721 research outputs found

    Database desing tool

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    La aplicación DataBase Design Tool es una herramienta para el diseño gráfico de bases de datos relacionales. El objetivo de la misma es facilitar el diseño de bases de datos relacionales de una forma visual y simple para completar el aprendizaje en asignaturas que lo requieran o realizarlo de forma particular. Dado que la herramienta está orientada a entornos académicos, tiene una implementación multiplataforma que permite ejecutarla tanto en sistemas Windows como en distribuciones GNU/Linux (Debian y Ubuntu). Al poseer un interfaz gráfico, similar al expuesto en la mayor parte de la bibliografía de uso común, evita la complejidad del desarrollo sobre papel de diagramas que pueden llevar a equívocos o errores, y permite la corrección de dichos esquemas. De la misma forma, el profesor puede desempeñar su función de una forma más cómoda proponiendo soluciones o corrigiendo ejercicios de una manera clara y eficaz. La aplicación, además de permitir diseñar y comprobar un esquema, realiza la tarea de generar del script en lenguaje SQL para la creación de la base de datos física diseñada. Dicho proceso es automático y simplifica tanto el tiempo como la complejidad de un diseño teórico llevado a la práctica. El objetivo principal de la herramienta es su uso y desempeño con fines docentes, proporcionando una gran ayuda tanto para enseñar como para aprender la teoría de las bases de datos. [ABSTRACT] The application DataBase Design Tool is a tool for graphic design of relational databases. Its purpose is to facilitate the design of relational databases in a simple and visual form to complete the learning in subjects that require it or to do it on your own. Having in mind that the tool is aimed to an academic environment, it has a multi-platform implementation, that make possible to use it whether in Windows systems or in GNU/Linux distributions (Debian and Ubuntu) By having a graphical interface, similar to the one described in the most commonly used literature, it avoids the complexity of development on paper charts that can lead to misunderstandings or mistakes, and allows the verification of the correctness of such schemes. In the same way, the teacher can perform his function in a more comfortable way proposing solutions or correcting exercises in a clear and effective way. The application, in addition to make possible to design and test a scheme, performs the task of generating a SQL language script for the creation of the physical database designed. This process is automatic and simplifies both time and complexity of a theoretical design implemented in practice. The main purpose of the tool is its use and performance for teaching purposes, in order to help either the teaching or the learning of databases theory

    A nationwide study of chronic pain prevalence in the general Spanish population, identifying clinical subgroups through cluster analysis.

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    Objective. This study aims to assess the prevalence of chronic pain, its characteristics, and its impact on the general Spanish population. Also, to establish chronic pain patient subgroups according to the characteristics of pain and to identify variables specifically associated with each subgroup. Design. Telephone-based, cross-sectional nationwide study. Subjects. A sample of 1,957 individuals representative of the Spanish population. Methods. Data were collected through telephone interviews. A subject was considered to have chronic pain if they had suffered pain (at least 4 days a week) during the last 3 months. The subjects were divided into two subgroups through a cluster analysis, and a regression model was established to determine the variables most specifically associated with these subgroups. Results. The prevalence of chronic pain was 16.6% (95% confidence interval: 14.9–18.3) and among these subjects, more than 50% referred to limitations in their daily activities, 30% felt sad and/or anxious, and 47.2% indicated that their pain was affecting their family life. Two subgroups of subjects with pain were identified: 1) characterized by generalized pain in more than one location and of a long evolution (150 months); and 2) characterized by pain localized to only one site with a shorter duration (100 months). Individuals who felt anxious because of their pain and those who considered that their pain was affecting their family were more likely to belong to group 1. Conclusions. Pain affects an important proportion of the Spanish adult population and that it has a strong personal impact. Two pain groups were clearly distinguished by their clinical characteristics

