1,696 research outputs found

    La Manga del Mar Menor: a posible utopia

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    In the 60's began the urbanization of La Manga del Mar Menor for tourism, an area so unspoiled and idyllic. Urban development was entrusted to the architects Antonio Bonet Castellana and Josep Puig Torné. The plan assumed conceptual change in tourism, from the traditional holidays to mass tourism. They studied the native landscape values and opted for the concentration of the intervention by building autonomous units sufficiently far from each other and arranged along a linear axis which is the area of La Manga, preserving the maximum possible territory and achieving the profitability of the operation by increasing the height of buildings. The separation of units allowed to enjoy the scenery and idyllic conditions of the situation between two seas, assuming a major attraction and durability over time, and advancing and advocating the precepts of sustainability and conservation of the landscape.Peer Reviewe

    The Limited Effect of Graphic Elements in Video and Augmented Reality on Children’s Listening Comprehension

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    There is currently significant interest in the use of instructional strategies in learning environments thanks to the emergence of new multimedia systems that combine text, audio, graphics and video, such as augmented reality (AR). In this light, this study compares the effectiveness of AR and video for listening comprehension tasks. The sample consisted of thirty-two elementary school students with different reading comprehension. Firstly, the experience, instructions and objectives were introduced to all the students. Next, they were divided into two groups to perform activities—one group performed an activity involving watching an Educational Video Story of the Laika dog and her Space Journey available by mobile devices app Blue Planet Tales, while the other performed an activity involving the use of AR, whose contents of the same history were visualized by means of the app Augment Sales. Once the activities were completed participants answered a comprehension test. Results (p = 0.180) indicate there are no meaningful differences between the lesson format and test performance. But there are differences between the participants of the AR group according to their reading comprehension level. With respect to the time taken to perform the comprehension test, there is no significant difference between the two groups but there is a difference between participants with a high and low level of comprehension. To conclude SUS (System Usability Scale) questionnaire was used to establish the measure usability for the AR app on a smartphone. An average score of 77.5 out of 100 was obtained in this questionnaire, which indicates that the app has fairly good user-centered design

    The Rookies: experiential learning with Final Degree Project students in Architecture

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    As a general rule when a Jury is held, the students have to face with the evaluation and critical sense of a jury composed of external professionals and professors, which haven’t followed up the work of the students during de academic year. What happen if Final Degree Project students in Architecture experiment for several hours the sensation of being active part of an examining board or jury of Architectural Projects? Would the way in which they will face up their future professional projects be different? After this experience, would the students reconsider their attitude when they have to present their Final Degree Projects to an examining board? Would “The Rookies” experience be useful for them after witnessing a jury from the other side? The main aim of “The Rookies” is to complement the academic training of the Final Degree Project students, in order to consolidate their acquisition of both critical and evaluation sense with respect to the work of their classmates.A menudo en las celebraciones de Jury, los alumnos se enfrentan a la evaluación y crítica –constructiva por definición- de profesionales y profesorado ajeno y alternativo al que les ha acompañado durante el desarrollo del curso académico. ¿Qué pasaría si, por unas horas, un alumno de PFG experimentase la sensación de ser parte activa de un tribunal o Jury de Proyectos Arquitectónicos? ¿Cambiarían en adelante la manera de afrontar el desarrollo de los proyectos que les dará acceso al circuito profesional? ¿Se replantearían tras la experiencia su actitud cuando deban plantarse y defender sus proyectos ante un tribunal de PFG? ¿Sería útil para ellos presenciar un tribunal de PFG desde la perspectiva contraria?. Se pretende pues con esta práctica de aprendizaje experiencial complementar la formación de los alumnos de PFG, para así consolidar su adquisición de actitud crítica y de evaluación frente al trabajo de sus compañeros

