87 research outputs found

    Analysis of familial incidence of non-syndromic cleft lip and palate in a Brazilian population

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    Background: The purpose of this study is to follow the familial incidence of non-syndromic or isolated cleft lip, with or without cleft palate (NSCL/P), and to analyze the relationships between the type of NSCL/P in the affected individual and his/her parent, looking at children in the first grade. Material and Methods: To investigate the familial incidence of NSCL/P we analyzed the records of 185 patients from 2004-2008, retrospectively. Detailed histories were collected regarding the familial incidence of NSCL/P. For the 185 individuals, the relationship between the type of NSCL/P and the sociodemographic and personal characteristics of the affected person and her/his cleft relatives was obtained. Results: The individuals were 42 carriers of CL, 109 with CLP (joined in one group) and 34 with CP (p<0.001). Of the total of participants, 65 (35.13%) presented a positive history of cleft in their families and 120 (64.86%) presented a negative history (p<0.001). There were differences between the cleft groups according to types of cleft and positive familial history (p<0.001). In both groups, the relatives with higher incidence of NSCL/P were cousins, with the same pattern of distribution between the two groups (p=0.175). Conclusions: Most frequently, fissures result from CL/CLP with no familial history. However, CL/CLP was found in familial cases and cousins were the relative type more likely to be affected

    Risk Of Leukemia In First Degree Relatives Of Patients With Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip And Palate.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of leukemia in parents of patients with nonsyndromic cleft lip and/or cleft palate (NSCL/P). This case-control study evaluated first-degree family members of 358 patients with NSCL/P and 1,432 subjects without craniofacial alterations or syndromes. Statistical analysis was carried out using Fisher's test. From the 358 subjects with NSCL/P, 3 first-degree parents had history of leukemia, while 2 out of 1,432 subjects from the unaffected group had a family history of leukemia. The frequency of positive family history of leukemia was not significantly increased in first-degree relatives of patients with NSCL/P.281-

    Clinical and Research Activities of the Brazilian Productivity Fellows in Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology during the COVID-19 Era

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of the COVID-19 impacts on the activities of researchers in the field of Oral Medicine (OM) and Oral Pathology (OP). To assess the research activities and training of human resources by Brazilian productivity fellows in research (BPFR) in OM and OP in the COVID-19 Era . Material and Methods: Thirty-six BPFR in OM and OP areas, funded by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), received a virtual structured questionnaire by e-mail, on the Google Forms (Google®) platform, with questions regarding research activities and training of human resources (supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students), during the COVID-19 pandemic. From the thirty-six BPFR in OM and OP, twenty-seven (75.0%) answered the questionnaire. Results: Most of them were males (n=20; 74.1%) and were distributed in four Brazilian regions and ten states of the federation, including the Federal District. Twenty-four (88.9%) BPFR reported having suspended clinical activities, while sixteen (59.3%) answered that histopathology practices are suspended. Twenty-five (92.6%) BPFR mentioned difficulties in conducting research projects and 55.5% stated having no difficulties in the supervision of undergraduates, master’s and PhD students . Conclusion: The current scenario may significantly impact the diagnosis of oral diseases in Brazil. Moreover, a decrease in the scientific production of BPFR in OM and OP in the coming years is also considered

    Specialized Dental Care in the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS)

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    Objective: To analyze specialized dental care through access, demand and the work processes provided by the CEO\u27s, using secondary data from the cycles of the PMAQ-CEO. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study using public domain data. Variables of interest were selected from the external evaluation instrument data matrices and were grouped in categories. The categories were geographic distribution, structural, human resources, work processes and access and coordination. Results: The total of 932 CEO’s were evaluated in 2014 and 1,042 in 2016, most of them type II, present in the Northeast region. In both cycles, the highest average of dentists worked in the endodontic specialty (2.4 professionals per CEO) and the lowest in oral medicine (0.8 professionals per CEO). Of the two cycles, 91.5% of the CEO’s had a manager, 79.5% performed action planning activities and 74.5% realized internal self-assessment processes. There was an increase in the mean number of days to be seen at the CEO in all analyzed specialties (p&lt;0.001) and 85.2% of the CEO\u27s managers reported that there is a reference for oral cancer confirmed cases. Conclusion: Between the PMAQ-CEO cycles the number of CEO has increased, but there are still a big pent-up demand and the presence of care gaps. However, an expansion and improvement of the CEO’s actions was evidenced, mainly related to the work processes

