612 research outputs found

    Maturação sexual, atividade física e consumo alimentar : associação com os componentes da Síndrome Metabólica em adolescentes

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Wagner de CamposDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física. Defesa: Curitiba, 24/03/2014Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Exercício e esporteResumo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar a associação da maturação sexual, do nível de atividade física e do consumo alimentar com os componentes da síndrome metabólica em adolescentes de ambos os sexos, pertencentes à rede pública de ensino da cidade de Curitiba-PR. A amostra foi composta de 960 adolescentes, dos quais 412 eram meninos. Medidas antropométricas de peso, estatura e circunferência da cintura foram aferidas. Através de uma amostra sanguínea foi caracterizado o perfil lipídico (HDLc e TG) e a glicemia de cada adolescente. A avaliação do nível de atividade física foi realizada por meio do questionário IPAQ versão 8, forma curta (MATSUDO, 2007). Os hábitos alimentares foram avaliados mediante o questionário simplificado de consumo de alimentos relacionados ao risco cardiovascular em adolescentes (CHIARA; SICHIERI, 2001). Já a maturação biológica da amostra foi avaliada através da proposta de Tanner (1962). Foi utilizado método auscultatório para verificar a pressão arterial (NHBPEP, 2004). Para definição da síndrome metabólica foi utilizada aproposta adaptada para crianças e adolescentes do NCEP-ATP III, sendo que síndrome metabólica foi caracterizada com a presença no mesmo sujeito de três ou mais dos seguintes critérios: glicemia de jejum 110mg/dL; triglicérides 110mg/dL; HDL-c 40mg/dL; circunferência da cintura percentil 90o para idade e sexo; pressão arterial sistólica e/ou diastólica percentil 90o para idade, sexo e percentil de estatura. As comparações entre as proporções foram realizadas pelo Teste Exato de Fisher e Teste do Qui-Quadrado, já a análise multivariada foi realizada através da Regressão Logística Binária, sendo adotado um p<0,05 para todas as análises. A proporção de meninos suficientemente ativos foi superior à proporção de meninas (40,5% vs 49,1%). 34,5% dos meninos e 27% das meninas estiveram acima do peso ideal. A CC esteve associada ao nível de atividade física e a PA associada ao comportamento alimentar nos meninos (p<0,05). Houve associação da CC, da PA, do TG e comportamento alimentar com o IMC nos meninos (p<0,01) e uma associação da CC, da PA, do TG e do HDL-c com o IMC nas meninas (p<0,01). Além disso, foi verificada nas meninas uma associação entre o nível de atividade física e a maturação sexual (p<0,01). A regressão logística binária mostrou que meninos pós-púberes possuem um fator protetor para a alteração da CC. Além disso, os meninos com excesso de peso possuem uma maior chance de apresentar a PA e o TG alterado em comparação com os meninos eutróficos. Já para o grupo de meninas, as que foram classificadas com excesso de peso apresentaram maiores chances de alteração na PA, no TG e no HDL-c em comparação com as de peso normal. Estratégias que viabilizem a prática de atividade física e o consumo alimentar adequado são procedimentos indispensáveis para a perda de peso e prevenção da SM na adolescência.Abstract: The present study aims to investigate the association of sexual maturity, physical activity level and food intake with the metabolic syndrome components in adolescents of both sexes, belonging to public schools in the city of Curitiba - PR. The sample consisted of 960 adolescents, of whom 412 were boys. Anthropometric measurements of weight, height and waist circumference were gauged. Through blood sample, lipid profile (HDL-C and TG) and glucose levels of each adolescent were characterized.The assessment of physical activity level was performed using the short form IPAQ version 8, (MATSUDO, 2007). Dietary habits were assessed using the food consumption short questionnaire related to cardiovascular risk in adolescents (CHIARA; SICHIERI, 2001). For sample biological maturation, it was assessed by Tanner (1962) putting. Auscultatory method was used to check blood pressure (NHBPEP, 2004). For metabolic syndrome definition, we used the adapted proposal for children and adolescents NCEP-ATP III, and metabolic syndrome was characterized by the presence in the same subject of three or more of following criteria: fasting glucose 110mg/dL, triglycerides 110mg/dL, HDL-c 40mg/dL; waist circumference 90th percentile for age and sex, systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure 90th percentile for age, sex, and height percentile. Comparisons between proportions were performed by Fisher's exact test and Chi- Square, while multivariate analysis was performed using the Binary Logistic Regression, being adopted p<0.05 for all analyzes. The proportion of sufficiently active boys was higher than girls proportion (40.5 % vs 49.1 %). 34.5 % of boys and 27 % of girls were overweight. The CC was associated with level of physical activity and BP associated with feeding behavior in boys (p<0.05). There was an association of WC, BP, TG and feeding behavior with BMI in boys (p<0,01) and an association of WC, BP, TG and HDL-C with BMI in girls (p<0,01). Furthermore, in girls it was found an association between physical activity level and sexual maturation (p<0,01). A binary logistic regression analysis showed that post-pubescent boys have a protective factor for altering the WC. In addition, the overweight boys have a higher chance for PA and TG raised compared with normal-weight boys. For the girls group, who were classified as overweight were more likely to present changes in BP, TG and HDL-C comparing with those normal weight. Strategies that enable the physical activity and adequate dietary intake are essential procedures for weight loss and MS prevention in adolescence

