2,597 research outputs found

    Noves cites i nous hostes d'Andricus sphaericus Pujade-Villar, 2016 (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae)

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    Andricus sphaericus Pujade-Villar, 2016 és una espècie que va ser coŀlectada per primer cop en 2011 i posteriorment en 2014 sobre Quercus rugosa Née i Q. obtusata Humb. & Bonpl. (secció Quercus, Fagaceae) a l'Estat de México i al DF, i que ha estat recentment descrita (Pujade-Villar et al., 2016). Coŀlectes realitzades pels coautors mexicans en 2015 (entregades al primer autor el juliol d'aquest any) i coŀlectes realitzades aquesta anualitat pel primer autor aporten noves dades d'aquesta espècie, amplien l'ària de distribució i es citen per primer cop gèneres d'inquilins i parasitoids

    Citrato de cafeína: ¿por qué usarlo en los recién nacidos?

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    ResumenEl citrato de cafeína, es uno de los medicamentos más comúnmente usado en cualquier unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales; es una metilxantina e inhibidor de los receptores de adenosina. Desde hace más de 30 años es bien conocida su eficacia en el tratamiento de la apnea del prematuro, actualmente se le reconocen otros beneficios como disminución en la incidencia de displasia broncopulmonar, disminución de la falla a la extubación y ser un factor de neuroprotección entre otros. El objetivo del presente artículo fue realizará una revisión sobre las propiedades farmacológicas, mecanismos de acción, dosis adecuadas, niveles séricos y efectos terapéuticos de la cafeína en los recién nacidos.AbstractCaffeine, a methylxantine and nonspecific inhibitor of adenosine receptors, is commonly prescribed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units. The efficacy of caffeine in an episode of apnea of prematurity has been known for over thirty years, but now it has been found that caffeine have others beneficial actions, such as reduction in the incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, less extubation failure, the need for patent ductus arteriosus treatment, and neuroprotective role. The objective is this review was to update the current knowledge of pharmacologic properties, the mechanisms of action, caffeine dosing and therapeutic effects, in the neonatal population

    Fog interception by Ball moss (<i>Tillandsia recurvata</i>)

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    Interception losses are a major influence in the water yield of vegetated areas. For most storms, rain interception results in less water reaching the ground. However, fog interception can increase the overall water storage capacity of the vegetation and once the storage is exceeded, fog drip is a common hydrological input. Fog interception is disregarded in water budgets of semiarid regions, but for some plant communities, it could be a mechanism offsetting evaporation losses. <i>Tillandsia recurvata</i> is a cosmopolitan epiphyte adapted to arid habitats where fog may be an important water source. Therefore, the interception storage capacity by <i>T. recurvata</i> was measured in controlled conditions and applying simulated rain or fog. Juvenile, vegetative specimens were used to determine the potential upperbound storage capacities. The storage capacity was proportional to dry weight mass. Interception storage capacity (<i>C</i><sub>min</sub>) was 0.19 and 0.56 mm for rainfall and fog respectively. The coefficients obtained in the laboratory were used together with biomass measurements for <i>T. recurvata</i> in a xeric scrub to calculate the depth of water intercepted by rain. <i>T. recurvata</i> contributed 20 % to the rain interception capacity of their shrub hosts: <i>Acacia farnesiana</i> and <i>Prosopis laevigata</i> and; also potentially intercepted 4.8 % of the annual rainfall. Nocturnal stomatic opening in <i>T. recurvata</i> is not only relevant for CO<sub>2</sub> but for water vapor, as suggested by the higher weight change of specimens wetted with fog for 1 h at dark in comparison to those wetted during daylight (543 ± 77 vs. 325 ± 56 mg, <i>p</i> = 0.048). The storage capacity of <i>T. recurvata</i> leaf surfaces could increase the amount of water available for evaporation, but as this species colonise montane forests, the effect could be negative on water recharge, because potential storage capacity is very high, in the laboratory experiments it took up to 12 h at a rate of 0.26 l h<sup>−1</sup> to reach saturation conditions when fog was applied

    Personalized Medicine in Ovarian Cancer: A Perspective From Mexico

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    Ovarian cancer (OC) represents a serious health problem worldwide. In Mexico, most OC patients are detected at late stages, consequently making OC one of the leading causes of death in women after reaching puberty. Personalized medicine (PM) provides an individualized therapeutic opportunity for treating each patient relying on “omic” tools to match the correct drug with the specific pathogenic genomic signature. PM can help predict the best therapeutic option for each affected woman suffering from OC. In recent years, Mexico has made contributions to the PM of OC; however, it still has a long way to go for its full implementation in the country’s health system

    Standards and specifications to manage accessibility issues in e-learning

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    Despite the acknowledged need of providing a personalized and adaptive learning process for all, current learning management systems do not properly cover personalization and accessibility issues and they are still struggling to support the reusability requirements coming from the pervasive usage of standards. There is a lack of frameworks for providing layered-based infrastructure covering the interoperability required to manage the whole range of standards, applications and services needed to meet accessibility and adaptations needs of lifelong learning services

    Use of rivaroxaban and acetylsalicylic acid as a combined treatment for peripheral arterial disease in Central Military Hospital

