137 research outputs found


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    Introduction: The use of detergent every year is increasing in line with the population growth rate in Indonesia. The impact of excessive use of detergent will result in pollution and damage to ecosystems and aquatic biota. The nature of detergents is to damage microorganisms. The dominant laundry waste comes from softeners and detergents. The research aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the "SM" tool to reduce detergent levels in laundry wastewater. Methods: This type of research was pre-experimental with a one-shot case study design. The independent variable was a tool to recycle laundry liquid waste into clean water "SM." The dependent variable was the detergent level (MBAS). The sample came from the laundry in the Kecamatan Baturraden area. Replication was carried out six times. Analyzing differences in detergent levels before and after being treated with the "SM" tool. The analysis used a paired T test. Result and discussion: The experimental results showed the “SM” tool could treat 960 liters of wastewater/day. The physical quality of the water after being treated using the “SM” tool, the water was colorless or clear, but it still smelled slightly fragrantly. The average level of detergent level checks before processing was 2.52 mg/L and after processing was 0.01 mg/L. The effective detergent parameter (MBAS) decreased by 99.51%, categorized as quite effective. The analysis using the paired T Test showed the p value of 0.239 with the lower and upper values being at one pole, meaning there was a significant difference between detergent levels before and after being processed utilizing the "SM" tool. Conclusion: Detergent levels (MBAS) after processing met the chemical quality requirements of clean water in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 32 of 2017 concerning Environmental Health Quality Standards and Water Health Requirements for Sanitation Hygiene, Solus Per Aqua and Public Bathing Needs

    A Set of Smart Practices for Public Health Department Accreditation by Public Health Accreditation Board

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research is to determine smart practices that could be used by a public health department to have an efficient, productive and successful accreditation by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). Methodology: Accreditation coordinators of eight accredited Ohio-based public health departments were interviewed in 2016. A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with funneling. Results were generated using a hybrid model of analysis that included a content analysis to make valid inferences from the interview data. Results: The accreditation coordinators identified a series of smart practices. Six prominent themes that were identified and labeled as smart practices included: Mock Drill, Documentation, Tools, Program & Process Planning, Leadership & Staff Support, and Ask for Help or Reach-out. Recommendations: The use of the smart practices identified in this research may assist a public health department in efficiently achieving accreditation and in the process help it to better serve the needs of the community

    Assessing the biodiversity value of degraded lowland forest in Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Forest degradation, forest fires, and wildlife poaching have devastated biodiversity in Indonesia. To assess the impact of forest degradation and the potential for recovery, we used birds as a proxy for biodiversity and assessed density estimates (hereafter density) in the degraded lowland forest of Harapan Rainforest Ecosystem Restoration Concession (HRF) in Sumatra. In this study, a total of 149 bird species (from 5,317 individuals) were recorded. Of the 103 species for which densities could be calculated, 45% were lowland bird specialists (i.e. species occurring below 200 m above sea level in Sumatra), including three globally threatened and 41 Near-Threatened species. Comparison with bird densities in degraded forest of Borneo revealed that there was broad similarity across taxa but three species had significantly higher density, and four had significantly lower density, in HRF. The mosaic of degraded forest habitats in different stages of regeneration in HRF appears to support more individuals of some species, especially woodpeckers, than the Bornean sites, but fewer individuals of other species. Determining bird densities is essential to establish population baselines, allowing comparisons between sites and over time. The present study fills one gap, but we urge others to conduct similar studies to provide a better understanding of the temporal and spatial variation in bird density in Southeast Asia’s degraded forests