    Patrimonio, cultura material e innovación docente : Propuestas y experiencias

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    En aquest treball ens centrem en els usos del patrimoni històric educatiu, catàlegs comercials de material d'ensenyament i exposicions pedagògiques que difonen la cultura material de centres docents i dels seus professors com a recurs didàctic en contextos formatius per propiciar l'adquisició de competències. El patrimoni històric educatiu aporta un alt potencial instructiu i educatiu, i pot ser una eina pedagògica en el treball a l'aula per a diferents nivells i modalitats educatius. És un mitjà apropiat per analitzar les cultures escolars (la del coneixement científic dels experts, la política institucional i la dels docents); ens informa de la història i l'evolució de les disciplines escolars i el seu codi disciplinari; és un indicador de processos de canvi, reformes i innovacions; ens ajuda a conèixer el que foren les pràctiques educatives pretèrites, els estils d'ensenyament i les metodologies docents a l'aula i ens permet aprofundir en el coneixement i la interpretació del passat en l'àmbit escolar. Així mateix, permet ser utilitzat com a estratègia didàctica per a una educació patrimonial que contribueixi a l'adquisició i el desenvolupament de capacitats que generin el coneixement, la comprensió, el respecte, la cura i la conservació del patrimoni.In this paper we focus on the uses of historical-educational heritage, commercial catalogues of teaching materials and pedagogical exhibitions that spread the material culture of schools and its teachers as a teaching resource in learning contexts to promote the acquisition of skills. The historical-educational heritage provides a high instructive and teaching potential, and it can be a useful pedagogical work in the classroom for different educational levels and modalities. It is an appropriate means to analyse school cultures (such as that of the scientific knowledge of the experts, the politicalinstitutional one and that of teachers). It tells us about the history and evolution of school disciplines and the disciplinary code. It is an indicator of processes of change, reform and innovation. It helps us to know bygone educational practices, teaching styles and teaching methods in the classroom, enhancing deeper understanding and interpretation of the past in schools. As well, it can be used as a teaching strategy for heritage education that contributes to the acquisition and development of abilities that generate knowledge, understanding, respect, and care and conservation of heritage.En este trabajo nos centramos en los usos del patrimonio histórico-educativo, catálogos comerciales de material de enseñanza y exposiciones pedagógicas que difunden la cultura material de centros docentes y de sus profesores como recurso didáctico en contextos formativos para propiciar la adquisición de competencias. El patrimonio histórico-educativo aporta un alto potencial instructivo y educativo, puede ser un útil pedagógico en el trabajo en el aula para diferentes niveles y modalidades educativas. Es un medio apropiado para analizar las culturas escolares (la del conocimiento científico de los expertos, la político-institucional y la de los docentes); nos informa de la historia y evolución de las disciplinas escolares y su código disciplinar; es un indicador de procesos de cambio, reformas e innovaciones; nos ayuda a conocer lo que fueron las prácticas educativas pretéritas, estilos de enseñanza y metodologías docentes en el aula, permitiéndonos profundizar en el conocimiento e interpretación del pasado en el ámbito escolar. Asimismo, permite ser utilizado como estrategia didáctica para una educación patrimonial que contribuya a la adquisición y desarrollo de capacidades que generen el conocimiento, comprensión, respeto, cuidado y conservación del patrimonio

    Vaulted systems and surrealism in Bonet Castellana. Materialization of individual space.

