16 research outputs found

    Compartici贸n del Espectro Radioel茅ctrico entre Tecnolog铆as Inal谩mbricas de 脷ltima Generaci贸n en la Banda de la Televisi贸n Digital Terrestre

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    La presente tesis aborda la problem谩tica de la convivencia entre las redes de la televisi贸n digital terrestre y m贸vil de cuarta generaci贸n en la banda del primer dividendo digital (banda de 700 MHz), en Sudam茅rica. Adem谩s, se proponen dos potenciales casos de uso de compartici贸n de espectro para el uso futuro de la banda de televisi贸n despu茅s de los dividendos digitales, como modo de acceso eficiente y flexible para el uso del espectro radioel茅ctrico. Para garantizar la convivencia entre las tecnolog铆as de televisi贸n y m贸viles en la banda del primer dividendo digital en Sudam茅rica, se eval煤a tanto el impacto de las redes m贸viles sobre las de televisi贸n, as铆 como el caso contrario, las redes de televisi贸n sobre las m贸viles, teniendo en cuenta los par谩metros t茅cnicos de operaci贸n de cada una de las redes implicadas, los cuales son definidos por organismos de estandarizaci贸n o par谩metros reales de redes implementadas por cada pa铆s. Dentro de los par谩metros t茅cnicos de operaci贸n que se definieron para las redes podemos citar: m谩rgenes de protecci贸n entre las se帽ales de televisi贸n y m贸viles; distancias de protecci贸n entre el transmisor interferente y el receptor v铆ctima; banda de guarda requeridas entre las dos tecnolog铆as; l铆mites de emisiones interferentes fuera de banda; niveles de atenuaci贸n adicionales en las m谩scaras espectrales; evaluaci贸n de t茅cnicas de mitigaci贸n de interferencias, entre otros. Es importe resaltar, que las principales diferencias entre los estudios de convivencia en Sudam茅rica respecto a Europa son: la banda de guarda en Sudam茅rica son 5 MHz mientras en Europa son 9 MHz; el ancho de banda de un canal de televisi贸n en Sudam茅rica es 6 MHz respecto a 8 MHz en Europa; el est谩ndar de televisi贸n adoptados en casi toda Sudam茅rica es ISDB-Tb, a excepci贸n de Colombia que adopto DVB-T2. Asimismo, en el 谩mbito de esta tesis, se proponen dos potenciales casos de estudio para el uso futuro de la banda de TV, promoviendo la compartici贸n de espectro como un modo de acceso eficiente: El primer caso de estudio, propone un nuevo concepto de espacios en blanco llamado 碌-TV-White-Space, los cuales son aquellas zonas geogr谩ficas en los interiores de una vivienda y/o oficina que no son cubiertas por el servicio de televisi贸n digital terrestre, ya sea por la ausencia de cobertura o por obst谩culos. El escenario propuesto es una red DVB-T2 ofreciendo cobertura en recepci贸n fija sobre tejado, como servicio primario, y, femtoceldas LTE-A en interiores de un hogar u oficina, como servicio secundario. Los resultados obtenidos proporcionan restricciones t茅cnicas para que las femtoceldas LTE-A puedan operar correctamente en espectro compartido con los servicios de televisi贸n. Espec铆ficamente, se define la Potencia Isotr贸pica Radiada Equivalente (PIRE) m谩xima que podr铆an transmitir las femtoceldas, en funci贸n de la separaci贸n en frecuencia con los servicios de televisi贸n. El segundo caso de estudio, propone el uso de los espacios en blanco para la compartici贸n de espectro entre los servicios de internet de las cosas bajo el est谩ndar NB-LTE-IoT, como servicio secundario, y servicios de televisi贸n digital terrestre bajo el est谩ndar DVB-T2, como servicio primario. Se define la m谩xima potencia transmisible por los nodos y dispositivos IoT sin interferir al servicio primario. Adem谩s, se eval煤a el impacto del ciclo de trabajo de los dispositivos considerando que existir谩 diversidad de aplicaciones. La importancia de esta propuesta se fundamenta en dos contribuciones: por un lado, se optimiza el uso de la banda de televisi贸n mediante el acceso secundario de dispositivos de baja potencia en los espacios en blanco, siempre garantizando los servicios de televisi贸n, como servicio primario, por otro lado, se contribuye con nuevas frecuencias para las tecnolog铆as m贸viles de 煤ltima generaci贸n, con el objetivo