40 research outputs found

    A jade pished hand-axe from Tubino's Cection (Valencina de la Concepción Local Museum, Sevilla, Spain)

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    A pished axe donated to the Valencina de la Concepción Museum (Seville, Spain) in November 2010, and that had belonged to Francisco María Tubino y Oliva's (1833-1888) personal clection, is studied. Although the exact provenance of this object is unknown, there are reasons to think that it might have been found on some archaẽogical site of the Seville province. Through the application of two different analytical techniques (XRD, DCμRS), this axe is identified as a jade-jadeite of purity above 95 ml%, which necessarily implies it came from the Alps. In the conclusions a discussion of this artifact is made in terms of long distance contact in Iberian Late Prehistory.Peer Reviewe

    Functional requirements to mitigate the Risk of Harm to Patients from Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

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    The Directorate General for Parliamentary Research Services of the European Parliament has prepared a report to the Members of the European Parliament where they enumerate seven main risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medicine and healthcare: patient harm due to AI errors, misuse of medical AI tools, bias in AI and the perpetuation of existing inequities, lack of transparency, privacy and security issues, gaps in accountability, and obstacles in implementation. In this study, we propose fourteen functional requirements that AI systems may implement to reduce the risks associated with their medical purpose: AI passport, User management, Regulation check, Academic use only disclaimer, data quality assessment, Clinicians double check, Continuous performance evaluation, Audit trail, Continuous usability test, Review of retrospective/simulated cases, Bias check, eXplainable AI, Encryption and use of field-tested libraries, and Semantic interoperability. Our intention here is to provide specific high-level specifications of technical solutions to ensure continuous good performance and use of AI systems to benefit patients in compliance with the future EU regulatory framework.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    CVS-Q teen©: computer vision syndrome in adolescents and its relationship with digital textbooks

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    Objetivo: Analizar la prevalencia y la evolución del síndrome visual informático en estudiantes de secundaria y bachillerato mediante el CVS-Q© adaptado y validado para adolescentes, según empleen libros en papel o en soporte digital. Método: Se adaptará el CVS-Q© mediante un pilotaje en adolescentes y un grupo nominal compuesto por especialistas en salud visual, profesorado y padres/madres. Se evaluarán la calidad y la aplicabilidad de la versión resultante (CVS-Q teen©) y se realizará un estudio de validación con pruebas visuales, retest y análisis psicométrico. Posteriormente, se realizará un estudio prospectivo longitudinal con cuatro medidas repetidas en adolescentes de dos institutos de San Juan de Alicante (uno ha sustituido libros por tabletas). Se medirá el síndrome visual informático mediante el CVS-Q teen© con tres seguimientos. Se analizará la prevalencia de síndrome visual informático según factores sociodemográficos, visuales y de uso de dispositivos digitales. Se realizarán modelos de regresión logística con efecto aleatorio por estudiante y tiempo de uso.Objective: To analyse the prevalence and progression of computer vision syndrome in secondary and high school students with the CVS-Q© adapted and validated for adolescents, depending on whether they use textbooks or digital books. Method: The CVS-Q© will be adapted by a pilot study in adolescents and a nominal group of visual health specialists, teachers and parents. The resulting version (CVS-Q teen©) will be tested to confirm its quality and applicability and a validation study will be done with visual tests, retest and psychometric analysis. Subsequently, a prospective longitudinal study with four repeated measures will be carried out in adolescents from two secondary schools of San Juan de Alicante (one has replaced textbooks by tablets). Computer vision syndrome will be measured by the CVS-Q teen© with three follow-ups. The prevalence of computer vision syndrome will be analysed according to sociodemographic, visual and digital device use variables. Logistic regression models will be performed, with random effect by student and time of use.Los autores agradecen al Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la Universidad de Alicante por el contrato de formación predoctoral de la segunda autora (UAFPU2019-08). El presente proyecto ha sido financiado por la convocatoria «Proyectos de Investigación en Salud», Fondo de Investigación en Salud del Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Unión Europea, a través de los Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) «Una manera de hacer Europa», con la referencia PI20/01629

