1,586 research outputs found

    Plan de viabilidad de una empresa de mecanizado

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    [Resumen] En el presente trabajo de fin de grado se desarrolla un plan de viabilidad de una empresa de mecanizado, que trata de proporcionar unas características determinadas a una forja para que pueda llegar a formar parte de un componente en un reactor de aviación. El trabajo comienza con una breve descripción del proyecto y un análisis estratégico, que incluye tanto el análisis externo como interno. A continuación, se desarrolla el plan estratégico, con un horizonte temporal determinado, definiendo las estrategias de explotación, de capital, financiera y de! corto plazo y describiendo las políticas para llegar a desarrollar unos estados financieros provisionales que permitan analizar la viabilidad del proyecto y llevar a cabo las revisiones que convengan.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ECO). ADE. Curso 2017/201

    Novela y teatralidad en Leopoldo Marechal

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    Leopoldo Marechal ha producido un teatro de gran relevancia, que como toda su obra expone una problemática trascendente. Mas el sentido de lo teatral está implícito en toda su novelística, tanto por la caracterización de personajes como por la utilización de recursos netamente escénicos. Inclusive el escritor es consciente de esto y en sus novelas siempre inserta reflexiones sobre el teatro. Por esto, resulta muy significativo el hecho de que en el sainete “a lo divino", La Batalla de José Luna, se prefigure la novela Megafón o la guerra.Fil: Lena Paz, Marta Argentina

    “Problemática de la Integración Universitaria en América del Sur”

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    Nuestro punto de partida es la actual tendencia que considera la región como una nueva categoría político-territorial donde, la verdadera integración entre países vecinos, sólo podrá lograrse contemplando las dimensiones económico-política y cultural-educativa. El surgimiento de este nuevo paradigma implica un reacomodamiento que genera la creación de nuevos mecanismos de regulación, imponiéndose, en los procesos de integración económica, una atención preferencial a los problemas de índole cultural ya que, los espacios de integración abarcan un amplio espectro que exceden las limitaciones impuestas por las fronteras del Estado-Nación y la macroeconomía. Este trabajo se realiza sobre la base de un análisis crítico de los documentos “Declaración Mundial sobre la Educación Superior en el Siglo XXI: Visión y Acción” y “Marco de Acción Prioritaria para el Cambio y el Desarrollo de la Educación Superior”, aprobados por la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Educación Superior (UNESCO,1998). A los fines de contextualizar el discurso, hacemos una primera aproximación al tema con planteos relacionados con la historia de la integración en América Latina. Nuestra intención es la de derivar la temática al campo regional del Noroeste Argentino teniendo en cuenta la historia institucional-educativa del área. A nivel metodológico comenzamos con una aclaración de los conceptos utilizados y, en segundo lugar, contrastamos el contenido de los documentos mencionados con la praxis integracionista de los últimos 20 años. América Latina, enfrenta el desafío de impulsar un desarrollo sostenible, que favorezca la inserción externa y promueva una creciente equidad interna. A la vez la inserción internacional plantea requisitos de innovación institucional, sustentabilidad ambiental y estrategia educacional. De una rápida revisión de los temas del debate contemporáneo podemos extraer varias líneas fundamentales que modifican los enfoques tradicionales de las problemáticas planteadas por las distintas áreas disciplinares; es a partir de aquí desde dónde, en última instancia, reflexionamos sobre las posibles alternativas de propuestas para la integración de las universidades de la región

    Optimization of Myocardial First- Pass Perfusion MR Imaging using Gadolinium and Differences in FiO2

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    The correct perfusion of the myocardium, the heart’s muscle, is a key parameter that has been proven to be a powerful tool for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. In general, perfusion is defined as the delivery of oxygen and nutrients by the circulatory system to any tissue or organ. When an organ like the heart receives insufficient blood supply, an ischemic disease is likely to take place. So far, several image techniques have been used for the study of myocardial perfusion such as CT, PET, SPECT or MRI. Due to its high spatial resolution and the avoidance of limitations offered by ionizing radiation the following project specifically addresses the MRI technique. The use of MRI as diagnostic readouts in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases is currently growing in the clinics. Therefore, having this protocol optimize in a research lab will be of great interest This work was carried out using a 7 Tesla MRI scanner. This scanner is made for preclinical research with small animal models which is the first step performed in every research project before it can be translated into humans. For the study of perfusion in MRI a contrast agent (commonly gadolinium-based) must be intravenously administered to the patient. However, this approach offers many drawbacks regarding secondary effects with gadolinium posing health risk in patients. In this context, this project investigates the possibility of avoiding such contrast agent by using intrinsic blood oxygenation level instead. This idea relies on the Blood Oxygenated Level Dependent (BOLD) principle that describes the magnetic characteristics of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin. To this end, the first step was the implementation of a first-pass perfusion in rat’s myocardium using gadolinium as contrast agent. The change produced by the passage of the gadolinium bolus can be screen with T1 weighted images. A Graphic User Interface was developed using MATLAB so as to easily asses the results and furtherly compared both contrast agents. The paramagnetic characteristics of deoxyhemoglobin locally alters the main magnetic field of the MRI scanner if its concentration is increased. For this purpose, a gas mixer with two different mixtures, one with 100% Oxygen and the other with 100% Nitrogen, was used so as to produce changes in the fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2). Therefore, this method studies the relationship between the MRI signal created by the deoxyhemoglobin bolus and the changes of FiO2 recorded by a pulse-oximeter. After several MRI sequence adjustments, the scanner was capable of recording the signal produced by the deoxyhemoglobin bolus. Even though the gadolinium signal is more precise and accurate, our new proposal is clearly a focal point for further research since it overcomes health inconvenience offered by the contrasts in used.Ingeniería Biomédic

