101 research outputs found

    Análisis de la cadena productiva de la fresa (Fragaria spp), y su impacto económico en el cantón Guano provincia de Chimborazo, año 2017.

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    La investigación busca realizar un análisis de la cadena productiva de la fresa y su impacto económico en el cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo. Para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos en la misma, se usó como instrumento de investigación una encuesta y entrevistas, visitas de campo, estableciendo que la cadena productiva actualmente está instituida por los actores directos que son los productores de fresa, seguido del correcto manejo del cultivo para la producción de la misma, para así garantizar una buena producción. Actualmente la producción media es de 80 cartones por semana equivalente a una producción mensual de 2240 Kg. Se lo distribuye en cartones de 7 Kg y valdes de 12.7 Kg. El precio de la fresa es por categoría existiendo la categoría de primera, segunda, tercera y cuarta. El precio es de 11.00,11.00, 9.00 7.00y7.00 y 5.00 respectivamente. La fresa de quinta categoría es para el auto consumo de cada familia. Un factor importante es la comercialización que actualmente se destina a comerciantes mayoristas de Cuenca, Loja, Manta y Riobamba (mercados mayoristas) a su vez distribuyendo a los mercados locales y consumidores de la respectiva localidad. Se recomienda realizar una investigación de las condiciones químicas (grados Brix) de fresa del cantón Guano, de esta manera los productores del cantón podrán tener mejores canales de comercialización.This research aims to analyze the strawberry production chain and its economic impact on Guano canton, located in the province of Chimborazo. A survey, interviews and field studies were used as research tools to achieve the proposed objectives, establishing that the production chain is currently made up by the direct producers who are the strawberry growers, along with the proper management of the crop for strawberry production, in order to guarantee an efficient production. At present, the average production is 80 crates per week, resulting in a monthly production of 2240 kg. It is distributed in packages of 7 kg and buckets of 12.7 kg. The price of strawberries is divided by category, with first, second, third and fourth categories. The price is 11.00,11.00, 9.00, 7.00and7.00 and 5.00 respectively. The fifth category strawberries are for each family' s self-consumption. An elementary key factor is marketing, which presently reaches wholesalers in Cuenca, Loja, Manta, and Riobamba (wholesale markets) and in turn, it is distributed to local markets and locally-based consumers. It is also recommended to carry out an investigation of the chemical conditions (Brix degrees) of strawberries from Guano canton, so that the producers of the region may have better marketing opportunities

    Validación de los Componentes Tecnológicos Limpio y Orgánico, con y sin Trichoderma para el manejo del cultivo de Mora de Castilla (Rubus glaucus Benth) en el cantón Cevallos, provincia de Tungurahua

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    La presente investigación propone: Validar los componentes tecnológicos limpio y orgánico, con y sin Trichoderma spp para el manejo del cultivo de mora de castilla (Rubus glaucus Benth) en el cantón Cevallos, provincia de Tungurahua. Para el diseño estadístico se utilizo Bloques Completo al Azar (BCA) con tres repeticiones. El coeficiente de variación se expreso en porcentaje y se realizo la prueba de Tukey al 5%. Resultado que: la mejor longitud de rama lo presentó el manejo limpio con 110.l2 cm; los estados fenológicos B2, C1, C2 y D1 fueron de 53.92, 60.00, 65.83 y 71.75 días respectivamente para el Manejo orgánico. En el rendimiento A1B1 (Manejo limpio con Trichoderma spp) presentó los mayores números en yemas por rama, flores fecundadas, frutos por rama y rendimiento alcanzando este último 14866.89 Kg/ha. El factor A2 (Manejo orgánico) presento mayor incidencia de Peronospora en yema y fruto, así también la mayor incidencia de Oídium; el mayor número de gusano alambre se registró en A1 con 5.83. Desde el punto de vista económico el tratamiento que presentó menor costo de producción fue T0 (Testigo agrícola) con 1369,08 USD, mientras que el tratamiento T3 (Manejo orgánico con Tricoderma spp) presento un mayor costo de producción con 2659,96 USD. De acuerdo al beneficio neto se determinó que el tratamiento T1 (Manejo limpio con Trichoderma spp) presentó mayor beneficio neto con 9389,36 USD. La tasa de retorno marginal calculada nos indica un retorno de 566,34 %, al cambiar de un tratamiento T0 al tratamiento T1, esto implica que por cada dólar invertido en la nueva tecnología, el productor puede esperar recobrar el dólar invertido más un retorno adicional de $ 5.66

