113 research outputs found

    Linfomas no Hodgkin en la provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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    Estudio retrospectivo de los pacientes adultos diagnosticados de linfoma no Hodgkin en la provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife entre enero de 1980 y diciembre de 1994. Se analiza la incidencia según las variables clínicas y áreas geográficas, observándose un aumento global de la incidencia a lo largo del período de estudio. La incidencia fue mayor en los varones, y se observó un notable incremento de la incidencia en las mujeres. La incidencia fue más alta en la isla de Tenerife, con un gran incremento de la incidencia en los últimos años en las islas de La Palma y La Gomera. Se observó una mayor incidencia de los linfomas con histología de grado intermedio, estadio IV y los de afectación ganglionar. La supervivencia fue similar a la obtenida en otros lugares de Occidente y no ha variado a lo largo de estos 15 años. El análisis de factores pronósticos mostró como variables de pronóstico adverso la histología agresiva, los mayores de 60 años, estadios II-IV, afectación del estado general, LDH elevada, localización de la masa mayor en mesenterio y la afectación mediastínica. Se revisó el diagnóstico histopatológico según la clasificación de la REAL, observándose diferencias en cuanto a la supervivencia según los diferentes tipos histológicos. El estudio de factores pronósticos patológicos mediante anticuerpos monoclonales bcl-2, p53 y ki67 en los linfomas centrofoliculares y difusos de células grandes B, no mostró que dichos parámetros influyeran en la supervivenci

    La figura de la mujer en programas de infoentretenimiento en España : el resistente techo de cristal

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    Objetivo del estudio: Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la figura de la mujer y las manifestaciones de su rol de género en cinco programas de infoentretenimiento de éxito en España. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Mediante el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los atributos de cada una de sus intervenciones, este estudio trata de demostrar empíricamente la existencia de estos roles. Centrados en el número de apariciones de ambos sexos en cinco programas de infoentretenimiento (El Intermedio, El Hormiguero, La Resistencia, Late Motiv y Polònia), así como su vestimenta, sus personalidades o el evidente fenómeno de sexualización del cuerpo de la mujer. Resultados: Se puede sintetizar que la presencia de hombres y de mujeres en los programas analizados es acentuadamente dispar, así como que existe un patrón en la vestimenta de hombres y mujeres, por no mencionar que la cosificación del sexo femenino se hace patente en cada uno de los productos televisivos. Limitaciones e implicaciones: las elevadas audiencias de dichos programas pueden generar repercusión sobre la imagen de la mujer para la sociedad. Al revisar solo un grupo finito de episodios de cinco programas, se puede decir que es una investigación exploratoria. Originalidad/contribución: Este texto contribuye a los estudios de género en la televisión española contemporánea, en uno de los campos menos abordados, el del infoentretenimiento. Se muestra que en este macrogénero sigue existiendo un techo de cristal no solo porque los principales conductores del programa son hombres, sino por los roles de género enquistados.Purpose: This article aims to analyse the figure of women and the manifestations of their gender role in five successful infotainment programmes in Spain. Design / Methodology / Approach: Through the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the attributes of each of its interventions, this study tries to empirically demonstrate the existence of these roles. It focuses on the number of appearances of both sexes in five infotainment programs (El Intermedio, El Hormiguero, La Resistencia, Late Motiv and Polònia), as well as their clothing, their personalities or the evident phenomenon of sexualization of the woman's body. Results: It can be summarized that the presence of men and women in the analysed programmes is markedly disparate, as well as that there is a pattern in the clothing of men and women, not to mention that the objectification of the female sex is evident in each of the television products. Limitations / Implications: The large audiences of such programmes can have an impact on the image of women in society. By reviewing only a finite group of episodes from five programmes, it can be said that this is an exploratory study. Originality / Contribution: This text contributes to gender studies in contemporary Spanish television, in one of the least addressed fields, that of infotainment. It shows that in this macrogenre there is still a glass ceiling, not only because the main hosts of the programmes are men, but also because of the entrenched gender roles

    Data driven tools to assess the location of photovoltaic facilities in urban areas

