562 research outputs found

    Morcegos do Amapá e a resposta da família Phyllostomidae à variáveis de composição de paisagens pouco fragmentadas na Amazônia

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Ecologia, 2012O Amapá se localiza entre o estado do Pará, Guiana Francesa e Oceano Atlântico. Está inserido em duas importantes regiões para a conservação de mamíferos, a região biogeográfica do Escudo das Guianas e Amazônia. No Brasil, a Amazônia ocupa 2/3 do território, contribuindo com a maior parte de morcegos do país (146), entretanto tem a menor cobertura de registros destes mamíferos relativa ao tamanho da área dentre os biomas brasileiros. Neste contexto, o objetivo do primeiro capítulo deste trabalho foi compilar uma listagem atualizada das espécies de morcegos do Amapá, com comentários sobre distribuição, bionomia, hábitat e alimentação das espécies, contribuindo para um conhecimento mais detalhado da distribuição e história natural dos morcegos na Amazônia. A partir da análise de material da Coleção Fauna do Amapá do Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Amapá, e dos estudos publicados para o estado até o momento, foi confirmada a ocorrência de 86 espécies de morcegos e, adicionalmente seis outras espécies de possível ocorrência (2 de outros estudos e 4 espécies a confirmar). Sete espécies são novas ocorrências para o Estado, e 5 espécies são consideradas raras ou ameaçadas. O grande número de espécies adicionais em listas de estados e países limítrofes sugere que esta lista ainda esteja incompleta, indicando a necessidade de outros métodos de inventariamento em maior prazo para completa-la. A porção norte do estado, as savanas da região central e os ambientes como floresta de várzea e manguezal são pouco amostrados e representam importantes lacunas de conhecimento. Além da importância de informações biogeográficas e de história natural, existe a questão frequente em estudos ecológicos de como as comunidades se estruturam. Morcegos apresentam ampla diversidade de interações ecológicas e, devido à sua alta mobilidade, são organismos ideais para se averiguar efeitos da paisagem na estruturação de suas comunidades. O segundo capítulo é focado em modelos que usam respostas da comunidade de morcegos filostomideos à configuração de paisagem, em 27 sítios no Amapá. Cinco métricas de composição de paisagem foram testadas: índice de diversidade de paisagem (SDI), índice de equitabilidade de paisagem (SEI), área relativa de floresta ombrófila, de floresta de terra firme e de água; para explicar os padrões de distribuição da riqueza e abundância de morcegos em paisagens pouco fragmentadas na Amazônia. As métricas eleitas pelos modelos foram área relativa da classe água, e índice de diversidade de paisagem (SDI). O modelo que melhor descreve a riqueza de morcegos filostomídeos é determinado apenas pela relação LogRiqueza~LogSDI; e o sucesso de captura, que representa a abundância de morcegos filostomídeos pelo modelo LogSucesso Captura~LogSDI*Água. Ao contrário de muitos estudos atuais, que tem indicado apenas relações espécie-especificas para gerar modelos de interações com a paisagem, a proposta aqui apresentada também é válida e útil como ferramenta conservacionista, pois pode ser usada para prever alterações na riqueza e abundância de espécies de morcegos à medida que a paisagem sofre mudanças devido aos diversos projetos de infraestrutura que o governo brasileiro tem realizado ou planeja realizar na Amazônia nos próximos anos. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe state of Amapá, northern Brazil, is located between the state of Pará, French Guiana and the Atlantic Ocean. It is inserted in two important biogeographic regions for conservation of mammals, the Guyana Shield and Amazon. In Brazil, the Amazon covers two thirds of the territory, contributing most of the bats species in country (n=146), however has the lowest coverage of records of these mammals concerning the size of the area among biomes. In this context, the aim of the first chapter the study was to make an updated list of bat species of Amapá, alongside with comments on distribution, bionomics, and feeding habitat of the species, contributing in this way, to a detailed knowledge of distribution and natural history bats species in the Amazon region. The data used were based on analysis of the material located at the Faunal Collection of the Amapá Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, and records in published studies of surveys in Amapá. 86 species of bats had their occurrence confirmed, six species had potential occurrence (2 from other studies and 4 species to confirm). Seven species are new records for the Amapá state, and five species are considered rare or endangered. The family with the highest number of species was Phyllostomidae (54), due, probably to the capture method applied in the studies. The high number of bats` species on other lists of neighboring states and countries suggests that this present list is still incomplete. This shows a need for a long term survey and the application of different capture methods to add more information about the distribution and natural history of these animals in the Brazilian Amazon. Those studies should focus in regions with knowledge gaps: the north and the savannas of the central region of Amapá, also in environments less well sampled such as flooded forests and mangroves. Beyond the importance of biogeographical information and natural history, there is the question common in ecological studies of how communities are structured. Bats present a wide diversity of ecological interactions, and due to their high mobility, are ideal organisms to investigate effects of landscape in structuring their communities. The second chapter focuses in models that use community responses of phyllostomid the landscape configuration, in 27 sites in the eastern Amazon, Amapá, Brazil. Five metrics of landscape composition were tested: the landscape diversity index (LDI), landscape evenness index (LEI), relative area of rain forest, terra-firme forest and water, to explain the patterns of richness and abundance distribution of bats in some fragmented landscapes in the Amazon. The metrics elected by models were relative area of water (3.4% and 66.8%), and landscape diversity index (LDI, 0 - 1.68). The model that best describes the richness of phyllostomid is is determined by LogRiqueza~LogLDI and capture success, that represents the abundance of phyllostomid can be predicted by the model LogCaptureSuccess~LogLDI*Water. In contrast to many current studies that have indicated only species-specific relationships to generate models of interactions with the landscape, the proposal presented here is also valid and useful as a conservation tool because it can be used to predict changes in species richness and abundance of bats as the landscape suffers modifications due to various infrastructure projects that the Brazilian government has done or plans to conduct in the Amazon over the coming years

