369 research outputs found

    Analysis of viability to promote a hub Ro/Ro terminal in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) Port

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    The presented paper is going to analyze the opportunity to develop a Ro/Ro hub in the Port of Palma de Mallorca. In order to get introduced in the study, the state of art related to geographical, economic tra c and human; conditions, will be reviewed; together with an in deep analysis of the port future capacities and main shipping lines crossing the western Mediterranean. At a first glance is it easy to understand that the competition with other container hub ports in Mediterranean does not a ord Palma de Mallorca to be positioned in this market. But the chance to become a hub in rolled tra c will be studied. The final results of this paper are going to identify the main particulars to be enforced to attract the main shipping companies that are providing transport services between the North and South coasts of the Mediterranean and the tra c between Italy and Spain.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of viability to promote a hub ro/ro terminal in Palma of Mallorca (Spain) Port

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    The presented paper is going to analyze the opportunity to develop a Ro/Ro hub in the Port of Palma de Mallorca. In order to get introduced in the study, the state of art related to geographical, economic traffic and human; conditions, will be reviewed; together with an in deep analysis of the port future capacities and main shipping lines crossing the western Mediterranean. At a first glance is it easy to understand that the competition with other container hub ports in Mediterranean does not afford Palma de Mallorca to be positioned in this market. But the chance to become a hub in rolled traffic will be studied. The final results of this paper are going to identify the main particulars to be enforced to attract the main shipping companies that are providing transport services between the North and South coasts of the Mediterranean and the traffic between Italy and Spain.Postprint (published version

    Estudio de la adición de cloruro sódico, sacarosa y leche en polvo a la leche cruda de cabra para enmascarar la presencia de agua añadida

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    [ES] En un primer estudio se determinó la variabilidad de los parámetros de calidad de la leche cruda de cabra analizados habitualmente en un laboratorio interprofesional lechero. Para ello se dispuso de los resultados de 8097 muestras analizadas en el Laboratori d¿Anàlisi de Llet de la UPV (LICOVAL), encontrándose que los parámetros con menor variabilidad fueron el punto de congelación (CV=2,9%) y la lactosa (CV=4%). Se consideró que la muestras con un punto de congelación superior a 580 ¿mºC o de lactosa superior a 5 % eran sospechosas de ser muestras alteradas. A continuación se estudio el efecto de la adición de cloruro sódico (Estudio 2), sacarosa (Estudio 3) y leche en polvo (Estudio 4), a distintas concentraciones, con objeto de enmascarar el aguado de la leche. Los resultados confirmaron que estas tres sustancias permitían enmascarar el agua añadida, si se incorporaban a una concentración que permitiera obtener un punto de congelación entre 540-580 ¿mºC; no obstante, cuando se añadían en exceso el punto de congelación se situaba en niveles de muestra alterada (>580 ¿mºC). La adición de las tres sustancias señaladas anteriormente también afectó significativamente a los análisis de grasa, proteína, lactosa y extracto seco magro; sin embargo no afectó al RCS ni al análisis de inhibidores (todos negativos). El estudio económico mostró que, aplicando estas adulteraciones, los ganaderos obtendrían un escaso (leche en polvo) o prácticamente nulo (cloruro sódico o sacarosa) incremento de ingresos, y existiría un riesgo de que fueran identificadas en el laboratorio como muestras alteradas.[EN] In a first study we investigated the variability of the quality parameters of raw goat milk usually analyzed in a laboratory inter milkman. It was available for the results of samples tested in 8097 Laboratori Llet d'Anàlisi the UPV (LICOVAL), being that with less variability parameters were freezing (CV = 2.9%) and lactose (CV = 4%). It was considered that samples with a higher freezing point to 580-m ° C or more than 5% lactose were suspected to be altered samples. The following study the effect of addition of sodium chloride (Study 2), sucrose (Study 3), and powdered milk (Study 4), at different concentrations, in order to mask the milk watery. The results confirmed that these three substances mask allowed the water added, if incorporated in a concentration that allowed to obtain a freezing point between 540-580 ° C, m, however, when added in excess of the freezing point stood at levels altered sample (> 580-m ° C). The addition of the three substances mentioned above can also significantly affect the analysis of fat, protein, lactose and nonfat solids, but did not affect the RCS or the analysis of inhibitors (all negative). The economic study showed that by applying these adulterations, the farmers would get a little (milk powder) or virtually no (sodium chloride or sucrose) increased revenue, and there is a risk that were identified in the laboratory and altered samples.Martínez Galiano, A. (2013). Estudio de la adición de cloruro sódico, sacarosa y leche en polvo a la leche cruda de cabra para enmascarar la presencia de agua añadida. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/36096Archivo delegad

