64 research outputs found

    Service Induced Byproducts for Localized Drug Delivery in Orthopaedic Implants

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    A composite material including ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene in conjunction with a biologically active agent is described. The biologically active agent can be, for example, an anti-osteolytic agent such as a bisphosphonate. The composite material can be utilized in forming implants such as total joint replacement implants. The biologically active agent can be released from the composite material either from the bulk or from wear particles released from the surface of the implant component during use. Upon release, the biologically active agent can carry out the intended function of the agent

    Les ergothérapeutes francophones européens parviennent-ils à avoir une pratique fondée sur les occupations?

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    Les occupations sont un concept central en ergothĂ©rapie. Cependant, peu d’études empiriques se sont intĂ©ressĂ©es Ă  la maniĂšre dont les ergothĂ©rapeutes intĂšgrent celles-ci dans leur pratique. Le prĂ©sent article expose les rĂ©sultats d’un sondage Ă©lectronique rĂ©alisĂ© auprĂšs de 50 ergothĂ©rapeutes francophones europĂ©ens visant Ă  dĂ©crire comment ceux-ci ont une pratique fondĂ©e sur les occupations. Les rĂ©alisations rapportĂ©es sont variĂ©es, la plupart Ă©tant davantage basĂ©es sur les occupations plutĂŽt que focalisĂ©es sur celles-ci. Les ergothĂ©rapeutes sondĂ©s rapportent le recours Ă  l’entrevue occupationnelle, Ă  la cuisine thĂ©rapeutique et Ă  l’implication de leurs clients dans la rĂ©alisation d’activitĂ©s de la vie courante. Toutefois, ils mentionnent rencontrer des obstacles, principalement la rĂ©sistance du client et la disponibilitĂ© de ressources matĂ©rielles. Ils affirment les surmonter particuliĂšrement par l’adaptation et la gradation d’activitĂ©s, par le recours aux discussions et Ă  la collaboration avec les autres professionnels ainsi que par la communication efficace avec leurs clients.                          _________________________________________________________________________ Do French-speaking occupational therapists in Europe succeed in having occupation-focused and occupation-based practice ? Occupations are a central notion in occupational therapy. Up till now, few empirical studies address the issues of integrating occupations within their practice. This article presents the survey results obtained from 50 French-speaking occupational therapists. The participants have identified varied achievements done within their practice. Those are mostly occupation-based than occupation-focused. The achievements are related to occupational interviewing, therapeutic cooking and client involvement in carrying out activities of daily living. However, they perceive obstacles, such as client resistance and resources availability. They report overcoming them by activity adaptation, advocacy and collaboration with other professionals, as well as effective communication with clients.


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    ABSTRACT Optimization of total knee replacement (TKR) design and wear behavior requires the study of bearing contact mechanics. In this study, a novel fiberscopic imaging method was developed and combined with dynamic TKR simulation to visually quantify dynamic TKR contact areas in vitro. Contact areas between transparent TKR tibial inserts and metallic femoral components were captured using opaque lubricant media and a fiberscopic high-speed video camera within the simulator. Walking and stair descent loading patterns were characterized. Centroid location and contact pathways were calculated to determine pathway velocity and cross-shear characteristics. Overall, contact velocities ranging from 0 to 233mm/sec and crossing angles ranging from near 0 to 90 degrees were found during this study. These results provide a basis for wear testing and cross-shear modeling of TKR materials, leading to more accurate predictions of wear behavior in these implants

    La diversitĂ© des formes d’agricultures d’entreprise au prisme des rĂ©alitĂ©s latino-amĂ©ricaines

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    En croisant des matĂ©riaux empiriques rĂ©unis en Argentine, en Uruguay, au BrĂ©sil, et des Ă©lĂ©ments thĂ©oriques d’interprĂ©tation tels que la notion de « chaĂźne globale de valeur », l’article met en relief une forme particuliĂšre d’agriculture entrepreneuriale : l’agriculture en rĂ©seau. Ses caractĂ©ristiques sont diffĂ©rentes de celle de l’agriculture intĂ©grĂ©e Ă  l’agro-nĂ©goce : repositionnement de la chaĂźne de valeur, rapports marchands au foncier, flexibilitĂ© liĂ©e Ă  l’organisation en rĂ©seau. En partant de cette forme spĂ©cifique, l’article contribue Ă  interprĂ©ter d’autres formes d’agriculture entrepreneuriale, sur fond de globalisation des mĂ©thodes et des acteurs. Il caractĂ©rise Ă©galement la dĂ©territorialisation relative de ces formes et leur impact sur les trajectoires de dĂ©veloppement des territoires ruraux.By intertwining empirical data gathered in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, and theoretical tools such as Global Value Chain analysis, this paper defines a new form of business agriculture, the “network agriculture”. It differs from the more classical form of agriculture integrated to agri-business as it boasts a more producer’s driven chain governance and a greater flexibility due to the network organization of actors, spaces and contracts. Starting from this mode, it characterizes other expanding forms of business agriculture in these countries and scrutinizes their impact on the governance of global value chains and also, given their “de-territorialization”, productive spaces and rural areas

    Motor Learning Improvement Remains 3 Months After a Multisession Anodal tDCS Intervention in an Aging Population