    Tecnología de las comunicaciones móviles

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    Las comunicaciones móviles es, claramente, uno de los campos de las telecomunicaciones donde estamos viviendo, día a día, un mayor desarrollo y cambio. El Área de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones de la Universidad Miguel Hernández no se puede mostrar insensible a tales acontecimientos, y prueba de ello es la presente publicación. Con ella se pretende ofrecer al lector una completa visión de diferentes aspectos, como puede comprobar consultando el índice de la misma. Pretende ser un buen complemento a las explicaciones de clase de la asignatura “Tecnología de las comunicaciones móviles”, para la que está especialmente ideado. Se ha tratado de completar el libro “Introducción a las comunicaciones móviles” con las tecnologías de las comunicaciones móviles optimizadas para datos, y por tanto, orientadas a conmutación de paquetes. En el primer capítulo se da una breve introducción a WAP, pasando, después, en el capítulo 2 a describir más en profundidad GPRS o generación 2,5 de la telefonía móvil en Europa. El capítulo 3, nos introduce en la técnica de acceso múltiple por división de código, CDMA, para facilitarnos la mejor comprensión de los capítulos siguientes. En UMTS o tercera generación, (capítulo 4) nos paramos con más detalle, por ser la tecnología que se pretende revolucione el futuro. Por último, los capítulos 5 y 6 dan una iniciación a otras tecnologías, que aunque con cierta incertidumbre, interactuarán con las redes móviles en el entorno privado, como son las redes inalámbricas, WLAN, y Bluetooth

    Introducción a las comunicaciones móviles

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    Las comunicaciones móviles es claramente uno de los campos de las telecomunicaciones donde estamos viviendo día a día un mayor desarrollo y cambio. El Área de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones de la Universidad Miguel Hernández no se puede mostrar insensible a tales acontecimientos, y prueba de ello es la presente publicación. Con ella se pretende ofrecer al lector una completa visión de diferentes aspectos, como puede comprobar consultando el índice de la misma. Pretende ser un buen complemento a las explicaciones de clase de la asignatura “Introducción a las comunicaciones móviles”, para la que está especialmente ideado. Se ha tratado de dar un repaso a la evolución de las comunicaciones móviles, centrándonos especialmente en la comunicación de voz. En el primer capítulo se repasan temas básicos y comunes a este tipo de comunicaciones, pasando después en el capítulo 2 a describir brevemente las tecnologías analógicas. En GSM (capítulo 3) nos paramos con más detalle, por ser la tecnología predominante actualmente. Los capítulos 4 y 5 pretenden dar una iniciación a otras tecnologías presentes en el panorama actual como son las comunicaciones móviles por satélite y las comunicaciones inalámbricas. Por último, hemos considerado importante no finalizar la publicación sin dar un repaso en el capítulo 6 a la normativa española y europea en estos temas. Dejamos para una segunda publicación las tecnologías centradas en la transmisión de datos que utilizan conmutación de paquetes (GPRS y UMTS)

    Prototipo brazo robótico.

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    La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) es la rama de las ciencias de la computación que se ocupa de construir sistemas que permitan exhibir un comportamiento cada vez más inteligente. Un brazo robótico es un tipo de brazo mecánico, normalmente programable, con funciones parecidas a las de un brazo humano; este puede ser la suma total del mecanismo o puede ser parte de un robot más complejo. Las partes de estos manipuladores o brazos son interconectadas a través de articulaciones que permiten, tanto un movimiento rotacional, como un movimiento transnacional o desplazamiento lineal. El efector final, o mano robótica, se puede diseñar para realizar cualquier tarea que se desee como puede ser soldar, sujetar, girar, etc., dependiendo de la aplicación. En algunas circunstancias, lo que se busca es una simulación de la mano humana, como en los robots usados en tareas de desactivación de explosivo