    Pesquisadores do CNPq na área de medicina: comparação das áreas de atuação

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    OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o perfil e a produção científica de pesquisadores de Medicina, que têm bolsa de produtividade do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, de acordo com a área de atuação. MÉTODOS: Os currículos lattes de 411 pesquisadores com bolsas ativas no triênio 2006 a 2008 foram incluídos na análise. As variáveis de interesse foram: sexo, área de atuação; artigos publicados, e orientação de alunos de graduação, mestres e doutores. RESULTADOS: Houve uma predominância do sexo masculino (68%) e de bolsistas na categoria 2 (55,7%). Quatro Estados da Federação são responsáveis por 90% dos pesquisadores (SP, RJ, RS, MG). Oito instituições são responsáveis por aproximadamente 80% dos pesquisadores, destacando-se USP (30,7%) e UNIFESP (17%). Foram identificadas 30 áreas de atuação dos pesquisadores. Em relação à produção científica, a mediana de artigos publicados foi de 4,13/ano (Intervalo interquartil, IQ, 2,9 - 5,8). A mediana ajustada de artigos publicados na base de dados Web of Science foi de 2,23/ano (IQ, 1,4 - 3,2). Neurociências (3,16, IQ, 1,8 - 4,7) e Psiquiatria (2,92, IQ, 1,73 - 4,5) foram as áreas mais produtivas de artigos indexados. CONCLUSÃO: Há uma concentração dos pesquisadores da Medicina na região Sudeste. Nesse estudo pode ser observado um aumento da produção científica da maioria dos pesquisadores nos últimos cinco anos. Através do conhecimento do perfil dos pesquisadores da área de Medicina, podem ser definidas de maneira mais eficaz, estratégias para incentivar a produção científica e a demanda de recursos para o financiamento de projetos de pesquisa.OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the profile and scientific production of researchers in Medicine who have a scholarship from the " Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico" . METHODS: The "Lattes" curriculum of 411 researchers in Medicine with active scholarships during the years of 2006 to 2008 were included in the analysis. Variables of interest were: gender; affiliation; scientific production, and supervision of undergraduate masters and doctorate students.. RESULTS: There was a male predominance (68%) and of scholarship level 2 (55.7%). Four states of Brazil are responsible for 90% of the researchers (SP, RJ, RS, and MG). Eight institutions account for about 80% of researchers, especially USP (30.7%) and UNIFESP (17%). The study identified 30 areas of expertise for researchers. In relation to scientific production, the median was 4.13 articles published per year (interquartile range, IQ, 2.9 - 5.8). The median adjusted for articles published in the database Web of Science was 2.23 per year (IQ, 1.4 - 3.2). The most productive areas of indexed articles were the areas of Neurosciences (3.16, IQ, 1.8 - 4.7) and Psychiatry (2.92, IQ, 1.73 - 4.5). CONCLUSION: Researchers in medicine are concentrated in the Southeast. This study has disclosed an increase in scientific output by most researchers in the last five years. Effective strategies to qualitatively improve the scientific output may possibly be enhanced by knowledge of the profile of researchers in Medicine

