332 research outputs found

    Czech pupils' map skills: pupils of vatious age comparison

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    Mapové dovednosti českých žáků: porovnání různých věkových skupin 3 Abstract The present study deals with, in Czechia, still poorly investigated topic, namely the level of map skills of pupils of different age groups. Specifically, the thesis is concerned with map skills of pupils aged 11, 15 and 18 years, so pupils at the end of the first, second and third education level. Selection of pupils of these ages allows us to compare map skills with the requirements for pupil performance contained in the official curricula. Firstly, there are map skills defined. Subsequently, an analysis of Czech curricula was made. Then the results were compared with the results of the analysis of curricula of Slovakia, Finland and the U.S.A. to assess the concept of map skills in these documents. The results of this comparative analysis show that the Czech curricula in terms of map skills requirements indicate some randomness and lack of clear, legible concept of their development at different levels of education. Using results of this analysis, core map skills were identified - the ability to locate objects on the map, to use map as a source of information and to create maps. The following research was aimed at the first two groups of map skills. A level of pupils' map skills was observed using a map skill test that was...Mapové dovednosti českých žáků: porovnání různých věkových skupin 2 Abstrakt Předkládaná studie se zabývá v českém prostředí dosud nedostatečně zkoumanou problematikou, a sice mírou osvojení dovednosti práce s mapou u žáků různých věkových skupin. Konkrétně pak mapovými dovednostmi žáků ve věku 11, 15 a 18 let, tedy žáků na konci prvního a druhého stupně základní školy a na závěr studia na střední škole. Výběr žáků těchto věkových skupin tak umožňuje porovnání jejich mapových dovedností s požadavky na výkon žáků obsažené v oficiálních kurikulárních dokumentech. V rámci studie jsou nejprve vymezeny mapové dovednosti, a to jak na základě diskuse zahraniční literatury, tak také na základě začlenění mapových dovedností do obecného systému dovedností. Následně byla provedena analýza českých kurikulárních dokumentů, jejíž výsledky byly následně porovnány s výsledky analýzy kurikulárních dokumentů Slovenska, Finska a USA za účelem zhodnocení koncepce požadavků na mapové dovednosti žáků. Z výsledků této srovnávací analýzy je zřejmé, že české kurikulární dokumenty se z hlediska požadavků na dovednosti práce s mapou vyznačují určitou nahodilostí a také absencí jasné čitelné koncepce jejich rozvoje na jednotlivých stupních vzdělání. Na základě této analýzy byly dále identifikovány jádrové mapové dovednosti - dovednost...Department of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Pressure sensor made 3D structure

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou snímače tlaku vytvořeného pomocí struktury 3D. Snímač tlaku převádí tlak na lépe měřitelnou veličinu, která se dále zpracovává. Snímání tlaku se provádí nejčastěji kapacitně, tenzometricky a opticky. Struktury 3D lze konstruovat za pomoci technologie LTCC, kterou lze oproti standardní korundové keramice laminovat do vícevrstvých struktur. Pasivní obvodové součástky lze na jednotlivé vrstvy keramiky nanášet pomocí tenkovrstvé nebo tlustovrstvé technologie. Praktická část práce se zabývá několika způsoby konstrukce tlakového snímače. Jedná se především o kapacitní tenzometrický a optický senzor a případné problémy s výrobou jednotlivých senzorů především problémy s laminací, dutinami nebo výpalem.This thesis deals with the points at issue of a 3D structure pressure sensor. The pressure sensor converts pressure into another physical quantity which is easier measure and which is processed subsequently. Usually ways of pressure sensing is for example capacitive, strain-gauge and optical. The 3D structures are constructed through the use of a LTCC technology, which can be laminated to create multi-layer structures, compared to standard high-temperature ceramics. Passive circuit components can be applied onto particular ceramic layers using either thin-layer or thick-layer technology. Practice part of thesis deals with several ways of construction a pressure sensor. First of all capacitive, strain-gauge and optical sensor and possible problems with construction individual sensors above all problems with lamination, cavity or burning

    Liquid analysis sensor

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou míchání kapalin. Pomocí programu COMSOL se provedla simulace struktury pro míchání kapalin a byly vyhodnoceny parametry které, mají největší vliv na kvalitu míchání. V další části práce se zjišťovala kvalita elektrod pro cyklickou voltametrii vytvořených na LTCC pomocí tlustovrstvých past. V závěru práce se vytvořila 3D struktura pro míchání kapalin. Kvalita promíchání byla kontrolována pomocí cyklické voltametrie.This thesis deals with the mixing of liquids issues. The simulation of structure for mixing of liquids and evaluation of parametres which have most significant influence on mixing of liquids was made with help of COMSOL programm. In the next section of thesis the quality of electrodes used for cyclic voltammetry made on LTCC by thick layer technology was determined. In the end of this thesis the 3D structure for mixing of liquids was made. The quality of mixing was controlled by cyclic voltammetry.