    The speciation of Noctua atlantica (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) occurred in the Azores as supported by a molecular clock based on mitochondrial COI sequences

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    The complete sequence of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of Noctua atlantica (Warren, 1905) has been determined and deposited in the NCBI GenBank under the Accession number AY600452. Complete and partial COI sequences of other Lepidoptera have been collected and used to reconstruct a phylogeny with both the Neighbor-Joining and the Maximum Likelihood methods. A molecular clock calibrated for our models indicate a divergence time between Noctua atlantica and Noctua pronuba of 4.7-5.9 Million years, consistent with the geological age of the Azores and suggesting that the speciation process of N. atlantica occurred in this archipelago

    In-season internal and external training monotony, strain and acute/chronic workload ratio variations between starters and non-starters of a top elite European soccer team

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    The aim of this study was two-fold: (a) to describe the in-season variations of training monotony, training strain, and acute: chronic workload ratio (ACWR) through session rated perceived exertion (s-RPE), total distance and high-speed running (HSR); (b) to compare those variations between starters and non-starters. Seventeen professional players from an European First League team participated in this study. They were divided in two groups: starters (n=9) and non-starters (n=8). The players were monitored daily over a 41-week period of competition where 52 matches occurred during the 2015- 2016 in-season. Through the collection of s-RPE, total distance and HSR, training monotony, training strain and ACWR were calculated for each measure, respectively. Data were analysed across ten mesocycles (M: 1 to 10). Results revealed no differences between starters vs non-starters (p>0.05). M6 had a greater number of matches and displayed higher values in monotony (s-RPE, total distance and HSR), strain (only for total distance) and ACWR (s-RPE, TD and HSR). However, the variation patterns for all indexes displayed some differences. In conclusion, the values of both starters and non starters showed small differences between them and thus suggesting that the adjustments of training workloads that had been applied over the season helped to reduce differences according to the player status. Even so, there some variations over the season (microcycles and mesocycles) for the whole team. This study could be used as reference for future coaches, staff and scientists.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In-season internal load and wellness variations in professional women soccer players: comparisons between playing positions and status

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    The internal intensity monitoring in soccer has been used more in recent years in men's football, however, in women's soccer, the existing literature is still scarce. The aims of this study were threefold: (a) to describe the weekly variations of training monotony (Foster, 1998), training strain and acute:chronic workload ratio (Murray et al., 2017) through session Rated Perceived Exertion (s-RPE); (b) to describe weekly variations of Hooper Index [stress, fatigue, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) and sleep] (Hooper & Mackinnon, 1995); and (c) to compare those variations between playing positions and player status. Nineteen players (24.1±2.7 years) from a Portuguese BPI League professional team participated in this study. All variables were collected in a 10-week in-season period with 3 training sessions and 1 match per week during the 2019/20 season. Considering the overall team, the results showed that there were some associations between Hooper Index categories and s-RPE like stress or fatigue (0.693, p<0.01), stress or DOMS (0.593, p<0.01), stress or s-RPE (-0.516, p<0.05) and fatigue or DOMS (0.688, p<0.01). There were no differences between all parameters in playing positions or player status. In conclusion, the study revealed that higher levels of fatigue and DOMS occurs concurrently with better nights of sleep. Moreover, any in-season variations concerning internal load and perceived wellness seems independent of position or status in outfield players. Also, the data showed that the higher the players’ reported stress, the lower the observed s-RPE, thus possible indicating a mutual interference of experienced stress levels on the assimilation of training intensity by women elite soccer players.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perfil epidemiologico e histopatologico do melanoma cutaneo em um centro do nordeste brasileiro de 2000 a 2010

