10 research outputs found
Arreta bizia: haur antsietatea kudeatzeko programa mindfulness teknikaren bitartez lehen hezkuntzan
45 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 37-41[EUS] Arreta, emozioak eta estresa erregulatzeko zailtasunak dituen gain estimulatutako gizarte
honetan, antsietatea gero eta ohikoagoa den arazo soziala da, haurrengan gehien
diagnostikatua eta tratatua den nahaste mentala izanik. Haur-antsietatea ikasle askoren
osasun arazoen eragile izan ez ezik, eskola porrotaren bultzatzaile nagusi ere bada. Hori dela
eta, eskolek haur antsietatea kudeatzeko baliabideak eskaintzeko erantzukizuna dute. Horien
artean, Mindfulness teknika azpimarratuko nuke, hezkuntza sozio-emozionalean.
Mindfulness-a jakin-minez eta unean uneko epaiketarik gabeko esperientzia bizitzean datza.
Beraz, ezinbestekoa da arreta orainaldira ekartzeko gaitasuna garatzea. Teknika hau ikasleen
oreka, ongizatea zein gogobetetasuna hobetzeko tresna ezin hobea da. Hori dela eta, gradu
amaierako lan honek haur antsietatea kudeatzeko Mindfulness-ean oinarritutako esku-hartze
programa bat diseinatzea du helburu nagusi. Horretarako Lehen Hezkuntzako hirugarren
ziklora bideratutako zortzi saioko unitate didaktiko baten proposamena aurkezten da.[ES] En esta sociedad sobre estimulada y con dificultades para regular las emociones, la atención y el estrés; la ansiedad es un problema social cada vez más común, siendo el trastorno mental más diagnosticado y tratado en niños. La ansiedad infantil no es solo una causa de los problemas de salud de muchos estudiantes, sino también uno de los factores más relevantes en impulsar el fracaso escolar. Por lo tanto, las escuelas tienen la responsabilidad de proporcionar herramientas para la gestión de la ansiedad infantil, así como el Mindfulness, que es una técnica cada vez más utilizada en educación socioemocional. Mindfulness consiste en vivir el presente con curiosidad y sin juicio, trabajando el control de la atención hacia el momento presente. Esta técnica es la herramienta perfecta para mejorar el equilibrio, el bienestar y la satisfacción de los estudiantes. Por esta razón, el objetivo principal de este trabajo de fin de grado es diseñar un programa de intervención basado en Mindfulness para gestionar la ansiedad infantil. Para ello se plantea una unidad didáctica de ocho sesiones en total dirigida al tercer ciclo de educación primaria.[EN] In this overstimulated society with difficulties regulating emotions, attention and stress; anxiety is an increasingly common social problem, being the most diagnosed and treated mental disorder in children. Child anxiety is not only the cause of many students’ health problems, but also one of the most relevant factors of school failure. Therefore, schools have the responsibility to provide educational tools for the management of childhood anxiety, for instance, Mindfulness which is an increasingly used technique in socio-emotional education. Mindfulness consists of living the present with curiosity and without judgment, working on the control of attention towards the present moment. This technique is the perfect tool to improve the balance, well-being and satisfaction of students. For this reason, the main goal of this final degree project is to design an intervention program based on Mindfulness to manage childhood anxiety. For that, a didactic unit of eight sessions aimed at the third cycle of elementary education is proposed
Carbon dioxide activation assisted by a bis(chlorodimethylsilyl)cyclopentadienyl titanium compound
A great deal of interest has focused on the role of metal ions\ud
as the active centers in the fixation of CO2 and its transformation. Activation of CO2 by hydroxo and oxo metal complexes to afford metal hydrogencarbonato and carbonato\ud
species, respectively, is related to the function of the carbonic\ud
anhydrase metalloenzyme, which catalyzes the physiologically\ud
important hydration of CO2 to hydrogencarbonate
Ring-Opening Polymerization of L-Lactide Catalyzed by Potassium-Based Complexes: Mechanistic Studies
Two non-toxic potassium compounds, 1 and 2, with a commercial oximate ligand have been
prepared and fully spectroscopically characterized. Their activity as catalysts for the ring-opening
polymerization (ROP) process of LLA has been studied, showing that they are extremely active and
able to polymerize the monomer in a few minutes. For derivative 2, the presence of a crown ether
in the potassium coordination sphere affects the nuclearity of the compound and consequently its
solubility, with both aspects having an influence in the polymerization process. Detailed studies
of the polymerization mechanism have been performed, and an unusual anionic mechanism was
observed in absence of a co-initiator. Indeed, the monomer deprotonation generates a lactide enolate,
which initiates the polymerization propagation. On the contrary, when a 1:1 ratio of cat:BnOH is
