1,212 research outputs found
Higher education & social justice : a case study of England's educational system
The focus of this thesis is to analyze the contribution of HE to social justice in England’s society. Recent educational reforms claimed for a ‘fairer’ educational system, although the literature points to a divergent pattern of participation and attainment rates in education according to the individuals’ socio-economic background. The study of educational equity / equality is a small, but important part of social justice. Inequality is likely to occur in relation to educational opportunities in terms of access (participation), output (attainment) and outcome (the consequences of education). Based on this rhetoric, this study analyzes two functions of HE, its import
and export role. As they are both interconnected, this research project offers first an in-depth look at the import role of HE in England, establishing a student profile and discussing recent educational policy reforms. Two different theoretical perspectives
(focusing either rational action or social structures) will aid at understanding the differences between social groups, in terms of access / participation and attainment in HE. Overviewing the import role of HE provides a solid foundation upon which the export role will be looked at, by exploring the individual and societal benefits of HE, namely through a key component – knowledge. Even though inequalities are an inherit part of society, the literature points to the positive effects of education, through the widespreadapplications of knowledge, at both individual and societal levels
Tolerance response of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to climate change: biochemical aspects of salinity- and/or heat-induced stress
In the face of ongoing and projected climate change, including longer and more severe heat waves, longer periods of water shortage and the growing problem of soil salinity, the understanding of plants´ response to the combination of two abiotic stress factors that commonly occur simultaneously - salinity and heat - is a matter of special interest. Thus, in this study, the effect of the co-exposure of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme) to salt (100 mM NaCl) and heat (42 ºC; 4 h/day) was evaluated. After 28 days of growth, 21 of which under the salt irrigation and/or heat exposure treatment, plants were collected and used for biometric and biochemical measurements. The individual exposure of tomato plants to heat or salt led to a significant reduction of both shoot and root length and dry weight, which was more pronounced in the combined treatment. Moreover, the co-exposure treatment negatively affected
chlorophylls and carotenoids content, again, impacting much more on these parameters than the individual stresses. Lipid peroxidation levels in shoots also decreased, similarly to individual treatments. However, in roots, only the heat stress showed this effect. Hydrogen peroxide levels were reduced in shoots for every treatment and, oppositely, increased in roots for both heat and combined treatments. In what concerns antioxidant metabolites, glutathione levels were equally reduced in plants exposed to salt and the combined treatment. Contrarily, these two treatments led to an exorbitant increase in proline - a powerful osmolyte - in the whole plant, although this effect was more pronounced when the plants were exposed only to salt stress. Overall, the results of the present study suggest that tomato plants adopt different strategies for each stressor, however, further studies are underway to better understand the biochemical basis underlying tomato´s response to combined heat and salinity stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The present work, lodges in the fi eld of the History of Health and Diseases and presents as a thematic clipping, the conditions of assistance and protection to Brazilianchildhood in the 19th and 20th centuries. We will analyze how the aforementioned institutions provided support and protection to underprivileged children in that context.Th is is a study carried out by means of a documentary and bibliographic survey about the period and in line with current historiography.O presente trabalho, aloja-se no campo da História da Saúde e das Doenças e apresenta como recorte temático, as condições de assistência e proteção a infância brasileira nos séculos XIX e XX. Analisaremos como as referidas instituições prestaram amparo e proteção as crianças desvalidas no referido contexto. Trata-se de um estudo realizado por meio do levantamento documental e bibliográfico acerca do período e em consonância com a historiografia vigente
O objeto de investigação deste trabalho é a construção regional de Goiás através de seu cenário nosológico, nos séculos XVIII e XIX. O objetivo principal é realizar um mapeamento sobre as moléstias reinantes no território goiano com base nos relatos dos viajantes estrangeiros, com o intuito de vislumbrar como a sociedade da época lidava com a presença de corpos doentes. A hipótese se baseia na ideia de que em virtude da escassez de estudos e das visões deturpadas no que tange as praticas medicas vigentes, houve a disseminação de uma visão negativa sobre Goiás, apregoada em grande parte pelos forasteiros, que empregaram uma visão exterior sobre a província goiana, sendo esta caracterizada como um imenso sertão doente