    NOESIS: A Framework for Complex Network Data Analysis

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    Network data mining has attracted a lot of attention since a large number of real-world problems have to deal with complex network data. In this paper, we present NOESIS, an open-source framework for network-based data mining. NOESIS features a large number of techniques and methods for the analysis of structural network properties, network visualization, community detection, link scoring, and link prediction. ­e proposed framework has been designed following solid design principles and exploits parallel computing using structured parallel programming. NOESIS also provides a stand-alone graphical user interface allowing the use of advanced software analysis techniques to users without prior programming experience. ­is framework is available under a BSD open-source software license.The NOESIS project was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), under grant TIN2012–36951, and the Spanish Ministry of Education under the program “Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2013” (predoctoral grant BES–2013–064699)

    Detección y atención a la violencia de género en el embarazo. Una asignatura pendiente

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    Aims: to determine the number of cases of gender violence (GV) that health personnel in charge of pregnancy control were aware they had attended to; to identify whether resources were available to the personnel to address this problem; to ascertain the priority these personnel assign to GV within the health system.Method: descriptive, observational study. Subjects were health personnel working in pregnancy control. A questionnaire developed by the researchers was used. Descriptive analysis of the data was made.Results: 93.10% (81) believed that they attended fewer than ten such cases a year. 95.40% (83) stated that they did not have the necessary resources to enable them to act. A mean score of 8,14 + 1,45 out of 10 was awarded regarding prioritization.Conclusion: The personnel seemed to be aware of the problem but did not consider themselves prepared to address it.Objetivos: Determinar el número de casos de violencia de género (VG) que el personal sanitario encargado del control de embarazo era consciente que se habia atendido. Identificar la existencia o no de recursos de los que dispone este personal para abordar este problema. Conocer la prioridad que este personal asigna a la VG dentro del sistema sanitario.Método: estudio observacional descriptivo, sujetos de estudio: personal sanitario con funciones en el control del embarazo. Se utilizó un cuestionario de elaboración propia. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los datos. Resultados: El 93,10% (81) creen que son menos de diez al año las mujeres atendidas El 95,40% (83) afirma que no tiene los recursos necesarios para poder actuar Se otorga una media de 8,14 + 1,45 sobre 10 en el orden de priorización.Conclusión: El personal parece estar sensibilizado aunque no se considera preparado para abordar el problema

    Dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in three Mediterranean woody species following long-term experimental drought

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    Stored non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) have been proposed as a key determinant of drought resistance in plants. However, the evidence for this role is controversial, as it comes mostly from observational, short-term studies. Here, we take advantage of a long-term experimental throughfall reduction to elucidate the response of NSC to increased drought 14 years after the beginning of the treatment in three Mediterranean resprouter trees (Quercus ilex L., Arbutus unedo L. and Phillyrea latifolia L.). In addition, we selected 20 Q. ilex individuals outside the experimental plots to directly assess the relationship between defoliation and NSC at the individual level. We measured the seasonal course of NSC concentrations in leaves, branches and lignotuber in late winter, late spring, summer, and autumn 2012. Total concentrations of NSC were highest in the lignotuber for all species. In the long-term drought experiment we found significant depletion in concentrations of total NSC in treatment plots only in the lignotuber of A. unedo. At the same time, A. unedo was the only species showing a significant reduction in BAI under the drought treatment during the 14 years of the experiment. By contrast, Q. ilex just reduced stem growth only during the first 4 years of treatment and P. latifolia remained unaffected over the whole study period. However, we found a clear association between the concentrations of NSC and defoliation in Q. ilex individuals sampled outside the experimental plots, with lower total concentrations of NSC and lower proportion of starch in defoliated individuals. Taken together, our results suggest that stabilizing processes, probably at the stand level, may have been operating in the long-term to mitigate any impact of drought on NSC levels, and highlight the necessity to incorporate long-term experimental studies of plant responses to drought


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    El presente artículo se refiere a la necesidad de continuar el trabajo en función de educar la sexualidad de la población en general, y en especial, de las personas que presentan algún tipo de necesidad educativa especial, fundamentalmente, a las que la presencia de factores discapacitantes le impiden recibir la información con una claridad que les permita ser responsables ante sus actos en todos los sentidos de la vida. La existencia de personas con sordera es un motivo importante para que especialistas de diversas ramas profundicen en las vías más efectivas para llevarles la información más acabada acerca de la educación de la sexualidad. Por tanto, se proponen una serie de talleres relacionados con diversos elementos para una mejor comprensión de las principales problemáticas relacionadas con la posible adquisición de enfermedades que pueden ser evitadas a partir de su conocimiento y de las mejores maneras de prácticas de sexo seguro que promueva felicidad y responsabilidad. La valoración de los talleres en lengua de señas cubanas posibilitó comprobar que las temáticas propuestas son efectivas y los resultados alcanzados demuestran las posibilidades de esta población de apropiarse de las formas más adecuadas de comportamiento en la vida sexual. ABSTRACT The present investigation responds to the necessity of continuing working in function of educating the population's sexuality in general, especially of those that present some type of special educational necessity and fundamentally to those that the presence of disables factors prevents them to receive the information with a clarity that allows them to be responsible before their acts in all the senses of the life. The existence of people with deafness is an important reason, for that, specialists of diverse areas deepens in the most effective ways to give them the completed information about the education of sexuality. Hence, this work intends a series of workshops related to diverse elements that allow a better understanding of the main problematic that are related to the possible acquisition of illnesses that can be avoided starting from its knowledge and in the best ways of practices a secure sex and it promotes happiness and responsibility. The validation of the workshops in Cuban´s signs language facilitated to check that the thematic proposals are effective and the results reached demonstrate the possibilities of this population to enhance the most effective ways to behave appropriately in sexual life. KEY WORDS: sexual education, deafness, infection of sexual transmission, language of Cuban signs

    Surface Acid–Base Properties of Anion-Adsorbed Species at Pt(111) Electrode Surfaces in Contact with CO2-Containing Perchloric Acid Solutions

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    Carbonate and bicarbonate adsorption on Pt(111) electrodes from CO2-saturated acidic solutions is investigated by cyclic voltammetry and Fourier transform infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (FT-IRRAS). Spectroscopic results show carbonate and bicarbonate adsorption even at pH = 1, where bulk concentration of these anions is negligible. Moreover, analysis of the potential dependence of band intensities corresponding to adsorbed carbonate and bicarbonate reveals an effect of the electrode potential on the surface acid–base equilibrium. In this regard, increasing potentials favor bicarbonate deprotonation, leading to carbonate formation. A tentative thermodynamic analysis is given to rationalize these trends.Support from MINECO (Spain) through project CTQ2013-44083-P is greatly acknowledged. RMH thankfully acknowledges support from Generalitat Valenciana under the Santiago Grisolía Program (GRISOLIA/2013/008)


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    The work gathers a summary of the validation of a proposal for making perfect the program for correcting and/or compensating the learners who have behavioural disorder. It was demonstrated that the proposal is feasible and it allows strengthen socialization among the minors beginning from the inner re-structuring of the processes, qualities and psychological formations, which conform the personality. We got a motional adjustment in the adolescents, object of study.El trabajo recoge un resumen de la validación de una propuesta para el perfeccionamiento del programa de corrección y/o compensación para los alumnos portadores de trastornos en la conducta, demostrando que la propuesta es aplicable, y que permite potenciar la socialización de los menores a partir de la reestructuración interior de los procesos, cualidades y formaciones psicológicas que estructuran la personalidad, logrando su ajuste emocional


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    The present work approaches a problem that is important for the pedagogic sciences in the current moments, taking in consideration that in the world at the moment the scientific development every time it charges bigger relevance and to face it is needed of competent people that can I will face with the enough dexterities the challenges of the society. Starting from carrying out a coherent critic related with the development of the talent, category that has been approached from elite positions, in which it is considered possible the talent existence in certain subject with superior capacities, positions are assumed that differ of these concepts, but that they don't deny the value of that bases to erect a theory in which is demonstrated that it is possible to develop those potentialities in all the scholars starting from the appropriate diagnosis of these and of the design and application and a pedagogic strategy that he/she rises to a superior dimension to the pedagogic process in the primary school starting from the valuable obtained results.El presente trabajo aborda una problemática que resulta importante para las ciencias pedagógicas en los momentos actuales, tomando en consideración que en el mundo actualmente el desarrollo científico cada vez cobra mayor relevancia y para enfrentarlo se necesita de personas competentes que puedan enfrentare con las destrezas suficientes los retos de la sociedad. A partir de realizar una crítica coherente relacionada con el desarrollo del talento, categoría que ha sido abordada desde posiciones de élite, en las cuales se considera posible la existencia de talento en determinados sujetos con capacidades superiores, se asumen posiciones que difieren de estos conceptos, pero que no niegan el valor de esa bases para erigir una teoría en la cual se demuestra que es posible desarrollar esas potencialidades en todos los escolares a partir del adecuado diagnóstico de estas y del diseño y aplicación e una estrategia pedagógico que eleva a una dimensión superior al proceso pedagógico en la escuela primaria a partir de los valiosos resultados obtenidos