2,418 research outputs found

    The seed of goal-related doubts : a longitudinal investigation of the roles of failure and expectation of success among police trainee applicants

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    Various theories on personal goal striving rely on the assumption that failure raises doubts about the goal. Yet, empirical evidence for an association between objective failure experiences and doubts about personal long-term goals is still missing. In a longitudinal field study, applicants for a job as a police trainee (n = 172, Mage = 25.15; 55 females and 117 males) were accompanied across three measurement times over a period of five months. We investigated the effects of failure and initial expectation of success (in the standardized selection process) on doubts regarding the superordinate goal of becoming a police officer. As hypothesized, both failure and low initial expectation of success as well as their interaction led to increased goal-related doubts over time. The findings provide first empirical evidence for the role of failure in the emergence of goal-related doubts in personal long-term goals and, therefore, the disengagement process as it is hypothesized in various theories on goal striving and life-span development

    Brand personality and its influence on brand loyalty - Do sophisticated brands have more brand loyal customers?

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    Objectives. Creating loyal customers is one of the most important aims organisations have. However, most marketing departments try to create loyal customers through customer loyalty programmes only. This study aims at investigating the influence of the brand’s image (i.e., brand personality; Aaker, 1997) on brand loyalty. Method. Study 1 (N = 360) was used to derive a valid single-item measure from a multi-item scale for the three inter-culturally stable brand personality dimensions (sincerity, excitement, sophistication; Aaker, Benet-Martinez, & Garolera, 2001). Study 2, using an automobile customer sample (N = 1032), assessed the influence of brand personality on brand loyalty while controlling for previous purchases and customer personality. Results. Previous purchases and customers’ conscientiousness were significant determinants of brand loyalty. Additionally, all three brand personality dimensions explained incremental variance (ΔR² = .28) of customers’ loyalty. Conclusion. Practical implications for the application of brand personality in loyalty campaigns are derived

    Advanced Wireless Sensors Used to Monitor the Impact of Environment Design on Human Physiology

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    This article describes modern wireless sensor devices and their application in the measurements of the human physiology. We used our own advanced ECG Holter device and EEG helmet to record the heart and brain activity impacted by different environments, materials, colors or body positions during work. In this paper, we want to show the interactions between humans and architecture design, which modify human work performance and well-being. This paper is a conclusion of the 3 different pilot studies, where different scopes of human-space interaction were explored. In the experiments, we aimed mostly at wood materials and their beneficial effects on the nervous system. The research in its actual state is primarily focused on optimizing the methods of the ECG data analysis from our Holter device and the EEG data from helmet. Based on these data, we will improve the methodology of the experiments for the next enhanced research with aspiration to automate data analysis

    Run management for organic layers

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    Layer runs are often bare and loaded with nutrients and with infectious stages of helminths. Various management strategies are recommended in order to better distribute the hens in the run, thereby preventing local accumulation of droppings and related problems. However, little is known about the impact of those strategies. A series of on farm experiments has been performed in order to test the effects of flock size and of artificial structures on the dispersal of the hens in the run. Further studies evaluated the effects of mowing and run size as well as rotational use of runs on turf quality, nutrient load in the soil and on the infection of the hens with internal parasites. As a summary, introducing structures or applying a rotational management scheme improves run use and facilitates mowing, thus improving turf quality in the run in front of the henhouse. However, the expected reduction of helminth infections and nutrient accumulation has not been observed

    High-fidelity simulation increases obstetric self-assurance and skills in undergraduate medical students

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    Objective: Teaching intrapartum care is one of the most challenging tasks in undergraduate medical education. High-fidelity obstetric simulators might support students' learning experience. The specific educational impact of these simulators compared with traditional methods of model-based obstetric teaching has not yet been determined. Study design: We randomly assigned 46 undergraduate medical students to be taught using either a high-fidelity simulator or a scale wood-and-leather phantom. Their self-assessments were evaluated using a validated questionnaire. We assessed obstetric skills and asked students to solve obstetric paper cases. Main outcome measures: Assessment of fidelity-specific teaching impact on procedural knowledge, motivation, and interest in obstetrics as well as obstetric skills using high- and low-fidelity training models. Results: High-fidelity simulation specifically improved students' feeling that they understood both the physiology of parturition and the obstetric procedures. Students in the simulation group also felt better prepared for obstetric house jobs and performed better in obstetric skills evaluations. However, the two groups made equivalent obstetric decisions. Conclusion: This study provides first data on the impact of high-fidelity simulation in an undergraduate setting