Role of Candida species from HIV infected children in enamel caries lesions: an in vitro study
Objectives This study analyzed the capacity of Candida spp. from dental biofilm of HIV infected (HIV+) children to demineralize primary molar enamel in vitro by Transversal Microhardness (TMH), Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) and the quantity of calcium ions (Ca2+) released from the enamel. Material and Methods Candida spp. samples were isolated from the supragingival biofilm of HIV+ children. A hundred and forty (140) enamel blocks were randomly assigned to six groups: biofilm formed by C. albicans (Group 1); mixed biofilm formed by C. albicans and C. tropicalis (Group 2); mixed biofilm formed by C. albicans and C. parapsilosis (Group 3); mixed biofilm formed by C. albicans, C. parapsilosis and C. glabrata (Group 4); biofilm formed by C. albicans ATCC (Group 5) and medium without Candida (Group 6). Enamel blocks from each group were removed on days 3, 5, 8 and 15 after biofilm formation to evaluate the TMH and images of enamel were analyzed by PLM. The quantity of Ca2+ released, from Groups 1 and 6, was determined using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The SPSS program was used for statistical analysis and the significance level was 5%. Results TMH showed a gradual reduction in enamel hardness (
Ginkgo biloba L. Leaf Extract Protects HepG2 Cells Against Paraquat-Induced Oxidative DNA Damage
Ginkgo biloba L. leaf extracts and herbal infusions are used worldwide due to the health
benefits that are attributed to its use, including anti-neoplastic, anti-aging, neuro-protection,
antioxidant and others. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an aqueous Ginkgo
biloba extract on HepG2 cell viability, genotoxicity and DNA protection against paraquat-induced
oxidative damage. Exposure to paraquat (PQ), over 24 h incubation at 1.0 and 1.5 µM, did not
significantly reduce cell viability but induced concentration and time-dependent oxidative DNA
damage. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract produced dose-dependent cytotoxicity (IC50 = 540.8 ± 40.5 µg/mL
at 24 h exposure), and short incubations (1 h) produced basal and oxidative DNA damage (>750 and
1500 µg/mL, respectively). However, lower concentrations (e.g., 75 µg/mL) of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract
were not cytotoxic and reduced basal DNA damage, indicating a protective effect at incubations up to
4 h. On the other hand, longer incubations (24 h) induced oxidative DNA damage. Co-incubation of
HepG2 cells for 4 h, with G. biloba leaf extract (75 µg/mL) and PQ (1.0 or 1.5 µM) significantly reduced
PQ-induced oxidative DNA damage. In conclusion, the consumption of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract for
long periods at high doses/concentrations is potentially toxic; however, low doses protect the cells
against basal oxidative damage and against environmentally derived toxicants that induce oxidative
DNA damage.Financial support was received from the INTERACT project—“Integrative Research in Environment,
Agro-Chains and Technology”, no. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000017, in its line of research entitled ISAC, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through NORTE 2020 (North Regional Operational Program 2014/2020). C.M.-G. was supported by a grant from INTERACT (BIM/UTAD/30/2018). The Portuguese Science
and Technology Foundation (FCT) is also acknowledged under the projects UID/AGR/04033/2019 (CITAB) and
UID/CVT/00772/2019 (CECAV).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Resumo: Os crescentes e necessários estudos sobre sujeito praticados por campos de saberes como a psicologia, a sociologia, a antropologia, a geografia e a história, encontram nos temas “jovens”, “juventude”, “condição juvenil”, motivos para o desenvolvimento de uma “escuta metodológica”. As experiências dos grupos juvenis na periferia urbana no campo do trabalho, da cultura, das relações afetivas e de trabalho e os atravessamentos sofridos num ambiente marcado concretamente pela estrutura da acumulação financeirizada que precariza o trabalho; pela informalização e desregulação; pela desterritorialização global do trabalho; pela luta desesperada pelo emprego numa economia de monopólio e de desigualdade social e pela cultura conflituosa a partir do consumo, da crença religiosa; do hedonismo; do sexismo e das lutas sociais envolvendo gênero, etnia e outras categorias identitárias, se expressam na múltipla dicção juvenil. Partimos de uma posição: escutar os jovens é uma forma de, com Eles, a partir deles, enfrentar os desafios pedagógicos e políticos da escola pública. O presente trabalho valerá de uma coleta de falas de jovens da escola pública goianiense, o qual denominamos “cartas de vida”. Montou-se também gravações videográficas; e, conversas informais. Esses procedimentos foram juntados a uma pesquisa de questionário semiestruturado que possibilitou sintetizar indicadores das representações juvenis pertinentes a vários temas de suas vidas. O resultado dessa escuta elencou, esclareceu e permitiu sistematizar a qualidade e a natureza dos desafios pedagógicos da escola pública da periferia de Goiânia.
Palavras-chaves: juventude contemporânea; narrativas de juventude; escola pública; periferia urbana.
