26 research outputs found

    Fysiikka, filosofia ja teologia kosmologisten haasteiden edessä

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    Kosmologian valitsemista monitieteisen konferenssin yhteiseksi teemaksi saatetaan pitää uhkarohkeana yrityksenä. Miten tutkia maailmankaikkeutta fysiikan, tähtitieteen, filosofian ja teologian yhteisellä keskustelufoorumilla? Viime toukokuussa Helsingissä pidetyn kansainvälisen konferenssin "Infinity, Causality, and Determinism" järjestäjillä ei ollut muuta mahdollisuutta kuin luottaa siihen, että kaikki osapuolet tuntevat jossakin määrin länsimaista ajatteluperinnettä, jolle on ollut ominaista pyrkimys käsittää todellisuus yhtenä ja intellektuaalisena

    Children's Relative Age and ADHD Medication Use : A Finnish Population-Based Study

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    Using population-based register data, we examine the association between children's birth month and ADHD medication use in a single jurisdiction (Finland). OBJECTIVES: The youngest children in a classroom are at increased risk of being medicated for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We examined the association between children's birth month and ADHD medication rates in Finland. METHODS: Using a population-based study, we analyzed ADHD medication use among children born in 2005 to 2007. Cases (n= 7054) were identified from the first purchase of medication for ADHD. Cox proportional hazard models and hazard ratios (HRs) were examined by birth month and sex. Finnish children start first grade in the year of their seventh birthday. The cutoff date is December 31. RESULTS: Risk of ADHD medication use increased throughout the year by birth month (ie, January through April to May through August to September through December). Among boys born in September to December, the association remained stable across cohorts (HR: 1.3; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.1-1.5). Among girls born in September to December, the HR in the 2005 cohort was 1.4 (95% CI: 1.1-1.8), whereas in the 2007 cohort it was 1.7 (95% CI: 1.3-2.2). In a restricted follow-up, which ended at the end of the year of the children's eighth birthday, the HRs for boys and girls born in September to December 2007 were 1.5 (95% CI: 1.3-1.7) and 2.0 (95% CI: 1.5-2.8), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Relative immaturity increases the likelihood of ADHD medication use in Finland. The association was more pronounced during the first school years. Increased awareness of this association is needed among clinicians and teachers.Peer reviewe

    Lääkärien päivystysmallien kehittämis- ja arviointitutkimus - Päivystysmallit ja työkuormitus

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    Tutkimushankkeen n:o 112241 loppuraportti Työsuojelurahastoll

    The genetic basis of endometriosis and comorbidity with other pain and inflammatory conditions

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    Endometriosis is a common condition associated with debilitating pelvic pain and infertility. A genome-wide association study meta-analysis, including 60,674 cases and 701,926 controls of European and East Asian descent, identified 42 genome-wide significant loci comprising 49 distinct association signals. Effect sizes were largest for stage 3/4 disease, driven by ovarian endometriosis. Identified signals explained up to 5.01% of disease variance and regulated expression or methylation of genes in endometrium and blood, many of which were associated with pain perception/maintenance (SRP14/BMF, GDAP1, MLLT10, BSN and NGF). We observed significant genetic correlations between endometriosis and 11 pain conditions, including migraine, back and multisite chronic pain (MCP), as well as inflammatory conditions, including asthma and osteoarthritis. Multitrait genetic analyses identified substantial sharing of variants associated with endometriosis and MCP/migraine. Targeted investigations of genetically regulated mechanisms shared between endometriosis and other pain conditions are needed to aid the development of new treatments and facilitate early symptomatic intervention

    The genetic basis of endometriosis and comorbidity with other pain and inflammatory conditions

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    Endometriosis is a common condition associated with debilitating pelvic pain and infertility. A genome-wide association study meta-analysis, including 60,674 cases and 701,926 controls of European and East Asian descent, identified 42 genome-wide significant loci comprising 49 distinct association signals. Effect sizes were largest for stage 3/4 disease, driven by ovarian endometriosis. Identified signals explained up to 5.01% of disease variance and regulated expression or methylation of genes in endometrium and blood, many of which were associated with pain perception/maintenance (SRP14/BMF, GDAP1, MLLT10, BSN and NGF). We observed significant genetic correlations between endometriosis and 11 pain conditions, including migraine, back and multisite chronic pain (MCP), as well as inflammatory conditions, including asthma and osteoarthritis. Multitrait genetic analyses identified substantial sharing of variants associated with endometriosis and MCP/migraine. Targeted investigations of genetically regulated mechanisms shared between endometriosis and other pain conditions are needed to aid the development of new treatments and facilitate early symptomatic intervention

    Interpreter Training in Finland

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    This article describes the status of interpreter training and qualifications in Finland. Interpreter training is provided at universities, universities of applied sciences, folk high schools and adult education centres, depending on the language and method of interpreting. The authors argue that university-level training should be made available regardless of the language or method of interpreting. Furthermore, the authorities should regulate and develop an accreditation system for the field of interpreting.Artikkeli suomeksi: "Tulkkauksen koulutus Suomessa" (Humanistisen ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja F. Katsauksia ja aineistoja 2, 2011)

    Tulkkauksen koulutus Suomessa

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    Artikkelissa kuvataan tulkkauksen koulutuksen ja tulkiksi pätevöitymisen tilannetta Suomessa. Tulkkauksen koulutusta tarjotaan yliopistoissa, ammattikorkeakouluissa, kansanopistoissa ja aikuiskoulutuskeskuksissa riippuen tulkkauskielestä tai tulkkausmenetelmästä. Kirjoittajat esittävät, että tulkkauksen koulutus tulisi olla korkeakoulutasoista tulkkauskielestä tai -menetelmästä riippumatta. Viranomaisten tulisi myös valvoa tulkkausalaa ja luoda sitä koskeva akkreditointijärjestelmä