120 research outputs found

    Chemistry and Sr–Nd isotope signature of amphiboles of the magnesio-hastingsite-pargasite-kaersutite series in Cenozoic volcanic rocks: Insight into lithospheric mantle beneath the Bohemian Massif

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    Amphibole phenocrysts and xenocrysts from Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Bohemian Massif (BM) belong to the magnesio-hastingsite-pargasite-kaersutite series. Their host rocks are mostly basaltic lavas, dykes and breccia pipe fills, less commonly also felsic rocks from rift zones along lithospheric block boundaries of the BM. The calculated p–T conditions suggest that almost all amphiboles crystallized in a relatively narrow temperature range (1020–1100 °C) at depths of 20–45 km (0.7–1.2 GPa) during the magma ascent. The initial 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of amphiboles (0.51266–0.51281 and 0.70328–0.70407, respectively) are similar to those of their whole rocks (0.51266–0.51288 and 0.70341–0.70462, respectively). This testifies to locally elevated proportions of recycled Variscan crustal material during melting of mantle peridotites rich in clinopyroxene–amphibole veins. These veins were formed by metasomatic fluids enriched in High Field Strength Elements and are isotopically similar to EM-1 mantle type.Fenokrysty a xenokrysty amfibolů kenozoických vulkanických hornin Českého masivu (ČM) náleží svým složením do magnesiohastingsit-pargasit-kaersutitové série. Jejich hostitelské horniny jsou především bazaltické lávy, žíly nebo brekciovité výplně komínů, méně často také felsické horniny z riftových zón podél hranic litosférických bloků ČM. Vypočtené p-T podmínky ukazují, že téměř všechny amfiboly krystalizovaly v relativně úzkém teplotním rozmezí (1020–1100 °C) v hloubkách 20–45 km (0,7–1,2 GPa) během výstupu magmatu. Iniciální izotopové poměry 143Nd/144Nd a 87Sr/86Sr v amfibolech jsou v rozmezí 0,51266–0,51281 a 0,70328–0,70407. To vypovídá o lokálně zvýšeném množství recyklovaného variského korového materiálu během tavení plášťového peridotitu bohatého na klinopyroxen-amfibolové žíly. Tyto žíly vznikly z metasomatických fluid obohacených o prvky s velkým iontovým potenciálem a jsou izotopově podobné obohacenému plášti typu 1 (EM-1)

    Clinical development of new drug-radiotherapy combinations.

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    In countries with the best cancer outcomes, approximately 60% of patients receive radiotherapy as part of their treatment, which is one of the most cost-effective cancer treatments. Notably, around 40% of cancer cures include the use of radiotherapy, either as a single modality or combined with other treatments. Radiotherapy can provide enormous benefit to patients with cancer. In the past decade, significant technical advances, such as image-guided radiotherapy, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, stereotactic radiotherapy, and proton therapy enable higher doses of radiotherapy to be delivered to the tumour with significantly lower doses to normal surrounding tissues. However, apart from the combination of traditional cytotoxic chemotherapy with radiotherapy, little progress has been made in identifying and defining optimal targeted therapy and radiotherapy combinations to improve the efficacy of cancer treatment. The National Cancer Research Institute Clinical and Translational Radiotherapy Research Working Group (CTRad) formed a Joint Working Group with representatives from academia, industry, patient groups and regulatory bodies to address this lack of progress and to publish recommendations for future clinical research. Herein, we highlight the Working Group's consensus recommendations to increase the number of novel drugs being successfully registered in combination with radiotherapy to improve clinical outcomes for patients with cancer.National Institute for Health ResearchThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nrclinonc.2016.7

    Die Begleitung des Praxissemesters durch die Bildungswissenschaften. Abschlussbericht der Fachgruppe Bildungswissenschaften zur Vorbereitung des Praxissemesters

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    In diesem Beitrag geht es um die Aufgabe der Bildungswissenschaften bei der Begleitung des Praxissemesters, um den Anspruch des forschenden Lernens, um mögliche Inhalte und Organisationsformen der bildungswissenschaftlichen Begleitveranstaltungen sowie um die von den Studierenden im Praxissemester durchzuführenden Studienprojekte. Hierzu wird eine umfangreiche Liste von beispielhaft aufgeführten Themen präsentiert. Ebenso werden Vorschläge für die Bewertung der Berichte über die Studienprojekte entwickelt.The article deals with the role of courses in educational foundations as regards the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of practical internships in schools during teacher education («Praxissemester»). It sketches the concept of research-based learning, outlines possible contents and organizational forms of these courses, and also presents a list of possible topics for study projects that pre-service teachers have to carry out during their internship. Finally, criteria for the evaluation of the students’ reports on their study projects are developed

    Early and late contrast enhancing lesions after photon radiotherapy for IDH mutated grade 2 diffuse glioma

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    Objective: The interpretation of new enhancing lesions after radiotherapy for diffuse glioma remains a clinical challenge. We sought to characterize and classify new contrast enhancing lesions in a historical multicenter cohort of patients with IDH mutated grade 2 diffuse glioma treated with photon therapy. Methods: We reviewed all follow-up MRI's of all patients treated with radiotherapy for histologically confirmed, IDH mutated diffuse grade 2 glioma between 1–1-2007 and 31–12-2018 in two tertiary referral centers. Disease progression (PD) was defined in accordance with the RANO criteria for progressive disease in low grade glioma. Pseudoprogression (psPD) was defined as any transient contrast-enhancing lesion between the end of radiotherapy and PD, or any new contrast-enhancing lesion that remained stable over a period of 12 months in patients who did not exhibit PD. Results: A total of 860 MRI's of 106 patients were reviewed. psPD was identified in 24 patients (23%) on 76 MRI's. The cumulative incidence of psPD was 13% at 1 year, 22% at 5 years, and 28% at 10 years. The mean of the observed maximal volume of psPD was 2.4 cc. The median Dmin in psPD lesions was 50.1 Gy. The presence of an 1p/19q codeletion was associated with an increased risk of psPD (subhazard ratio 2.34, p = 0.048). psPD was asymptomatic in 83% of patients. Conclusion: The cumulative incidence of psPD in grade 2 diffuse glioma increases over time. Consensus regarding event definition and statistical analysis is needed for comparisons between series investigating psPD