de aumentar la capacidad de las redes que soportar谩n tantoThis thesis deals with the issue about coexistence between television and fourth generation mobile networks within the band of the first digital dividend (700 MHz band), in South America. Moreover, two potential cases of sharing spectrum for future use of the television band after the digital dividends are suggested as an efficient and flexible way for usage of the radio spectrum. In order to ensure the coexistence between the television and mobile technologies within the band of the first digital dividend in South America, the impact of the mobile networks as well as the opposite case are assessed. The technical operation parameters for each of the involved networks defined by standardizing organisms or real parameters from implemented networks in each country are considered. Among the technical parameters that were defined for the networks, we can mention: protection ratio between television and mobile signals; protection distances between the interfering transmitter and the victim receiver; required guard bands between both technologies; maximum power of the interfering out-of-band emissions in adjacent channels; additional attenuation levels in the spectrum emission mask in transmission and reception; assessing of interference mitigation techniques, among others. It is important to highlight that the main differences between the coexistence studies for South America and Europe are: the guard bands in South America are 5 MHz whereas in Europe are 9 MHz; bandwidth for a channel in South America is 6 MHz in contrast with the 8 MHz of Europe; the television standard adopted in almost all South America is ISDB-Tb, except Colombia and the French Guiana, which adopted DVB-T2. Additionally, within the scope of this thesis, two potential study cases for future usage of the TV band are proposed, promoting sharing spectrum as an efficient access way: The first study we go a step beyond coexistence, since the aim is to exploit the unused radio spectrum in those geographical zones that are not covered because the useful signal is obstructed by the environment or it has a limited coverage by the network design. Those areas can be called "micro-TVWS" (碌-TV-White-Space). The most representative cases of our definition of 碌-TV-White-Space are those indoor environments in areas where DTT received power is below the required sensitivity because a TV channel is broadcasted to rooftop reception. The proposed scenario considers a DTT network offering fixed rooftop reception as a primary service, and a LTE-A femtocell giving coverage within the interior of a home or office as a secondary service. Our results provide the technical restrictions of the LTE-A Femtocell, mainly on the maximum allowable Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) that could transmit on the DTT band in terms of carrier separation, from co-channel to adjacent band. The second study case, suggests the use of white spaces for spectrum sharing among the Internet of Things (IoT) services, under the NB-LTE-IoT standard, as secondary service, and digital terrestrial television services under the DVB-T2 standard, as primary service. The maximum transmissible power by the nodes and IoT devices without interfering the primary service is defined. Besides, the impact of the duty cycle of the devices is assessed considering that there will be a great diversity of applications, and thus, a great diversity of operation requirements. The significance of this proposal is due to two contributions: on the aone hand, the usage of the television band is optimized through secondary access of low power devices within the white spaces, always ensuring television services as primary service. On the other hand, new frequencies for last generation mobile technologies are given, with the aim at increasing the network capacity, which will bear mobile services as well as IoT, regarding the high challenge of offering connectivity to millions of devices during the next decade.La present tesi aborda la problem脿tica