145 research outputs found

    Területfejlesztés vagy iparpolitika?: A francia versenyképességi pólus program tapasztalatai

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    A tanulmány felvázolja a területfejlesztési és a verseny-, illetve iparpolitikának a metszetében elhelyezkedő francia versenyképességi pólusok kialakulásának előzményeit, elméleti hátterét, és az alig egy évtizedes múltra visszatekintő gyakorlati tapasztalatok összegzésére vállalkozik. A versenyképességi pólusok az innovációs szereplők hálózatos kapcsolataira épülnek, fejlődésüket a szereplők közti együttműködés minősége alakítja. Miközben a teljesítmény-szemléletű politikák a legdinamikusabban fejlődő régiókra összpontosítanak az ország európai és globális pozícióját szem előtt tartva, és a pólusok esetében is a legígéretesebb csúcsipari ágazatok támogatását szorgalmazzák, a közel fél évszázados múltú egyenlősítő célzatú területfejlesztési politikák céljai a pólusok nagy számával és a hagyományos, érettebb ágazatok támogatásával realizálódnak. A kettős célkitűzés egyidejűleg a pólusprogram esetében is nehezen teljesíthető, de mindmáig jelen van az ország jövőjét meghatározó területpolitikai vitákban

    One-Electron Singular Branch Lines of the Hubbard Chain

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    The momentum and energy dependence of the weight distribution in the vicinity of the one-electron spectral-function singular branch lines of the 1D Hubbard model is studied for all values of the electronic density and on-site repulsion UU. To achieve this goal we use the recently introduced pseudofermion dynamical theory. Our predictions agree quantitatively for the whole momentum and energy bandwidth with the peak dispersions observed by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in the quasi-1D organic conductor TTF-TCNQ.Comment: Replaced with shortened version; 4 figure

    Expansão para oeste do peixe-gato-europeu Silurus glanis no rio Douro (Portugal)

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    The current study reports the first occurrence and the spread of the European catfish Silurus glanis (Family: Siluridae) in the Portuguese section of the Douro River, suggesting a potential expansion of its distribution in Portugal either via westward dispersal across international rivers and/or human-assisted introductions into new reservoirs and drainages. The European catfish has unique features (e.g., opportunistic predator, hunting, and aggregation behaviour) that make it highly suitable for establishing self-sustaining populations in new areas and likely contribute to its invasion success. The species may severely affect native prey communities and modify food web structure and ecosystem functioning. Efficient and sustainable management actions are needed to prevent further introductions in the future.O presente estudo relata a primeira ocorrência do peixe-gato-europeu Silurus glanis (Família: Siluridae) no troço português do rio Douro, sugerindo uma potencial expansão da sua distribuição em Portugal através da dispersão natural da espécie para oeste através deste rio internacional e/ou através de introduções realizadas pelo homem em novas albufeiras. As características particulares do peixe-gato europeu (por exemplo, predador oportunista e comportamento de caça em grupo) aumentam quer o sucesso da sua dispersão quer o estabelecimento de populações auto-sustentáveis em novas massas de água. Esta espécie pode afetar severamente as comunidades de presas nativas e pode modificar a estrutura da teia alimentar, assim como mudar o funcionamento dos ecossistemas. Desta forma são necessárias ações de gestão eficazes para evitar novas introduções desta espécie.FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diseño de un programa de salud ocupacional para la empresa ETEC S. A

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    El trabajo es una actividad que el individuo desarrolla para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas y obtener unas condiciones de vida acordes con su dignidad humana y así poder realizarse como persona, tanto física como intelectual y socialmente. Para trabajar con eficiencia es necesario estar en buenas condiciones de salud, pero desafortunadamente en muchas ocasiones, el trabajo contribuye a deteriorar la salud del individuo, debido a la exposición paulatina a una serie de factores de riesgo, químicos, biológicos, de seguridad, ergonómicos y psicológicos, los cuales afectan el estado de salud de los trabajadores y la productividad de la empresa. Uno de los conceptos más claros en salud ocupacional es el carácter indivisible de la relación SALUD-TRABAJO, entendida como el vinculo del individuo con la labor que desempeña y la influencia que sobre la salud acarrea dicha labor. Estos factores condicionantes de la salud de los trabajadores están dados por las condiciones de trabajo y están constituidas por factores del ambiente, de la tarea, de la organización y el empleado

    Intracardiac Mass Due to Fibrosing Mediastinitis: The First Reported Case

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    We report a case of a woman, aged 53 years, presenting with a right atrial mass due to idiopathic fibrosing mediastinitis with periaortic involvement. This challenging diagnosis was confirmed by different imaging modalities and histopathologic analysis. The diagnosis of cardiac tumours is often difficult. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an intracavitary cardiac mass due to fibrosing mediastinitis. This rare disorder, which is characterized by invasive proliferation of fibrous tissue within the mediastinum, should be included in the differential diagnosis of intracardiac tumours

    Derived length of solvable groups of local diffeomorphisms

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    Let GG be a solvable subgroup of the group \diff{}{n} of local complex analytic diffeomorphisms. Analogously as for groups of matrices we bound the solvable length of GG by a function of nn. Moreover we provide the best possible bounds for connected, unipotent and nilpotent groups.Comment: 27 page

    The Low-Energy Limiting Behavior of the Pseudofermion Dynamical Theory

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    In this paper we show that the general finite-energy spectral-function expressions provided by the pseudofermion dynamical theory for the one-dimensional Hubbard model lead to the expected low-energy Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid correlation function expressions. Moreover, we use the former general expressions to derive correlation-function asymptotic expansions in space and time which go beyond those obtained by conformal-field theory and bosonization: we derive explicit expressions for the pre-factors of all terms of such expansions and find that they have an universal form, as the corresponding critical exponents. Our results refer to all finite values of the on-site repulsion U and to a chain of length L very large and with periodic boundary conditions for the above model, but are of general nature for many integrable interacting models. The studies of this paper clarify the relation of the low-energy Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid behavior to the scattering mechanisms which control the spectral properties at all energy scales and provide a broader understanding of the unusual properties of quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures, organic conductors, and optical lattices of ultracold fermionic atoms. Furthermore, our results reveal the microscopic mechanisms which are behind the similarities and differences of the low-energy and finite-energy spectral properties of the model metallic phas