    O colonialismo alemão representado nos media no período entre as guerras

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    A investigação centrar-se-á no modo como o colonialismo era representado pelos media alemães durante o período entre as guerras, que durou de 1919 a 1939 e engloba marcos importantes da história alemã, nomeadamente a República de Weimar e o início do nacionalsocialismo. Neste sentido, apresenta-se a seguinte pergunta de investigação: a ausência de colónias levou a uma compensação ou uma continuidade de imagens e conteúdo relacionados com o colonialismo por parte dos media? De forma a responder-lhe, utilizarei diferentes fontes de informação, que se baseiam sobretudo em publicidade, em imagens e no cinema. Assim, será apresentada uma abordagem que englobará várias disciplinas, como a história e a arte, assim como uma descrição histórico-cultural da Alemanha na época em questão, havendo também uma exploração abrangente do conceito de media

    Construção e validação de um teste de colocação para o Português Língua Estrangeira–resultados de um estudo-piloto

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    UID/LIN/03213/2013 UID/LIN/03213/2019Placement tests are a form of assessment that aims at placing students in appropriate levels. Placement tests must, therefore, be based on validity and reliability arguments to ensure appropriateness and consistency of assessment. Despite the growing interest in Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL), both nationally and internationally, to our knowledge there is no validated placement test that informs on general language abilities of adult PFL learners across levels. The POR Nível project aims at designing and validating a placement test for PFL adult learners, from A1 to C1 CEFR levels in grammar, vocabulary, listening and reading components. Corpora of written productions of 15 learners of 3 native languages (English, Mandarin and Spanish) from certified exams of PFL provide the empirical basis for items construction. Also, items’ specifications follow national and international guidelines (CEFR, Camões Profile for PFL), validity, reliability and practicality requirements, and also ALTE and ILTA recommendations. The results found thus far will provide empirical ground for item specification in a validated placement test and eventually contribute to the discussion of the contents of PFL teaching programs.publishersversionpublishe

    Petco(2), Vco2 and corpp values in the successful prediction of the return of spontaneous circulation: an experimental study on unassisted induced cardiopulmonary arrest