de la conviv猫ncia entres les xarxes de la televisi贸 digital terrestre i m貌bil de quarta generaci贸 en la banda del primer dividend digital (banda de 700 MHz), en Sud-Am猫rica. A m茅s, es proposen dos potencials casos d'煤s compartit d'espectre per a l'煤s futur de la banda de televisi贸 despr茅s dels dividends digitals, com a mode d'acc茅s eficient i flexible per a l'煤s de l'espectre radioel猫ctric. Per tal de garantir la conviv猫ncia entre les tecnologies de televisi贸 i m貌bils en la banda del primer dividend digital en Sud-Am猫rica, s'avalua tant l'impacte de les xarxes m貌bils sobre les de televisi贸, com el cas contrari, les xarxes de televisi贸 sobre les m貌bils, tenint en compte els par脿metres t猫cnics d'operaci贸 de cadascuna de les xarxes implicades, els quals s贸n definits per organismes d'estandarditzaci贸 o par脿metres reals de xarxes implementades per cada pa铆s. Dins dels par脿metres t猫cnics d'operaci贸 que es van definir per a les xarxes podem citar: marges de protecci贸 entre els senyals de televisi贸 i m貌bils; dist脿ncies de protecci贸 entre el transistor interferent i el receptor v铆ctima; banda de guarda entre ambd贸s tecnologies; l铆mits de les emissions interferents fora de banda; nivells d'atenuaci贸 addicionals en les m脿scares espectrals; avaluaci贸 de t猫cniques de mitigaci贸 d'interfer猫ncies, entre d'altres. 脡s important destacar, que les principals difer猫ncies entre els estudis de conviv猫ncia en Sud-Am猫rica respecte d'Europa s贸n: la banda de guarda en Sud-Am猫rica s贸n 5 MHz mentre que a Europa s贸n 9 MHz; l'ampl脿ria de banda d'un canal de televisi贸 en Sud-Am猫rica 茅s de 6 MHz respecte dels 8 MHz a Europa; l'est脿ndard de televisi贸 adoptat en quasi tota Sud-Am猫rica 茅s ISDB-Tb, excepte Col貌mbia i la Guaiana Francesa que van adoptar DVB-T2. A Europa quasi tots els pa茂sos tenen adoptats els est脿ndards DVB-T de primera i segona generaci贸. Aix铆 mateix, en l'脿mbit de la tesi, es proposen dos potencials casos d'estudi per a l'煤s futur de la banda de TV, de manera que es promoga la compartici贸 d'espectre com un mode d'acc茅s eficient: El primer cas d'estudi, proposa un nou concepte d'espais en blanc anomenat 碌-TV-White-Space, els quals s贸n aquelles zones geogr脿fiques que no s贸n cobertes pel servei de televisi贸 digital terrestre, ja siga per l'abs猫ncia de cobertura o per obstacles. L'escenari proposat 茅s una xarxa DVB-T2 que ofereix cobertura en recepci贸 fixa sobre terrat, com a servei primari, i femtocel路les LTE-A en interiors d'una llar o oficina, com a servei secundari. Els resultats obtinguts proporcionen restriccions t猫cniques per tal que les femtocel路les LTE-A puguen operar correctament en espectre compartit amb els serveis de televisi贸. Espec铆ficament, es defineix la Pot猫ncia Isotr貌pica Radiada Equivalent (PIRE) m脿xima que podrien transmetre les femtocel路les, en funci贸 de la separaci贸 en freq眉猫ncia amb els serveis de televisi贸. El segon cas d'estudi, proposa l'煤s d'espais en blanc per a la compartici贸 d'espectre entre els serveis d'internet de les coses (Internet of Things o IOT, en angl猫s), sota l'est脿ndard NB-LTE-IoT, com a servei secundari, i serveis de televisi贸 digital terrestre sota l'est脿ndard DVB-T2, com a servei primari. Es defineix la m脿xima pot猫ncia transmissible pels nodes i dispositius IoT sense interferir al servei primari. A m茅s, s'avalua l'impacte del cicle de treball dels dispositius considerant que existir脿 diversitat d'aplicacions, i, per tant, diversitat de requeriments d'operaci贸. La import脿ncia d'aquesta proposta es fonamenta en dues contribucions: per una banda, s'optimitza l'煤s de la banda de televisi贸 mitjan莽ant l'acc茅s secundari de dispositius de baixa pot猫ncia als espais en blanc, sempre garantint els serveis de televisi贸, com a servei primari. Per altra banda, es contribueix amb noves freq眉猫ncies per a les tecnologies m貌bils d'煤ltima generaci贸, amb l'objectiu d'aMart铆nez Pinz贸n, G. (2018). Compartici贸n del Espectro Radioel茅ctrico entre Tecnolog铆as Inal谩mbricas de 脷ltima Generaci贸n en la Banda de la Televisi贸n Digital Terrestre [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/102644TESI