    The quality of life of disease-free Brazilian breast cancer survivors

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a qualidade de vida de mulheres que sobreviveram ao câncer de mama e de mulheres que não tiveram a doença, e identificar os fatores associados. Trata-se de um estudo transversal no qual o grupo de comparação envolve as sobreviventes de câncer de mama com idade entre 40 e 69 anos. Foram incluídas 154 mulheres, 70 sobreviventes do câncer de mama e 84 sem a doença. O questionário SF-36 foi utilizado para avaliar a qualidade de vida. O teste Qui-Quadrado e os modelos lineares multivariados foram utilizados para comparar os grupos. A média estimada dos componentes físicos e mentais foi significativamente melhor para o grupo que sobreviveu à doença (51,10 e 52,25, respectivamente) quando comparado ao grupo sem câncer (47,26 e 47,93, respectivamente). O estudo indicou que as sobreviventes do câncer de mama tinham melhor qualidade de vida quando comparadas a mulheres sem a doença.Se apuntó a comparar la calidad de vida de mujeres sobrevivientes al cáncer de mama con la de mujeres que no sufrieron la enfermedad, e identificar los factores asociados. Estudio transversal en el que el grupo de comparación envuelve a las sobrevivientes de cáncer de mama con entre 40 y 69 años. Fueron incluidas 154 mujeres, 70 sobrevivi-entes del cáncer de mama y 84 no afectadas. El cuestionario SF-36 fue utilizado para evaluar la calidad de vida. El test Chi-cuadrado y los modelos lineales multivariados fueron utilizados en la comparación de los grupos. La media estimada de los componentes físicos y mentales fue significativamente mejor para el grupo que sobrevivió a la enfermedad (51,10 y 52,25, respectivamente), en comparación al grupo sin cáncer (47,26 y 47,93, respectivamente). El estudio indicó que las sobrevivientes al cáncer de mama tenían mejor calidad de vida comparadas con aquellas que no padecieron la enfermedad.The objective of this study was to compare the quality of life of women who survived breast cancer and women who have not had the disease, and to identify associated factors. It is cross-sectional study in which the comparison group includes survivors of breast cancer aged between 40 and 69 years. One hundred and fifty-four women were included, 70 with breast cancer and 84 without the disease. The SF-36 was used to evaluate quality of life. The chi-square test and multivariate linear models were used to compare the groups. The estimated mean physical and mental components were significantly better for the group who survived the disease (51.10 and 52.25, respectively) compared to the group without cancer (47.26 and 47.93, respectively). The study indicates that survivors of breast cancer had a better quality of life compared to women without the disease

    Transtornos mentais comuns em profissionais da Atenção Primária à Saúde em um período de pandemia da covid-19: estudo transversal na macrorregião Norte de saúde de Minas Gerais, 2021

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    Objective: To analyze the prevalence of symptoms of common mental disorders (CMD) in health professionals in Primary Health Care from August to October 2021. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out with health professionals from the northern macroregion of Minas Gerais. Sampling method was snowball type. The dependent variable, CMD, was assessed using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Poisson regression was used in the statistical analysis. Results: 702 health professionals participated. The prevalence of CMD was 43.2%, higher in those who had previous symptoms of mental disorders (PR=2.42; 95%CI 1.43;4.08) and current (PR=1.54; 95%CI 1.25;1.89); overwork during the pandemic (PR=1.42; 95%CI 1.16;1.73); previous symptoms of anxiety (PR=1.27; 95%CI 1.01;1.61), depression (PR=1.27; 95%CI 1.06;1.52) and other mental disorders (PR=1.20 ;95%CI 1.01;1.43). Conclusion: There was an association between CMD and previous and current symptoms of mental disorders and work overload during the COVID-19 pandemic.Objetivo: Analizar la prevalencia de síntomas de trastornos mentales comunes (TMC) en profesionales sanitarios de la Atención Primaria de Salud de agosto a octubre de 2021. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado con profesionales de la salud de la macrorregión norte de Minas Gerais. El muestreo fue del tipo bola de nieve. La variable dependiente, TMC, se evaluó mediante el Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). En el análisis estadístico se utilizó la regresión de Poisson. Resultados: Participaron 702 profesionales de salud. La prevalencia de TMC fue del 43,2%, mayor en quienes presentaban síntomas de trastornos mentales previos (RP=2,42; IC95% 1,43;4,08) y actuales (RP=1,54; IC95% 1,25;1,89); exceso de trabajo durante la pandemia (RP=1,42; IC95% 1,16;1,73); síntomas previos de ansiedad (RP=1,27; IC95% 1,01;1,61), depresión (RP=1,27; IC95% 1,06;1,52) y otros trastornos mentales (RP=1,20; IC95% 1,01;1,43). Conclusión: Hubo una asociación entre los TMC y los síntomas previos y actuales de los trastornos mentales y la sobrecarga de trabajo durante la pandemia de COVID-19.Objetivo: analisar a prevalência de sintomas de transtornos mentais comuns (TMCs) em profissionais de saúde da Atenção Primária à Saúde, no período agosto-outubro/2021. Métodos: estudo transversal com profissionais de saúde da macrorregião Norte de saúde de Minas Gerais; amostragem de tipo “bola de neve”; a variável dependente, TMCs, foi avaliada pelo Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20); utilizou-se regressão de Poisson na análise estatística. Resultados: participaram 702 profissionais de saúde; a prevalência de TMCs foi de 43,2%, maior naqueles que apresentaram sintomas de transtornos mentais prévios (razão de prevalências [RP] = 2,42 – IC95% 1,43;4,08) e atuais (RP = 1,54 – IC95% 1,25;1,89), trabalho a mais durante a pandemia (RP = 1,42 – IC95% 1,16;1,73), sintomas prévios de ansiedade (RP = 1,27 – IC95% 1,01;1,61), depressão (RP = 1,27 – IC95% 1,06;1,52) e outros transtornos mentais (RP = 1,20 – IC95% 1,01;1,43). Conclusão: observou-se associação de TMCs com sintomas prévios e atuais de transtornos mentais e sobrecarga de trabalho, durante a pandemia da covid-19