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    Urban sustainability is a significant factor in combating climate change. Replacing polluting by renewable energies is fundamental to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Photovoltaic (PV) facilities harnessing solar energy, and particularly self-consumption PV facilities, can be widely used in cities throughout most countries. Therefore, locating spaces where photovoltaic installations can be integrated into urban areas is essential to reduce climate change and improve urban sustainability. An open-source software (URSUS-PV) to aid decision-making regarding possible optimal locations for photovoltaic panel installations in cities is presented in this paper. URSUS-PV is the result of a data mining process, and it can extract the characteristics of the roofs (orientation, inclination, latitude, longitude, area) in the urban areas of interest. By combining this information with meteorological data and characteristics of the photovoltaic systems, the system can predict both the next-day hourly photovoltaic energy production and the long-term photovoltaic daily average energy production.This work has been supported by the project RTI2018-095097-B-I00 at the 2018 call for I+D+i Project of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA, Spain

    Violencia de género y autoestima: efectividad de una intervención grupal

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar la efectividad de una intervención socioeducativa grupal en una muestra de treinta mujeres que han padecido violencia de género. El programa de intervención consta de diez sesiones de noventa minutos de duración y una frecuencia semanal. La estructura del taller incluye los siguientes elementos: autoevaluación y autoconcepto, distorsiones cognitivas, crítica patológica, pensamiento positivo, establecimiento de metas e identificación de la manipulación. Además de analizar la efectividad de la intervención, se relacionan otras variables vinculadas con el proceso: ingresos económicos, estado civil, formación, historia previa de maltrato o toma de medicación en las participantes. El instrumento de evaluación que se ha utilizado ha sido la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (versión española de Fernández-Montalvo & Echeburúa, 1997). Se ha aplicado un diseño cuasi-experimental de medidas repetidas (prepost) sin grupo control. Los resultados indicaron que todos los grupos ven incrementado su nivel de autoestima previo al inicio del programa. Se discuten las implicaciones de este estudio para investigaciones futuras.The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a social and educational intervention group in a sample of thirty women who have been victims of intimate partner violence. The intervention consists of ten sessions up to ninety minutes, once a week. The treatment structure includes the following elements: self-assessment and self-concept, cognitive distortions, identify pathological criticism, positive thinking, goal setting and identify psychological manipulation. As well as intervention effectiveness, other variables within the process are related: income, marital status, education level, precedent intimate partner violence relationship and pharmacology. We used Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Spanish Version of Fernández-Montalvo & Echeburúa, 1997) as assessment test. It has implemented a quasi-experimental repeated measures design without a control group. All groups are increasing their level of self-steem before starting the program. The implications of this study for future research are discussed

    Infection of laboratory-colonized Anopheles darlingi mosquitoes by Plasmodium vivax.

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    Anopheles darlingi Root is the most important malaria vector in the Amazonia region of South America. However, continuous propagation of An. darlingi in the laboratory has been elusive, limiting entomological, genetic/genomic, and vector-pathogen interaction studies of this mosquito species. Here, we report the establishment of an An. darlingi colony derived from wild-caught mosquitoes obtained in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon region of Iquitos in the Loreto Department. We show that the numbers of eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults continue to rise at least to the F6 generation. Comparison of feeding Plasmodium vivax ex vivo of F4 and F5 to F1 generation mosquitoes showed the comparable presence of oocysts and sporozoites, with numbers that corresponded to blood-stage asexual parasitemia and gametocytemia, confirming P. vivax vectorial capacity in the colonized mosquitoes. These results provide new avenues for research on An. darlingi biology and study of An. darlingi-Plasmodium interactions

    IKKβ overexpression together with a lack of tumour suppressor genes causes ameloblastic odontomas in mice