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    Background: The objective of this research was to evaluate the behavior of 3 risk indicators for peripheral arterial disease in patients under oral treatment with rivaroxaban 2.5 mg every 12 hours plus, acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg every 24 hours. It was hypothesized that the oral combination of rivaroxaban and acetylsalicylic acid presents a therapeutic advantage over other treatments.Methods: A prospective longitudinal and non-randomized study of a single center was performed. 59 patients with peripheral arterial disease were included and treated with acetylsalicylic acid + rivaroxaban. Peak systolic velocity, ankle-brachial index and C reactive protein index were evaluated.Results: Significant changes were found at month 1 and 3 of follow-up in maximum systolic velocity, ankle-arm index and C-reactive protein index. The baseline peak systolic velocity (PSV) in the anterior tibial artery had significant differences after one month of treatment (p=0.001) and after 3 months (p=0.001). The baseline PSV in the posterior tibial artery had significant differences compared to the values found at the month of treatment (p=0.001) and 3 months (p=0.001). In the ankle-brachial index a baseline median of 0.790 was found, one month after the treatment of 0.795 (p=0.147) and 3 months after 0.800 (p=0.019). The mean baseline C-reactive protein obtained was 73.142 mg/l, at one month 87.233 mg/l (p=0.001) and at 3 months at 79.009 mg/l (p=0.294) with a standard deviation of 67.18, 74.78 and 69.69 respectively.Conclusions: The combined use of acetylsalicylic acid and rivaroxaban allows a clinical improvement in patients with peripheral arterial disease

    Antropic fires promotes the increase of alien species cover in the understory of Nothofagus antarctica (Forster f.) Oersted forests under management

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    Se analizó la respuesta temprana del sotobosque de Nothofagus antarctica (ñire) luego de un incendio, particularmente, la potencialidad de invasión por parte de especies exóticas. Se establecieron transectas permanentes (n=6 por sitio) de 10 m de longitud antes (2008) y después del fuego (2009 a 2014) en bosques maduros con manejo silvopastoril. Se evaluó la riqueza y cobertura de especies con el método de intersección puntual y se analizaron los datos mediante ANOVAs de medidas repetidas. La composición del sotobosque de N. antarctica se modificó debido a: (a) el aumento de la cobertura de hierbas y pastos exóticos, (b) el ingreso de especies exóticas nuevas ausentes en la situación pre-incendio, (c) la menor cobertura de algunas especies de hierbas nativas, d) el ingreso de especies nativas de Tierra del Fuego, pero no propias del bosque y que estaban ausentes en la situación pre-incendio.We examined the early response of Nothofagus antarctica (ñire) understory after a fire, including the potential for invasion by exotic species. Permanent transects (n =6 per site) 10m length were surveyed before (2008) and after fire (2009 to 2014). In each transect, vegetation (species richness and cover) was recorded at by the point-intercept method. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVAs. The composition of N. antarctica understory was significantly modified from: (a) increasing the coverage of alien species of herbs and grasses, (b) the income of new alien species that were absent in the pre-fire situation, (c) the lowest coverage of some native species of herbs, (d) the income of native species of Tierra del Fuego, which are typical from other habitat types (e.g., grasslands), and which were absent in the pre-fire situation.Laboratorio de Investigación de Sistemas Ecológicos y Ambientale

    A new genus of oak gall wasp, Striatoandricus Pujade-Villar (Hyenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) from Americ with descriptions of two new Mexican species

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    A new genus of cynipid oak gall wasp, Striatoandricus Pujade-Villar (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini), is described. Striatoandricus gen. nov. includes four previously described species, Andricus nievesaldreyi n. comb., A. georgei n. comb., A. maesi n. comb., and A. barriosi n. comb., which induce pubescent leaves or twig galls on Quercus belonging to Quercus section. Two new species from México are also described: S. cuixarti Pujade-Villar n. sp. and S. sanchezi Pujade-Villar n. sp. in Quercus section. Descriptions of the genus and diagnostic characters, including DNA sequence data, are presented. This new genus is supported by both morphological and molecular data

    The IFMIF-EVEDA accelerator beam dump design

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    The IFMIF-EVEDA accelerator will be a 9 MeV, 125 mA cw deuteron accelerator prototype for verifying the validity of the 40 MeV accelerator design for IFMIF. A beam dump designed for maximum power of 1.12 MW will be used to stop the beam at the accelerator exit. The conceptual design for the IFMIF-EVEDA accelerator beam dump is based on a conical beam stop made of OFE copper. The cooling system uses an axial high velocity flow of water pressurized up to 3.4 × 105 Pa to avoid boiling. The design has been shown to be compliant with ASME mechanical design rules under nominal full power conditions. A sensitivity analysis has been performed to take into account the possible margin on the beam properties at the beam dump entrance. This analysis together with the study of the maintenance issues and the mounting and dismounting operations has led to the complete design definition

    Abrupt Convergence and Escape Behavior for Birth and Death Chains

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    We link two phenomena concerning the asymptotical behavior of stochastic processes: (i) abrupt convergence or cut-off phenomenon, and (ii) the escape behavior usually associated to exit from metastability. The former is characterized by convergence at asymptotically deterministic times, while the convergence times for the latter are exponentially distributed. We compare and study both phenomena for discrete-time birth-and-death chains on Z with drift towards zero. In particular, this includes energy-driven evolutions with energy functions in the form of a single well. Under suitable drift hypotheses, we show that there is both an abrupt convergence towards zero and escape behavior in the other direction. Furthermore, as the evolutions are reversible, the law of the final escape trajectory coincides with the time reverse of the law of cut-off paths. Thus, for evolutions defined by one-dimensional energy wells with sufficiently steep walls, cut-off and escape behavior are related by time inversion.Comment: 2 figure