    World-mindedness of young people during the rise in migration in Europe : A case study of Czechia, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands

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    During the 2015 sudden rise in migration movements in Europe, approximately 2.4 million refugees arrived in Europe and 1.2 million asylum applications were received in the European Union countries. We were interested in finding out whether these rapid changes and the polarised attitudes represented in the media affected young people's attitudes towards people with different cultural backgrounds. This study, therefore, examined young people's global understanding in four European countries: Czechia, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands. The aim was to identify the level of world-mindedness of young people and compare the results with an earlier study (conducted in 2010) with the same research design. The research was targeted at a group of upper-secondary students in these countries. In total, 962 students participated in the study in 2017. Although the context in the observed countries varied, the findings revealed a stable state, or rather a slightly positive change of world-mindedness, to 2010 in all the countries. The results stress the need to remain sensitive to students' opinions and attitudes towards other people and cultures in geography lessons in general and especially when teaching and learning about current societal issues, inequality, exclusion and solidarity.Peer reviewe

    Non-linear Pattern Matching with Backtracking for Non-free Data Types

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    Non-free data types are data types whose data have no canonical forms. For example, multisets are non-free data types because the multiset {a,b,b}\{a,b,b\} has two other equivalent but literally different forms {b,a,b}\{b,a,b\} and {b,b,a}\{b,b,a\}. Pattern matching is known to provide a handy tool set to treat such data types. Although many studies on pattern matching and implementations for practical programming languages have been proposed so far, we observe that none of these studies satisfy all the criteria of practical pattern matching, which are as follows: i) efficiency of the backtracking algorithm for non-linear patterns, ii) extensibility of matching process, and iii) polymorphism in patterns. This paper aims to design a new pattern-matching-oriented programming language that satisfies all the above three criteria. The proposed language features clean Scheme-like syntax and efficient and extensible pattern matching semantics. This programming language is especially useful for the processing of complex non-free data types that not only include multisets and sets but also graphs and symbolic mathematical expressions. We discuss the importance of our criteria of practical pattern matching and how our language design naturally arises from the criteria. The proposed language has been already implemented and open-sourced as the Egison programming language

    Enhancing Teachers’ Expertise Through Curriculum Leadership—Lessons from the GeoCapabilities 3 Project

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    GeoCapabilities is a distinctive approach to teacher professional development which foregrounds the educational potential of geographical knowledge. This paper examines the effect of GeoCapabilities on geography teachers’ expertise. First, the paper explores a problem of teacher training which privileges technique for classroom effectiveness over geographical thinking. We then introduce the GeoCapabilities 3 project, presenting and discussing findings through teachers’ reflections. We argue that GeoCapabilities 3 offers a model of teacher development, which supports teachers as leaders of curriculum change in an ‘activist profession’. This is needed if geography education is to equip young people with knowledge capabilities for their future

    Towards remote sensing of vegetation processes

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    The latest advances in imaging spectroscopy of vegetation enabled remote sensing (RS) of plant reflected or emitted signals associated with photosynthetic processes as the photoprotective transformation of xanthophyll pigments or the chlorophyll fluorescence (Chl-F). A potential future European Space Agency (ESA) satellite mission FLEX is expected to sense, apart from other parameters, so-called steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence (Chl-FS) signal, which may be potentially used for monitoring of photosynthesis (vegetation canopy carbon assimilation rate). Nevertheless, geometric complexity of plant canopies and signal disturbing atmospheric factors require a proper approach for scaling the information of a single leaf optical properties up to the RS image data of anisotropic vegetation canopies. Such up-scaling approach can be established only via synergic measurements of ground based and air-/space-borne optical sensors. Our initial experiment revealed that Chl-FS, being strongly driven by the air temperature, is able to accurately indicate onset and off-set of the photosynthetically active period for the evergreen plants. Next field experiment, carried out with the VNIR imaging spectroradiometer AISA Eagle (SPECIM Ltd., Finland) mounted above the montane grassland and Norway spruce (Picea abies /L./ Karst.) canopies, showed that the fluorescence signal is retrievable from passive optical imaging spectroscopy data. Further analyses revealed that some of the vegetation \u27process-related\u27 optical indices (e.g., photochemical reflectance index - PRI) are closely correlated to the parameters measured over the experimental canopies by eddy-covariance flux systems. The future objective is to continue in development the leaf-canopy Chl-F up-scaling approach by setting up local scale experiments employing the field pocket-size cost effective instruments measuring the leaf optical indices and Chl-F parameters simultaneously with canopy reflectance acquired by RS sensors from tower and aircraft platforms