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    Odontogenic tumours are a heterogeneous group of lesions that develop in the oral cavity region and are characterized by the formation of tumoural structures that differentiate as teeth. Due to the diversity of their histopathological characteristics and clinical behaviour, the classification of these tumours is still under debate. Alterations in morphogenesis pathways such as the Hedgehog, MAPK and WNT/β-catenin pathways are implicated in the formation of odontogenic lesions, but the molecular bases of many of these lesions are still unknown. In this study, we used genetically modified mice to study the role of IKKβ (a fundamental regulator of NF-κB activity and many other proteins) in oral epithelial cells and odontogenic tissues. Transgenic mice overexpressing IKKβ in oral epithelial cells show a significant increase in immune cells in both the oral epithelia and oral submucosa. They also show changes in the expression of several proteins and miRNAs that are important for cancer development. Interestingly, we found that overactivity of IKKβ in oral epithelia and odontogenic tissues, in conjunction with the loss of tumour suppressor proteins (p53, or p16 and p19), leads to the appearance of odontogenic tumours that can be classified as ameloblastic odontomas, sometimes accompanied by foci of secondary ameloblastic carcinomas. These tumours show NF-κB activation and increased β-catenin activity. These findings may help to elucidate the molecular determinants of odontogenic tumourigenesis and the role of IKKβ in the homoeostasis and tumoural transformation of oral and odontogenic epitheliaThis work was funded by project PI17/00578, from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, and approved by the Ethics Committee of our Institution. It has been founded also by projects CB16/12/00228, PI16/00161, RD16/0011/0011, RD12/0019/0023 and SAF2017–84248-PS

    Health-related quality of life in well-differentiated metastatic gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors

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    Spanish Neuroendocrine Tumor Group (GETNE)© 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York. Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs) are rare neoplasms capable of producing hormones. The development of new treatments has improved progression-free survival, albeit with increased toxicity. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has become an important endpoint in clinical research to evaluate patients’ well-being in such a contradictory scenario. In this review, we examine key reported outcomes across clinical studies exploring HRQoL in patients with GEP-NETs. We have conducted a review of the literature using PubMed, The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Google Scholar. Selection criteria for articles were (1) publication in English between 1995 and 2014, (2) patients with GEP-NET, and (3) analysis of HRQoL, including mental health and psychological symptoms. Forty-nine studies met the inclusion criteria (31 clinical trials, 14 observational studies, and 4 developments of NET-specific HRQoL instruments). The scope and nature of the literature was diverse with 27 instruments used to measure aspects of HRQoL. EORTC QLQ-C30 was the most frequently used, in 38 of the 49 studies. Standardized measures revealed that in spite of generally good HRQoL, GEP-NET patients have specific psychological and physical complaints. The clinical benefit of somatostatin analogs and sunitinib has been clearly supported by HRQoL assessment. Improvement in HRQoL scores or symptom relief over time was also reported in 14 trials of peptide receptor radionuclide therapy, however the absence of randomized studies obviate definitive conclusions. We have also identified several unanswered questions that should be addressed in further research concerning chemotherapy, everolimus, surgery, local ablative therapies, and chemoembolization. Future research should incorporate GEP-NET-specific HRQoL instruments into phase III trials. This review may help both clinicians and researchers to select the most appropriate tools to assess changes in HRQoL in this population.This project was funded in part by a restricted educational grant from Novartis Spain and by support from the Spanish Neuroendocrine Tumor Group (GETNE).Peer Reviewe

    El Juego de rol “El puesto es tuyo” como herramienta para el desarrollo de competencias transversales y de acercamiento al ámbito profesional