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    BACKGROUND:While representing only 3-4% of malignant skin tumors, cutaneous melanoma is the most aggressive and lethal. Statistical knowledge about the biological behavior of this tumor is essential for guiding daily outpatient practice and aiding public health policies.OBJECTIVES:To analyze the profile of patients with cutaneous melanoma attending a pathology department in Teresina (state of Piauí) between 2000 and 2010.METHODS:Retrospective study of melanoma patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2010 in the São Marcos Hospital in the city of Teresina. The pathology laboratory reports were studied and all the statistical analyses performed using SPSS 19.0.RESULTS:A total of 25 in situ, 199 invasive and 89 metastatic melanomas of unknown primary site were observed. Histological types found were nodular (52.8%), superficial spreading melanoma (18.6%), acral (10.6%) and lentigo maligna (9.5%). In 144 (73.4%) cases the Breslow thickness was >1 mm. Metastasis was found in 28.6% of invasive melanomas and nodular melanoma, Clark IV/ V, Breslow > 1 mm, mitotic index > 6 and ulcerated lesions were more likely to metastasize.CONCLUSION:Most melanomas presented Breslow> 1mm. The main factors associated with metastasis were nodular type, Clark IV / V, Breslow> 1mm, mitotic index > 6 and ulcerated lesions.FUNDAMENTOS:Apesar de representar apenas 3-4% dos tumores malignos de pele, o melanoma cutâneo é o mais agressivo e letal deles. O conhecimento estatístico do comportamento biológico deste tumor em nosso meio ambiente é fundamental para orientar a prática ambulatorial diária e para auxiliar políticas de saúde pública.OBJETIVOS:Analisar o perfil de pacientes com melanoma cutâneo diagnosticados em serviço de referência em patologia em Teresina-Piauí no período de 2000 a 2010.MÉTODOS:Estudo retrospectivo de pacientes com melanoma diagnosticados entre 2000 e 2010 no Hospital São Marcos, Teresina-Piauí-Brasil. Estudou-se laudos histopatológicos e realizou-se análises estatísticas com o programa SPSS 19,0.RESULTADOS:Um total de 25 melanomas in situ, 199 invasivos e 89 metastáticos de sítio primário desconhecido foram observados. Tipos histológicos encontrados foram nodular (52,8%), melanoma extensivo superficial (18,6%), acral (10,6%) e lentigo maligno (9,5%). Em 144 (73,4%) casos o índice de Breslow foi >1 mm. Verificou-se metástases em 28,6% dos melanomas invasivos e melanoma nodular, Clark IV/V, Breslow >1 mm, índice mitótico ≥6 e lesões ulceradas estavam mais propensos a metástases.CONCLUSÃO:Melanomas com Breslow >1mm foram os casos predominantes. Principais fatores associados a metástase foram tipo nodular, Clark IV/V, Breslow >1mm, índice mitótico ≥6 e lesões ulceradas.Piaui Federal UniversityFederal University of São PauloUSP Ribeirao Preto Medical FacultySao Marcos HospitalFederal University of PiauiUNIFESPSciEL

    Morphometric and statistical analysis of the palmaris longus muscle in human and non-human primates

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    The palmaris longus is considered a phylogenetic degenerate metacarpophalangeal joint flexor muscle in humans, a small vestigial forearm muscle; it is the most variable muscle in humans, showing variation in position, duplication, slips and could be reverted. It is frequently studied in papers about human anatomical variations in cadavers and in vivo, its variation has importance in medical clinic, surgery, radiological analysis, in studies about high-performance athletes, in genetics and anthropologic studies.Most studies about palmaris longus in humans are associated to frequency or case studies, but comparative anatomy in primates and comparative morphometry were not found in scientific literature. Comparative anatomy associated to morphometry of palmaris longus could explain the degeneration observed in this muscle in two of three of the great apes. Hypothetically, the comparison of the relative length of tendons and belly could indicate the pathway of the degeneration of this muscle, that is, the degeneration could be associated to increased tendon length and decreased belly from more primitive primates to those most derivate, that is, great apes to modern humans. In conclusion, in primates, the tendon of the palmaris longus increase fromLemuriformes tomodern humans, that is, from arboreal to terrestrial primates and the muscle became weaker and tending to be missing