    El efecto del capital social en la violencia en la pareja adolescente desde una perspectiva de interseccionalidad

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    Antecedentes: La violencia de pareja (VP) es un fenómeno social complejo ampliamente estudiado. Sin embargo, pocos de estos estudios consideran el capital social y la interseccionalidad. Nuestro objetivo fue describir el efecto del capital social en la victimización por VP entre estudiantes de secundaria, considerando tres factores de interseccionalidad (sexo asignado al nacer, orientación sexual y origen migratorio) en dos ciudades de España en 2019-2020. Métodos: Se analizó una muestra transversal de 640 adolescentes con pareja, de 13 a 16 años, de un programa de promoción de relaciones equitativas en Alicante y Terrassa. La variable resultado fue haber sufrido violencia en la pareja (control, miedo, física o sexual) en algún momento de la vida. Se utilizaron variables individuales y relacionales para calcular la razón de prevalencia ajustada (RPa) a partir de modelos multivariable construidos mediante regresión robusta de Poisson, y estratificados por sexo, orientación sexual y origen migratorio. Resultados: La mayor prevalencia de VP (56,25%) se encontró en adolescentes lesbianas, gays o bisexuales (LGB) sin actividad social. La orientación LGB se asoció significativamente con la victimización por VP en los adolescentes con origen en países de bajos ingresos (PBI) (aPR: 1,93) y en las chicas (aPR: 1,53). Por último, la procedencia de un PBI fue un determinante significativo de la VP en los chicos (aPR: 1,76) y en los estudiantes, independientemente de la orientación sexual. Una mayor actividad social mostró un efecto protector para los estudiantes de origen en países de altos ingresos (PAI) y de orientación sexual LGB, independientemente del sexo y la orientación sexual. Conclusiones: La actividad social se asocia de forma desigual con una menor victimización por violencia de la pareja en algún momento de la vida adolescente. La fuerte asociación del origen migratorio y la orientación sexual con la VPI refuerza el enfoque de su prevención en los adolescentes desde una perspectiva de interseccionalidad.Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a complex social phenomenon widely studied. However, few of these studies consider social capital and intersectionality. Our aim was to describe the effect of social capital in IPV victimisation among secondary students, considering three factors of intersectionality (sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation and migration background) in two cities of Spain in 2019-2020. Methods: We analysed a cross-sectional sample of 640 ever-partnered adolescents aged 13–16 years who had taken part in a programme for positive relationship. The main outcome was lifetime IPV (control, fear, physical or sexual violence). Individual and relational variables (bonding social capital) were used to calculate adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) from multivariate Robust Poisson regression models stratified by sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation and migration background (factors of intersectionality). Results: The highest IPV prevalence (56.25%) was found in lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) adolescents without social activity. LGB orientation was significantly associated with IPV victimisation in adolescents with low-income country (LIC) backgrounds (aPR: 1.93) and in girls (1.53). Finally, a LIC background was a significant determinant of IPV in boys (aPR: 1.76) and in students independently of sexual orientation. Higher social activity showed a protective effect for students with HIC backgrounds and LGB-sexual orientations. A possible protective effect of social support in HIC backgrounds and regardless of sex and sexual orientation must be considered. Conclusions: Social activity is unequally associated with less lifetime IPV. The strong association of migration background and sexual orientation with IPV reinforces the approach to its prevention in adolescents from an intersectionality perspective.This study was funded by the multi-centre project "Promotion of protective assets against gender violence in adolescence and preadolescence" (Grant reference PI18/00590 and PI18/00544) of the Carlos III Institute of Health, as an intermediary body of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). The project was also supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Epidemiología Salud Pública (CIBERESP) through the subprogramme on Prevention of Gender Violence of the Programme on Social Determinants of Health (no grant award number specified)