    Optimizaci贸n de la Red de Televisi贸n Digital Terrestre en Colombia con el Nuevo Est谩ndar DVB-T2

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    En diciembre de 2011, Colombia decidi贸 actualizar el est谩ndar de Televisi贸n Digital Terrestre (TDT) DVB-T a DVB-T2, la segunda generaci贸n de la familia de est谩ndares TDT del foro DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting). DVB-T2 es la actual base tecnol贸gica de los sistemas TDT en el mundo, el cual ofrece significativas mejoras en capacidad, robustez, flexibilidad comparado con su predecesor. En este proyecto se analizan potenciales modos de transmisi贸n DVB-T2 para actualizar los existentes dise帽os de red en Colombia, originalmente elaborados para DVB-T, estableciendo las posibles ganancias en capacidad de transmisi贸n, cobertura y tama帽o de red SFN. Los resultados de planificaci贸n de red han sido desarrollados con una herramienta software profesional considerando la primera fase de despliegue proyectada por el operador p煤blico RTVC. Comparado con el dise帽o inicial de DVB-T, DVB-T2 puede incrementar la poblaci贸n nacional cubierta hasta en un 7.3%, u ofrecer 70.26% m谩s de capacidad de transmisi贸n, o incrementar el tama帽o de la SFN hasta en un 135% manteniendo la potencia total de transmisi贸n y la distribuci贸n geogr谩fica de los transmisores.In December 2011, Colombia updated its national Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) standard from DVB-T to DVB-T2, the second generation of the DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) project. DVB-T2 is the current state-of-the art DTT system in the world, and it brings very significant improvements in terms of capacity, robustness and flexibility compared with its predecessor. This project analyzes potential DVB-T2 transmission modes to optimize existing DTT network designs of Colombia, originally made for DVB-T, analyzing the trade-offs between capacity, coverage level and Single Frequency Network (SFN) size. Network planning results had been performed with a professional DTT network planning tool based on the first deployment phase of the DTT network of the public national TV broadcaster RTVC. Compared with the initial DVB-T design, DVB-T2 can increase the national covered population up to 7.3%, or offer 70.26% more of capacity transmission, or increase the SFN size up to 135% keeping the total power transmission and the geographic distribution of the transmitters.Martinez Pinzon, G. (2013). Optimizaci贸n de la Red de Televisi贸n Digital Terrestre en Colombia con el Nuevo Est谩ndar DVB-T2. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/28714.Archivo delegad

    Spectrum Sharing for LTE-A and DTT: Field Trials of an Indoor LTE-A Femtocell in DVB-T2 Service Area

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.In this paper, we study a particular case which goes a step beyond the previous ones, as it aims at sharing the same frequency band in the same area between long term evolution-advance (LTE-A) and digital video broadcasting-terrestrial second generation (DVB-T2) technologies. Those geographical areas that are not covered because the useful DTT signal is obstructed by the environment or it has a limited coverage by the network design can be called micro-TVWS. We assume that a DVB-T2 transmitter provides coverage for fixed rooftop reception as a primary service, to a building in which a LTE-A femtocell is installed indoors for local coverage, as a secondary service. The results have been obtained by laboratory emulation and validated through field measurements using professional equipment. Our results provide the technical restrictions of the LTE-A femtocell, mainly on the maximum allowable effective isotropic radiated power that could transmit on the DTT band in terms of carrier separation, from co-channel to adjacent band. These results meet the need of spectrum for IMT-Advanced technologies, so spectrum sharing is proposed in this paper as a new solution to make an efficient use of this resource.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Spain, under Grant "DEFINE5G" TEC2014-60258-C2-1-R and Grant "ARCO5G" TEC2014-56469-REDT, and in part by the European FEDER Funds.Mart铆nez Pinz贸n, G.; Cardona Marcet, N.; Garc铆a Pardo, C.; Forn茅s Leal, A.; Ribadeneira-Ram铆rez, JA. (2016). Spectrum Sharing for LTE-A and DTT: Field Trials of an Indoor LTE-A Femtocell in DVB-T2 Service Area. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 62(3):552-561. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2016.2582338S55256162

    Optimization of the Digital Terrestrial Television Transmission Mode of DVB-T2 in Colombia

