12 research outputs found

    Reflexiones sobre la vida diplomática: actores, entramados y dinámicas. Perspectivas y propuestas a la luz de experiencias de investigación

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    Se trata de una serie de reflexiones de cinco investigadoras que coordiné y en el que escribí una intervención. Las reflexiones son sobre diplomacia, vida política y cultura. En la última década, se revisaron varios aspectos sobre las dinámicas y los actores de la vida diplomática. Nuevas líneas historiográficas se trazaron al calor de las investigaciones y publicaciones de una amplia cantidad de especialistas provenientes de la Historia, la Antropología, los Estudios Internacionales, y las Ciencias Políticas. Algunos rasgos que distinguen estas nuevas producciones de la tradicional historia dela diplomacia y de los vínculos entre naciones son los siguientes: una actitud transdisciplinar -que habilita la utilización de cajas de herramientas variadas para estudiar redes, sociabilidades, trayectorias, y espacios de producción y circulación de saberes de proyección internacional-; apuestas interpretativas de articulación de escalas de análisis -nacional, regional, internacional-;selección de objetos de estudio que, en sí mismos, habilitan una perspectiva trasnacional y atenta a superar los nacionalismos historiográfico. A la luz de estas nuevas líneas de investigación, en las intervenciones que se reúnen aquí pueden verse los aportes e interpretaciones que las investigadoras de dos proyectos afines han escrito a la hora de ser convocadas a pensar sobre algunas preguntas formuladas de manera deliberadamente amplia: ¿qué aportes tiene la perspectiva que has elegido para estudiar las relaciones entre vida cultural y diplomacia?; ¿en qué se diferencian -o asemejan- tus decisiones como investigadora respecto de líneas historiográficas más consolidadas -historia política,historia diplomática, historia cultural e intelectual-¿; ¿qué uso de las fuentes diplomáticas has concretado para abonar tus investigaciones?; ¿qué suma la mirada que has propuesto a consensos historiográficos vigentes?Fil: Bruno, Paula Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani"; ArgentinaFil: Alvarado Cornejo, Marina. Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez; ChileFil: Cagiao, Pilar. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; EspañaFil: Martínez Riaza, Ascención. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Pita González, Alexandra. Universidad de Colima; Méxic

    Different profiles of lipoprotein particles associate various degrees of cardiac involvement in adolescents with morbid obesity

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    Dyslipidemia secondary to obesity is a risk factor related to cardiovascular disease events, however a pathological conventional lipid profile (CLP) is infrequently found in obese children. The objective is to evaluate the advanced lipoprotein testing (ALT) and its relationship with cardiac changes, metabolic syndrome (MS) and inflammatory markers in a population of morbidly obese adolescents with normal CLP and without type 2 diabetes mellitus, the most common scenario in obese adolescents. Prospective case-control research of 42 morbidly obese adolescents and 25 normal-weight adolescents, whose left ventricle (LV) morphology and function had been assessed. The ALT was obtained by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and the results were compared according to the degree of cardiac involvement - normal heart, mild LV changes, and severe LV changes (specifically LV remodeling and systolic dysfunction) - and related to inflammation markers [highly-sensitive C-reactive protein and glycoprotein A (GlycA)] and insulin-resistance [homeostatic model assessment for insulin-resistance (HOMA-IR)]. A second analysis was performed to compare our results with the predominant ALT when only body mass index and metabolic syndrome criteria were considered. The three cardiac involvement groups showed significant increases in HOMA-IR, inflammatory markers and ALT ratio LDL-P/HDL-P (40.0 vs. 43.9 vs. 47.1, p 0.012). When only cardiac change groups were considered, differences in small LDL-P (565.0 vs. 625.1 nmol/L, p 0.070), VLDL size and GlycA demonstrated better utility than just traditional risk factors to predict which subjects could present severe LV changes [AUC: 0.79 (95% CI: 0.54-1)]. In the second analysis, an atherosclerotic ALT was detected in morbidly obese subjects, characterized by a significant increase in large VLDL-P, small LDL-P, ratio LDL-P/HDL-P and ratio HDL-TG/HDL-C. Subjects with criteria for MS presented overall worse ALT (specially in triglyceride-enriched particles) and remnant cholesterol values. ALT parameters and GlycA appear to be more reliable indicators of cardiac change severity than traditional CV risk factors. Particularly, the overage of LDL-P compared to HDL-P and the increase in small LDL-P with cholesterol-depleted LDL particles appear to be the key ALT's parameters involved in LV changes. Morbidly obese adolescents show an atherosclerotic ALT and those with MS present worse ALT values