    Personal body ornamentation on the Southern Iberian Meseta: An archaeomineralogical study

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    Beads and pendants from the Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real) and Cerro Ortega (Villanueva de la Fuente, Ciudad Real) burials were analysed using XRD, micro-Raman and XRF in order to contribute to the current distribution map of green bead body ornament pieces on the Iberian Peninsula which, so far, remain undetailed for many regions. XRD, micro-Raman and XRF analyses showed that most of the beads from Castillejo del Bonete (Late 3rd millennium cal. BC) were made from variscite or green phyllosilicates, while Cerro Ortega's (Late 4th millenniumcal. BC) beads were made out of fossil wood or Clinochlore. Significantly enough,while XRD pointed to variscite as the main crystallo-graphic phase, the elemental composition did not match any elemental compositions of known and characterised sources, thus suggesting an unknown south-eastern source or an extra-peninsular origin of these ornamental pieces

    Aditivo para fabricación de ladrillos de yeso: macizos, huecos o semihuecos mediante vibrocompresión.

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    El departamento de Ingeniería de la Universidad Miguel Hernández del Campus de Orihuela, lleva más de catorce años investigando sobre el desarrollo de nuevos materiales y la forma de aditivarlos y su aplicación a la sociedad.El aditivo en cuestión, se trata de un fluidificante, superplastificante y retardante del fraguado del yeso, compuesto por dióxido de silicio coloidal más ácido cítrico, con proporciones de 1-3 % de dióxido de silicio y de 99-97 % de ácido cítrico.Este nuevo aditivo patentado se puede adicionar, en el proceso de amasado, tanto en fase sólida como en fase líquida actuando sobre el proceso de fraguado del yeso y obteniéndose un buen resultado.Es de aplicación en yeso blanco, yeso negro ó moreno (Black paster) y escayola. Las dosificaciones, por kg de yeso, están entre 0.06 gr/kg hasta 1,2 gr/kg de yeso, con unos tiempos de fraguado entre 15 minutos y 240 minutos.La dosificación de agua para el amasado es variable, siendo una ventaja la reducción de agua en el masado. Se establece en 0,2 kg de agua por 1 kg de yeso de este modo se obtiene un yeso amasado que convertido en pequeñas bolas de diámetro entre 2 y 8 mm es utilizable en la fabricación de prefabricados mediante prensado.En la fabricación de ladrillos se produce una reducción de emisiones de CO2 en torno al 80 %, ya que el proceso de calcinación del yeso se puede realizar a una temperatura de unos 250 ºC (la temperatura puede ser menor, o mayor si se quiere reducir tiempo de cocción). Se evita el tiempo de secado del ladrillo cerámico (unas 8 horas a 100 ºC) más el de cocción del mismo (unas 8-14 horas a 900 ºC).El desarrollo del material obtenido lleva aparejado la aplicación directa en la fabricación de ladrillos huecos o semihuecos para su uso industria debido a su óptimo comportamiento a compresión (resistencia media de 19,23N/mm2), además de obtenerse un beneficio medioambiental y económico

    Risk factors for unfavorable outcome and impact of early post-transplant infection in solid organ recipients with COVID-19: A prospective multicenter cohort study