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    Healthy aging is associated with decline of motor function that can generate serious consequences on the quality of life and safety. Our studies aim to explore the 3-month effects of a 5-day multisession anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (a-tDCS) protocol applied over the primary motor cortex (M1) during motor sequence learning in elderly. The present sham-controlled aging study investigated whether tDCS-induced motor improvements previously observed 1 day after the intervention persist beyond 3 months. A total of 37 cognitively-intact aging participants performed five consecutive daily 20-min sessions of the serial-reaction time task (SRTT) concomitant with either anodal (n = 18) or sham (n = 19) tDCS over M1. All participants performed the Purdue Pegboard Test and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) measures of cortical excitability were collected before, 1 day after and 3 months after the intervention. The last follow-up session also included the execution of the trained SRTT. The main findings are the demonstration of durable effects of a 5-day anodal tDCS intervention at the trained skill, while the active intervention did not differ from the sham intervention at both the untrained task and on measures of M1-disinhibition. Thus, the current article revealed for the first time the durability of functional effects of a-tDCS combined with motor training after only 5 days of intervention in an aging population. This finding provides evidence that the latter treatment alternative is effective in achieving our primary motor rehabilitation goal, that is to allow durable motor training effects in an aging population

    THE SMALL FATAL CHOROIDAL MELANOMA STUDY A Survey by the European Ophthalmic Oncology Group

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    PURPOSE: To determine the size at which choroidal melanomas can metastasize and to report the characteristics of small fatal choroidal melanomas (SFCM). DESIGN: Retrospective case series. METHODS: Ten ocular oncology services submitted 45 patients with a choroidal melanoma 3 mm or less in thickness and 9 mm or less in largest basal diameter (LBD), when treated, who developed metastases. RESULTS: Median tumor thickness was 2.4 mm (range, 1.0-3.0 mm) and LBD 7.3 mm (range, 3.0-9.0 mm). Of 14 (31%) tumors that were first observed, 12 grew a median of 0.5 mm (range, 0.1-1.2 mm) in thickness and 1.0 mm (range, 0-3.0 mm) in LBD within a median of 7 months; 3 were initially smaller than 3 mm in LBD. Number of risk factors for growth and metastasis was 0 for 4% of the tumors; 60% were over 2 mm in thickness, 63% had subretinal fluid, 84% caused symptoms, 57% had orange pigment, and 92% were within 3 mm of the disc. Local recurrence occurred in 8 of 31 eyes (26%) treated conservatively. Median metastasis-free survival was 4.5 years (range, 0.8-15.7 years). Kaplan-Meier estimate of metastasis developing was 15% (95% confidence interval [CI], 7-26), 51% (95% CI, 36-64) and 85% (95% CI, 71-92) by 2, 5, and 10 years, respectively. By the time of analysis, 37 patients had died of metastasis after a median of 7 months. CONCLUSIONS: Choroidal melanomas less than 3.0 mm in LBD are highly unlikely to metastasize. Risk factors of an SFCM are similar to those for all choroidal melanomas of similar size. (C) 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe

    The Pediatric Choroidal and Ciliary Body Melanoma Study A Survey by the European Ophthalmic Oncology Group

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    Purpose: To collect comprehensive data on choroidal and ciliary body melanoma (CCBM) in children and to validate hypotheses regarding pediatric CCBM: children younger than 18 years, males, and those without ciliary body involvement (CBI) have more favorable survival prognosis than young adults 18 to 24 years of age, females, and those with CBI. Design: Retrospective, multicenter observational study. Participants: Two hundred ninety-nine patients from 24 ocular oncology centers, of whom 114 were children (median age, 15.1 years; range, 2.7-17.9 years) and 185 were young adults. Methods: Data were entered through a secure website and were reviewed centrally. Survival was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox proportional hazards regression. Main Outcome Measures: Proportion of females, tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) stage, cell type, and melanoma-related mortality. Results: Cumulative frequency of having CCBM diagnosed increased steadily by 0.8% per year of age between 5 and 10 years of age and, after a 6-year transition period, by 8.8% per year from age 17 years onward. Of children and young adults, 57% and 63% were female, respectively, which exceeded the expected 51% among young adults. Cell type, known for 35% of tumors, and TNM stage (I in 22% and 21%, II in 49% and 52%, III in 30% and 28%, respectively) were comparable for children and young adults. Melanoma-related survival was 97% and 90% at 5 years and 92% and 80% at 10 years for children compared with young adults, respectively (P = 0.013). Males tended to have a more favorable survival than females among children (100% vs. 85% at 10 years; P = 0.058). Increasing TNM stage was associated with poorer survival (stages I, II, and III: 100% vs. 86% vs. 76%, respectively; P = 0.0011). By multivariate analysis, being a young adult (adjusted hazard rate [HR], 2.57), a higher TNM stage (HR, 2.88 and 8.38 for stages II and III, respectively), and female gender (HR, 2.38) independently predicted less favorable survival. Ciliary body involvement and cell type were not associated with survival. Conclusions: This study confirms that children with CCBM have a more favorable survival than young adults 18 to 25 years of age, adjusting for TNM stage and gender. The association between gender and survival varies between age groups. (C) 2016 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.Peer reviewe