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    During cardiac arrest, end-tidal CO2 (PetCO(2)), VCO2 and coronary perfusion pressure fall abruptly and tend to return to normal levels after an effective return of spontaneous circulation. Therefore, the monitoring of PetCO(2) and VCO2 by capnography is a useful tool during clinical management of cardiac arrest patients. To assess if PetCO(2), VCO2 and coronary perfusion pressure are useful for the prediction of return of spontaneous circulation in an animal model of cardiac arrest/cardiopulmonary resuscitation treated with vasopressor agents. 42 swine were mechanically ventilated (FiO(2)=0.21). Ventricular fibrillation was induced and, after 10 min, unassisted cardiac arrest was initiated, followed by compressions. After 2 min of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, each group received: Adrenaline, Saline-Placebo, Terlipressin or Terlipressin + Adrenaline. Two minutes later (4th min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation), the animals were defibrillated and the ones that survived were observed for an additional 30 min period. The variables of interest were recorded at the baseline period, 10 min of ventricular fibrillation, 2nd min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 4th min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and 30 min after return of spontaneous circulation. PetCO(2) and VCO2 values, both recorded at 2 min and 4 min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, have no correlation with the return of spontaneous circulation rates in any group. On the other hand, higher values of coronary perfusion pressure at the 4th min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation have been associated with increased return of spontaneous circulation rates in the adrenaline and adrenaline + terlipressin groups. Although higher values of coronary perfusion pressure at the 4th min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation have been associated with increased return of spontaneous circulation rates in the animals that received adrenaline or adrenaline + terlipressin, PetCO(2) and VCO2 have not been shown to be useful for predicting return of spontaneous circulation rates in this porcine model316468473FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP07/08315-0Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensao (Faepex)-Unicam

    Opportunistic predation of Artibeus planirostris (Spix, 1823) and Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) by marsupials and anuran in the APA do Rio Curiaú, Amapá State, Brazil

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    Durante estudos com morcegos em floresta de várzea na APA do Rio Curiaú, Amapá, Brasil, observamos três casos de predações oportunistas de morcegos frugívoros capturados em redes de neblina. Duas destas predações ocorreram por marsupiais e uma por anuro. Artibeus planirostris (Spix, 1823) (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) foi predado por Didelphis marsupialis Linnaeus, 1758 e Philander opossum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae). Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) foi predado por Leptodactylus pentadactylus (Laurenti, 1768) (Anura, Leptodactylidae). A vocalização dos morcegos provavelmente atraiu os marsupiais para a rede, onde estes os predaram aproveitando que estavam presos. Este tipo de interação pode ocorrer naturalmente, no entanto, com maior dificuldade de registro.We observed three occasional predations of bats captured in mist nets by marsupials and a frog during studies in a várzea forest in the Amapá state. Artibeus planirostris (Spix, 1823) (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) was preyed upon by Didelphis marsupialis Linnaeus, 1758 and Philander opossum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae). Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) was preyed on by Leptodactylus pentadactylus (Laurenti, 1768) (Anura, Leptodactylidae). The bats vocalizations probably attracted the marsupials and a frog to the mist nets where they preyed. This interaction form can occur naturally, however, are more difficult to observed

    Risk Factors for the Incidence of Dental Caries in Low, Very Low, and Extremely Low Birth Weight Children: A Cohort Study

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    Objective: To assess the incidence of caries in a two-year period among low birth weight (LBW), very low birth weight (VLBW), and extremely low birth weight (ELBW) children considering socioeconomic indicators, dietary factors and oral hygiene. Material and Methods: A convenience sample was formed of 42 low birth weight children aged two to five years at baseline. Two examiners diagnosed caries using the World Health Organization criteria. Birth weight, socioeconomic indicators and diet were collected from medical records and questionnaires. Binomial models were used to estimate unadjusted and adjusted rate ratios (RR) and respective 95% confidence intervals for the factors evaluated. Results: Thirty-six children were re-examined after two years. The incidence of dental caries was 36.7%. The dmft index was 0.44 (±1.25) at baseline and increased to 1.36 (±3.85) at follow-up. VLBW children (1,000 to 1,500 g) (RR=0.23; 95%CI: 0.08-0.72) and LBW children (1,500 to 2,500 g) (RR=0.06; 0.01-0.55) had fewer carious lesions compared to ELBW children (<1,000 g). Carious lesions were more frequent among children with a lower income (RR=6.05; 1.05-34.84) and less frequent among those who did not consume sweetened juice, tea or yogurt (RR: 0.21; 0.07-0.62). Conclusion: An inverse dose-response relation was found between birth weight and the incidence of caries. A lower income and the consumption of sweetened beverages were risk factors for the development of caries