used, a mixture of mechanisms is observed, the anionic mechanism and the activated monomer one,
while from a cat:BnOH ratio of 1:2 and over, only the activated monomer mechanism is observed
Relation of IL28B Gene Polymorphism with Biochemical and Histological Features in Hepatitis C Virus-Induced Liver Disease
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Polymorphism at the IL28B gene may modify the course of hepatitis C virus (HCV) chronic infection. Our aim was to study the influence of IL28B rs12979860 gene polymorphism on the biochemistry and pathology of HCV-induced disease in the clinical course from mild chronic hepatitis C to hepatocellular carcinoma. METHODS: We have determined the rs12979860 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) upstream IL28B gene in two groups of patients with HCV-induced chronic liver disease: 1) 268 patients (159 men) with biopsy-proven chronic hepatitis C, to analyse its relation with biochemical, virological and histological features; and 2) 134 patients (97 men) with HCV-related hepatocellular carcinoma. The distribution of the analysed SNP in hepatocellular carcinoma patients was compared with that found in untreated chronic hepatitis C patients. All patients were white and most were Spaniards. RESULTS: In multivariate analysis ALT values were higher (P = 0.001) and GGT values were lower (P<0.001) in chronic hepatitis C patients homozygotes for the major rs12979860C allele as compared with carriers of the mutated rs12979860T allele. Steatosis was more frequent (Odds ratio = 1.764, 95% C.I. 1.053-2.955) and severe (P = 0.026) in carriers of the rs12979860T allele. No relation was found between the analysed SNP and METAVIR scores for necroinflammation and fibrosis, and there were no differences in the distribution of the analysed SNP between hepatocellular carcinoma and untreated chronic hepatitis C patients. CONCLUSION: The IL28B rs12979860 polymorphism correlates with the biochemical activity and the presence and severity of liver steatosis in chronic hepatitis C
Eficacia del entrenamiento en comunicación desde la flexibilidad psicológica a estudiantes de fisioterapia para la mejora del manejo del dolor crónico
Este estudio tiene como objetivo valorar la efectividad de un programa de entrenamiento en habilidades de comunicación dirigido a estudiantes de fisioterapia para el manejo de los aspectos psicosociales del dolor crónico y explorar la contribución del modelo
de flexibilidad psicológica (FP) a dicho entrenamiento.UEM/CIPI/075/17No data 2019UE
Distribution of the <i>IL28B</i> gene rs12979860 genotype in untreated patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and in patients with HCV-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
<p>Distribution of the <i>IL28B</i> gene rs12979860 genotype in untreated patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and in patients with HCV-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).</p
Deconvolution of the hematopoietic stem cell microenvironment reveals a high degree of specialization and conservation
Understanding the regulation of normal and malignant human hematopoiesis requires comprehensive cell atlas of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) regulatory microenvironment. Here, we develop a tailored bioinformatic pipeline to integrate public and proprietary single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) datasets. As a result, we robustly identify for the first time 14 intermediate cell states and 11 stages of differentiation in the endothelial and mesenchymal BM compartments, respectively. Our data provide the most comprehensive description to date of the murine HSC-regulatory microenvironment and suggest a higher level of specialization of the cellular circuits than previously anticipated. Furthermore, this deep characterization allows inferring conserved features in human, suggesting that the layers of microenvironmental regulation of hematopoiesis may also be shared between species. Our resource and methodology is a stepping-stone toward a comprehensive cell atlas of the BM microenvironment
Gu?a r?pidas de consultor?a telef?nica m?dica y de enfermer?a
Gu?a de consulta para o persoal m?dico e de enfermar?a que desenvolve o seu traballo en centros de coordinaci?n telef?nica para a atenci?n ?s urxencias e ?s emerxencias sanitarias. Est? estruturada en 12 cap?tulos nos que describen os principais protocolos de actuaci?n para a asistencia ?s patolox?as m?is com?ns atendidas no ?mbito de urxencias extra hospitalarias.Gu?a de consulta para el personal m?dico y de enfermer?a que desarrolla su trabajo en centros de coordinaci?n telef?nica para la atenci?n a las urgencias y a las emergencias sanitarias. Est? estructurada en 12 cap?tulos en los que describen los principales protocolos de actuaci?n para la asistencia a las patolog?as m?s comunes atendidas en el ?mbito de urgencias extra hospitalarias