249 research outputs found

    El programa de incentivos Municipales en la gestión por resultados de la Municipalidad Distrital de Perené, 2022

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    La interrogante ¿Cómo repercute el programa de incentivos municipales en la gestión por resultados de la Municipalidad Distrital de Perené, dentro del año 2022?, fue la causa para crear como objetivo: Evaluar cómo repercute el programa de incentivos municipales en la gestión por resultados de la Municipalidad Distrital de Perené, dentro del año 2022; para ello se efectuó una tesis aplicada, correlacional y pre experimental, mediante el uso de los métodos adecuados; aplicada a una población de 126 colaboradores. Como resultado alcanzado: se constató que el PI repercute directa, positiva y significativamente en la Gestión por Resultados; y estadísticamente hablando se respalda con (tc = 8.053), es mayor a la (t = 1.96); y un (p-valor = 0.000), es menor que el nivel de significancia (α = 0.05). Por tanto, se recomienda, adiestrar a los colaboradores para mejorar cada vez más los resultados en el programa incentivos, con el propósito de hacer más obras en bien de la sociedad en general del distrito de Perené

    Affordable, Energy-Efficient Housing Design for Chile: Achieving Passivhaus Standard with the Chilean State Housing Subsidy

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    In Chile, it is estimated that the energy demand will continue to increase if substantial energy efficiency measures in housing are not taken. These measures are generally associated with technical and mainly economic difficulties. This paper aims to show the technical and economic feasibility of achieving Passivhaus standard house in Chile, considering the budget of the maximum state subsidy currently available (Chilean Unidad de Fomento (CLF) 2000 ≈ 81,000 USD). The design was simulated in the Passive House Planning Package software to determine if the house could be certified with the selected standard. At the same time, the value of all the items was quantified in order not to exceed the stipulated maximum budget for a house considered as affordable. It was shown that in terms of design it is possible to implement the Passivhaus standard given the current housing subsidy. The designed housing ensures a reduction of 85% in heating demand and a 60% reduction in CO2 emissions during the operation, compared to an average typical Chilean house

    Risk identification of residential energy demand: the case studies of Australia, Chile, the United Kingdom and the United States

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    A wide range of residential sector energy models have been developed in recent years to determine energy demand and CO2 emissions and to evaluate energy saving policies. However, modelling outputs are subject to significant variations due to multiple sources of uncertainty, primarily stemming from input parameters and assumptions. This study aims to assess the transferability of the Transferable Energy Model (TREM) and quantify the prediction uncertainty of residential sector energy demand until 2030 in four case study countries (Australia, Chile, United Kingdom and the United States). TREM is able to determine the future annual energy demand in the residential sector according to the area of energy use (space heating, hot water provision, cooking, electrical appliances, lighting), whilst quantifying uncertainties in the results. Significant variations (between −12% and +63%) in residential energy demand in the year 2030 with respect to 2010 were found among the case study countries, suggesting that single total energy demand estimates are associated with considerable uncertainties. This paper also presents a comprehensive database of the range of possible variations in residential energy demand related to a wide range of energy saving measures in each case study country

    El impacto del crecimiento económico en la desocupación en 179 países, de 1960 al 2022

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    The objetive of the research was to establish the relationship between variable Economic Growth (X) and variable unemployment (Y) in 179 countries, the hypothesis was that higher growth results in less unemployment, the research methodology for the Depth is descriptive and correlational, the databases for the variables are quantitative, and the temporal range is longitudinal. The results conclude that economic growth has a positive asymmetry (figure 3) and unemployment has a positive asymmetry as well (figure 4), the correlations by country (figure 5) show that 80 countries have a negative correlation (-), therefore , indicates that a positive variation (+) in economic growth decreases unemployment or does not cause a change, on the contrary, there are 99 countries with a correlation (+), which explains that as economic growth increases, unemployment increases in those nations. Management must review which model is adapted to the achievement of its objectives.El objetivo de la investigación era establecer la relación entre el Crecimiento Económico variable (X) y el desempleo o desocupación variable (Y) en 179 países, la hipótesis consistía en que a mayor crecimiento da como resultado menos desempleo, la metodología de investigación por su profundidad es descriptiva y correlacional, las bases de datos para las variables son cuantitativas y el rango temporal es longitudinal. Los resultados concluyen que el crecimiento económico tiene asimetría positiva (figura 3) y el desempleo o desocupación tiene una asimetría positiva tambien(figura4), las correlaciones por país (figura 5) muestra que 80 países tienen correlación negativa (-), por lo tanto, indica que una variación positiva(+) en el crecimiento económico, disminuye el desempleo o no provoca cambio, por el contrario, hay 99 países con correlación (+), lo que explica que a medida que aumenta el crecimiento económico, aumenta el desempleo en esas naciones. La gestión debe revisar qué modelo se adapta al logro de sus objetivos