    Capacitación pedagógica y desempeño docente en la I.E N°88333 El Castillo, Santa; 2016

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    La presente investigación titulada capacitación pedagógica y desempeño docente en la I.E N° 88333- El Castillo, Santa - 2016, tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre capacitación pedagógica y desempeño docente en la mencionada institución. El tipo de investigación de estudio fue descriptivo correlacional con diseño No experimental-transversal de corte correlacional, y se utilizó como técnica de recolección de datos la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario para el caso de la capacitación pedagógica y para el medir el desempeño docente una ficha proporcionado y validado por el Ministerio de Educación del Perú. La población estuvo conformada por 13 docentes de la I.E N° 88333- El Castillo, por consiguiente, los resultados demuestran que existe una correlación R de Pearson fuerte entre la capacitación pedagógica y el desempeño docente (significativa al 5% = 0.019), teniendo estas una relación proporcional, puesto que el aumento de nivel de una influye en la otra en la misma proporcional.Tesi

    Maternal Geohelminth Infections Are Associated with an Increased Susceptibility to Geohelminth Infection in Children: A Case-Control Study

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    Background: Children of mothers infected with soil-transmitted helminths (STH) may have an increased susceptibility to STH infection. Methods and Findings: We did a case-control study nested in a birth cohort in Ecuador. Data from 1,004 children aged 7 months to 3 years were analyzed. Cases were defined as children with Ascaris lumbricoides and/or Trichuris trichiura, controls without. Exposure was defined as maternal infection with A. lumbricoides and/or T. trichiura, detected during the third trimester of pregnancy. The analysis was restricted to households with a documented infection to control for infection risk. Children of mothers with STH infections had a greater risk of infection compared to children of uninfected mothers (adjusted OR 2.61, 95% CI: 1.88–3.63, p,0.001). This effect was particularly strong in children of mothers with both STH infections (adjusted OR: 5.91, 95% CI: 3.55–9.81, p,0.001). Newborns of infected mothers had greater levels of plasma IL-10 than those of uninfected mothers (p = 0.033), and there was evidence that cord blood IL-10 was increased among newborns who became infected later in childhood (p = 0.060). Conclusion: Our data suggest that maternal STH infections increase susceptibility to infection during early childhood, an effect that was associated with elevated IL-10 in cord plasma

    Autoestima y aprendizaje de los estudiantes en el centro de Educación Básica Alternativa Artemio del Solar Icochea Santa 2021

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigaciòn es dar a conocer la determinación de la relación presente en las variables: autoestima y aprendizaje en estudiantes de EBA. Se planteó como hipótesis principal que existe relación entre las dos variables, siendo esta directa y significativa poseen una relación directa. El marco metodológico estuvo basado en el enfoque cuantitativo, el tipo básico, todo ello bajo un diseño no experimental, de carácter descriptivo-correlacional. En el caso de la población, se trató de 54 estudiantes, el muestreo fue el no probabilístico, resultando la misma cantidad de la población. La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta, y el instrumento, el cuestionario. Finalmente, las conclusiones evidenciaron que existe relación directa y significativa entre la autoestima y el aprendizaje del área de Comunicación de los estudiantes del 3er grado del ciclo avanzado del CEBA Artemio del Solar Icochea Santa, 2021 (p < 0,05 y Rho de Spearman = 0,644, correlación positiva alta).The objective of this research work is to make known the determination of the relationship present in the variables: self-esteem and learning in EBA students. The main hypothesis was that there is a relationship between the two variables, this being direct and significant, they have a direct relationship. The methodological framework was based on the quantitative approach, the basic type, all under a non-experimental design, of a descriptive-correlational nature. In the case of the population, it was 54 students, the sampling was non-probabilistic, resulting in the same amount of the population. The technique used was the survey, and the instrument, the questionnaire. Finally, the conclusions showed that there is a direct and significant relationship between self-esteem and learning in the Communication area of 3rd grade students of the advanced cycle of CEBA Artemio del Solar Icochea Santa, 2021 (p < 0.05 and Spearman's Rho = 0.644, high positive correlation).ChosicaMetodología y didácticaEscuela Profesional de Educación Básica Alternativ

    Hemoglobinopatías en comunidades de raza negra de los ríos Cayapas y Onzoles, cantón Eloy Alfaro, provincia de Esmeraldas, Ecuador

