1,381 research outputs found
Film-induced tourism in the UK: the role of British Film Institute on promoting the image of the country
Film-induced tourism-also referred to as Film Tourism- is a recent growing phenomenon whose main purpose is to explore the potential tourist’s motivations when planning their upcoming visit to a destination. Furthermore, this phenomenon gives power to the future filming locations in terms of creating new film heritage museums, film tours, developing new destination marketing and so on. Thus, we will study the brand new type of tourist: ‘Core Screen Tourist’. Core screen tourists are those who would not travel to a destination where a film has been shot unless they have seen it on screen previously. Films provide a powerful way to shape people's perceptions of the place, creating new and strengthening old ones. Gaining the power to increase international tourism and the entertainment industry, the development of the film is seen as a growing phenomenon, which must be taken into account for each tourism promotion strategy.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Turism
The case of Edp re: dy - preparing for the future
EDP is one of the biggest companies in Portugal and is recognized nationally and internationally for its energy solutions. The changes the market changes have been pressuring EDP to develop further its portfolio of services in a way that expands its spectrum of businesses and enriches its relationship with clients. In that context, edp re:dy has born. This service provides a “smart home enabler” solution with which clients can control and monetize their home energy and any equipment, at distance. With that, what EDP proposes to offer is a tool with which clients can be more efficient and gain control of their home. However, because this is a complete new product with an unfamiliar concept, it has been very difficult for consumers to understand it and to be interested. Also, the predicted arrival of highly technologic solutions from the Big Tech Companies, Apple and Google, are threatening the long-run evolution of edp re:dy. The product development team had to make a decision regarding the plan of actions for the future, which required a deep analysis of consumers’ needs regarding such service and the trends that are growing in the smart home market
Interactions between eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms in activated sludge: a molecular approach to improve wastewater treatment
Wastewater treatment is one of the most important
biotechnological processes which are used worldwide to
treat municipal and industrial sewage. Activated-sludge
processes aim to achieve a maximal reduction of the
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of wastewater with
a minimal production of biological solids. Even though
many microbiological methods are available to study
the activated sludge communities, many recent
questions on the role of certain microorganisms are kept
unanswered. A crucial addressed by the present work is
to know if the presence of different groups of bacteria
and protozoa lead to significant consequences on the
process performance. Focusing on the importance of the
interactions between the prokaryotic and the eukaryotic
populations, the work will contribute to the knowledge
of how microbial communities are established in a
complex environment as the activated sludge processes
Tracking relations among bacterial and protozoan communities in wastewater treatment plants
Background: Understanding the interactions between prokaryotic and eukaryotic populations in complex environments can be challenging. Particularly, there is a recognized difficulty in establishing how the interactions between the bacterial and the protozoan populations can affect the performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP).
Objectives: In order to determine the relationships between microbial communities (protozoa, metazoa and filamentous bacteria) and abiotic parameters (physical-chemical and operational), thirty seven WWTP with activated sludge process were studied in Portugal, during two years, in a trimestral sampling strategy.
Methods: Samples were collected to enable a molecular characterization of the microbiota. In order to ensure the diversity of microorganisms, 100 samples were selected based on their geographic localization and time-spaced to track relationships within bacteria and protozoa. A 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE approach was carried out for bacterial community fingerprinting. The resulting profiles were analysed together with the results obtained from the survey of the protozoa populations. Finally, the study of the correlations between the physical-chemical and operational parameters and the microbial communities was also investigated.
