187 research outputs found

    A dynamic model of the mitochondrial protein import machinery

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    Many proteins are translocated into or across two mem-branes in order to reach their functional destination; these include many nuclear-encoded mitochondrial and chloro-plast proteins, as well as proteins transported into or across the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. In eukaryotes, mechanistic insights have been obtained mainly with the mitochondrial two-membrane transport system. By generating translocation intermediates that span both mitochondrial membranes at the same time, it has been demonstrated that the outer and inner mem-brane translocation machineries cooperate in the import of preproteins (Hart1 and Neupert, 1990; Baker and Schatz, 1991). Translocation contact sites were defined as mito-chondrial import sites where the outer and inner mem-branes are so close together that they can be spanned b

    A morphological view on mitochondrial protein targeting

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    Mitochondrial protein targeting includes both intramitochondrial sorting of proteins encoded by the organellar genome and import and subsequent sorting of nuclear encoded precursor proteins. Only a few proteins are encoded by the mitochondrial genome and synthesized in the organellar matrix. These include predominantly inner membrane proteins that are perhaps co-translationally inserted into this membrane. Biochemical data suggest that insertion into the inner membrane may be confined to the inner boundary membrane. Ultrastructurally, however, a preferential association of ribosomes with either inner boundary or cristae membranes has not been established. The majority of the mitochondrial proteins are nuclear encoded and synthesized as precursors in the cytosol. Electron microscopic studies revealed that import of precursor proteins is generally confined to sites where both mitochondrial envelope membranes are closely apposed. In line with these observations, biochemical studies indicated that precursor proteins destined for the inner membrane or matrix have to interact with the energized inner membrane to allow complete passage of the precursor through the outer membrane. As a consequence, the mitochondrial envelope membranes have to be in close proximity at protein import sites. In isolated mitochondria distinct sites (designated as contact sites) exist where both envelope membranes are closely apposed and presumably stably associated. In situ, however, mitochondrial boundary membranes are in close proximity over large areas that cover almost the entire mitochondrial periphery. Consequently, the relative area of the mitochondrial surface, where both boundary membranes are in sufficient proximity for allowing protein translocation, is generally larger in situ compared to that in isolated organelles. Immunocytochemical localization studies showed a rather random distribution of components of the mitochondrial protein translocation machinery over the entire mitochondrial surface and not confined to contact sites. Based on these ultrastructral data and recent biochemical findings we propose that mitochondrial protein import sites are dynamic in nature and include relatively labile regions of close association of the boundary membranes. In vitro, however, mitochondrial protein import may preferentially take place at or near the presumably stable contact sites

    Identification of the mitochondrial receptor complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Mitochondrial protein import involves the recognition of preproteins by receptors and their subsequent translocation across the outer membrane. In Neurospora crassa, the two import receptors, MOM19 and MOM72, were found in a complex with the general insertion protein, GIP (formed by MOM7, MOM8, MOM30 and MOM38) and MOM22. We isolated a complex out of S. cerevisiae mitochondria consisting of MOM38/ISP42, the receptor MOM72, and five new yeast proteins, the putative equivalents of N. crassa MOM7, MOM8, MOM19, MOM22 and MOM30. A receptor complex isolated out of yeast cells transformed with N. crassa MOM19 contained the N. crassa master receptor in addition to the yeast proteins. This demonstrates that the yeast complex is functional, and provides strong evidence that we also have identified the yeast MOM19

    VIPAR, a quantitative approach to 3D histopathology applied to lymphatic malformations.

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    BACKGROUND: Lack of investigatory and diagnostic tools has been a major contributing factor to the failure to mechanistically understand lymphedema and other lymphatic disorders in order to develop effective drug and surgical therapies. One difficulty has been understanding the true changes in lymph vessel pathology from standard 2D tissue sections. METHODS: VIPAR (volume information-based histopathological analysis by 3D reconstruction and data extraction), a light-sheet microscopy-based approach for the analysis of tissue biopsies, is based on digital reconstruction and visualization of microscopic image stacks. VIPAR allows semiautomated segmentation of the vasculature and subsequent nonbiased extraction of characteristic vessel shape and connectivity parameters. We applied VIPAR to analyze biopsies from healthy lymphedematous and lymphangiomatous skin. RESULTS: Digital 3D reconstruction provided a directly visually interpretable, comprehensive representation of the lymphatic and blood vessels in the analyzed tissue volumes. The most conspicuous features were disrupted lymphatic vessels in lymphedematous skin and a hyperplasia (4.36-fold lymphatic vessel volume increase) in the lymphangiomatous skin. Both abnormalities were detected by the connectivity analysis based on extracted vessel shape and structure data. The quantitative evaluation of extracted data revealed a significant reduction of lymphatic segment length (51.3% and 54.2%) and straightness (89.2% and 83.7%) for lymphedematous and lymphangiomatous skin, respectively. Blood vessel length was significantly increased in the lymphangiomatous sample (239.3%). CONCLUSION: VIPAR is a volume-based tissue reconstruction data extraction and analysis approach that successfully distinguished healthy from lymphedematous and lymphangiomatous skin. Its application is not limited to the vascular systems or skin. FUNDING: Max Planck Society, DFG (SFB 656), and Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence EXC 1003

    Locally Triggered Release of the Chemokine CCL21 Promotes Dendritic Cell Transmigration across Lymphatic Endothelia