    La comunidad SIG- MERCATOR de la Consejería de Salud

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    La Web 2.0 ha supuesto un cambio importante en Internet al pasar el usuario de mero consumidor de contenidos a generarlos en un espacio de colaboración e intercambio. En el seno de una organización, el conocimiento corporativo producido debe estar disponible en cualquier momento, por cualquier empleado y desde cualquier parte. El Entorno Colaborativo de Trabajo (ECT) de la Consejería de Salud proporciona herramientas de trabajo diario e incorpora elementos de la Web 2.0. El ECT está basado en el sistema de gestión de portales Liferay, con arquitectura web J2EE multiplataforma, y portlets JSR 168. Ofrece servicios de acceso a información (noticias, anuncios, documentación, directorios etc), comunicación, colaboración y participación activa (foros, chat, wikis, blogs, encuestas, etc) y herramientas operativas (gestión de reuniones, agendas, acceso a sistemas de información, etc.) La base organizativa son las comunidades. Una de ellas es la comunidad SIG-Mercator compuesta actualmente por 23 usuarios de la propia Consejería y de otros organismos, con un interés común sobre Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) y que comparten un espacio con información y herramientas de colaboración propias. Los objetivos de esta comunidad son gestionar el conocimiento y fomentar debates con herramientas como el blog y los foros, compartir documentación y elaborar de forma colaborativa mediante wikis documentos de referencia, y difundir las actividades del Plan Cartográfico así como las novedades sobre aspectos tecnológicos de los SIG. Un factor clave en la comunidad son las sesiones presenciales, con periodicidad mensual, además de las propias actividades virtuales.ABSTRACT The Website 2.0 represents a dramatic change in internet. The user has became a content provider and not just a consumer. Within an organisation, the corporate knowledge produced should be available at any time, for any employee and from any part. The Collaborative Work Environment (CWE) of the Regional Ministry of Health provides with tools for the daily work and adds some elements of the Website 2.0. CWE is based on Liferay, with multi-platform J2EE website architecture and portlets JSR 168. It offers services of access to information (news, announcements, documentation, directories, etc.), active communication, cooperation and involvement (forums, chat, wikis, blogs, surveys …) and operational tools (meetings management, agendas, access to information systems, etc.) Communities are the organizational base. One of them is the community GIS-Mercator, composed currently by 23 users from the Regional Ministry of Health and other organisations, with a shared interest on GIS and sharing information and collaboration tools. The aims of this community are to manage the knowledge and to promote discussions with tools as forums and blogs, to share documentation and to elaborate reference documents in a collaborative way via wikis, and to disseminate the activities of the Mapping Plan so as the news on technological aspects of the GIS. In addition to the own virtual activities, the monthly face-to-face meetings are a key factor in the community

    Hydrogen-powered refrigeration system for environmentally friendly transport and delivery in the food supply chain

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    Urban population and the trend towards online commerce leads to an increase in delivery solution in cities. The growth of the transport sector is very harmful to the environment, being responsible for approximately 40% of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. The problem is aggravated when transporting perishable foodstuffs, as the vehicle propulsion engine (VPE) must power not only the vehicle but also the refrigeration unit. This means that the VPE must be running continuously, both on the road and stationary (during delivery), as the cold chain must be preserved. The result is costly (high fuel consumption) and harmful to the environment. At present, refrigerated transport does not support full-electric solutions, due to the high energy consumption required, which motivates the work presented in this article. It presents a turnkey solution of a hydrogenpowered refrigeration system (HPRS) to be integrated into standard light trucks and vans for short-distance food transport and delivery. The proposed solution combines an air-cooled polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), a lithium-ion battery and low-weight pressurised hydrogen cylinders to minimise cost and increase autonomy and energy density. In addition, for its implementation and integration, all the acquisition, power and control electronics necessary for its correct management have been developed. Similarly, an energy management system (EMS) has been developed to ensure continuity and safety in the operation of the electrical system during the working day, while maximizing both the available output power and lifetime of the PEMFC. Experimental results on a real refrigerated light truck provide more than 4 h of autonomy in intensive intercity driving profiles, which can be increased, if necessary, by simply increasing the pressure of the stored hydrogen from the current 200 bar to whatever is required. The correct operation of the entire HPRS has been experimentally validated in terms of functionality, autonomy and safety; with fuel savings of more than 10% and more than 3650 kg of CO2/ year avoided.This work is a contribution of the two following Projects: “H2Integration& Control. Integration and Control of a hydrogen-based pilot plant in residential applications for energy supply”, Ref. PID2020-116616RB-C31 supported by the Spanish State Program of R + D + I Oriented to the Challenges of Society; and “SALTES: Smartgrid with reconfigurable Architecture for testing controL Techniques and Energy Storage priority contaminant waste”, Ref. P20-00730 supported by Andalusian Regional Program of R + D + I. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBUA

    Urinary bladder sigma-1 receptors: A new target for cystitis treatment

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    Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phrs.2020.104724.No adequate treatment is available for painful urinary bladder disorders such as interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome, and the identification of new urological therapeutic targets is an unmet need. The sigma-1 receptor (σ1-R) modulates somatic pain, but its role in painful urological disorders is unexplored. The urothelium expresses many receptors typical of primary sensory neurons (e.g. TRPV1, TRPA1 and P2X3) and high levels of σ1- R have been found in these neurons; we therefore hypothesized that σ1-R may also be expressed in the urothelium and may have functional relevance in this tissue. With western blotting and immunohistochemical methods, we detected σ1-R in the urinary bladder in wild-type (WT) but not in σ1-R-knockout (σ1-KO) mice. Interestingly, σ1-R was located in the bladder urothelium not only in mouse, but also in human bladder sections. The severity of histopathological (edema, hemorrhage and urothelial desquamation) and biochemical alterations (enhanced myeloperoxidase activity and phosphorylation of extracellular regulated kinases 1/2 [pERK1/2]) that characterize cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis was lower in σ1-KO than in WT mice. Moreover, cyclophosphamide-induced pain behaviors and referred mechanical hyperalgesia were dose-dependently reduced by σ1-R antagonists (BD-1063, NE-100 and S1RA) in WT but not in σ1-KO mice. In contrast, the analgesic effect of morphine was greater in σ1-KO than in WT mice. Together these findings suggest that σ1-R plays a functional role in the mechanisms underlying cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis, and modulates morphine analgesia against urological pain. Therefore, σ1-R may represent a new drug target for urinary bladder disorders.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) SAF2016-80540-REuropean Regional Development Funds (ERDF), Junta de Andalucia grant CTS 109Esteve PharmaceuticalsInnovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking 777500European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmeEFPI

    Development of an ultrasonic dry-coupling inspection wheel for Online NDI composite application

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    8 páginas, 5 figuras. 6th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 12-14th November 2014, Madrid, SpainT he application of ultrasonic waves to the inspection of aeronautic compone nts is based on the use of couplants (water, gel, etc...) to facilitate the propagation of the sensi ng wave through the material. Although several solutions have been designed to integrate the use of these couplants and the NDT operations in different stages of component life (from production to in-service operation) its use incre ases the complexity of the process and the cost of the inspection because in some cases special infrastr uctures may become necessary. Some of the research effort developed in the last decades has been a ddressed to reduce the necessity of couplant gel or fluids. In this sense, the development of ultrasonic inspection w heels based on special rubbers with a high degree of humidity has been proposed and is being commercialized nowadays. How ever, its use is not allowed in applications where the condition of completely dry coupling is imperative. Other tools based on air-coupling have been also developed but they mainly operate in through transmission arrange ments and its use is limited to low frequencies. T his work examines a new wheel-based tool which can operate in dry condit ion . It has been developed in the context of the ICARO Project (Innovación en Composites Avanzados y Rear- End Optimizado) to provide a nondestructive inspection solution to be integrated into an Out of Autoclave ( OoA) composite manufacturing process based on electron beam curing technology layer by layer. T he solution requires be able to inspect very thin composite specimens (from 0.5mm) in clean and dry conditions compatibl e with the manufacturing process. T o overcome these conditions, a special inspection wheel prototype has bee n developed that integrates a 5MHz ultrasonic array transducer composed by 128 elements mounted in a particula r wedge. T his aperture operates in pulse-echo and generates an ultrasonic image based on linear scanning beam forming process and a synthetic aperture acquisition procedure known as 2R-SAFT . Inspection results obtained from reference standard of different thic kness are presented. T hese results are compared with conventional immersion UT inspections and show the high potentia l of this inspection wheel for this special applications.Peer reviewe