Conclusions: The study of these interactions constitutes a strategy for the understanding of how the different metabolic groups of prokaryotic and protozoa are affected by the relations between this populations, allowing a better prediction of the overall community dynamics. This will allow setting the conditions that better contribute to improve the wastewater treatment while increasing the knowledge of overall communities networking in complex environments
Formação contínua de professores na educação infantil: Estratégia política de desenvolvimento
In this article, we divulge successful experiences of Continuing Education of Teachers in Early Childhood Education, carried out in municipalities of the State of Paraná between 2002 and 2019, highlighting the contributions of the Cultural-Historical Theory of Vigotski (1896-1934) and collaborators, based on the Historical-Dialectical Materialism, as a theoretical-methodological reference able to guide studies and reflections about the content. Intentional actions and systematized practices with themes of Children's Literature and Art are strategies for the continuous improvement of teachers and children, thus responding to the challenges of the current Early Childhood Education aiming at the integral development of students, with an Early Childhood Education of excellence.En este artículo, difundimos experiencias exitosas de Formación Docente Continua en Educación Infantil, realizadas en municipios del Estado de Paraná entre 2002 y 2019, evidenciando los aportes de la Teoría Histórico-Cultural de Vigotski (1896-1934) y colaboradores, basada en el Materialismo Histórico-Dialéctico, como marco teórico-metodológico capaz de orientar estudios y reflexiones sobre contenidos. Acciones intencionales y prácticas sistematizadas con temáticas de Literatura Infantil y Arte, se configuran estrategias para la mejora continua de docentes y niños, respondiendo así a los retos de la Educación Infantil actual orientada al desarrollo integral de los estudiantes, con una Educación Primaria de La Primera Infancia.Neste artigo, divulgamos experiências exitosas de Formação Contínua de Professores na Educação Infantil, realizadas em municípios do Estado do Paraná entre 2002 a 2019, evidenciando as contribuições da Teoria Histórico-Cultural de Vigotski (1896-1934) e colaboradores, fundamentada no Materialismo Histórico-Dialético, como referencial teórico-metodológico capaz de nortear estudos e reflexões acerca do conteúdo. Ações intencionais e práticas sistematizadas com temas da Literatura Infantil e da Arte, configuram-se estratégias para o aprimoramento contínuo de docentes e crianças, respondendo, assim, aos desafios da Educação Infantil atual visando o desenvolvimento integral de alunos, com uma Educação Infantil de excelência
O papel dos Estados Unidos e da UNESCO na formulação e implementação da proposta pedagógica no Estado do Paraná na década de 1960 : o caso da educação no jardim de infância
Orientadora: Profª Drª Ligia Regina KleinTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa: Curitiba, 12/12/2008Bibliografia: fls. 256-275Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo desvelar o caráter ideológico da proposta de Educação Infantil que orientou as práticas educativas nas salas de Jardim de Infância no Estado do Paraná na década de 1960. O ponto de partida é o contexto de industrialização que ocorreu no auge da Guerra Fria. No Paraná, sob a justificativa da defesa do desenvolvimento e do progresso, foram elaborados documentos – tanto normativos quanto pedagógicos – e projetos para organização das unidades educativas de ensino. A organização da educação no Estado se deu sob a tutela da ONU e da Unesco, que egitimaram a proposta de educação do Estado no período em questão. Nesta lógica, a defesa da democracia e do civismo constituiu o princípio basilar numa sociedade, contraditoriamente, marcada pelo golpe militar de 1964. A realização desta pesquisa esteve amparada nos pressupostos teóricos marxistas que orientaram a compreensão da função do imperialismo estadunidense neste contexto. A análise dos documentos orientadores do Estado para a educação pré-primária revela que as orientações oficiais se amparavam na Escola Nova, cujos princípios foram reapresentados e fortalecidos na segunda metade do século XX e atenderam às articularidades da educação paranaense e brasileira, num período em que se defendia a educação voltada para a formação da classe trabalhadora. A formação da criança para a convivência democrática ocorreu numa escola ativa e produtiva, onde a preparação para a alfabetização e a competência no primário eram propaladas como condições para uma vida promissora. Neste contexto, hábitos e condutas na vida social como o civismo e o amor ao trabalho fizeram parte da formação da criança. Documentos e práticas educativas estavam sob a orientação estadunidense, o que contribuiu para fortalecer a manutenção da hegemonia do capital no mundo do trabalho.Abstract: This research aims at unveiling the ideological character of the preschool education proposal which guided the educational practices in the classroom of kindergartens in the State of Paraná in the 1960s. Its starting-point is the industrializing setting on top of some political conflicts due to the Cold War. In support of the development and