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    In December 2011, Colombia updated its national Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) standard from DVB-T to DVB-T2, the second generation of the DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) project. DVB-T2 is the current state-of-the art DTT system in the world, and it brings very significant improvements in terms of capacity, bustness and flexibility compared with its predecessor. The case of Colombia is very special because it was the first country to deploy DVB-T2 with 6 MHz channelization and because the DVB-T2 networks were deployed from scratch without any constraint mposed by existing DVB-T infrastructure. This paper analyzes potential DVB-T2 ransmission modes to optimize existing DTT network designs of Colombia, originally made for DVB-T, analyzing the trade-offs between capacity, coverage level and ingle Frequency Network (SFN) size. Network planning results has been performed with a professional DTT networkplanning tool based on the three first deployment hases of the DTT network of the public national TV broadcaster RTVC.Results btained fully justify the decision of adopting DVB-T2. Compared with the initial DVB-T design, DVB-T2 can increase the national covered population up to 7.3% or offer 70.2% more of capacity transmission, or increase the SFN size up to 135% keeping the total power transmission and the geographic distribution of the transmitters.Mart铆nez Pinz贸n, G.; L贸pez S谩nchez, J.; G贸mez Barquero, D.; Cardona Marcet, N. (2015). Optimization of the Digital Terrestrial Television Transmission Mode of DVB-T2 in Colombia. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 13(7):2144-2151. doi:10.1109/TLA.2015.7273770S2144215113

    Frequency and Network Planning and Optimization of the Digital Terrestrial Television DVB-T2 Networks in Colombia

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    [EN] In December 2011, Colombia updated its national Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) standard from DVB-T to DVBT2, the second-generation European DTT standard. DVBT2 is the current state-of-the art DTT system in the world, and it brings very significant improvements in terms of capacity, robustness and flexibility compared with any other DTT technology. The iTEAM Research Institute was very involved in the promotion and adoption of DVB-T2 in Colombia. The case of Colombia is unique because it was the first country to deploy DVB-T2 with 6 MHz channelization, and because the digital networks will co-exist with the analogue NTSC network until the analogue switch-off and with digital ISDB-Tb and DVB-T networks in the neighbor countries. Furthermore, DVB-T2 networks will be deployed from scratch without any constraint imposed by existing DVB-T infrastructure. This paper provides an overview of the frequency and network DVB-T2 planning activities performed by the iTEAM Research Institute in cooperation with the Spectrum Regulator of Colombia.This work was partially supported by the Spectrum Regulator of Colombia ANE (Agencia Nacional del Espectro). The authors thank the Spanish companies Ingenia-Telecom and Axi贸n Infraestructuras de Telecomunicaci贸n, partners in some of the projects developed for the ANE.G贸mez Barquero, D.; L贸pez S谩nchez, J.; Martinez Pinzon, G.; Ribadeneira Ram铆rez, JA.; Garro Crevillen, E.; Garc铆a Pardo, C.; Fuentes Muela, M.... (2014). Frequency and Network Planning and Optimization of the Digital Terrestrial Television DVB-T2 Networks in Colombia. Waves. 6:35-49. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/56485S3549

    Impacto de las nuevas definiciones en la prevalencia del s铆ndrome metab贸lico en una poblaci贸n adulta de Bucaramanga, Colombia

