1,826 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la sostenibilidad en el sector socioturístico de Fuerteventura (Islas Canarias)

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    In this work, Fuerteventura's dynamic sustainability model is applied as a tool for the quantitative evaluation of the tourism impact on insular socio-ecological systems. The model, calibrated for the period 1996-2011, has allowed a better understanding of the dynamic interactions between sustainability indicators and other factors on the island. Moreover, the analysis of the behavior of some of these indicators under different scenarios and management measures for the period 2012-2025. The results show a high influence of certain measures regarding the control on the creation of new tourist accommodation in the evolution of sustainability on the island.Como herramienta para la evaluación cuantitativa del impacto turístico en sistemas socioecológicos insulares, en este trabajo se presenta el modelo dinámico de sostenibilidad de Fuerteventura. Una vez calibrado para el período 1996-2011, ha permitido una mejor comprensión de las interacciones dinámicas entre los indicadores de sostenibilidad y otros factores en la isla. También ha permitido analizar el comportamiento de algunos de esos indicadores bajo distintos escenarios y medidas de gestión para el periodo 2012-2025. Los resultados reflejan una influencia elevada de determinadas medidas de control relativas a la creación de nuevos alojamientos turísticos sobre la evolución de la sostenibilidad en la isla

    Catalytic hydrodehalogenation of the flame retardant tetrabromobisphenol A by alumina-supported Pd, Rh and Pt catalysts

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    Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is one of the most used BFRs, being characterized by a strong persistence and leading to negative effects on both the environment and human health. The aim of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of aqueous-phase catalytic hydrodehalogenation (HDH) for the fast and environmentally-friendly degradation of the brominated flame retardant TBBPA. Pd, Rh, and Pt on alumina commercial catalysts (1% wt.) were tested and reactions were performed under ambient operating conditions. TBBPA (1 mg L−1) was completely removed in short reaction times ( 95%) in 15 min using Pd/Al2O3. Nevertheless, employing Rh and Pt alumina-supported catalysts debromination of TBBPA increased progressively requiring much longer times and only 83% and 78% debromination yields were achieved after 2 h reaction, respectively. Bisphenol A (BPA), a well-known endocrine disruptor, was generated as reaction intermediate but it was further hydrogenated with both Pd and Rh catalysts, whereas it remained as reaction product with the Pt catalyst. A series reaction pathway considering both hydrodebromination and hydrogenation steps was proposed based on the obtained results. The experimental data obtained with the Pd/Al2O3 catalyst were successfully described by a pseudo-first order kinetic model, obtaining an apparent activation energy of 36 kJ mol−1. Notably, this catalyst showed a reasonable stability after three consecutive HDH run


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    Aunque muchos indicadores de la calidad de vida se handesarrollado entre las personas de sociedadespreindustriales, industriales y postindustriales, uno de losmás importantes es el estado de salud de la población.El estado de salud no solo se une estrechamente al nivelde desarrollo industrial de un país, sino también a laedad y composición de genero de las personas, a ladistribución de la riqueza y el poder. Las enfermedades ypadecimientos, incluso las de origen mental, no sedistribuyen al azar en la población. Más bien, de unaforma irregular por edad, sexo, clase social, lugar deresidencia, origen, factor étnico, ocupación y hábitoscomo fumar o/y beber

    An efficient algorithm for fast service edge selection in cloud-based telco networks

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Telecommunication operators are increasingly integrating computational infrastructure into their networks at different location levels, including the network edge. This makes a highly distributed processing environment a reality, which is expected to enable next-generation services. This article proposes a novel and efficient algorithm to determine the best service execution locations through the “service edge”, a concept that groups services in categories according to their requirements and benefits from the flexibility of distributed cloud resources. The paper is focused on describing the algorithm so that it can be integrated into the telco operators’ management and orchestration systems. Simulation results underpin the practical feasibility of the proposed algorithm.The European Commission has partly funded this work through the projects NECOS (Grant Agreement No 777067) and 5G-DIVE (Grant Agreement No 859881).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Antioxidant poly (lactic acid) films with rice straw extract for food packaging applications

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    [EN] Antioxidant PLA films incorporating 2%, 4% and 6% of phenol-rich extract from rice straw (RS) were obtained by melt blending and compression-moulding. Aqueous RS extract was obtained by a combined ultrasound-reflux heating method and characterised as to its total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant capacity. The effect of the extract ratio on the functional properties of the films was analysed, as well as the release kinetics of antioxidants in food simulants (ethanol 10% and 50%). Extract incorporation slightly reduced the strength of the polymer matrix, stretchability, resistance to break, barrier capacity and thermostability, while films became brownish and gained antioxidant capacity. Phenolic compounds from the extract were effectively released into food simulants, depending on the extract concentration, the food simulant and contact time. The radical scav-enging capacity of the films reached asymptotic values from about 150 h contact time, and films with 6% of the extract exhibited similar values for both simulants. So, PLA films with approximately 6% of extract could be used as biodegradable active packaging material with antioxidant capacity in both aqueous foods (simulant A) and more fatty products (simulant D1). Further studies are required to verify the antioxidant efficiency of the films in real foods.This work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investi gacion through project PID2019-105207RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by Generalitat Valenciana [grant number GrisoliaP/2019/115] . Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Polite`cnica de Vale`ncia.Vieira-De Freitas, PA.; Bas Gil, NJ.; González Martínez, MC.; Chiralt, A. (2022). Antioxidant poly (lactic acid) films with rice straw extract for food packaging applications. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 34:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fpsl.2022.1010031123

    Estilos de aprendizaje: La experiencia de la Escuela Preparatoria Técnica Médica en la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México

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    Resumen: El objetivo del presente artículo está encaminado a precisar el estilo de aprendizaje del estudiantado de la Escuela Preparatoria Técnica Médica en la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México. En esta investigación participaron 333 estudiantes entre mujeres y varones, quienes respondieron el cuestionario de Honey-Alonso para determinar sus estilos de aprendizaje. Los resultados emanados manifiestan que las personas participantes tienden a poseer un estilo de aprendizaje reflexivo y pragmático, que es acorde con la orientación de su preparación profesional, y es coincidente con otros estudios similares. Abstract: This article aims to clarify the learning style of students in the Medical School at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (Mexico). In this research participated 333 students, men and women. They responded to a Honey-Alonso questionnaire to determine their learning styles. The results showed that the participants tend to possess a reflective and pragmatic learning style, which is consistent with the orientation of their professional preparation, and with other similar studies

    Perception of risk of exposure in the management of hazardous drugs in home hospitalization and hospital units.

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    To assess the perception of risk of exposure in the management of hazardous drugs (HDs) through home hospitalization and hospital units. A questionnaire was released, at the national level, to health professionals with HD management expertise. Questionnaire included 21 questions that were scored using a Likert scale: 0 (null probability) to 4 (very high probability). The internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire were calculated using Cronbach's alpha and the intraclass correlation coefficient, respectively. 144 questionnaires (response rate 70.2%) were obtained: 65 (45.1%) were nurses, 42 (28.9%) occupational physicians, and 37 (26.1%) were pharmacists. Cronbach's alpha was 0.93, and intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.94 (95% CI 0.91-0.97; p-value < 0.001). The mean probability was 1.95 ± 1.02 (median 1.9; minimum: 0.05; 1st quartile 1.1; 3rd quartile 2.6; and maximum 4). Differences were observed in scoring among professional groups (occupational physicians versus nurses (1.6/2.1, p = 0.044); pharmacists versus nurses (1.7/2.1, p = 0.05); and occupational physicians versus pharmacists (1.6/1.7, p = 0.785), due mainly to the administration stage (p = 0.015). The perception of risk of exposure was moderate, being higher for nurses. It would be advisable to integrate HDs into a standardized management system (risk management model applicable to any healthcare center) to improve the safety of health professionals.The research leading to these results received funding from Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) of Madrid, Spain, through Health Research Project (Proyecto de Investigación en Salud), reference PI16/00788.S

    Cambios producidos en ciclistas amateurs sobre la percepción del esfuerzo, confort, cinemática angular y presiones en función del retroceso del sillín e intensidad del ejercicio.

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    El ciclismo es uno de los deportes más populares en todo el mundo y, uno de los más practicados en España. En este sentido, diferentes estudios han analizado el efecto de la altura del sillín sobre el rendimiento del ciclista, sin embargo, son escasos los estudios que analizan el efecto del retroceso del sillín. El presente trabajo de investigación pretende estudiar el efecto producido sobre el esfuerzo y confort percibido, las presiones en el sillín y en la cinemática angular de la extremidad inferior. Se llevó a cabo una prueba en cicloergómetro empleando 3 retrocesos del sillín (RS): libre, +10%, -10% y dos intensidades del ejercicio (baja y alta). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 34 ciclistas amateurs. El esfuerzo percibido solo fue significativamente mayor por el efecto de la intensidad durante la intensidad alta (p< 0.001, ES= 0.728) En cambio, el confort percibido y la cinemática mostraron diferencias significativas (p< 0.05) en función del retroceso del sillín, la intensidad y el sexo de los ciclistas. Además, también se encontraron diferencias significativas (p< 0.05) en función del retroceso y sexo en las presiones sobre el sillín. Una posición del sillín retrasada (+10%) produce una reducción de los niveles de confort, mayores niveles de extensión de cadera, rodilla y tobillo, así como una mayor presión máxima y media en la región del pubis. En cuanto a la intensidad de pedaleo, una intensidad alta aumenta la percepción del esfuerzo y disminuye los niveles de flexión en las extremidades inferiores

    Effect of hamstring tightness and fatigue on dynamic stability and agility in physically active young men.

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    Hamstring extensibility has been defined as a factor to diminished dynamic stability and therefore increased risk of injury. The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of hamstring tightness and fatigue on dynamic stability and agility. Nineteen participants were divided between the normal extensibility group (NEG) (n = 9, 82.2° ± 12.4°) and hamstrings tightness group (HTG) (n = 10, 64° ± 4.9°) using the passive straight leg raise test. To analyse dynamic stability and agility, they performed the modified Star Excursion Balance Test (mSEBT) and Dynamic Postural Stability Index (DPSI), and hexagon agility test, respectively, before and after a fatigue protocol. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to determine differences among conditions: NEG vs. HTG, and rested vs. fatigued. HTG showed a significantly lower reach in the anterior direction in the mSEBT in pre- and post-fatigue than NEG. Participants in the NEG showed poor stability after landing in the mediolateral direction on DPSI post-fatigue. No significant changes were found in agility related with the group nor fatigue state. Participants with hamstring extensibility reduction has no differences in dynamic stability after landing nor agility after fatigue test, but significantly affects reaching distances during one-leg balance. As a conclusion, a reduction in range of motion in HTG was observed, but no other effects were observed on performance and dynamic stability after a local fatigue protocol depending on hamstring extensibility


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    No obstante cierto inmoralismo, que se observa enel entorno en que vivimos, ninguno puede eludirencararse con conflictos de carácter ético en la vidadiaria. Tales contrariedades afectanentrañablemente a la persona que se los bosqueja,porque se vinculan a su conducta y a sus relacionespara con sus semejantes