    Large Mitochondrial DNA Deletion in an Infant with Addison Disease

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    Abstract Background: Mitochondrial diseases are a group of disorders caused by mutations in nuclear DNA or mitochondrial DNA, usually involving multiple organ systems. Primary adrenal insufficiency due to mitochondrial disease is extremely infrequent and has been reported in association with mitochondrial DNA deletion syndromes such as Kearns-Sayre syndrome. Aim: To report a 3-year-old boy with Addison disease, congenital glaucoma, chronic pancreatitis, and mitochondrial myopathy due to large mitochondrial DNA deletion. Method: Molecular analysis of mitochondrial DNA samples obtained from peripheral blood, oral mucosa, and muscle tissue. Results: A novel large mitochondrial DNA deletion of 7,372 bp was identified involving almost all genes on the big arch of mtDNA. Conclusions: This case reaffirms the association of adrenal insufficiency and mitochondrial DNA deletions and presents new evidence that glaucoma is another manifestation of mitochondrial diseases. Due to the genetic and clinical heterogeneity of mitochondrial disorders, molecular analysis is crucial to confirm diagnosis and to allow accurate genetic counseling

    Obstáculos para ser esportista de alto rendimento no Chile

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    The massification of sports has made visible the interaction of various dimensions of performance that favor or hinder the development of high-performance athletes. Some of these are the social and cultural context in which athletes live, the influence of public policies on the long-term development of sports careers, the family environment, friends, coaches, as well as nutritional and psychological aspects. This qualitative study seeks to understand from the voice of athletes what are the aspects considered as obstacles to high performance in Chile. The results show that the obstacles are the lack of support, dual career, implementation to train and gender discrimination. It concludes by proposing new horizons for public policies in the framework of supporting athletes who take charge of solving these obstacles.La masificación de los deportes ha hecho visible la interacción de varias dimensiones del rendimiento que favorecen o dificultan el desarrollo de un deportista de alto rendimiento. Algunas de estas dimensiones son el contexto social/cultural en el que viven los deportistas, la influencia de las políticas públicas en el desarrollo a largo plazo de las carreras deportivas, el entorno familiar, de amigos y entrenadores, así como también aspectos nutricionales y psicológicos. Este estudio de tipo cualitativo busca comprender desde la voz de los y las deportistas cuáles son los aspectos considerados como obstaculizadores para el alto rendimiento en Chile. Los resultados demuestran que son obstaculizadores la falta de apoyo, la carrera dual, implementación para entrenar y discriminación de género. Se concluye proponiendo nuevos horizontes para las políticas públicas en el marco del apoyo a deportistas que se hagan cargo de resolver estos obstaculizadores. A massificação do esporte tornou visível a interação de várias dimensões do desempenho que favorecem ou dificultam o desenvolvimento de um atleta de alto rendimento. Algumas delas são o contexto sociocultural em que os atletas vivem, a influência das políticas públicas no desenvolvimento a longo prazo da carreira esportiva, o ambiente familiar, amigos, treinadores, além de aspectos nutricionais e psicológicos. Este estudo qualitativo busca compreender a partir da voz dos atletas quais são os aspectos considerados como obstáculos ao alto rendimento no Chile. Os resultados mostram que os obstáculos são a falta de apoio, dupla carreira, implementação de formação e discriminação de gênero. Conclui propondo novos horizontes para as políticas públicas no âmbito do apoio aos atletas que se encarregam de resolver esses obstáculos