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    Introduction. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome depends on the criteria used for its classification. Three criteria in common use are those from International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the Adult Treatment Panel (ATP-III) or its update (ATP-IIIa).Objective. The prevalence statistic for generated for metabolic syndrome was compared for on the basis of each of the three criteria.Materials and methods. The sample consisted of 155 teachers and employees in the school of medicine. The average age was 40.9; 54.2% were men. The three criteria were applied and the prevalences were compared with the Wilcoxon test and Cohen's kappa. Results. Metabolic syndrome prevalence generated by each criterion was as follows: ATP-III was 12.3% (95%CI 7.5-18.5), ATP-IIIa was 34.8% (95%CI 27.4-42.9) and IDF 32.9% (95%CI 25.6--40.9). The prevalence indicated by ATP-III was lower than the ATP-IIIa or IDF prevalances (p < 0,001); however those of ATPIII-a and IDF were similar (p=0,083). Poor agreement was seen between ATP-III and ATP-IIIa (k=0.414, IC95% 0.409-0.420), and between ATP-III and IDF (k=0.374, IC95% 0.368-0.379); however, very good agreement was obtained between ATP-IIIa and IDF (k=0.957, IC95% 0.950-0.963).Conclusion. The new definitions for metabolic syndrome, ATP-IIIa and IDF, increase the prevalence statistic by three times. This occurred despite the inclusion in IDF of an obesity factor in the criteria set.Introducci贸n. La prevalencia de s铆ndrome metab贸lico depende de los criterios de clasificaci贸n empleados, como son los de la International Diabetes Federation y el Adult Treatment Panel o su modificaci贸n.Objetivo. Comparar la prevalencia del s铆ndrome metab贸lico generada por cada una de las tres definiciones en una poblaci贸n de adultos.Materiales y m茅todos. Se estudiaron 155 personas (54,2% varones, edad promedio de 40,9 a帽os). Se aplicaron las tres definiciones y se compar贸 la prevalencia con la prueba de Wilcoxon y la concordancia con kappa de Cohen.Resultados. La prevalencia de s铆ndrome metab贸lico seg煤n el Adult Treatment Panel-III (ATPIII) fue 12,3% (IC95% 7,5-18,5), seg煤n el Adult Treatment Panel-IIIa (ATP-IIIa), 34,8% (IC95% 27,4-42,9) y seg煤n la International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 32,9% (IC95% 25,6-40,9). La prevalencia por ATP-III es inferior a la vista por ATP-IIIa e IDF (p<0,001), pero entre estas dos 煤ltimas es similar (p=0,083). Hay pobre concordancia entre ATP-III y ATP-IIIa (k=0,414, IC95% 0,409-0,420), y entre ATP-III e IDF (k=0,374, IC95% 0,368-0,379), pero muy buena entre ATPIIIa e IDF (k=0,957, IC95% 0,950-0,963).Conclusi贸n. Las nuevas definiciones para el s铆ndrome metab贸lico (ATP-IIIa e IDF) aumentan tres veces la prevalencia del diagn贸stico, sin encontrar diferencias entre ellas, a pesar de que la 煤ltima organizaci贸n incluye la obesidad central como un criterio necesario para el diagn贸stico, cuando en la primera no se hace igual ponderaci贸n

    High efficiency wireless video networks for next generation of ENG services

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    This work has been partially funded by the CDTI under the FREEDOM (Servicios de Videocomunicaciones de Alta Eficiencia para Redes Inal谩mbricas de Nueva Generaci贸n en Movilidad) project, with Reference Number IDI20120486.Ruiz, D.; Gim茅nez Gandia, JJ.; G贸mez Barquero, D.; Anaya, JJ.; Fern谩ndez, FJ.; Vald茅s Francisco J.; Barjau, C.... (2013). High efficiency wireless video networks for next generation of ENG services. Waves. 5-16. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/55008S51

    Can scenario-planning support community-based natural resource management? Experiences from three countries in latin america

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    Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) is a concept critical to managing socio-ecological systems, but whose implementation needs strengthening. Scenario-planning is one approach that may offer benefits relevant to CBNRM, but whose potential is not yet well understood. We therefore designed, trialled and evaluated a scenario-planning method intended to support CBNRM at three cases, located in Colombia, Mexico and Argentina. Implementing scenario-planning was judged as worthwhile in all three cases, although aspects of it could be challenging to facilitate. The benefits generated were relevant to strengthening CBNRM: encouraging the participation of local people and using their knowledge; enhanced consideration and adaption of future change; and supporting the development of systems thinking. Tracing exactly when and how these benefits arise is challenging, but two elements of the method seemed particularly useful. Firstly, using a systematic approach to discuss how drivers of change may affect local socio-ecological systems helped to foster systems thinking and identify connections between issues. Secondly, explicitly focusing on how to use and respond to scenarios helped identify specific practical activities ('response options') that would support CBNRM despite the pressures of future change. Discussions about response options also highlighted the need for support by other actors (e.g. policy groups): this raises the question of when and how other actors and other sources of knowledge should be involved in scenario-planning, so as to encourage their buy-in to actions identified by the process. We suggest other CBNRM initiatives may benefit from adapting and applying scenario-planning. However, these initiatives should be carefully monitored since further research is required to understand how and when scenario-planning methods may produce benefits, and their strengths and weaknesses versus other methods