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    Blood samples from 1,364 individuals of Black race, inhabitants of the area bordering the Cayapas and Onzoles rivers, located in the northwest corner of the Esmeraldas' province, were analysed for haemoglobinopathies by means of haemoglobin electrophoresis using cellulose acetate and citrate agar plates. Of the studied population, 75.7% (1,032) were found to have normal haemoglobin and 24.3% (332) had some homoglobin variant. The rnost frequent variant was Hb.AS with 84.9% (282), followed by Hb.AF 9.6% (32), Hb.SS 2.7% (9), Hb.FS 2.4% (8) and Hb.FF 0.3% (1). The highest prevalence of haemoglobinopathies (31.8%) was detected in young people, 0-9 years of age, and in those aged 10-1 9 (25.8%). A higher prevalence was found in males than females throughout the two river areas studied. On the Cayapas river, cetiain geographical areas were found to have a high prevalence of haemoglobinopathies such as in Trinidad (45.5%) and Santa María (37.9%), while on the Onzoles river the prevalence was more uniform. These findings are discussed, particularly the prevalence of the genotype Hb .SS (2.7%) and the one case (0.3%) with Hb.FF electrophoretic characteristics which requires more detailed study.Se analizaron muestras de sangre de 1.364 individuos de raza negra pura, habitantes de la ribera de los ríos Cayapas y Onzoles, norte de la provincia de Esmeraldas, para hernoglobinopatías mediante electrofóresis de hemoglobina sobre acetato de celulosa y agar de citrato. El 75,7% (1.032) de la población estudiada presenta hemoglobina normal y 24,3% (332) tienevariantes de hemoglobina. La variante más frecuente fue Hb.AS con 84,9% (282), seguida de Hb.AF 9,6% (32), Hb.SS 2,7% (9), Hb.FS 2,4% (8) y Hb.FF 0,3% (1). La prevalencia más elevada se detectó en los grupos de edad jóvenes, 0-9 años (31,8%) y 10-19 años (25,8%). Los hombres presentaron mayor prevalencia que las mujeres en los dos ríos estudiados y existen áreas geográficas características con alta prevalencia en el río Cayapas, Trinidad (45,5%) y Santa María (37,9%), mientras que en el río Onzoles la prevalencia es más uniforme. Se discuten los hallazgos encontrados, principalmente, la prevalencia del genotipo Hb.SS (2,7%) y de un caso (0,3%) con características de Hb.FF que merecen ser estudiados con más detalle

    Evaluación del ribósido de alopurinol contra la leishmaniasis cutánea ecuatoriana

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    In a random study of 75 Ecuadorian patienis with cutaneous leishmaniasis, the objective was to determine the therapeutical index of a new oral antileishmania drug, allopurinol- riboside (AR) plus probenecid. This agent was evaluated by comparing its effect with positive controls treated with pentostam (Sb) and with other controls who received no treatment at all. The lesions mean area reduced rapidly during treatment, allowing determination of percentage healing in the different groups. The AR group was treated with allopurinal-riboside (1500 mg QID) plus probenecid (500 mg QID) for 28 days. 10 (455%) of these 22 patients were found to have healed lesions. Of those patients treated with Sb (20 mg SbIkgIdía, IM for 20 days), al1 28 (100%) patients presented healed lesions. The control group (that which did not receive any treatment) had an elevated percentage of spontaneous healing in 9 (75,0%) of the 12 patients. Patients who failed to respond to treatment or relapsed, were all later treated with pentostam. This study suggests that allopurinol-riboside plus probenecid has a low efficacy against Ecuadorian cutaneous leishmaniasis.Se realizó un estudio randomizado de 75 pacientes con leishmaniasis cutánea ecuatoriana con el fin de determinar el índice terapéutico de una nueva droga oral antileishmania, el ribósido de alopurinol más probenecid. Este agente fue evaluado comparándolo con controles positivos que se trataron con pentostam y con testigos no tratados. Las medidas de las lesiones disminuyeron rápidamente durante la terapia, lo que permitió determinar el porcentaje de cicatrización en los diferentes grupos. En el día 70 se realizó la evaluación de la curación de los pacientes en los diferentes grupos, obteniéndose: alopurinol (1.500 mg/6 h) más probenecid (500 mgI6 h) por 28 días, dió una curación con lesiones cicatrizadas en 10 (45,5%) de los 22 pacientes. Con pentostam (20 mg Sblkgtdía, IM por 20 días) se obtuvo una curación en 28 pacientes siendo esto el 100% de cicatrización. El grupo de no tratamiento presentó un porcentaje muy elevado de curación espontánea en 9 (75,0%) de los 12 pacientes. Todos los pacientes con tratamiento fallido o recidivas recibieron posteriormente tratamiento con pentostam. Este estudio sugiere que el ribósido de alopurinol más probenecid no es una droga con mayor eficacia contra la leishmaniasis cutánea ecuatoriana