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    The aim was to analyze the characteristics and predictors of unfavorable outcomes in solid organ transplant recipients (SOTRs) with COVID-19. We conducted a prospective observational cohort study of 210 consecutive SOTRs hospitalized with COVID-19 in 12 Spanish centers from 21 February to 6 May 2020. Data pertaining to demographics, chronic underlying diseases, transplantation features, clinical, therapeutics, and complications were collected. The primary endpoint was a composite of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and/or death. Logistic regression analyses were performed to identify the factors associated with these unfavorable outcomes. Males accounted for 148 (70.5%) patients, the median age was 63 years, and 189 (90.0%) patients had pneumonia. Common symptoms were fever, cough, gastrointestinal disturbances, and dyspnea. The most used antiviral or host-targeted therapies included hydroxychloroquine 193/200 (96.5%), lopinavir/ritonavir 91/200 (45.5%), and tocilizumab 49/200 (24.5%). Thirty-seven (17.6%) patients required ICU admission, 12 (5.7%) suffered graft dysfunction, and 45 (21.4%) died. A shorter interval between transplantation and COVID-19 diagnosis had a negative impact on clinical prognosis. Four baseline features were identified as independent predictors of intensive care need or death: advanced age, high respiratory rate, lymphopenia, and elevated level of lactate dehydrogenase. In summary, this study presents comprehensive information on characteristics and complications of COVID-19 in hospitalized SOTRs and provides indicators available upon hospital admission for the identification of SOTRs at risk of critical disease or death, underlining the need for stringent preventative measures in the early post-transplant period

    Potencialidades y acciones de una Red Docente interuniversitaria sobre Inclusión Social y Salud

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    El objetivo de las redes ICE que colaboran en este proyecto es el intercambio de experiencias, materiales y metodologías docentes y de investigación en materia de Inclusión Social y Salud, con un enfoque implícito, pero no exclusivo en la población gitana, entre docentes de universidades españolas (en una primera fase) y europeas (en una segunda fase). Bajo el epígrafe de Inclusión Social y Salud se abordan contenidos relacionados con los determinantes sociales de la salud de minorías étnicas y otros grupos sociales, la mediación y las competencias interculturales, cultura y salud, racismo y salud, el enfoque de derechos humanos en la salud, entre otros. Las actividades desarrolladas incluyen la celebración de unas Jornadas Multidisciplinares sobre Inclusión Social y Salud, la creación de la estructura de una base de datos sobre experiencias docentes y la elaboración de una guía temática sobre salud y pueblo gitano. La comunicación explica la construcción participativa del proceso de coordinación de la red y de la retroalimentación informativa de todos los procesos intrared y la difusión exteroorganizacional. La red se inscribe en las acciones WHO Collaborating Centre on Social Inclusion and Health del Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Social y Paz de la Universidad de Alicante

    Epidemiological trends of HIV/HCV coinfection in Spain, 2015-2019

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    Altres ajuts: Spanish AIDS Research Network; European Funding for Regional Development (FEDER).Objectives: We assessed the prevalence of anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies and active HCV infection (HCV-RNA-positive) in people living with HIV (PLWH) in Spain in 2019 and compared the results with those of four similar studies performed during 2015-2018. Methods: The study was performed in 41 centres. Sample size was estimated for an accuracy of 1%. Patients were selected by random sampling with proportional allocation. Results: The reference population comprised 41 973 PLWH, and the sample size was 1325. HCV serostatus was known in 1316 PLWH (99.3%), of whom 376 (28.6%) were HCV antibody (Ab)-positive (78.7% were prior injection drug users); 29 were HCV-RNA-positive (2.2%). Of the 29 HCV-RNA-positive PLWH, infection was chronic in 24, it was acute/recent in one, and it was of unknown duration in four. Cirrhosis was present in 71 (5.4%) PLWH overall, three (10.3%) HCV-RNA-positive patients and 68 (23.4%) of those who cleared HCV after anti-HCV therapy (p = 0.04). The prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies decreased steadily from 37.7% in 2015 to 28.6% in 2019 (p < 0.001); the prevalence of active HCV infection decreased from 22.1% in 2015 to 2.2% in 2019 (p < 0.001). Uptake of anti-HCV treatment increased from 53.9% in 2015 to 95.0% in 2019 (p < 0.001). Conclusions: In Spain, the prevalence of active HCV infection among PLWH at the end of 2019 was 2.2%, i.e. 90.0% lower than in 2015. Increased exposure to DAAs was probably the main reason for this sharp reduction. Despite the high coverage of treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents, HCV-related cirrhosis remains significant in this population