    UMTS multi-service uplink capacity and interference statistics of femtocells

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11277-012-0860-7In this work, the multiservice uplink capacity of single and multiple femtocells is given. The COST231 multiwall and multifloor indoor propagation model has been used to calculate the indoor propagation loss. Results show that the uplink capacity of a deployed femtocell will reduce by 2 % if two extra femtocells are deployed in the same building higher and lower of it. Results also show that the uplink capacity is slightly affected if there are several femtocells deployed in the buildings around the one at which the femtocell under study is already exists. It is demonstrated that uplink capacity is interference limited if the femtocell is deployed to serve the users in three floors. Results show that the uplink capacity will be interference and noise limited if the femtocell is deployed to serve the users in five floors. Finally, it is found that the effect of the interference due to the uniformly distributed users within the macrocell around the femtocell is insignificant

    The effects of endocrine disruptors on the male germline: an intergenerational health risk

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    [EN] Environmental pollution is becoming one of the major concerns of society. Among the emerging contaminants, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), a large group of toxicants, have been the subject of many scientific studies. Besides the capacity of these compounds to interfere with the endocrine system, they have also been reported to exert both genotoxic and epigenotoxic effects. Given that spermatogenesis is a coordinated process that requires the involvement of several steroid hormones and that entails deep changes in the chromatin, such as DNA compaction and epigenetic remodelling, it could be affected by male exposure to EDCs. A great deal of evidence highlights that these compounds have detrimental effects on male reproductive health, including alterations to sperm motility, sexual function, and gonad development. This review focuses on the consequences of paternal exposure to such chemicals for future generations, which still remain poorly known. Historically, spermatozoa have long been considered as mere vectors delivering the paternal haploid genome to the oocyte. Only recently have they been understood to harbour genetic and epigenetic information that plays a remarkable role during offspring early development and long-term health. This review examines the different modes of action by which the spermatozoa represent a key target for EDCs, and analyses the consequences of environmentally induced changes in sperm genetic and epigenetic information for subsequent generationsSIThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project AGL2014-53167-C3-3-R; PhD Grant BES-2015-071885

    Paternal Inheritance of Bisphenol A Cardiotoxic Effects: The Implications of Sperm Epigenome

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    [EN] Parental exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) has been linked to a greater incidence of congenital diseases. We have demonstrated that BPA induces in zebrafish males an increase in the acetylation of sperm histones that is transmitted to the blastomeres of the unexposed progeny. This work is aimed to determine whether histone hyperacetylation promoted by paternal exposure to BPA is the molecular mechanism underlying the cardiogenesis impairment in the descendants. Zebrafish males were exposed to 100 and 2000 µg/L BPA during early spermatogenesis and mated with non-exposed females. We analyzed in the progeny the expression of genes involved in cardiogenesis and the epigenetic profile. Once the histone hyperacetylation was confirmed, treatment with epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an inhibitor of histone acetyltransferases, was assayed on F1 embryos. Embryos from males exposed to 2000 µg/L BPA overexpressed the transcription factor hand2 and the receptor esr2b, showing their own promoters—as well as that of kat6a—an enrichment in H3K9ac. In embryos treated with EGCG, both gene expression and histone acetylation (global and specific) returned to basal levels, and the phenotype was recovered. As shown by the results, the histone hyperacetylated landscape promoted by BPA in the sperm alters the chromatin structure of the progeny, leading to the overexpression of the histone acetyltransferase and genes involved in cardiogenesisSIThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project AGL2014-53167-C3-3-R; PhD Grant BES- 2015-071885) and it was awarded by Fundación Carolina Rodríguez (Universidad de León) in the 24th edition of “Premios Mariano Rodríguez para jóvenes investigadores

    Writing proficiency in English as L2 in Spanish children with dyslexia

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    Producción CientíficaDifferent studies have demonstrated that people with dyslexia have difficulties in acquiring fluent reading and writing. These problems are also evident when they learn a second language. The aim of our study was to investigate if there is a linguistic transfer effect for writing in children with dyslexia when they face tasks in English (L2), as well as the possible influence of other linguistic skills (spelling, vocabulary and reading) in English (L2) and in Spanish (L1). Participants completed a series of tasks both in Spanish and English: a picture naming task, a word reading task, a word spelling task, and a written composition of which we analysed its quality through different variables provided by the Coh-metrix software. Our results revealed that children with dyslexia show similar or parallel performance in written composition in both languages, which could imply a language transfer effect from L1 and L2. Besides, basic language skills are related to the characteristics of written composition to a greater extent in English than in Spanish, suggesting the impact of these on the quality of written composition.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, (grant PID2019-106868 GB-I00)Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL