estudo exploratório, descritivo, analítico e longitudinal-prospectivo com 16 Residentes, no período de dois anos. Utilizou-se o Maslach Burnout Inventory traduzido e validado para o Brasil e um instrumento de dados sociodemográficos/ocupacionais. Dos Residentes, 17.2% mostraram valores elevados em Exaustão Emocional e Despersonalização; 18.8% comprometimento em Incompetência/falta de Realização Profissional, dos quais 75% pertenciam às especialidades de Pronto Socorro, Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto e Pediátrica. Idade e especialidade correlacionaram-se positivamente com a Incompetência/falta de Realização Profissional. Identificou-se um Residente de Enfermagem com alteração nas três subescalas do Maslach Burnout Inventory, sendo caracterizado como portador da Síndrome de Burnout. Os Residentes de enfermagem possuem perfis de adoecimento. Conhecer esses fatores pode minimizar os agravos à saúde desse trabalhador.Los Enfermeros Residentes pueden experimentar desgaste físico y emocional derivado del trabajo cotidiano de la Residencia de Enfermería. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la incidencia del Burnout en residentes de enfermería. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio, descriptivo, analítico y longitudinal-prospectivo con 16 Residentes, en el período de dos años. Se utilizó el Maslach Burnout Inventory traducido y validado para Brasil y un instrumento de datos socio-demográficos/ocupacionales. 17,2% de los Residentes mostraron valores elevados en Agotamiento Emocional y Despersonalización, respectivamente; 18,8% compromiso en Incompetencia/falta de Realización Profesional, entre estos, 75% pertenecían a las especialidades de Emergencias, Unidad de Terapia Intensiva de Adultos y Pediátrica. Edad y especialidad se correlacionaron positivamente con Incompetencia/falta de Realización Profesional. Se identificó a un Residente de Enfermería con alteración en las tres sub-escalas del Maslach Burnout Inventory, caracterizándoselo como portador de Síndrome de Burnout. Los Residentes de Enfermería poseen perfiles de sufrimiento. Conocer tales factores puede minimizar los transtornos de salud de dichos trabajadores.Nursing residents may experience physical and emotional exhaustion from the daily life of attending the Program. The aim of this study was to determine the Burnout incidence among Nursing Residents. An investigative, descriptive, analytical, longitudinal-prospective study was conducted with 16 Residents over two years. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was used, translated and validated for Brazil, as well as a sociodemographic/occupational data tool. Of all residents, 17.2% showed high rates in Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization; 18.8% showed impaired commitment in Personal Accomplishment, 75% of which belonged to specialty areas, such as Emergency Nursing, Adult and Pediatric Intensive Care. Age and specialty area were positively correlated with Personal Accomplishment. One of the Residents was identified with changes in three subscales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, thus characterized as a Burnout Syndrome patient. Nursing Residents have profiles of disease. Knowing these factors can minimize health risks of these workers

    Osteitis condensans Ilii as differential diagnosis of sacroiliitis: learning in order not to fail / Osteíte Condensante do Íleo como diagnóstico diferencial de sacroileíte: aprendendo para não errar

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    Osteitis Condensans Ilii (OCI) is a rare benign condition of unknown etiology. The prevalence in overall population ranges from 0.9 to 2.5%, and it is more frequent in multiparous women before the fourth decade of life1. It can be asymptomatic and discovered by accidental radiologic diagnosis or it may present as inflammatory low back pain 1,2. The symptomatic form is an important mimicking factor of sacroiliitis, and it should always be considered as differential diagnosis1. Given the rareness of the disease and the importance of differential diagnosis, we report an OCI case that mimics sacroiliitis

    Genetic and microenvironmental intra-tumor heterogeneity impacts colorectal cancer evolution and metastatic development

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    © The Author(s) 2022 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a highly diverse disease, where different genomic instability pathways shape genetic clonal diversity and tumor microenvironment. Although intra-tumor heterogeneity has been characterized in primary tumors, its origin and consequences in CRC outcome is not fully understood. Therefore, we assessed intra- and inter-tumor heterogeneity of a prospective cohort of 136 CRC samples. We demonstrate that CRC diversity is forged by asynchronous forms of molecular alterations, where mutational and chromosomal instability collectively boost CRC genetic and microenvironment intra-tumor heterogeneity. We were able to depict predictor signatures of cancer-related genes that can foresee heterogeneity levels across the different tumor consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) and primary tumor location. Finally, we show that high genetic and microenvironment heterogeneity are associated with lower metastatic potential, whereas late-emerging copy number variations favor metastasis development and polyclonal seeding. This study provides an exhaustive portrait of the interplay between genetic and microenvironment intra-tumor heterogeneity across CMS subtypes, depicting molecular events with predictive value of CRC progression and metastasis development.This work was financed by national funds from FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences - UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy - i4HB. This research was also funded by: PTDC/MED-ONC/28660/2017 from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) to A.R.G. A.R.G is recipient of Researcher Grant CEECIND/02699/2017 from FCT. The biobanking of CRC samples from Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon, Portugal was supported by FCT research grant PIC/IC/82821/2007. This work was produced with the support of INCD funded by FCT and FEDER under the project 22153-01/SAICT/2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio