3,676 research outputs found

    Curves with Canonical Models on Scrolls

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    Let CC be an integral and projective curve whose canonical model CC' lies on a rational normal scroll SS of dimension nn. We mainly study some properties on CC, such as gonality and the kind of singularities, in the case where n=2n=2 and CC is non-Gorenstein, and in the case where n=3n=3, the scroll SS is smooth, and CC' is a local complete intersection inside SS. We also prove that a rational monomial curve with just one singular point lies on a surface scroll if and only if its gonality is at most 33, and that it lies on a threefold scroll if and only if its gonality is at most 44

    El impacto de la formación en línea en la transferencia de comportamiento y en el desempeño laboral en una gran organización

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    Este estudio analiza la efectividad de la formación en línea en una gran organización. Se ha probado la influencia de diferentes procesos de la formación, como las estrategias de aprendizaje, las reacciones, el apoyo a la transferencia y las barreras, en la transferencia del comportamiento y el desempeño laboral. Los participantes fueron 3,600 empleados de un banco público brasileño que participaron en una formación en línea en el trabajo. Seis meses después, sus supervisores evaluaron las influencias de la formación en el comportamiento laboral de sus subordinados. Los hallazgos indicaron que en la autoevaluación la transferencia del comportamiento se predijo mediante estrategias de aprendizaje de elaboración/aplicación práctica, reacciones a la formación, apoyo organizacional y de pares; las estrategias de control de la motivación, cognitivas/búsqueda de ayuda y elaboración/aplicación práctica, junto con las reacciones a la formación, se relacionaron significativamente con el desempeño laboral. En la heteroevaluación, el apoyo del supervisor contribuyó a explicar la transferencia del comportamiento y las estrategias cognitivas/búsqueda de ayuda explicaron el desempeño laboral. Se identificó el papel mediador de las reacciones a la formación y el apoyo a la transferencia mostró efectos moderadores marginales.This study analyzes the effectiveness of online training in a large organization. We tested the influence of different training processes, such as learning strategies, reactions, support of transfer, and barriers, on behavioral transfer and job performance. The participants were 3,600 employees of a Brazilian public bank after taking part in online training at work. Six months later, their supervisors evaluated the influences of the training on their subordinates’ work behaviors. Findings indicated that in self-evaluation behavioral transfer was predicted by elaboration/practical application learning strategies, trainees’ reactions to training, organizational, and peer support; motivation control, cognitive/help-seeking, and elaboration/practical application learning strategies, along with trainees’ reactions to training, were significantly related to job performance. In hetero-evaluation, supervisor support contributed to explaining behavioral transfer, and cognitive/help-seeking strategies explained job performance. The mediating role of reactions to training was identified, and support of transfer showed marginal moderating effects.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PSI2015-64894-

    Learning strategies scale: adaptation to Portuguese and factor structure

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    Since learning strategies seem to be an important set of variables to explain the effectiveness of training and e-learning in organizations is here to stay, this paper aimed to analyze the factor structure and psychometric properties of a Learning Strategies Scale (LSS) and its relationship with the training transfer in an e-learning corporate context. A total of 3600 employees of a Brazilian bank participated in this study by responding to the LSS after taking part in an online course. We measured training transfer with self-evaluation and hetero-evaluation scales. Internal consistency, confirmatory factor analysis, and multiple regressions were conducted. A four-factor structure and an acceptable level of fit for the model were found. All types of learning strategies were related to training transfer in self-evaluation, and the cognitive and help-seeking strategies contributed to explain training transfer in hetero-evaluation. As a reliable and valid measure that predicts the effectiveness of training and job performance, participants should be advised about the learning strategies that produce better performance results at the workplace. Future research should use it in different contexts and samples, analyzing its relationships with other workplace variables.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior” (CAPES/Brazil

    Modelling the occurrence of Physalia physalis in the North Atlantic Ocean at different spatial and temporal scales

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    Frequent jellyfish blooms cause human health issues and closures of coastal areas, impacting different economic sectors like tourism, fisheries, aquaculture farms and industry. Understanding the drivers of jellyfish bloom and predicting their occurrence is therefore essential to develop effective management plans. The Portuguese Man-of-War (Physalia physalis) is a dangerous cosmopolitan siphonophore and its ecology remains largely understudied. The objective of this study is to understand the main environmental drivers (e.g., temperature, productivity, wind and ocean patterns) that explain the occurrence of P. physalis at a macroecological scale (the North Atlantic Ocean) and at a regional scale (Faial Island from the Azores archipelago), and to predict its distribution and temporal trends. We implemented machine learning modelling that fed on high-resolution environmental data and occurrence data describing its distribution in the North Atlantic Ocean and long-term temporal variability in the Faial Island (Azores). Models retrieved high accuracy scores and showed that the distribution of P. physalis is mainly explained by primary productivity, temperature and currents direction at the macroecological scale and by primary productivity and wind patterns at the regional scale. The models also showed a higher probability of occurrence on both Atlantic coasts and offshore North-northwest Atlantic. Models fed on temporal datasets demonstrate decadal fluctuations rather than significant increases over time, contradicting the previously established hypothesis that jellyfish blooms are increasing. By using species distribution modelling, we provide a better understanding on how environmental variability shapes the occurrence of P. physalis at different spatial and temporal scales (macroecological and regional), which can be considered in management plans and policies. In the future, projected global warming and decreased primary productivity in the North Atlantic may cause significant poleward shifting of this species, adversely affecting human health, socioeconomics and ecosystems in regions not currently used to deal with such impacts.Os frequentes blooms de medusas causam problemas de saúde humana e encerramentos de zonas costeiras, que têm impactos em diferentes sectores económicos como o turismo, pescas, explorações aquícolas e indústria. Compreender quais os factores ambientais que levam aos blooms de medusas e prever a sua ocorrência é, portanto, essencial para desenvolver planos de gestão eficazes. A caravela portuguesa (Physalia physalis) é um perigoso sifonóforo cosmopolita com um pneumatóforo flutuante e longos tentáculos com células urticantes cuja ecologia permanece pouco estudada. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender os principais fatores ambientais (por exemplo, temperatura, produtividade, vento e padrões oceânicos) que explicam a ocorrência da P. physalis à escala macroecológica (o Oceano Atlântico Norte) e à escala regional (Ilha do Faial do arquipélago dos Açores), e prever a sua distribuição e tendências temporais. Implementámos modelos de machine learning que se alimentam de dados ambientais de alta resolução e dados de ocorrência descrevendo a sua distribuição no Oceano Atlântico Norte e a variabilidade temporal a longo prazo na Ilha do Faial (Açores). Os modelos de alta precisão e mostraram que a distribuição de P. physalis é principalmente explicada pela produtividade primária, temperatura e direção das correntes à escala macroecológica e pela produtividade primária e padrões de vento à escala regional. Os modelos também mostraram uma maior probabilidade de ocorrência da espécie na costa e região Norte-noroeste do Atlântico Norte. Os modelos alimentados com conjuntos de dados temporais demonstram flutuações decadais em vez de aumentos significativos ao longo do tempo, contradizendo a hipótese previamente estabelecida de que os blooms de medusas estão a aumentar. Ao modelar a distribuição da espécie, fornecemos uma melhor compreensão de como a variabilidade ambiental molda a ocorrência de P. physalis em diferentes escalas espaciais e temporais (macroecológicas e regionais), o que pode ser considerado em planos e políticas de gestão. No futuro, o aquecimento global projetado e a diminuição da produtividade primária no Atlântico Norte podem causar deslocamentos significativos desta espécie em direção ao pólo, afetando negativamente a saúde humana, a socioeconómica e os ecossistemas em regiões que atualmente não estão habituadas a lidar com tais impactos

    Medida de necesidades de entrenamiento para la atención en salud al público LGBT+

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    Inadequate and ineffective care provided by health professionals to the LGBT+ public can cause countless damages to those who demand care. An alternative to improve the service provided is to promote training actions for professionals that should be initiated by the Training Needs Analysis (TNA). This study aimed at building and validating, theoretically and statistically, a TNA instrument for health professionals related to humanized care for LGBT+ individuals for the Brazilian context. The data collection was done in two stages, in person and virtually, and had 449 professionals who responded to the TNA instrument built. The data was analyzed by means of content analyses, exploratory factors and internal consistency. The scale presented a uni-factorial structure with evidence of validity and reliability, and can be used as a diagnostic tool to verify the gaps in the competence of health professionals in the care of LGBT+ people.La atención inadecuada e ineficaz que brindan los profesionales de la salud al público LGBT+ puede causar numerosos daños a quienes la necesitan. Una alternativa para mejorar el servicio prestado es promover la capacitación de profesionales, que debe ser iniciada por el Análisis de Necesidades de Entrenamiento (ANE). El estudio describe los procedimientos de construcción y validación, teórica y estadística, de un instrumento de ANE destinado a los profesionales de salud que trabajan con población LGBT+. La colecta de datos fue hecha en dos etapas, presencial y virtualmente, y contó con 449 profesionales que respondieron al instrumento de ANE construido. Los datos fueron analizados mediante análisis de contenido, factoriales exploratorias y de consistencia interna. La escala presentó una estructura factorial con evidencias de validez y confiabilidad, pudiendo ser utilizada como herramienta de diagnóstico para verificar las deficiencias de competencias de los profesionales de salud cuanto al atendimiento a las personas LGBT+.A assistência inadequada e ineficaz proporcionada por profissionais de saúde ao público LGBT+ pode causar inúmeros danos àqueles que demandam cuidados. Uma alternativa para melhorar o atendimento prestado é promover ações de capacitação aos profissionais que devem ser iniciadas pela Análise de Necessidades de Treinamento (ANT).  O presente estudo teve como objetivo construir e validar, teórica e estatisticamente, um instrumento de ANT destinado aos profissionais de saúde relacionado ao atendimento humanizado ao indivíduo LGBT+ para o contexto brasileiro. A coleta de dados foi feita em duas etapas, presencial e virtualmente, e contou com 449 profissionais que responderam ao instrumento de ANT construído. Os dados foram analisados mediante análises de conteúdo, fatoriais exploratórias e de consistência interna. A escala apresentou uma estrutura unifatorial com evidências de validade e confiabilidade, podendo ser utilizada como ferramenta de diagnóstico para verificar as lacunas de competências dos profissionais de saúde quanto ao atendimento às pessoas LGBT+.&nbsp

    Critical and Instrumental Perspectives of Interdisciplinarity for Business Education

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    Home The Route Towards Global Sustainability Chapter Critical and Instrumental Perspectives of Interdisciplinarity for Business Education Flavio Martins, Luciana Cezarino & Lara Liboni Chapter First Online: 08 February 2023 110 Accesses Abstract Sustainable Development Education is considered one of the main vectors for a sustainability transition. Sustainability is a broad field, inherently occupied by different knowledge areas that drink from each other to address the complexity of safeguarding the biosphere for the current and future human and nonhuman inhabitants. With the advent of new frameworks addressing sustainable development under a wider and more detailed lens, such as Aichi Targets, Millennium Development Goals, and ultimately the Sustainable Development Goals, the call for interdisciplinarity becomes even more needed. Interdisciplinarity can be seen as combining methods, theoretical approaches, and epistemological perspectives in diverse working groups for problem-solving; interdisciplinarity can also assume a critical perspective, grounded on the real-world problem needs. We assume that critical and instrumental perspectives, combined in the higher education milieu, can be the answer for educating leaders that hold the theoretical repertoire and the practical competencies that enable them to be agents of changing realitie

    Increasing Brand equity at Rreclusa: analysis of a premium fashion brand with a social cause

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    Reclusa is a Portuguese non-profit social business that aims to help female inmates reintegrate into society after serving their sentences, by selling premium handmade bags and accessories manufactured at a Portuguese prison. Although the brand is developing a unique social business concept, it is not achieving the desired financial sustainability. This Work Project was developed to provide branding and marketing recommendations to Reclusa, for the project to become more profitable and self-sufficient and, therefore, be able to better achieve its social mission. In order to do so, a brand audit was developed, including secondary data, alongside a primary research, through participant observation and qualitative interviews, to gather more in-depth insights. Findings reveal that Reclusa has a low brand equity, once consumers do not have a high level of familiarity with the brand and do not hold strong brand associations. As so, recommendations provided are tools for Reclusa to increase brand awareness, improve brand positioning and establish a more positive brand image, in order to reach a higher brand equity, increasing the brand's value to attain financial sustainability

    Perception of the meaning of the caretaker's function for a group of nurses is caretakers: convergences are divergences in its speeches

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    This study review the of role the caretaker at the pediatric unit while the child is in hospital. The opinions of caretaker and nurses were surveyed as for the role that the participating family member would have during their stay along with the child in hospital. Data were gathered between April and June 1997 in units allowing for children to stay together with caretaker, at state hospitals. The interviews with the groups were separated by menu of the stafement analysis, based on the studies by COSTA (1992), and FRIEDMAN (1986), which allowed us to determine six categories: Security & Protection, Caretaking, Recovery, Knowledge, Supervisionn and Guidance, which in turn allowed us to study, although in a modest fashion, the agrements and disagreements regarding how our interviewews perceive the role of the caretaker.Este estudo discute a função do cuidador na unidade pediátrica durante a internação da criança. Foram levantadas as opiniões de cuidadores e enfermeiras a respeito da função que caberia ao familiar acompanhante durante sua permanência junto a criança hospitalizada. Os dados foram colhidos no período de abril junho de 1997 em unidades de internação conjunta pediátrica de um hospital da rede plública estadual. As enfermeiras com os grupos foram decompostas por meio da analise de discurso, baseado nos estudos de COSTA(1992); FRIENDMAN (1980), que nos possibilitou chegar a seis categorias: Segurança e Proteção, Cuidar, Recuperação, conhecimento, Supervisão e Orientação, que nos permitiu uma explanarão das convergências e divergências nas percepções dos nossos entrevistados sobre a função do cuidador.UNIFESP-EPMUniversidade cidade de São PauloUSP Escola de EnfermagemUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Scale of Support for Training Transfer

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    O estudo objetivou analisar a estrutura fatorial e as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Suporte à Transferência de Treinamento (ESTT) e sua relação com a efetividade do treinamento no trabalho. Um total de 1.540 funcionários de um banco estatal brasileiro participou do estudo respondendo à ESTT e à escala de impacto do treinamento no trabalho em amplitude depois de realizar um curso online. Foram realizadas análises de consistência interna, fatorial confirmatória e de regressões múltiplas. Uma estrutura com três fatores foi encontrada, bem como um alto nível de ajuste para os modelos. As medidas apresentam evidências de validade de construto e o suporte percebido pelos participantes esteve positivamente relacionado com a transferência de competências para o trabalho e desempenho geral.This study aimed to analyze the factor structure and psychometric properties of a Training Transfer Support Scale (STTS) and its relationship with the effectiveness of training at work. A total of 1,540 employees of a public Brazilian bank participated in this study by responding to the STTS and a measure of transfer of training after taking part in an online course. Reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and multiple regressions were conducted. A three-factor structure was found and a high level of fit for the models. Evidence of the construct validity of the measures was obtained, and the participants’ perception of support was positive related to the transfer of training to the workplace and overall performance.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PSI2015-64894-