    Characterising Tidal Features Around Galaxies in Cosmological Simulations

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    Tidal features provide signatures of recent mergers and offer a unique insight into the assembly history of galaxies. The Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will enable an unprecedentedly large survey of tidal features around millions of galaxies. To decipher the contributions of mergers to galaxy evolution it will be necessary to compare the observed tidal features with theoretical predictions. Therefore, we use cosmological hydrodynamical simulations NewHorizon, eagle, IllustrisTNG, and Magneticum to produce LSST-like mock images of z ∼ 0 galaxies (z ∼ 0.2 for NewHorizon) with M, 30 pkpc109.5M_{\scriptstyle \star ,\text{ 30 pkpc}}\ge 10^{9.5} M_{\scriptstyle \odot }. We perform a visual classification to identify tidal features and classify their morphology. We find broadly good agreement between the simulations regarding their overall tidal feature fractions: fNEWHORIZON=0.40±0.06f_{\small {\rm NEWHORIZON}}=0.40\pm 0.06, fEAGLE=0.37±0.01f_{\small {\rm EAGLE}}=0.37\pm 0.01, fTNG=0.32±0.01f_{\small {\rm TNG}}=0.32\pm 0.01 and fMAGNETICUM=0.32±0.01f_{\small {\rm MAGNETICUM}}=0.32\pm 0.01, and their specific tidal feature fractions. Furthermore, we find excellent agreement regarding the trends of tidal feature fraction with stellar and halo mass. All simulations agree in predicting that the majority of central galaxies of groups and clusters exhibit at least one tidal feature, while the satellite members rarely show such features. This agreement suggests that gravity is the primary driver of the occurrence of visually-identifiable tidal features in cosmological simulations, rather than subgrid physics or hydrodynamics. All predictions can be verified directly with LSST observations

    Preferential regulation of stably expressed genes in the human genome suggests a widespread expression buffering role of microRNAs

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    In this study, we comprehensively explored the stably expressed genes (SE genes) and fluctuant genes (FL genes) in the human genome by a meta-analysis of large scale microarray data. We found that these genes have distinct function distributions. miRNA targets are shown to be significantly enriched in SE genes by using propensity analysis of miRNA regulation, supporting the hypothesis that miRNAs can buffer whole genome expression fluctuation. The expression-buffering effect of miRNA is independent of the target site number within the 3'-untranslated region. In addition, we found that gene expression fluctuation is positively correlated with the number of transcription factor binding sites in the promoter region, which suggests that coordination between transcription factors and miRNAs leads to balanced responses to external perturbations

    APOA5 Q97X Mutation Identified through homozygosity mapping causes severe hypertriglyceridemia in a Chilean consanguineous family

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    BACKGROUND: Severe hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) has been linked to defects in LPL, APOC2, APOA5, LMF1 and GBIHBP1 genes. However, a number of severe HTG cases are probably caused by as yet unidentified mutations. Very high triglyceride plasma levels (>112 mmol/L at diagnosis) were found in two sisters of a Chilean consanguineous family, which is strongly suggestive of a recessive highly penetrant mutation. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic locus responsible for the severe HTG in this family. METHODS: We carried out a genome-wide linkage study with nearly 300,000 biallelic markers (Illumina Human CytoSNP-12 panel). Using the homozygosity mapping strategy, we searched for chromosome regions with excess of homozygous genotypes in the affected cases compared to non-affected relatives. RESULTS: A large homozygous segment was found in the long arm of chromosome 11, with more than 2,500 consecutive homozygous SNP shared by the proband with her affected sister, and containing the APOA5/A4/C3/A1 cluster. Direct sequencing of the APOA5 gene revealed a known homozygous nonsense Q97X mutation (p.Gln97Ter) found in both affected sisters but not in non-affected relatives nor in a sample of unrelated controls. CONCLUSION: The Q97X mutation of the APOA5 gene in homozygous status is responsible for the severe hypertriglyceridemia in this family. We have shown that homozygosity mapping correctly pinpointed the genomic region containing the gene responsible for severe hypertriglyceridemia in this consanguineous Chilean famil