6,019 research outputs found

    The Solana de las Pilillas and other testimonies of production and consumption of wine in the Plateau of Requena-Utiel

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    Presentamos en este trabajo los primeros testimonios de viticultura en época ibérica en la Meseta de Requena-Utiel; yacimientos que se relacionan con la producción y el comercio de vino y materiales que se asocian a su consumo. Los lagares rupestres localizados en las ramblas de Los Morenos y de La Alcantarilla (Requena) son un exponente de la producción, destacando la Solana de las Pilillas (rambla de Los Morenos) que inicia su actividad entre finales del s. VII y comienzos del s. VI a.C. De los recipientes cerámicos aportamos tres tipos de ánforas de elaboración local (VI y V a.C.) cuyas formas derivan de los prototipos fenicios y el estudio de una copa ibérica con decoración pintada que alude a un mito homérico. Estos testimonios materiales nos permiten afirmar que el vino y su «cultura» tuvieron una temprana implantación (ss. VII-VI a.C.) en el altiplano de Requena-Utiel y fueron el origen de un paisaje cultural que ha evolucionado hasta la actualidad.This paper is based on the first viticulture testimonies in the Iberian period found in Requena-Utiel’s Plateau, archaeological sites that are related to the production and trade of wine and related items. The winepresses placed in the ravines of Los Morenos and La Alcantarilla (Requena) are an example of the wine production, but the most important one is the one in La Solana de las Pilillas (ravine of Los Morenos), which began to operate between the end of 7th century BC and the beginning of the 6th century BC. The ceramic containers we present are three different types of locally produced amphorae (6th and 5th centuries BC) with shapes similar to Phoenician prototypes, and the study of an Iberian cup with painted decoration that refers to a Homeric myth. Thanks to this material evidence, we can confirm that wine and its «culture» had an important and early introduction and establishment (7th-6th centuries BC) in what now is the high plateau of Requena-Utiel, creating a heritage and a cultural landscape that has kept evolving up to the present day

    Towards convergence in the teaching of high school teachears: Bologna, a european instrument as a lever for the national reforms agendas

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    The Bologna Process aimed at creating a European Space of Higher Education i.e. at harmonizing European universities and fostering the mobility of students and workers across Europe. The Bologna process could be construed, as the European Union itself, as an example of the conceptions of globalization proposed by the Stanford Neo-institutional approach. This approach maintains the existence of an imperative world-level educational culture and ideology sustaining the diffusion and transfer of rationalized educational models, creating therefore a world-wide educational isomorphism. However, one of the arguably central objectives of the reform, the Secondary teacher training, maintains a high degree of heteromorphism throughout Europe almost two decades after the Bologna Accord was signed. As the comparison of the German and Spanish cases show, the national and regional academic cultures, the different power constellations and institutional inertia and path dependence re-created the national and (in Germany) regional differences. The secondary teacher training reforms implemented under Bologna´s aegis rather than a diffusion of a global or European model could be understand as idiosyncratic responses to the secondary education reforms that took place in both countries in previous decadesEl proceso de Bolonia, una de las políticas educativas que partiendo de algunos estados miembros elementos ha asumido la Unión Europea, se puso en marcha para crear un Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), es decir, armonizar la educación superior y fomentar la movilidad de estudiantes y fuerza de trabajo en Europa. Bolonia podría considerarse un ejemplo perfecto de la globalización según la concepción neo-institucional de Stanford. Este paradigma mantiene la existencia de una cultura e ideología educativa mundial que sustentan la difusión-globalización de modelos o mitos racionalizados, creando un isomorfismo educativo global. Empero, elmantenimiento del heteromorfismo es evidente en uno de los objetivos centrales de la reforma, la formación de profesores de secundaria (FPrS). Como demuestra el análisis histórico-comparativo de los casos alemán y español, las diferentes constelaciones políticas, la cultura académica regional y nacional, y la inercia institucional reprodujeron las diferencias en la FPrS de ambos países y entre estados alemanes. En la práctica, las reformas del FPrS implementadas bajo la égida de Bolonia, más que la difusión de un modelo global o europeo, podrían entenderse como respuestas locales idiosincráticas a las reformas de la escuela secundaria que tuvieron lugar en ambos países durante las décadas anteriore