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    [EN] The acquisition of competences is a recurrent issue in educational processes over the last few years. It becomes especially relevant with transversal competencies, as companies increasingly ask for the improvement of the socalled soft skills. Thus, they have been continuously promoted by universities. The aim of this paper is to propose an activity based on the role-playing technique which allows both, the internalization of concepts related to professionalism (which is taught in the Degree of Computer Engineering, in the framework of the subject “Deontology and Professionalism”) and the development of the competences “Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship” and “Teamwork and Leadership”. The activity focuses on the definition of a computer engineer´s job , the elaboration of the curriculum vitae and the subsequent job interview to apply to that position. All this is carried out in a structured way, providing the students with entertainment and encouraging their initiative and reflection at the same time. Although it requires an important previous work on behalf of the teacher and an exhaustive monitoring and support in the classroom , the activity has been pleasantly welcomed by the students and the results obtained are satisfactory.[ES] Dada la importancia de adquisición de competencias en el proceso educativo y en especial la de las competencias transversales, ampliamente demandadas por el mundo profesional y promovidas desde el ámbito universitario, este trabajo propone la realización de una actividad basada en la metodología del juego de rol que permite de manera integrada la interiorización de conceptos relacionados con la materia de profesionalismo (impartida en el marco de la asignatura Deontología y Profesionalismo de segundo curso del Grado de Ingeniería Informática) y el desarrollo de las competencias “Creatividad, Innovación y Emprendimiento innovación,” y “ Trabajo en Equipo y Liderazgo”. La actividad se centra en la definición de un puesto de trabajo de ingeniero informático, la elaboración de un currículum vitae para responder a este, y la preparación y posterior desarrollo de una entrevista de trabajo para optar al citado puesto. Todo ello se desarrolla de una manera pautada que a la vez permite el entretenimiento, la iniciativa y reflexión por parte del alumnado. Si bien requiere de un importante trabajo previo por parte del docente y un seguimiento y apoyo exhaustivo en el aula, la actuación ha sido gratamente aceptada por los estudiantes y los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios.Gordo Monzó, ML.; Fernández Diego, M.; Ruiz Font, L.; Cuenca González, ML.; Boza García, A. (2019). El Juego de rol “El puesto es tuyo” como herramienta para el desarrollo de competencias transversales y de acercamiento al ámbito profesional. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1192-1205. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10483OCS1192120

    Genomic Validation of Endometrial Cancer Patient-Derived Xenograft Models as a Preclinical Tool

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    Bioinformatics; Endometrial cancer; Molecular markerBioinformática; Cáncer endometrial; Marcador molecularBioinformàtica; Càncer d'endometri; Marcador molecularEndometrial cancer (EC) is the second most frequent gynecological cancer worldwide. Although improvements in EC classification have enabled an accurate establishment of disease prognosis, women with a high-risk or recurrent EC face a dramatic situation due to limited further treatment options. Therefore, new strategies that closely mimic the disease are required to maximize drug development success. Patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) are widely recognized as a physiologically relevant preclinical model. Hence, we propose to molecularly and histologically validate EC PDX models. To reveal the molecular landscape of PDXs generated from 13 EC patients, we performed histological characterization and whole-exome sequencing analysis of tumor samples. We assessed the similarity between PDXs and their corresponding patient’s tumor and, additionally, to an extended cohort of EC patients obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Finally, we performed functional enrichment analysis to reveal differences in molecular pathway activation in PDX models. We demonstrated that the PDX models had a well-defined and differentiated molecular profile that matched the genomic profile described by the TCGA for each EC subtype. Thus, we validated EC PDX’s potential to reliably recapitulate the majority of histologic and molecular EC features. This work highlights the importance of a thorough characterization of preclinical models for the improvement of the success rate of drug-screening assays for personalized medicine.This research was funded by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) grant number PI17/02071, PI20/01566, and from the Ministerio de ciencia, Innovación y Universidades through a RETOS Colaboración (RTC-2017-6261-1), both co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); from Fundación Científica Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) grant number GCTRA1804MATI, Biomedical Research Center Network (CIBERONC) grant number CB16/12/00328 and Generalitat de Catalunya, grant number 2017SGR1661. B.V.-M. is supported by a predoctoral fellowship (PERIS-SLT017/20/000183) from Generalitat de Catalunya. E.C. is supported by an Investigator Grant from AECC (INVES20051COLA)

    Accelerating to Zero: Strategies to Eliminate Malaria in the Peruvian Amazon.

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    AbstractIn February 2014, the Malaria Elimination Working Group, in partnership with the Peruvian Ministry of Health (MoH), hosted its first international conference on malaria elimination in Iquitos, Peru. The 2-day meeting gathered 85 malaria experts, including 18 international panelists, 23 stakeholders from different malaria-endemic regions of Peru, and 11 MoH authorities. The main outcome was consensus that implementing a malaria elimination project in the Amazon region is achievable, but would require: 1) a comprehensive strategic plan, 2) the altering of current programmatic guidelines from control toward elimination by including symptomatic as well as asymptomatic individuals for antimalarial therapy and transmission-blocking interventions, and 3) the prioritization of community-based active case detection with proper rapid diagnostic tests to interrupt transmission. Elimination efforts must involve key stakeholders and experts at every level of government and include integrated research activities to evaluate, implement, and tailor sustainable interventions appropriate to the region