    Staphylococcus saprophyticus Recovered from Humans, Food, and Recreational Waters in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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    Staphylococcus saprophyticus is an important agent of urinary tract infection (UTI) in young women, but information about this pathogen in human microbiota and in common environment is lacking. The aim of this study was to characterize S. saprophyticus isolates from genitoanal microbiota of 621 pregnant women, 10 minas cheese packs, and five beaches in Rio de Janeiro city and compare PFGE profiles of these isolates with five UTI PFGE clusters described in this city. We investigated 65 S. saprophyticus isolates from microbiota, 13 from minas cheese, and 30 from beaches and 32 UTI isolates. Antimicrobial resistance was determined by disk diffusion, MIC by agar dilution, and PCR. Erythromycin-resistance genes erm(C), msr(A), msr(B), mph(C), and lin(A) were found in 93% of isolates. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance correlated with dfrG or dfrA genes. Three cefoxitin-resistant isolates carried the mecA gene. All isolates obtained from cheese were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents. Six of 10 pregnant women with >1 isolate had monoclonal colonization. Isolates from pregnant women shared 100% similarity with UTI PFGE cluster types A and E obtained almost 10 years previously, suggesting temporal persistence of S. saprophyticus. Antimicrobial resistance of beach isolates reflected the profiles of human isolates. Taken together, results indicate a shared source for human and environmental isolates

    Morphology and topography of the external male genital organs of spotted paca (Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766)

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    Spotted paca (Cuniculus paca) is a rodent species from the family Cuniculidae, found in South America, from the Orinoco River Basin to Paraguay. Although widely studied with regard to its morphological and reproductive aspects, still there’re no records on the morphology of the male reproductive system in this species. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate not only the macro and microscopic anatomy of the external genital organs in this species, but also their topography. We studied the external genital organs of 10 adult spotted pacas; 5 specimens, fixed in a 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution, were macroscopically studied and from 5 specimens we collected fragments from the reproductive system, for microscopic analysis. The testicles showed a parenchyma structured in seminiferous tubules and the germinal epithelium rested on its basal membrane. These organs were located in the abdominal cavity, the inguinal path, or within the scrotum. Penis, fibroelastic, was located in the pubic region, in caudal direction. Its glans, coated by keratinized epithelium, were covered by the prepuce and, below this, we identified a slender cartilaginous structure with serrated edges. A couple of bone spurs was located into a bag ventral to the urethra, whose mucosa was lined by transitional epithelium. The epididymal duct was balled up in the head, had a body and tail, and its head was lined by pseudo-stratified stereociliated epithelium, and the tail by simple cubic epithelium; from this, the deferent duct stemmed, lined by columnar stratified epithelium

    Variation in cognitive investment: making time fly… or drag!

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    Social media is increasingly prevalent in the daily lives of young people as a source of entertainment and social interaction. However, the time spent on such stimuli reduces availability for other activities that used to be more prevalent, such as reading, development of motor skills, and face-to-face social interaction. Little is known about the effects of this habit changes on the cognitive development of young individuals. One possible way to assess cognitive investment in a particular task is through the perception of time passage. In the present study, we investigated the cognitive investment in different activities and its relationship with the perception of time passage in young individuals aged 14 to 15 years old. Four groups of volunteers were formed. Each group performed a different activity for 23 minutes. Group 1 spent the 23 minutes browsing a social network (TikTok); Group 2 read classics of Brazilian literature; Group 3 played the board game “Pictionary”; and Group 4 was instructed to practice a complex pen spinning around the fingers. The duration of the activity was not disclosed, and at the end of the 23 minutes, volunteers were individually asked how much time they thought had passed during the activity. The group that engaged in TikTok had an average perception of 20 minutes, a value almost identical to the pen spinning, which was 19 minutes, with no statistically significant difference between them (p > 0.05). On the other hand, activities requiring greater cognitive effort and social interaction, such as reading and the board game, had average time perceptions of 25 and 28 minutes, respectively. The latter two even reached time perception values of 40 and 44 minutes, which were the highest in the entire experiment. According to analysis of variance, groups with the lowest mean time perception (TikTok and pen spinning) were significantly different from the board game group (p < 0.05). Based on our results, we can conclude that the nature of the activity undertaken affects time perception on the brain. This may be related to the amount of new information presented and absorbed during novelty and learning activities. Engaging in new and cognitive demanding experiences give the impression that time lasted longer. Conversely, repetitive activities without new stimuli give the sensation that the same time interval seems shorter. Further studies investigating the consequences of overexposure to repetitive and unstimulating activities are necessary to understand their potential effects on the brain development of adolescents