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    Trafficking cells frequently transmigrate through epithelial and endothelial monolayers. How monolayers cooperate with the penetrating cells to support their transit is poorly understood. We studied dendritic cell (DC) entry into lymphatic capillaries as a model system for transendothelial migration. We find that the chemokine CCL21, which is the decisive guidance cue for intravasation, mainly localizes in the trans-Golgi network and intracellular vesicles of lymphatic endothelial cells. Upon DC transmigration, these Golgi deposits disperse and CCL21 becomes extracellularly enriched at the sites of endothelial cell-cell junctions. When we reconstitute the transmigration process in vitro, we find that secretion of CCL21-positive vesicles is triggered by a DC contact-induced calcium signal, and selective calcium chelation in lymphatic endothelium attenuates transmigration. Altogether, our data demonstrate a chemokine-mediated feedback between DCs and lymphatic endothelium, which facilitates transendothelial migration.Peer reviewe

    Functional characteristics of calcitonin gene-related peptide receptors in human Ewing's sarcoma WE-68 cells

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    AbstractCalcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor activity was studied in WE-68 human Ewing's sarcoma cells. 125I-human CGRP bound in a time-dependent, reversible and saturable manner. Scatchard plots were compatible with the presence of a homogenous population of CGRP receptors with high affinity (Kd = 15 pM, and Bmax = 1.9 fmolmg protein). The potency order of unlabeled peptides, in the presence of radioligand, was: human CGRP-II > human CGRP = chick CGRP > rat CGRP = rat [Tyro]CGRP > human [Tyro] CGRP > > salmon calcitonin (CT) > rat [Tyro]CGRP-(28-37). Each peptide except CT and [Tyio]CGRP-(28-37) stimulated cyclic AMP generation in a concentration-dependent manner, and the relative potencies paralleled their relative ability in inhibiting 125I-human CGRP binding. We conclude that WE-68 Ewing's sarcoma cells express genuine CGRP receptors which upon activation lead to stimulation of cyclic AMP formation.Calcitonin gene-related peptide; Calcitonin; cyclic AMP; (Human; Ewing's sarcoma cell

    Dendritic Cells Take up and Present Antigens from Viable and Apoptotic Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes

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    Dendritic cells (DC) are endowed with the ability to cross-present antigens from other cell types to cognate T cells. DC are poised to meet polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) as a result of being co-attracted by interleukin-8 (IL-8), for instance as produced by tumor cells or infected tissue. Human monocyte-derived and mouse bone marrow-derived DC can readily internalize viable or UV-irradiated PMNs. Such internalization was abrogated at 4Β°C and partly inhibited by anti-CD18 mAb. In mice, DC which had internalized PMNs containing electroporated ovalbumin (OVA) protein, were able to cross-present the antigen to CD8 (OT-1) and CD4 (OT-2) TCR-transgenic T cells. Moreover, in humans, tumor cell debris is internalized by PMNs and the tumor-cell material can be subsequently taken up from the immunomagnetically re-isolated PMNs by DC. Importantly, if human neutrophils had endocytosed bacteria, they were able to trigger the maturation program of the DC. Moreover, when mouse PMNs with E. coli in their interior are co-injected in the foot pad with DC, many DC loaded with fluorescent material from the PMNs reach draining lymph nodes. Using CT26 (H-2d) mouse tumor cells, it was observed that if tumor cells are intracellularly loaded with OVA protein and UV-irradiated, they become phagocytic prey of H-2d PMNs. If such PMNs, that cannot present antigens to OT-1 T cells, are immunomagnetically re-isolated and phagocytosed by H-2b DC, such DC productively cross-present OVA antigen determinants to OT-1 T cells. Cross-presentation to adoptively transferred OT-1 lymphocytes at draining lymph nodes also take place when OVA-loaded PMNs (H-2d) are coinjected in the footpad of mice with autologous DC (H-2b). In summary, our results indicate that antigens phagocytosed by short-lived PMNs can be in turn internalized and productively cross-presented by DC

    Placenta Growth Factor-1 Exerts Time-Dependent Stabilization of Adherens Junctions Following VEGF-Induced Vascular Permeability

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    Increased vascular permeability is an early event characteristic of tissue ischemia and angiogenesis. Although VEGF family members are potent promoters of endothelial permeability the role of placental growth factor (PlGF) is hotly debated. Here we investigated PlGF isoforms 1 and 2 and present in vitro and in vivo evidence that PlGF-1, but not PlGF-2, can inhibit VEGF-induced permeability but only during a critical window post-VEGF exposure. PlGF-1 promotes VE-cadherin expression via the trans-activating Sp1 and Sp3 interaction with the VE-cadherin promoter and subsequently stabilizes transendothelial junctions, but only after activation of endothelial cells by VEGF. PlGF-1 regulates vascular permeability associated with the rapid localization of VE-cadherin to the plasma membrane and dephosphorylation of tyrosine residues that precedes changes observed in claudin 5 tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane localization. The critical window during which PlGF-1 exerts its effect on VEGF-induced permeability highlights the importance of the translational significance of this work in that PLGF-1 likely serves as an endogenous anti-permeability factor whose effectiveness is limited to a precise time point following vascular injury. Clinical approaches that would pattern nature's approach would thus limit treatments to precise intervals following injury and bring attention to use of agents only during therapeutic windows
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