1,577 research outputs found

    Epifisiolisis de cabeza de radio asociadas a luxación de codo y reducción espontánea

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    Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo de 10 casos de la epifisiolisis de cabeza de radio ocurridas durante el periodo 1992 a 1997, con un desplazamiento mayor de 60º que según los criterios de O'Brien corresponderían a un grado III. De todas las revisadas seleccionamos 6 casos en los que había una angulación mayor de 90º, creemos ocurren después de luxación o reducción espontánea de luxación de codo; por ser las más frecuentes, las que más problemas presentan en el tratamiento y las que producen más secuelas. Nuestro objetivo es valorar los resultados obtenidos con nuestros tratamientos y realizar una revisión bibliográfica.We have done a retrospective study of ten cases of radial head epiphysiolysis occurred between 1992 and 1997, displaced more than 60º. (O'Brien's grade III). Amongst them we have selected those which were displaced more than 90º (six cases) probably occurred after an elbow luxation or after the spontaneous reduction of an elbow luxation; because the are more infrequent, more troublesome and they give more secuelae. Our aim is to evaluate the results obtained with the treatment and to review the literature

    Platinum-group elements in the cores of potassium feldspar spherules from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at Caravaca (Spain)

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    The abundant spherules present in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary layer at Caravaca are diagenetically transformed to potassium feldspar. Before our study no possible relicts of the precursor material had been reported. but in this paper we describe the presence of cores in these spherules that could represent a relict of the «unknown precursor». These cores are made up of C mixed with Si. Mg. AL Cr. Ca among other elements. Laser Ablation System analysis also reveals an enrichment in pe;E could suggest an extraterrestrial origin for this material. PI. Pd and Ir do not show a chondritic ratio: however. asevere modification of their concentration could be expected during the early diagenetic processes.Las esférulas existentes en la lámina de sedimento del tránsito Cretácico-Terciario de la sección de Caravaca han sido transformadas diagenéticamente a feldespato potásico. En este trabajo se describe la existencia de núcleos encontrados en el interior de las esférulas. los cuales' pueden representar relictos del material precursor. Dichos núcleos están constituidos por C. Si. Mg, AL Cr y Ca entre otros elementos. Se pone de relieve, por vez primera, su notable enriquecimiento en elementos del grupo del platino, cuyas relaciones no condríticas pueden ser debidas a la existencia de importantes modificaciones en su concentración inicial causadas por los procesos diagenéticos y por la existencia de materia orgánica

    Servidor de datos y página web para el aprendizaje de SIG en la ingeniería forestal

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    Los Sistemas de Información geográfica (SIG) son una herramienta de trabajo habitual en el ámbito de la ingeniería forestal, tanto en la faceta de redacción de proyectos, como en la investigación sobre el medio ambiente y el territorio. Cada vez hay más información cartográfica disponible desde servidores de diferentes instituciones, por lo que consideramos que es muy útil contar con una herramienta de organización de la información. En el trabajo que se presenta, se pretende proporcionar a los estudiantes e investigadores en materia forestal un portal que contenga información actualizada y ordenada sobre los recursos existentes compatibles con los SIG. Por tanto constituiráuna herramienta de apoyo que facilitarála fase de documentación, búsqueda de datos compatibles y aprendizaje de las herramientas que sirven de base para el desarrollo de cualquier trabajo técnico o de investigación relacionado con el medio ambiente y el territorio que se apoye en los SIG

    Time-Series Classification of High-Temporal Resolution AVHRR NDVI Imagery of Mexico

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    Time-series data from wide-field sensors, acquired for the period of a growing season or longer, capitalize on phenological changes in vegetation and make it possible to identify vegetated land cover types in greater detail. Our objective was to examine the utility of time-series data to rapidly update maps of vegetation condition and land cover change in Mexico as an input to biodiversity modeling. We downloaded AVHRR NDVI 10-day composites from the USGS EROS Data Center for 1992-1993 and adjusted for cloud contamination by further aggregating the data. In the first phase of our analysis, we selected training sites for various land cover types using a land cover map created by the Mexican National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Informatics (INEGI) as a guide. Since there is a high degree of spectral variability within many of the vegetated land cover types, we subjected the spectral response patterns to cluster analysis. We then used the statistics of the clusters as training data in a supervised classification. We also compared unsupervised and univariate decision tree approaches, but these provided unsatisfactory results. Best results were achieved with a 19-class map of land use/land cover employing a supervised approach

    Parathyroid hormone-related protein as a renal regulating factor: From Vessels to Glomeruli and Tubular Epithelium

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    Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related protein (PTHrP) produce similar biological effects through the PTH/PTHrP receptor. Less is known about the physiological role of PTHrP, which was first identified as the agent of the humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. Despite the widespread production of PTHrP in healthy individuals, the concentration of the protein is below the detectable limit of current assays, suggesting that PTHrP normally functions locally in an autocrine or paracrine manner. Thus, some differences in their biological activities have been described and they may be related to the presence of different receptors. In this regard, a second receptor that binds selectively to PTH has also been found. Recent studies have demonstrated the expression of both PTH/PTHrP receptor and protein in the renal glomeruli. Moreover, there are convincing data that support a direct role of PTH and PTHrP in modulating renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. This multifunctional protein, PSHrP, also has a proliferative effect on both glomerular mesangial cells and tubular epithelial cells. Increases in the expression of PTHrP have been observed in several experimental models of nephropathies, suggesting that PTHrP upregulation is a common event associated with the mechanism of renal injury and repair


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    African Star Grass is one of the forage resources most commonly used by farmers in regions with warm-humid climates. This study was carried out to determine the nutritional and agronomic characteristics of African Star Grass (Cynodon plectostachyus) through the following variables: crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), organic matter digestibility (OMD), net forage accumulation (NFA), stem:leaf ratio, and live:dead matter ratio in the three pastures evaluated. The work took place from April 2007 to March 2008, with evaluations carried out on a monthly basis. The data were analyzed in a randomized block design in which the blocks were the pastures, and the treatments were the months of evaluation. There were no differences between the pastures evaluated for the NDF, ADF or OMD (P>0.05). Differences were found, however, in CP, while in the monthly evaluation, differences were found between the periods evaluated (P<0.05) for these variables. Differences were also found in the agronomic evaluation of pastures (P<0.05) among height of pasture, net forage accumulation (NFA), live matter, dead matter, leaf and stem, both among pastures and in the monthly evaluations. African Star Grass can therefore be considered a good choice for milk production systems in the southern region of the state of Mexico, due to its nutritional and agronomic characteristics


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    ABSTRACT Abdominal pregnancy is defined as the implantation and development of one or several segmented ova or embryos in the peritoneal cavity. Although this has been reported in several species, it is considered as a low incidence process. It is classified as a primary abdominal pregnancy, if there is no evidence of uterine rupture, with presumed regurgitation of early embryos from the uterine tube and as a secondary abdominal pregnancy, when there is evidence of uterine rupture. During a necropsy study of 550 adult fertile female New Zealand white rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) from two rabbit farms in Valencia (Spain), the main causes of elimination were studied. Twenty-eight abdominal pregnancies were diagnosed. Seven animals showed no lesions in their reproductive tract. The remaining twenty-one animals showed acute or chronic lesions in the reproductive tract. The classification as a primary or secondary condition is discussed. It may be concluded therefore that extrauterine pregnancies would not be such an unusual finding in rabbits (7.8% in one of the studied), and that this premise should be considered in the diagnostic approach when assessing rabbit doe pathology. New husbandry systems in rabbits such as artificial insemination are factors to be considered

    LISA and LISA PathFinder, the endeavour to detect low frequency GWs

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    This is a review about LISA and its technology demonstrator, LISA PathFinder. We first describe the conceptual problems which need to be overcome in order to set up a working interferometric detector of low frequency Gravitational Waves (GW), then summarise the solutions to them as currently conceived by the LISA mission team. This will show that some of these solutions require new technological abilities which are still under development, and which need proper test before being fully implemented. LISA PathFinder (LPF) is the the testbed for such technologies. The final part of the paper will address the ideas and concepts behind the PathFinder as well as their impact on LISA.Comment: 25 pages, 21 figures, presented at the Spanish Relativity Meeting, Mallorca September 2006. Will be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP. To be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IO

    Biological activity of Ipomoea pauciflora Martens and Galeotti (Convolvulaceae) extracts and fractions on larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    Hexane, chloroform and methanol extracts of different parts of Ipomoea pauciflora were tested for their effects on the survival and development of Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), a Lepidoptera pest. For seven days, neonatal larvae (grown at 27 &#177; 2&#176;C with a 16: 8 (L: D) h photoperiod) were exposed to different concentrations of crude I. pauciflora extracts (ranging from 0 to 4 mg/ml) that were incorporated into an artificial diet. Surviving larvae were weighed at days 6, 9 and 13 and were maintained until moths emerged. Eleven of the 18 crude extracts showed more than 30% larval mortality. The highest mortality was produced by hexane and chloroform extracts of seeds at 4 mg/ml(96.9 and 93.8%, respectively), with LC50 values of 1.85 mg/ml and 0.54 mg/ml, respectively. Fractions of both seed extracts were isolated by gravity column chromatography over silica gel and analyzed for their active compounds. Eight fractions of the hexane extract and six fractions of the chloroform extract from I. pauciflora seeds, exhibited larvicidal effects at 1 mg/ml (mortality from 33.3 to 88.9% and from 47.2 to 77%, respectively). Changes in larval weight were observed as compared with the control group. Phytochemical analysis through GC-MS and H1 NMR revealed the presence of fatty acids and aldehydes in the active fractions. These results indicate that the bioactive extracts from the seed of I. pauciflora can induce lethal toxicity in S. frugiperda larvae or affect the weight of the surviving larvae