    Kualitas dan Kuantitas Air Bersih pada Gerbong Kereta Api Stasiun Purwokerto

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    Abstrak Air bersih pada gerbong kereta api digunakan untuk kamar mandi pada setiap gerbong. Air bersih pada kereta api berperan penting bagi penumpangnya, apabila air bersih yang digunakan kualitasnya tidak sesuai dengan peraturan , maka dapat berdampak bagi pengguna air bersih tersebut. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dengan pengamatan, wawancara, dan pemeriksaan. Data ini disajikan dengan menggunakan editing, coding, tabulating dan saving. Hasil penelitian pada kereta api ekonomi yaitu kualitas fisik, kimia, dan mikrobiologi telah memenuhi standar Permenkes 32 Tahun 2019, dengan hasil tidak berbau, tidak berasa, pemeriksaan warna 10,7 TCU, kekeruhan 5 NTU, TDS 258mg/l, suhu 29˚C, pH 8, dan total coliform 41CFU/100ml. Keadaan sarana sanitasi pada kereta api ekonomi kurang baik, dengan reservoir sudah berkarat, dan toilet yang berbau urine. Air bersih  pada kereta api eksekutif yaitu kualitas fisik, kimia, dan mikrobiologi telah memenuhi standar Permenkes 32 Tahun 2019 yang meliputi hasil air tidak berbau, tidak berasa, warna air 5,5 TCU, kekeruhan 5 NTU, TDS 353mg/l, suhu 24˚C, pH 8,4, dan total coliform 23CFU/100ml. Keadaan sarana sanitasi pada kereta api eksekutif kurang baik terdapat pada reservoir yang berkarat. Pada kedua kereta kondisi sarana perpipaan sudah baik. Kuantitas pada kereta api ekonomi tidak memenuhi syarat yaitu hanya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih sebanyak 166 orang, yang seharusnya 212 orang, sedangkan untuk kereta api eksekutif kuantitas air telah memenuhi syarat. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kualitas dan kuantitas air bersih sudah memenuhi syarat dengan kondisi baik. Keadaan sanitasi dari reservoir gerbong kereta tidak memenuhi syarat dan keadaan sanitasi toilet tidak memenuhi syarat untuk kereta api ekonomi. Saran peneliti pada PT. KAI yaitu melakukan pemeliharaan terhadap reservoir dengan melakukan pengurasan dan pembilasan secara rutin. Serta memelihara jaringan-jaringan perpipaan air bersih

    Organización administrativa y compromisos de desempeño en la UGEL- Alto Amazonas, 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la organización administrativa y los compromisos de desempeño en la UGEL- Alto Amazonas, 2022. La investigación fue tipo básica, diseño no experimental, transversal y descriptivo correlacional, cuya población y muestra fue de 52 trabajadores. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario. Los resultados determinaron que el nivel de organización administrativa, fue regular en 46,2 %, malo en 32,7 % y bueno en 21,2 %; los compromisos de desempeño, fue cumple mínimamente en 40,4 %, cumple parcialmente en 38,5 % y cumple plenamente en 21,2 %. Concluyendo que existe relación positiva muy alta y significativa entre la organización administrativa y los compromisos de desempeño en la UGEL- Alto Amazonas, 2022, ya que el análisis estadístico de Rho de Spearman fue de 0, 976 (y un p valor igual a 0,000 (p-valor ≤ 0.01); además, solo el 95.26 % de la organización administrativa influye en los compromisos de desempeño

    Auditoría financiera

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    Una auditoría financiera a los Estados Financieros, consiste en un examen (constancia o evidencia soporte dejada técnicamente en los papeles de trabajo) que se realiza a los estados financieros básicos por parte de un auditor distinto del que preparo la información contable y del usuario, con la finalidad de establecer su razonabilidad, dando a conocer los resultados de su examen mediante un dictamen u opinión, a fin de aumentar la utilidad que la información posee. Para que el auditor esté en condiciones de emitir su opinión en forma objetiva y profesional, tiene la responsabilidad de reunir los elementos de juicio suficientes que le permitan obtener una certeza razonable sobre: 1. La autenticidad de los hechos y fenómenos que reflejan los estados financieros. 2. Que son adecuados los criterios, sistemas y métodos utilizados para captar y reflejar en la contabilidad y en los estados financieros dichos hechos y fenómenos. 3. Que los estados financieros estén preparados y revelados de acuerdo con los Principios de Contabilidad Generalmente Aceptados Los Estados Financieros tienen un sustento legal-tributario para toda empresa financiera basándose en las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIFs), de las que el auditor busca la razonabilidad de las mismas, respecto a todo lo sustancial, de acuerdo con un marco de referencia para informes económicos-financieros identificados en las cuentas anuales del desarrollo en un determinado periodo y ejercicio

    The Impact of Integrated Marketing Communication on Corporate Image and Its Implication to Customers Loyalty – Case Analysis at Islamic Bank in Indonesia

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    This study was conducted to determine the influence of integrated marketing communications to the corporate image and its implications for customer loyalty in Islamic banks in Indonesia. For pilot project this study conducted in Bandung city and using Quantitative research design. This study is a pre-test to know the perception of respondents towards their loyalty to Islamic banking. this study were obtained by distributing  survey questionnaire to a sample of 40 Owner Business Enterprise in Bandung. Study assigned with purposive sampling which is particuar individuals are chossen with the characteristic relevant to the study who are thought will be most informative. The participant chosen based on time horison using Musharaka and Mudharaba services, business owner with the medium scale enterprise. The data collected by using Questionaire. Data analysis has been used Partial Least Square. Based on empirical evidence, The performance of integrated marketing communications give 26.7% influence on the image of the company. Then the image of the company amounted to 22.6% impact on customer loyalty. While the indirect effect between the performance of integrated marketing communications and customer loyalty Islamic banks amounted to 24.6%. Keywords: Islamic banking, Customer Loyalty, Integrated Marketing Communication, Corporate Imag