progress in Paraná, some documents and projects were designed in order to organize the educational units for teaching. The organization of education in the State of Paraná was accomplished under the tutorship of ONU and UNESCO which legitimated the educational proposal of this State in that period. Within this reasoning, the defense of democracy and civism was the basic principles in a society opposedly marked by the military dictatorship regime especially after 1964. This research was based on the Marxist theoretical frameworks which supported the understanding of the role of the North-American imperialism in this context. The analysis of the documentation that guides the State of Paraná for the pre-primary schooling reveals that the official orientations were grounded on the New School, whose principles were introduced and strengthened in the second-half 20th century and cared for the particularities of the paranaense and Brazilian education at a time that education was supposed to instruct the working class. The education of children for a democratic living in an active and productive school where their preparation for literacy and abilities in primary school were assumed as a promising life condition. In this context, habits and behaviors of social life such as civism were part of children’s education. Documents and educational practices were directed by the United States what contributed to strengthen the maintenance of the capital hegemony in the work world
La metáfora visual en el álbum infantil ilustrado
Este texto propone vías de investigación y reflexión sobre el album ilustrado infantil. En particular, se concentra en cuestiones lingüísticas, no exclusivamente verbales, pero especialmente en la imagen como mensaje. Comparar imagen con texto no es nuevo. Sin embargo, es interesante aplicar este enfoque al álbum ilustrado, que hoy día goza de gran impacto social y reconocimiento artístico. Este formato presenta una serie de características expresivas de especial interés, ya que es la ilustración el elemento que sustenta la narración y la carga descriptiva, mientras el texto que lo acompaña es muy breve
Visual metaphor in the illustrated children’s album
[EN] This text proposes paths for research and reflection around children’s illustrated album. In particular, it fo-cuses on linguistic questions, not exclusively verbal, but focusing especially on the image as message. Compar-ing image and word as text is not new. However, it is in-teresting to apply this approach to the illustrated album, that nowadays enjoys great social impact and artistic recognition. This format presents a series of expressive features of special interest, since it is illustration the el-ement supporting most of the narrative and descriptive load, while the text that accompanies them is quite brief[ES] Este texto propone vías de investigación y reflexión sobre el album ilustrado infantil. En particular, se concentra en cuestiones lingüísticas, no exclusivamente verbales, pero especialmente en la imagen como mensaje. Comparar imagen con texto no es nuevo. Sin embargo, es interesante aplicar este enfoque al álbum ilustrado, que hoy día goza de gran impacto social y reconocimiento artístico. Este formato presenta una serie de características expresivas de especial interés, ya que es la ilustración el elemento que sustenta la narración y la carga descriptiva, mientras el texto que lo acompaña es muy breve.Chaves, M. (2013). La metáfora visual en el álbum infantil ilustrado. EME Experimental Illustration, Art & Design. (1):62-71. doi:10.4995/eme.2012.1778.SWORD62711Carrere, A., Saborit, J.: Retorica de la pintura. Madrid, Editorial Cátedra, Signo e Imagen, 2000.Carrere, A.: "Arte, palabra, realidad y contexto" en El arte necesita de la palabra, VVAA, Col•lecció Formes Plàstiques, Valencia, Institució Alfons el Magnànim, 2008.Carrol, L.: Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas, Madrid, Alianza, 2010.Eco, U.: Historia de la belleza, Barcelona, Editorial Lumen, 2010.Fanelli, S.: Dear Diary, London, Walker Books, 2000.Gombrich, E.H.: Los usos de las imagenes, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2003.Lear, E.: The complete nonsense other verse, London, Penguin, 2006.Salisbury, M.: Ilustracion de libros infantiles, Barcelona, Editorial Acanto, 2005.Serra, A.: Caperucita Roja, Madrid, Narval Editores, 2011.VVAA: Illustrated Children's Books, London, Black Dog Publishing Limited, 2009
Krupskaia e os escritos sobre educação: contribuições para a formação do pedagogo
Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Este texto objetiva apresentar reflexões acerca de vivências na Ciranda Infantil
realizada na XIII Jornada de Agroecologia, bem como contribuições da pedagoga russa
Nadezdah Krupskaia (1869-1939) para a formação do Pedagogo. Para tanto, discorremos
sobre os estudos, a composição de recursos didáticos elaborados por integrantes do Grupo de
Pesquisa e Estudos em Educação Infantil (GEEI) e estudantes do curso de Pedagogia para
Educadores do Campo que participaram do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação a
Docência – PIBID na XIII Jornada. Essa realização permitiu o aprimoramento da formação
dos futuros pedagogos e intervenções educativas que favoreceram o desenvolvimento de
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