    COVID-19 pandemic: oral repercussions and its possible impact on oral health

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    Many viral infections cause oral manifestations, including disorders in odontogenesis, resulting in dental malformations. In this review, based on current knowledge, we will discuss the likely dental and oral consequences of COVID-19. In this article, we review currently available data associated with vertical transmission of COVID-19 and odontogenesis, oral manifestations, and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on a diagnosis of oral diseases. Owing to the severity of the pandemic, the population's anxiety and fear of becoming infected with COVID-19 may underestimate the signs and symptoms of serious illnesses, besides discourage patients from seeking health, medical or dental services to determine the diagnosis of oral lesions. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic could be an additional and aggravating factor for the delay of serious illness diagnosis, such as oral squamous cell carcinoma resulting in higher morbidity and worse prognosis. Several changes and oral lesions have been described as oral manifestations of COVID-19, such as dysgeusia, oral ulcers, petechiae, reddish macules, desquamative gingivitis, among others. Besides, it can cause major systemic changes and predispose opportunistic infections. As with other viral infections, oral manifestations, including dental anomalies, can occur as a direct result of SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, further studies are needed to guide and clarify possible oral changes20

    Specialized Dental Care in the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS)

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    Objective: To analyze specialized dental care through access, demand and the work processes provided by the CEO's, using secondary data from the cycles of the PMAQ-CEO. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study using public domain data. Variables of interest were selected from the external evaluation instrument data matrices and were grouped in categories. The categories were geographic distribution, structural, human resources, work processes and access and coordination. Results: The total of 932 CEO’s were evaluated in 2014 and 1,042 in 2016, most of them type II, present in the Northeast region. In both cycles, the highest average of dentists worked in the endodontic specialty (2.4 professionals per CEO) and the lowest in oral medicine (0.8 professionals per CEO). Of the two cycles, 91.5% of the CEO’s had a manager, 79.5% performed action planning activities and 74.5% realized internal self-assessment processes. There was an increase in the mean number of days to be seen at the CEO in all analyzed specialties (p<0.001) and 85.2% of the CEO's managers reported that there is a reference for oral cancer confirmed cases. Conclusion: Between the PMAQ-CEO cycles the number of CEO has increased, but there are still a big pent-up demand and the presence of care gaps. However, an expansion and improvement of the CEO’s actions was evidenced, mainly related to the work processes