    A chromosome-level genome assembly enables the identification of the follicule stimulating hormone receptor as the master sex-determining gene in the flatfish Solea senegalensis

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    Sex determination (SD) shows huge variation among fish and a high evolutionary rate, as illustrated by the Pleuronectiformes (flatfishes). This order is characterized by its adaptation to demersal life, compact genomes and diversity of SD mechanisms. Here, we assembled the Solea senegalensis genome, a flatfish of great commercial value, into 82 contigs (614 Mb) combining long- and short-read sequencing, which were next scaffolded using a highly dense genetic map (28,838 markers, 21 linkage groups), representing 98.9% of the assembly. Further, we established the correspondence between the assembly and the 21 chromosomes by using BAC-FISH. Whole genome resequencing of six males and six females enabled the identification of 41 single nucleotide polymorphism variants in the follicle stimulating hormone receptor (fshr) consistent with an XX/XY SD system. The observed sex association was validated in a broader independent sample, providing a novel molecular sexing tool. The fshr gene displayed differential expression between male and female gonads from 86 days post-fertilization, when the gonad is still an undifferentiated primordium, concomitant with the activation of amh and cyp19a1a, testis and ovary marker genes, respectively, in males and females. The Y-linked fshr allele, which included 24 nonsynonymous variants and showed a highly divergent 3D protein structure, was overexpressed in males compared to the X-linked allele at all stages of gonadal differentiation. We hypothesize a mechanism hampering the action of the follicle stimulating hormone driving the undifferentiated gonad toward testisEuropean Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement (AQUA-FAANG). Grant Number: 81792. Junta de Andalucía-FEDER Grant. Grant Number: P20-00938. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, FEDER Grants. Grant Numbers: RTI2018-096847-B-C21, RTI2018-096847-B-C22S

    Detection of kinase domain mutations in BCR::ABL1 leukemia by ultra-deep sequencing of genomic DNA

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    The screening of the BCR::ABL1 kinase domain (KD) mutation has become a routine analysis in case of warning/failure for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) Philadelphia (Ph)-positive patients. In this study, we present a novel DNA-based next-generation sequencing (NGS) methodology for KD ABL1 mutation detection and monitoring with a 1.0E-4 sensitivity. This approach was validated with a well-stablished RNA-based nested NGS method. The correlation of both techniques for the quantification of ABL1 mutations was high (Pearson r = 0.858, p < 0.001), offering DNA-DeepNGS a sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 82%. The clinical impact was studied in a cohort of 129 patients (n = 67 for CML and n = 62 for B-ALL patients). A total of 162 samples (n = 86 CML and n = 76 B-ALL) were studied. Of them, 27 out of 86 harbored mutations (6 in warning and 21 in failure) for CML, and 13 out of 76 (2 diagnostic and 11 relapse samples) did in B-ALL patients. In addition, in four cases were detected mutation despite BCR::ABL1 < 1%. In conclusion, we were able to detect KD ABL1 mutations with a 1.0E-4 sensitivity by NGS using DNA as starting material even in patients with low levels of disease

    Use of computed tomography for the acquisition of preclinical models for student training in the management of complications after dental trauma

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    Este proyecto propone una solución sostenible para el entrenamiento preclínico de los alumnos y la adquisición de habilidades ante complicaciones reales producidas por traumatismos dentales.Depto. de Odontología Conservadora y PrótesisFac. de OdontologíaFALSEsubmitte

    Datasheet1_Different profiles of lipoprotein particles associate various degrees of cardiac involvement in adolescents with morbid obesity.pdf