    A genetic analysis of <i>Trichuris trichiura</i> and <i>Trichuris suis f</i>rom Ecuador

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    BACKGROUND: Since the nematodes Trichuris trichiura and T. suis are morphologically indistinguishable, genetic analysis is required to assess epidemiological cross-over between people and pigs. This study aimed to clarify the transmission biology of trichuriasis in Ecuador. FINDINGS: Adult Trichuris worms were collected during a parasitological survey of 132 people and 46 pigs in Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador. Morphometric analysis of 49 pig worms and 64 human worms revealed significant variation. In discriminant analysis morphometric characteristics correctly classified male worms according to host species. In PCR-RFLP analysis of the ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS-2) and 18S DNA (59 pig worms and 82 human worms), nearly all Trichuris exhibited expected restriction patterns. However, two pig-derived worms showed a "heterozygous-type" ITS-2 pattern, with one also having a "heterozygous-type" 18S pattern. Phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit partitioned worms by host species. Notably, some Ecuadorian T. suis clustered with porcine Trichuris from USA and Denmark and some with Chinese T. suis. CONCLUSION: This is the first study in Latin America to genetically analyse Trichuris parasites. Although T. trichiura does not appear to be zoonotic in Ecuador, there is evidence of genetic exchange between T. trichiura and T. suis warranting more detailed genetic sampling

    Environmental determinants of total IgE among school children living in the rural Tropics: importance of geohelminth infections and effect of anthelmintic treatment

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    BACKGROUND: The environmental factors that determine the elevated levels of polyclonal IgE observed in populations living in the Tropics are poorly understood but may include geohelminth infections. We investigated the association between geohelminth infections and total IgE levels in school children in rural tropical Ecuador, and assessed the effect on IgE of repeated anthelmintic treatments over a period of 12 months. The study was nested within a cluster-randomized study that randomized 68 schools to receive either 400 mg of albendazole every 2 months over a year or no treatment. We studied random samples of children completing follow-up and representing four groups stratified by the presence of geohelminth infection at baseline and treatment allocation. We measured levels of total IgE and anti-A. lumbricoides IgG (used as a measure of past and current geohelminth infectious exposure) in blood samples collected at the start of the study and after 12 months. RESULTS: We observed elevated levels of total IgE (compared to standard reference values) at the start of the study in this population of school children (geometric mean, 1,004 IU/mL, range 12 to 22,608 IU/mL)) and baseline IgE levels were strongly associated with parameters of geohelminth infection but not with age, nutritional and socioeconomic status. After 12 months, levels of IgE fell significantly in the treatment (by 35.1%) and no treatment (by 10.4%) groups, respectively, but the fall was significantly greater in the treatment group. Falls in IgE were independently associated with albendazole treatment, having a baseline geohelminth infection and with high baseline levels of anti-A. lumbricoides IgG. Increases in IgE at 12 months were associated with the presence of geohelminth infections and increasing levels of anti-A. lumbricoides IgG at 12 months independent of treatment allocation. CONCLUSION: The data provide evidence that geohelminth infections are an important determinant of total IgE in school children in the rural Tropics and that periodic anthelmintic treatments over 12 months are associated with reductions in IgE. The failure of anthelmintic treatment to reduce IgE levels to that considered normal in industrialized countries may be attributed to continued exposure of children to geohelminths or to the effects of infections in early life in programming a long-lasting Th2-biassed immunity

    A Single Dose of Oral BCG Moreau Fails to Boost Systemic IFN-γ Responses to Tuberculin in Children in the Rural Tropics: Evidence for a Barrier to Mucosal Immunization

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    Immune responses to oral vaccines are impaired in populations living in conditions of poverty in developing countries, and there is evidence that concurrent geohelminth infections may contribute to this effect. We vaccinated 48 children living in rural communities in Ecuador with a single oral dose of 100 mg of BCG Moreau RDJ and measured the frequencies of tuberculin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells expressing IFN-γ before and after vaccination. Vaccinated children had active ascariasis (n = 20) or had been infected but received short- (n = 13) or long-term (n = 15) repeated treatments with albendazole prior to vaccination to treat ascariasis. All children had a BCG scar from neonatal vaccination. There was no evidence of a boosting of postvaccination IFN-γ responses in any of the 3 study groups. Our data provide support for the presence of a barrier to oral vaccination among children from the rural tropics that appeared to be independent of concurrent ascariasis