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    [EN] Bonet Castellana’s secondment to surrealism from his childhood will be decisive in the development of his work. From the Project of Maison Jaoul performed in Le Corbusier’s Studio, he will start the search of individualism in his work. The workshops building of Paraguay-Suipacha will be the exponent of the ideological burden received in Paris and it will endure along his career. In Antonio Bonet’s work made in La Manga del Mar Menor, he proposes and rehearses several vaulted roof systems that he will apply to the rest of his work. The return to the Mediterranean will shape Antonio Bonet’s spirit.[ES] La adscripción de Bonet Castellana al surrealismo desde su juventud, será determinante en el desarrollo de su obra. Desde el proyecto de la Maison Jaoul que realiza en el taller de Le Corbusier, iniciará la búsqueda de lo individual en su obra. El edificio de talleres de Paraguay-Suipacha será el exponente de toda la carga ideológica recibida en París y que perdurará a lo largo de su trayectoria. En la obra que Antonio Bonet realiza en La Manga del Mar Menor, este propone y ensaya diversos sistemas de cubrición abovedados que aplicará en el resto de su obra. El regreso al Mediterráneo acabará de conformar el espíritu de Antonio Bonet.López Martínez, JM.; Aroca Vicente, E.; Carcelén González, R. (2015). Sistemas abovedados y surrealismo en Bonet Castellana. La materialización del espacio individual. EN BLANCO. Revista de Arquitectura. 7(17):110-114. doi:10.4995/eb.2015.5745SWORD110114717Álvarez PROZOROVICH, Fernando. & ROIG NAVARRO, Jordi. Bonet Castellana. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 1999.LE CORBUSIER. Espagne. Carnets. Milán: Electa, 1994.MARZÁ, Fernando & ROCA, Esteve. "La bóveda catalana en la obra de Le Corbusier". En: Le Corbusier y Barcelona. Barcelona: Fundación Caixa de Catalunya, 1988, p. 110-134.MARZÁ, Fernando & ROCA, Esteve. "La obra de Gaudí en la búsqueda de Le Corbusier. La Celle-Saint-Cloud". En: Le Corbusier y Barcelona. Barcelona: Fundación Caixa de Catalunya, 1988, p. 95-104.PERMANYER, Lluis. "Cuestionario Proust. Antonio Bonet, un filósofo de hoy". La Vanguardia. Barcelona, 1974.REVISTA AUSTRAL. Noviembre 1939, nº 1. Buenos Aires. Reproducción facsímil incluida en ÁLVAREZ PROZOROVICH, Fernando. & ROIG NAVARRO, Jordi. Bonet Castellana. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 1999

    Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validation of the Spanish perceived physical literacy instrument for adolescents (S-PPLI)

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Spanish Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument (S-PPLI) questionnaire in Spanish adolescents. Method: The participants of this study were 360 Spanish adolescents (aged 12-17 years) from three secondary schools in the Region of Murcia (Spain). A cultural adaptation process of the original version of the PPLI questionnaire was developed. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to test the three-factor structure of physical literacy. Intraclass correlation coefficients were computed to estimate the test-retest concordance. Results: Using a confirmatory factor analysis, the factor loading of all items above the standard of 0.40 ranged from 0.53 to 0.77, suggesting that the observed variables sufficiently represented the latent variables. Analyses for convergent validity showed average variance extracted values that ranged from 0.40 to 0.52 and composite reliability values higher than 0.60. All the correlations were below the recommended cutoff point of 0.85, which indicated that the three physical literacy factors achieved adequate discriminant validity. Intraclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.62 to 0.79 (p < 0.001 for all items), which indicated moderate/good reliability. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the S-PPLI is a valid and reliable measure of physical literacy among Spanish adolescents

    El mercado de trabajo en la Andalucía latifundista del Antiguo Régimen: ¿intervencionismo o contratación?

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    Casi todos los autores coinciden al afirmar que el mercado de trabajo agrícola en el Antiguo Régimen estaba sujeto a una fuerte intervención por parte de las autoridades estatales y locales. Si bien los textos legales y jurídicos de la época reflejan dicha intervención, ello no impidió que quedase un amplio margen para la regulación del mercado mediante acuerdos entre los agentes -empresarios y trabajadores. En Andalucía estos acuerdos se plasmaron con frecuencia en contratos de trabajo firmados ante notario, que regulaban la realización de diversas faenas agrícolas, destacando las de recolección, especialmente la siega de cereales. El análisis de los libros de cuentas de las grandes explotaciones agrarias de la época, nos permite comprobar la gran flexibilidad que tuvo el mercado de trabajo agrícola andaluz en el Antiguo Régimen gracias a los citados contratos