    Transmission and Generation Investment in Electricity Markets: The Effects of Market Splitting and Network Fee Regimes

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    In this paper we propose a three–level computational equilibrium model that allows to analyze the impact of the regulatory environment on transmission line expansion (by the regulator) and investment in generation capacity (by private firms) in liberalized electricity markets. The basic model analyzes investment decisions of the transmission operator (TO) and private firms in expectation of an energy only market and cost-based redispatch. In different specifications we consider the cases of one versus two price zones (market splitting) and analyze different approaches to recover network cost, in particular lump sum, capacity based, and energy based fees. In order to compare the outcomes of our multi–stage market model with the first best benchmark, we also solve the corresponding integrated planer problem. In two simple test networks we illustrate that energy only markets can lead to suboptimal locational decisions for generation capacity and thus, imply excessive network expansion. Market splitting heals those problems only partially. Those results obtain for both, capacity and energy based network tariffs, although investment slightly differs across those regimes


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    The aim of the experiment was to analyze the effect of certain feed additives on the egg yolk quality characteristics of laying hens hybrid Hy-Line Brown under controlled conditions. Laying hens (n=40) were randomly divided into four groups with the same number of hens per group (n=10). In the first group there were hens fed with complete feed mixtures without any additives. The second group was fed with complete compound feed enriched with Oregami aetherooleum. In third group there was propolis extract added and  in the fourth group there was a supplement of pollen extract. All groups of hens were fed ad libitum. The average value of the yolk weight was found significantly (P<0.05) higher in the fourth group than in the second one, the yolk index value was significantly higher in the third group compared to the second one. There was significantly (P<0.05) higher average value of the yolk colour in the second group compared with the fourth one. In all experimental groups and characteristics there was statistically significant (P<0.05) dependance on the actual part of the laying period

    The use of rituals at primary school

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    The paper presents school rituals and their possible use at primary school. Its aim is to show the options of use of rituals in teaching.The authors first define the rituals in general and then characterise the school rituals. Based on a survey they show how the rituals are being used in a school environment. First, they divide the rituals into welcoming, valedictory, educational and celebratory. At the end, they document the main advantages that the respondents see in the use of rituals in their practice. The study results show that nowadays the rituals are an integral part of education at primary school and point to positives, which brings the use of rituals. There is also mentioned possible drawbacks that are related to the research of school rituals

    Obecné požadavky kvality programových dokumentů

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    The systematic tourism promotion can be understood as a specific tool of a regional policy of the Czech regions. At the present time almost all regions have disposed of a particular programme document focused on a development of tourism in a given region. Nevertheless these documents are considerably different in the case of their form and content. That is why an evaluation of their quality is quite difficult. One of the reasons of this situation is an absence of the requirements on a quality of these documents. This paper resulted from the methodological concept which aim is to set the basic requirements on the form and content of the programme documents

    Are fruit colors adapted to consumer vision and birds equally efficient in detecting colorful signals?

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    Reproduction in plants often requires animal vectors. Fruit and flower colors are traditionally viewed as an adaptation to facilitate detection for pollinators and seed dispersers. This long-standing hypothesis predicts that fruits are easier to detect against their own leaves compared with those of different species. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing the chromatic contrasts between 130 bird-dispersed fruits and their respective backgrounds according to avian vision. From a bird's view, fruits are not more contrasting to their own background than to those of other plant species. Fruit colors are therefore not adapted toward maximized conspicuousness for avian seed dispersers. However, secondary structures associated with fruit displays increase their contrasts. We used fruit colors to assess whether the ultraviolet and violet types of avian visual systems are equally efficient in detecting color signals. In bright light, the chromatic contrasts between fruit and background are stronger for ultraviolet vision. This advantage is due to the lesser overlap in spectral sensitivities of the blue and ultraviolet cones, which disappears in dim light conditions. We suggest that passerines with ultraviolet cones might primarily use epigamic signals that are less conspicuous to their avian predators (presumably with violet vision). Possible examples for such signals are carotenoid-based signals