Abstract: The growing and necessaries studies about subjects practiced by fields of knowledge like psicology, sociology, anthropology, geography, and history, find in themes “youngs”, “youth”, “juvenile condition”, motives to the development of a “methodologic hearing”. The experience of the young groups in the urban outskirts, in the camp of labor, of culture, of afective and work relationships, and the crossings suffereds in a environment marked concretely by the structure of financialized accumulation that precarious work; by the informalization and desregulation; by the global deterritorialization of labor; by the desperate fight for the job in a economy of monopoly and social inequality and conflicting culture from consumption, of religious belief; of hedonism; of sexism and the socials fightings envolving gender, ethnicity and other identity categories, express themselfs in the multiple youth diction. We start from a position: listen the youngs is a form of, with them, from them, face the pedagogicals and politicals challenges of a public school. The presente article will use a collection of lines of the youngs in the public schools of the state of Goiás, wich we call “letters of life”. Also mounted videographic records; and informal conversations. This procedures was joined in a research of a semi-structured questionnaire wich make it possible sintetize indicators of youth representations pertinent to the various themes of their lives. The result of this hearing listed, clarified and allowed to systematize the quality and the nature of the pedagogical challenges of the public school in the outskirts of the city of Goiânia.
Keywords: contemporary youth; youth narratives; public school; urban outskirts
Agregado leve: uma alternativa sustentável para o reaproveitamento de resíduo de serragem no processo industrial
A serragem gerada no processamento da madeira tanto em lojas moveleiras como na extração de árvores é um resíduo que possui diversas aplicações para reutilização, mas que, em muitos casos, ainda é descartado de forma irregular no meio ambiente, contaminando o solo, o ar e a água. A produção de agregado leve pode ser uma opção para o reaproveitamento dessa serragem. O agregado leve (AL) é uma opção de brita usada em construção civil com o objetivo de reduzir o peso da estrutura, melhorar o conforme térmico e acústico ou, ainda, como opção para locais onde a brita não está disponível. No Brasil e em quase todo o mundo existem argilas comuns disponíveis e que poderiam ser utilizadas na produção de agregado leve. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi produzir um AL para diferentes aplicações, entre elas como agregado para construção civil, tijolos e como elemento de adorno. Foram testadas formulações para a produção de agregado leve contendo argila ilita e serragem. Também, para efeito de comparação, foi adquirido um agregado leve comercial, e formulações feitas com argila e carvão mineral, argila e óleo combustível. Os corpos de prova foram produzidos por prensagem à pressão de 30 MPa, em formato cilíndrico com diâmetro de 19 mm e altura de 15 mm. Após a queima, os corpos de prova foram caracterizados por ensaios tecnológicos de absorção de água, densidade aparente, resistência à compressão, difração de raios X e análise química por fluorescência de raios X. Os resultados mostraram que a incorporação de serragem nas formulações pode ser uma alternativa para a produção de agregado leve, uma vez que se obtiveram alta resistência e baixa densidade em comparação com o agregado leve comercial e os produzidos com materiais não sustentáveis. Além disso, o uso da serragem contribuiu para a redução do impacto ambiental causado pelo descarte desnecessário de serragem e pela extração de recursos naturais, necessários para a produção de materiais de construção.Sawdust generated by wood processing, both in industries processing and in tree felling, is a waste that has several applications for reuse, but, in many cases, it is still discarded irregularly in the environment, contaminating the soil, air, and water. The production of lightweight aggregate (LWA) can be an option for the reuse of this sawdust. The LWA is a gravel solution used in civil construction with the objective of reducing the weight of the structure, improving thermal and acoustic compliance, or as an option for locations where gravel is not available. In Brazil, and in most parts of the world, there are common clays available that can be used in the LWA production. The aim of this research was to produce an LWA for different applications, among them, as aggregate for civil construction, bricks, and as an adornment element. Formulations were tested to produce LWA containing illitic clay and sawdust. In the same way, for comparison, a commercial LWA was purchased, and formulations were made with clay and coal, and clay and fuel oil. The specimens were produced by pressing at 30 MPa in a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 19 mm and a height of 15 mm. After firing, the specimens were characterized by technological tests of water absorption, bulk density, compressive strength, X-ray diffraction analysis, and chemistry by X-ray fluorescence. The results indicated that the incorporation of sawdust in the formulations can be an alternative to produce LWA, once it obtained high strength and low density, compared to commercial LWA and to that produced with unattractive materials. Furthermore, it may contribute to the reduction of environmental impact, resulting from the disposal of sawdust and the generation of natural resources, necessary to produce construction materials
Las contribuciones de los agentes conversacionales en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la física : revisión de la literatura
O artigo aborda as contribuições do agente conversacional/chatbot/tutor virtual no ensino e aprendizagem dos conteúdos da Física. O chatbot é um programa que simula um diálogo entre o homem e um robô em linguagem natural. A pesquisa bibliográfica contempla estudos internacionais e nacionais, mediado pela busca das palavras-chave: (chatbot, education, high school, physics); com recorte temporal de 2016-2020, utilizou-se 08 artigos que atendiam aos critérios de inclusão. Os benefícios para aprendizagem compõem-se: estabelecimento de uma metodologia ativa de ensino, proposição de mais um “espaço virtual” para receber feedback; capacidade de simular experimentos, proporcionando uma alternativa à escassez de laboratórios de Ciências. O agente conversacional, comparado a outros métodos pedagógicos, demonstra-se superior à leitura de um livro sobre os mesmos conteúdos, em tempos iguais. A evolução na aprendizagem foi equivalente em pesquisas relacionando o tutor virtual e tutores humanos, prevalecendo os tutores humanos em situações de esclarecimento de dúvidas.he article addresses the contributions of the conversational agent/chatbot/virtual tutor in teaching and learning the contents of Physics. The chatbot is a program that simulates a dialogue between man and a robot in natural language. The bibliographic research includes international and national studies, mediated by the search for keywords: (chatbot, education, high school, physics); with a 2016-2020 time frame, 08 articles were used that contemplate the inclusion criteria. The benefits for learning are: establishment of an active teaching methodology, proposing yet another “virtual space” to receive feedback; ability to simulate experiments, providing an alternative to the scarcity of science laboratories. The conversational agent, compared to other pedagogical methods, proves to be superior to reading a book on the same contents, at equal times. The evolution in learning was equivalent in research relating the virtual tutor and human tutors, with human tutors prevailing in situations of clarification of doubts.El artículo aborda las aportaciones del agente conversacional/chatbot/tutor virtual en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de los contenidos de Física. El chatbot es un programa que simulaun diálogo entre un hombre y un robot en lenguaje natural. La investigación bibliográfica incluye estudios internacionales y nacionales, mediados por la búsqueda de palabras clave: (chatbot, educación, bachillerato, física); con un marco temporal 2016-2020, se utilizaron 08 artículos que contemplan los criterios de inclusión. Los beneficios para el aprendizaje son: establecimiento de una metodología de enseñanza activa, proponiendo otro “espacio virtual” para recibir retroalimentación; capacidad para simular experimentos, proporcionando una alternativa a la escasez de laboratorios de ciencias. El agente conversacional, comparado con otros métodos pedagógicos, resulta superior a leer un libro sobre los mismos contenidos, en momentos iguales. La evolución en el aprendizaje fue equivalente en las investigaciones que relacionan al tutor virtual y los tutores humanos, predominando los tutores humanos en situaciones de aclaración de dudas
Impact of combined heat and salt stresses on tomato plants-insights into nutrient uptake and redox homeostasis
Currently, salinity and heat are two critical threats to crop production and food security which are being aggravated by the global climatic instability. In this scenario, it is imperative to understand plant responses to simultaneous exposure to different stressors and the cross-talk between underlying functional mechanisms. Thus, in this study, the physiological and biochemical responses of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to the combination of salinity (100 mM NaCl) and heat (42 degrees C; 4 h/day) stress were evaluated. After 21 days of co-exposure, the accumulation of Na+ in plant tissues was superior when salt-treated plants were also exposed to high temperatures compared to the individual saline treatment, leading to the depletion of other nutrients and a harsher negative effect on plant growth. Despite that, neither oxidative damage nor a major accumulation of reactive oxygen species took place under stress conditions, mostly due to the accumulation of antioxidant (AOX) metabolites alongside the activation of several AOX enzymes. Nonetheless, the plausible allocation of resources towards the defense pathways related to oxidative and osmotic stress, along with severe Na toxicity, heavily compromised the ability of plants to grow properly when the combination of salinity and heat was imposed.This research was partially supported through national funds by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), within the scope of UIDB/05748/2020 and UIDP/05748/2020 (GreenUPorto), UIDB/04050/2020 (CBMA), UIDB/50006/2020 (LAQV-REQUIMTE), as well as the PEST(bio)CIDE project (PCIF/GVB/0150/2018) and the Val-Wrack project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029818). The work was also supported by the FCT and European funds (FEDER/POCI/COMPETE2020) through the research project "BerryPlastid" with ref. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028165 and ref. PTDC/BIA-FBT/28165/2017. The authors also acknowledge the support by the I&D project "AgriFood XXI", ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000041, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), as well as the support given through NORTE 2020 (Northern Regional Operational Program 2014/2020)
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