    Closed-form equation for natural frequencies of beams under full range of axial loads modeled with a spring-mass system

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    A new simple closed-form equation that accurately predicts the effect of an arbitrarily large constant axial load, residual stress or temperature shift on the natural frequencies of an uniform single-span beam, with various end conditions, is presented. Its accuracy and applicability range are studied by comparing its predictions with numerical simulations and with the approximate Galef’s and Bokaian’s formulas. The new equation may be understood as a refinement or extension of these two approximate formulas. Significant accuracy and applicability range improvements are achieved, especially near the buckling point and for large and moderate axial load. The new closed-form equation is applicable in the full range of axial load, i.e., from the buckling load to the tensioned-string limit. It also models well the beam-to-string transition region for the eight boundary conditions studied. It works remarkably well in the free-free and sliding-free cases, where it is a near-exact solution. In addition, it yields the natural frequencies of a 1-D spring-mass system that may be used to model tensioned beams, and potentially, more complex systems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Modelado computacional acoplado de procesos de conformado electromagnético

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    El comportamiento de los materiales en el seno de campos electromagnéticos representa un problema de gran complejidad, el cual se ve afectado no solo por los efectos del electromagnetismo, sino también por los derivados de la mecánica y la termodinámica. La interacción campo-material existente se complica aún más cuando los materiales se ven sujetos a dinámicas de deformación, dado que todas las magnitudes físicas que caracterizan el proceso son variables en el espacio y el tiempo, como lo son las interdependencias existentes entre ellas. Así, los materiales conductores pueden ser deformados cuando estos se encuentran sometidos a fuertes campos electromagnéticos, principio que constituye la base del denominado conformado electromagnético: técnica de procesado industrial basada en la deformación plástica de objetos mediante la aplicación de pulsos electromagnéticos de alta frecuencia. El conformado electromagnético presenta una serie de ventajas que lo convierten en una atractiva alternativa a los sistemas de conformado tradicional, siendo su preciso modelado y simulación un factor crítico para su desarrollo

    Risk Perceptions of Hurricane Track Forecasts

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    Previous research has suggested that misinterpretations of hurricane track forecasts can lead to errors in estimation of perceived risk. One factor that can be used to understand these errors in judgment of risk perception is called optimistic bias, in which an individual perceives that compared to another person they are at less risk. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine how risk perceptions of hurricane track forecasts are influenced by the optimistic bias and changes in the forecasts. Students from three coastal universities took a survey regarding hurricane risk from two different track scenarios of a hypothetical hurricane approaching their university. Results indicated that optimism and perceptions of hurricane tracks were not correlated. Regardless of changes in forecast tracks, students perceived the same level of risk by the final forecast. This research has important social implications because hurricane track forecasts are part of the hurricane decision-making process

    Risk Perceptions of Hurricane Track Forecasts

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    Previous research has suggested that misinterpretations of hurricane track forecasts can lead to errors in estimation of perceived risk. One factor that can be used to understand these errors in judgment of risk perception is called optimistic bias, in which an individual perceives that compared to another person they are at less risk. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine how risk perceptions of hurricane track forecasts are influenced by the optimistic bias and changes in the forecasts. Students from three coastal universities took a survey regarding hurricane risk from two different track scenarios of a hypothetical hurricane approaching their university. Results indicated that optimism and perceptions of hurricane tracks were not correlated. Regardless of changes in forecast tracks, students perceived the same level of risk by the final forecast. This research has important social implications because hurricane track forecasts are part of the hurricane decision-making process