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    IntroductionDyslipidemia secondary to obesity is a risk factor related to cardiovascular disease events, however a pathological conventional lipid profile (CLP) is infrequently found in obese children. The objective is to evaluate the advanced lipoprotein testing (ALT) and its relationship with cardiac changes, metabolic syndrome (MS) and inflammatory markers in a population of morbidly obese adolescents with normal CLP and without type 2 diabetes mellitus, the most common scenario in obese adolescents.MethodsProspective case-control research of 42 morbidly obese adolescents and 25 normal-weight adolescents, whose left ventricle (LV) morphology and function had been assessed. The ALT was obtained by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and the results were compared according to the degree of cardiac involvement – normal heart, mild LV changes, and severe LV changes (specifically LV remodeling and systolic dysfunction) – and related to inflammation markers [highly-sensitive C-reactive protein and glycoprotein A (GlycA)] and insulin-resistance [homeostatic model assessment for insulin-resistance (HOMA-IR)]. A second analysis was performed to compare our results with the predominant ALT when only body mass index and metabolic syndrome criteria were considered.ResultsThe three cardiac involvement groups showed significant increases in HOMA-IR, inflammatory markers and ALT ratio LDL-P/HDL-P (40.0 vs. 43.9 vs. 47.1, p 0.012). When only cardiac change groups were considered, differences in small LDL-P (565.0 vs. 625.1 nmol/L, p 0.070), VLDL size and GlycA demonstrated better utility than just traditional risk factors to predict which subjects could present severe LV changes [AUC: 0.79 (95% CI: 0.54–1)]. In the second analysis, an atherosclerotic ALT was detected in morbidly obese subjects, characterized by a significant increase in large VLDL-P, small LDL-P, ratio LDL-P/HDL-P and ratio HDL-TG/HDL-C. Subjects with criteria for MS presented overall worse ALT (specially in triglyceride-enriched particles) and remnant cholesterol values.ConclusionsALT parameters and GlycA appear to be more reliable indicators of cardiac change severity than traditional CV risk factors. Particularly, the overage of LDL-P compared to HDL-P and the increase in small LDL-P with cholesterol-depleted LDL particles appear to be the key ALT's parameters involved in LV changes. Morbidly obese adolescents show an atherosclerotic ALT and those with MS present worse ALT values.</p

    Design of a didactic model for teaching and learning key science concepts Social (aimed at students of the Master in Teacher Training of the specialty of Geography, History and Art History).

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    Parte de los resultados obtenidos en este proyecto junto al anterior del que es continuación se han publicado en la obra Rivière, A. (coord.) (2020). Hacia una enseñanza de la historia renovada. Reflexiones críticas y propuestas didácticas. Madrid: ACCISe plantea el diseño de un modelo didáctico para explicar los conceptos políticos y sociales tomando como base las aportaciones procedentes de la Historia de los conceptos alemana (la Begriffgeschichte de Reinhart Koselleck) sobre los estratos temporales de los conceptos y las diferentes resignificaciones producidas en ellos a lo largo del tiempo, así como las de la Historia de las ideas políticas desarrollada por la Escuela de Cambridge sobre sus usos contextuales. En dicho modelo se planteaba su análisis desde el doble plano de la sincronía y la diacronía sin perder de vista los aspectos pragmáticos en los que incide la Escuela de Cambridge.The design of a didactic model is proposed to explain political and social concepts based on the contributions from the History of concepts. German (Reinhart Koselleck's Begriffgeschichte) on the temporal strata of the concepts and the different resignifications produced in them over time, as well as those of the History of political ideas developed by the Cambridge School on its contextual uses. In this model, its analysis was considered from the double plane of synchrony and diachrony without losing sight of the pragmatic aspects that the School of Cambridge.Depto. de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales , Sociales y MatemáticasFac. de EducaciónFALSEsubmitte

    A chromosome-level genome assembly enables the identification of the follicule stimulating hormone receptor as the master sex determining gene in the flatfish Solea senegalensis

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    Sex determination (SD) shows huge variation among fish and a high evolutionary rate, as illustrated by the Pleuronectiformes (flatfishes). This order is characterized by its adaptation to demersal life, compact genomes and diversity of SD mechanisms. Here, we assembled the Solea senegalensis genome, a flatfish of great commercial value, into 82 contigs (614 Mb) combining long- and short-read sequencing, which were next scaffolded using a highly dense genetic map (28,838 markers, 21 linkage groups), representing 98.9% of the assembly. Further, we established the correspondence between the assembly and the 21 chromosomes by using BAC-FISH. Whole genome resequencing of six males and six females enabled the identification of 41 SNP variants in the follicle stimulating hormone receptor (fshr) consistent with an XX / XY SD system. The observed sex association was validated in a broader independent sample, providing a novel molecular sexing tool. Fshr displayed differential gene expression between male and female gonads from 86 days post-fertilization, when the gonad is still an undifferentiated primordium, concomitant with the activation of amh and cyp19a1a, testis and ovary marker genes, respectively, in males and females. The Y-linked fshr allele, which included 24 non-synonymous variants and showed a highly divergent 3D protein structure, was overexpressed in males compared to the X-linked allele at all stages of gonadal differentiation. We hypothesize a mechanism hampering the action of the follicle stimulating hormone driving the undifferentiated gonad toward testis.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio