128 research outputs found

    Assembling Nonplanar Polyaromatic Units by Click Chemistry. Study of Multicorannulene Systems as Host for Fullerenes

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    Producción CientíficaNovel compounds with two or three corannulene subunits have been obtained by “click chemistry”. These exotic systems were synthesized in high yields using the ethynylcorannulene as common reagent. The synergistic action as receptors for fullerenes of several corannulene blocks has been evaluated. It was found that the three-armed derivatives showed efficient complexation abilities toward C60. Furthermore, a new compound having two corannulene subunits linked to a hexahelicene scaffold has a remarkable affinity constant. Finally, theoretical calculations have been performed to evaluate the formation of their relative adducts containing a C60 molecule.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects 258 CTQ2013-41067-P and CTQ2011-23862-C02

    Impact of the implementation of the AAN epilepsy quality measures on the medical records in a university hospital

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    Background: The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) suggested eight quality measures to be observed at every patient visit. The aim of this work is to compare the percentage of documentation of each measure before and after the implementation of a new worksheet in a third-level center. Methods: Quasi-experimental study including medical records filled by medical school seniors and junior residents supervised by an epileptologist. The authors surveyed 80 consecutive charts of people with epilepsy who were seen in the outpatient clinic before and after the intervention. McNemar change test was used to compare the percentages of documentation of each quality measure–i.e., seizure type and frequency, etiology, EEG, MRI/CT head scans, AED side effects, surgical therapy referral, safety counseling, preconception counseling–and physical exam. Each quality measure was considered to be fulfilled only if it was assessed and properly recorded. Results: Mean age was 35(±13) years, 55% women, mean epilepsy onset at age 18(±15), 82% presented with partial-onset seizures. The reporting rate improved for all quality measures (previous vs new), reaching statistical significance for: seizure type 80vs94% (p < 0.05), AED side effects 8vs24%, etiology 66vs88% (p < 0.01), safety counseling 5vs64%, preconception counseling 4vs20%, and physical exam 63vs94% (p < 0.001). Conclusion: A quality-oriented epilepsy worksheet led to a better practice standardization and documentation of AAN standards for diagnostic and counseling purposes. Further evaluations should be undertaken to assess the impact on medical education and patient care

    Optomechanical devides for mechanobiological fingerprinting

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en el Frontiers of Nanomechanical Systems (FSN2021), celebraod de forma virtual del 19 al 21 de enero de 2021Twenty years have passed since the first detection of biomolecular recognition using micromechanical systems[1]. In the last two decades, micro- nanomechanical systems have been refined to achieve amazing detection limits in force and mass that have enabled different schemes for ultrasensitive measurements of biological interactions as well as new ways of biological spectrometry. More recently, these figures of merit have been improved by coupling optical cavities to mechanical systems. In this talk, I will review the use of micro- nanomechanical systems for mechanobiological fingerprinting of biological entities, particularizing in the contributions of our group [2]. An essential core of this topic is the discussion about the mechanical coupling between a biological particle and a mechanical resonator, an issue that it is has been often oversimplified. We show that the biomechanical coupling that emerges between a bioparticle and a mechanical resonator is more complex than previously expect and it can give rise to different interaction regimes, in which the resonator response is dominated by different physical parameters of the analyte [3-4]. In particular, we will show experiments done with a variety of micro- nano- optomechanical systems using different measurement schemes where the mass, the stiffness and even the vibration modes of single biological entities can be measured with high sensitivity. It is now widely appreciated the essential role of mechanics in relevant biological processes and how disease can be revealed as changes in the mechanical properties of biological matter. I am pretty sure that future developments in optomechanical devices will contribute for major understanding of diseases as well as for new avenues in diagnosis and therapy

    El Comité Científico Nacional de Arte Rupestre de ICOMOS-España

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    En enero de 2021 se constituyó el Comité Científico Nacional de Arte Rupestre de ICOMOS-España (CCNAR ICOMOS-España) como un grupo de miembros expertos en estas manifestaciones culturales con el objeto de dinamizar una reflexión rigurosa sobre la gestión de estos bienes culturales   desde los principios emanados de las cartas y convenios internacionales para la gestión del patrimonio cultural. La creación de este Comité Científico Nacional de Arte Rupestre deriva de los objetivos del plan estratégico 2018-2021 del Comité Nacional de ICOMOS-España, que pretende agrupar a sus expertos en grupos de trabajo temáticos para profundizar en los fines de la institución: la identificación, el conocimiento, la documentación, la conservación, la protección, la gestión y la difusión del patrimonio cultural, en este caso en el ámbito español. Ello no supone una restricción local de la institución internacional, bien al contrario, busca reproducir un organigrama reflejo de los Comités Científicos Internacionales con los que se pretende interactuar y establecer una acción coordinada

    Immunogenetic characterization of clonal plasma cells in systemic light-chain amyloidosis

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    This study was supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red—Área de Oncología—del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC; CB16/12/00369; and CB16/12/00489), Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS No. PI13/02196), Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (GCB120981SAN and the Accelerator Award), CRIS against Cancer foundation grant 2014/0120, and the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation.Peer reviewe

    Cluster headache: an update on clinical features, epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment

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    Cluster headache (CH) is one of the worst primary headaches that remain underdiagnosed and inappropriately treated. There are recent advances in the understanding of this disease and available treatments. This paper aims to review CH's recent clinical and pathophysiological findings, diagnosis, and treatment. We performed a narrative literature review on the socio-demographics, clinical presentations, pathophysiological findings, and diagnosis and treatment of CH. CH affects 0.1% of the population with an incidence of 2.07–9.8/100,00 person-years-habitants, a mean prevalence of 53/100,000 inhabitants (3–150/100,000 inhabitants). The male-to-female ratio remains inconclusive, as the ratio of 4.3:1 has recently been modified to 1.3–2.6, possibly due to previous misdiagnosis in women. Episodic presentation is the most frequent (80%). It is a polygenetic and multifactorial entity that involves dysfunction of the trigeminovascular system, the trigeminal autonomic reflex, and the hypothalamic networks. An MRI of the brain is mandatory to exclude secondary etiologies. There are effective and safe pharmacological treatments oxygen, sphenopalatine, and great occipital nerve block, with the heterogeneity of clinical trial designs for patients with CH divided into acute, transitional, or bridge treatment (prednisone) and preventive interventions. In conclusion, CH remains underdiagnosed, mainly due to a lack of awareness within the medical community, frequently causing a long delay in reaching a final diagnosis. Recent advances in understanding the principal risk factors and underlying pathophysiology exist. There are new therapeutic possibilities that are effective for CH. Indeed, a better understanding of this challenging pathology will continue to be a subject of research, study, and discoveries in its diagnostic and therapeutic approach

    Tumor cells in light-chain amyloidosis and myeloma show distinct transcriptional rewiring of normal plasma cell development

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    Although light-chain amyloidosis (AL) and multiple myeloma (MM) are characterized by tumor plasma cell (PC) expansion in bone marrow (BM), their clinical presentation differs. Previous attempts to identify unique pathogenic mechanisms behind such differences were unsuccessful, and no studies have investigated the differentiation stage of tumor PCs in patients with AL and MM. We sought to define a transcriptional atlas of normal PC development in secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs), peripheral blood (PB), and BM for comparison with the transcriptional programs (TPs) of tumor PCs in AL, MM, and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). Based on bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing, we observed 13 TPs during transition of normal PCs throughout SLOs, PB, and BM. We further noted the following: CD39 outperforms CD19 to discriminate newborn from long-lived BM-PCs; tumor PCs expressed the most advantageous TPs of normal PC differentiation; AL shares greater similarity to SLO-PCs whereas MM is transcriptionally closer to PB-PCs and newborn BM-PCs; patients with AL and MM enriched in immature TPs had inferior survival; and protein N-linked glycosylation–related TPs are upregulated in AL. Collectively, we provide a novel resource to understand normal PC development and the transcriptional reorganization of AL and other monoclonal gammopathies

    COVID-19 outbreaks in a transmission control scenario: challenges posed by social and leisure activities, and for workers in vulnerable conditions, Spain, early summer 2020

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 community-wide transmission declined in Spain by early May 2020, being replaced by outbreaks and sporadic cases. From mid-June to 2 August, excluding single household outbreaks, 673 outbreaks were notified nationally, 551 active (>6,200 cases) at the time. More than half of these outbreaks and cases coincided with: (i) social (family/friends’ gatherings or leisure venues) and (ii) occupational (mainly involving workers in vulnerable conditions) settings. Control measures were accordingly applied