    Faculty of Public Accounting. Volume 10 No. 9 June 1992

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    Las nuevas tendencias en tecnolog铆as blandas o administrativas introducen una buena dosis de cambio, oportunidad y pragmatismo. Nuestra disciplina contable parece no atinar hacia nuevos desarrollos que satisfaga estas necesidades y cada vez m谩s est谩 quedando en la puerta trasera del desarrollo. Otras 谩reas diferentes a la propiamente contable como los desarrollos en sistemas de informaci贸n gerencial, avances inform谩ticos en aplicaciones comerciales, nuevos conceptos de medici贸n, evaluaci贸n y control producto de enfoques administrativos como la calidad total y gerencia de la velocidad, est谩n motivando cambios estructurales a lo contable. La pasividad frente a estas situaciones motivadas talvez por una p茅sima interpretaci贸n del principio contable de la prudencia, debe ser revaluada en forma urgente en el seno de gremios profesionales y c铆rculos acad茅micos e investigativos. En Colombia la nueva constituci贸n pol铆tica abri贸 un horizonte completamente diferente a la disciplina contable. Ya no lo tradicional operativo del presupuesto oficial Sino nuevos conceptos como auditor铆a de gesti贸n, vigilancia del medio ambiente, agresividad en la participaci贸n de la auditor铆a oficial frente a las necesidades del pa铆s. El nuevo auditor fiscal tiene un enfoque interdisciplinario, moderno pragm谩tico. Las Facultades de Contadur铆a P煤blica del pa铆s est谩n obligadas a mirar por la ventana del cambio y no el encerramiento actual bajo una tradici贸n completamente obsoleta.PRESENTACION. ENFOQUE TOTAL DE CALIDAD FRENTE A LAS ESCUELAS ORGANIZACIONALES QUE LES PRECEDIERON PROPOSITO DE LAS FACULTADES DE CONTADURIA PUBLICA HISTORIA DE LA CONTADURIA PUBLICA DURANTE LA EPOCA DE ESTADO SOBERANO DE SANTANDER HASTA LA MISION KENMERER METODOLOGIA PARA LA ELABORACION DE NOTAS A LOS-ESTABOS:FINANCIEROS MANUACDE AUDITORIA DE MERCADEO PROPOSICION DEL FLUJO DE EFECTIVO COMO ESTADO FINANCIERO MANUAL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS DE CONTROL POSTERIOR PARA LA CONTRALORIA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE SANTANDER ANALISIS Y EVALUACION DE LAS COOPERATIVAS DEL SUR DE SANTANDER FRENTE A LA INFLACION Y SUS EFECTOSThe new trends in soft or administrative technologies introduce a good dose of change, opportunity and pragmatism. Our accounting discipline seems to be missing new developments that meet these needs and is increasingly falling behind in development. Other areas different from the accounting itself, such as developments in management information systems, computer advances in commercial applications, new concepts of measurement, evaluation and control resulting from administrative approaches such as total quality and speed management, are motivating structural changes throughout accountant. Passivity in the face of these situations, perhaps motivated by a bad interpretation of the accounting principle of prudence, must be urgently reassessed within professional associations and academic and research circles. In Colombia, the new political constitution opened a completely different horizon for accounting discipline. No longer the traditional operating of the official budget, but new concepts such as management audit, environmental surveillance, aggressiveness in the participation of the official audit against the needs of the country. the new listener prosecutor has an interdisciplinary, modern pragmatic approach. The Public Accounting Faculties of the country are obliged to look through the window of change and not the current closure under a completely obsolete tradition

    First report of phoresy by an oribatid mite (Acari: Oribatida) on a triatomine bug (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)

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    A dozen specimens of the oribatid mite Archegozetes magnus (Trhypochthoniidae) were collected from the Chagas disease vector Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), in Teya, Yucat谩n, Mexico. This is the first report of phoresy by an oribatid mite on a hemipteran.Fil: Waleckx, Etienne. Laboratorio de Parasitolog铆a Centro Inv. Regional; M茅xicoFil: Montalvo-Balam, Teresa de Jes煤s. Laboratorio de Parasitolog铆a Centro Inv. Regional; M茅xicoFil: Pinz贸n Canul, Aaron. Laboratorio de Parasitolog铆a Centro Inv. Regional; M茅xicoFil: Arnal, Audrey. Laboratorio de Parasitolog铆a Centro Inv. Regional; M茅xicoFil: Marti, Gerardo Anibal. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitol贸gicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitol贸gicos y de Vectores; ArgentinaFil: Mart铆nez, Pablo A.. Departamento de Biolog铆a, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas; Argentin