1,673 research outputs found

    New Burnout Evaluation Model Based on the Brief Burnout Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties for Nursing

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    Health care personnel are considered one of the worker sectors most exposed to heavier workloads and work stress. One of the consequences associated with the exposure to chronic stress is the development of burnout syndrome. Given that evaluating this syndrome requires addressing the context in which they are to be used, the purpose of this work was to analyze the psychometric properties and structure of the Burnout Brief Questionnaire (CBB), and to propose a more suitable version for its application to health professionals, and more specifically nurses. The final study sample was made up of 1236 working nursing professionals. An exploratory factorial analysis was carried out and a new model was proposed through a confirmatory factorial analysis. Thus, validation of the CBB questionnaire for nursing health care personnel showed an adequate discrimination of the items and a high internal consistency of the scale. With respect to the factorial analysis, four factors were extracted from the revised model. Specifically, these new factors, called job dissatisfaction, social climate, personal impact, and motivational abandonment, showed an adequate index of adjustment. Thus, the Brief Burnout Questionnaire Revised for nursing staff has favorable psychometric properties, and this model can be applied to all health care professionals

    Analysis of the Risk and Protective Roles of Work-Related and Individual Variables in Burnout Syndrome in Nurses

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    Aims: Burnout syndrome is a phenomenon that is becoming ever more widespread, especially in workers such as nurses who have heavy workloads and time pressures. The progression of burnout syndrome has been shown to be related to both individual and work-related variables. The objective of this study is to examine the risk and protective roles played by work-related and personal variables, both sociodemographic and psychological, in the development of burnout in nurses. Method: The sample was composed of 1236 nurses aged between 21 and 57 years, with a mean age of 31.50 years (SD = 6.18). Women accounted for 84.5% (n = 1044), and the remaining 15.5% (n = 192) were men. Exploratory tests were performed to understand the relationships between burnout and other variables, and a binary logistic regression was conducted to understand the roles of these variables in the incidence of this syndrome. Lastly, a regression tree was constructed. Results: The results show that the sociodemographic variables examined are not related to the level of burnout in nurses. However, certain work-related variables, such as spending more time with colleagues and patients and reporting good-quality relationships, exhibit a negative relationship with the occurrence of burnout. Of the psychological variables, the stress factors conflict-social acceptance and irritability-tension-fatigue, as well as informative communication, are shown to be risk factors for the appearance of burnout in nurses. In contrast, the communication skills factor, empathy, and energy-joy exert a protective function. Conclusion: Identifying the variables that influence the occurrence of burnout syndrome and understanding the manner in which they exert their influence are key elements in the development of effective prevention and intervention of burnout in nursing

    The relationship between knowledge management and innovation level in Mexican SMEs: Empirical evidence

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    The transformation of the current society from an industry-based economy to a knowledge management and innovation-based economy is changing the design and implementation of business strategies and the nature of the competition among the organizations which are mainly small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). They struggle to survive in a market which is more demanding and competitive, so they seeknowledge management as one of the most effective strategies that may help to enable the innovation activities into the businesses. For these reasons, this research paper has as a main goal to analyze the relationship between knowledge management and innovation in Mexican SMEs. The empirical analysis used 125 manufacturing SMEs (each SME having from 20 to 250 employees) as a sample to be carried out. The obtained results indicate that knowledge management has a positive impact in products, process, and management systems innovation

    Variables relacionadas con el compromiso académico y las habilidades socioemocionales en adolescentes: una revisión sistemática

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    Some research aimed at the educational context showed that the promotion of academic engagement and developing socioemotional skills benefit the development of students, especially adolescents. However, there were difficulties in finding studies that addressing both constructs simultaneously, as the scientific evidence regarding the subject is scarce. Due to this inconsistency, the objective of the present review was to identify the variables associated with academic engagement and socioemotional skills that are studied in the stage of adolescence. This study followed a systematic review methodology based on the recommendations established by the PRISMA 2020 Declaration. To do this, two different searches were made in the scientific databases of Scopus, Web of Science and PsyCINFO: the first focused on academic engagement and the second on socioemotional skills, both focused on adolescent population, including a total of 47 documents in the study. The results showed the existence of numerous variables, establishing those that are analyzed in both constructs through a qualitative analysis with Atlas.ti 22: academic performance, emotional intelligence, school bullying and resilience, finding that academic commitment is the most prevalent construct in research. In conclusion, it is advisable to include programs, strategies or projects in educational centers in order to increase the levels of academic engagement of students and develop socioemotional skills in the most favorable way possible.Algunas investigaciones dirigidas al contexto educativo mostraron que el fomento del compromiso académico y el desarrollo de habilidades socioemocionales benefician a los estudiantes, especialmente a los adolescentes. Sin embargo, hubo dificultades para encontrar estudios que aborden ambas construcciones simultáneamente, ya que la evidencia científica con respecto al tema es escasa. Debido a esta inconsistencia, el objetivo de la presente revisión fue identificar las variables asociadas con el compromiso académico y las habilidades socioemocionales que se estudian en la etapa de la adolescencia. Este estudio siguió una metodología de revisión sistemática basada en las recomendaciones establecidas por la Declaración PRISMA 2020. Para ello, se realizaron dos búsquedas diferentes en las bases de datos científicas de Scopus, Web of Science y PsyCINFO: la primera se centró en el compromiso académico y la segunda en las habilidades socioemocionales, ambas enfocadas en la población adolescente, incluyendo un total de 47 documentos en el estudio. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de numerosas variables, estableciendo las que se analizan en ambos constructos mediante un análisis cualitativo con Atlas.ti 22: rendimiento académico, inteligencia emocional, acoso escolar y resiliencia, encontrando que el compromiso académico es el constructo con mayor prevalencia en la investigación. Concluyendo, es recomendable incluir programas, estrategias o proyectos en los centros educativos con el fin de aumentar los niveles de compromiso académico de los estudiantes y desarrollar habilidades socioemocionales de la manera más favorable posible

    Valoración del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas por los alumnos: diferencias por sexo

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    This research aims to evaluate the application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology in response to students’ gender. Numerous investigations observe differences in learning styles and strategies as for gender that can influence the assessment of a particular teaching method. After conducting a survey which evaluates the effectiveness of applied learning procedures, we find that despite contrast was made by equal average in most cases, the differences were not significant in terms of student gender in such assessment.Esta investigación pretende valorar la aplicación de la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) atendiendo al género de los alumnos. En numerosas investigaciones se observan diferencias en las estrategias y estilos de aprendizaje en cuanto al sexo que pueden influir en la valoración de un método docente concreto. Tras la aplicación de una encuesta donde se evalúa la eficacia del procedimiento de aprendizaje aplicado, se obtiene que si bien realizado el contraste de igualdad de medias en la mayoría de los casos, las diferencias no han sido significativas en cuanto al género de los alumnos en dicha valoración

    A Non-Stressful Temperature Rise and Greater Food Availability Could Increase Tolerance to Calcium Limitation of Daphnia cf. pulex (Sensu Hebert, 1995) Populations in Cold Soft-Water Lakes

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    Calcium (Ca) is an important driver of community structure in freshwaters. We examined the combined effects of increased temperatures and variations in food quantity on the tolerance to low Ca of Daphnia pulex. The aim was to predict the impact of climate warming on this keystone zooplanktonic species in cold-climate lakes. We conducted a factorial life-history experiment in a clone of North American Daphnia cf. pulex to analyse the interaction effects of a temperature increase (17.5 degrees C-21 degrees C) within their physiological preferred range and expected by climate warming over the next few decades and a narrow Ca gradient (0.25-1.74 mg Ca L-1) under stressful vs. abundant food conditions. We found a striking positive synergistic effect of Ca and temperature on D. pulex reproduction at high food conditions. Although the increase in temperature to 21 degrees C greatly reduced survival, high energy allocation to reproduction at high food levels allowed the population to succeed in poor Ca (<0.25 mg Ca L-1). Results suggest that climate warming and higher food availability will make the populations of many cold and Ca-limited lakes more tolerant to low Ca levels with higher growth population rates, thereby altering zooplanktonic community structures and inducing potential cascading effects on the food web.Organismo Autonomo de Parques Nacionales (Ministerio para la Transicion Ecologica y el Reto Demografico, Spain) PN2017-2403SJunta de Andalucia RNM-12

    Evolution of the Urban Form in the British New Towns

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    [EN] Even if the urban experience of the British New Towns, created after the New Towns Act of 1945 as a solution to the problems derived from the superpopulation of great cities such as London, is already far in time it can still offer us some lessons. Lessons which could help us when intervening in current process of development and transformation of the urban form. This article analyses these experiences from its morphology, studying their formal characteristics and the organization of the several uses of the city, as well as the diachronic evolution of their criteria of spatial composition. The First New Towns mainly followed the characteristics stated in the Reith Report [HMSO, 1946 a] and the consequent New Towns Act [HMSO, 1946 b], which defined the scale of the new cities, their uses and zoning, location, areas, distances, social structure or landscape among other. Their urban forms evolved with time and were the result of many strategic and design decisions taken which determined and transformed their spatial and physical profiles. According to the Town and Country Planning Association [TCPA, 2014] New Towns can be classified in three Marks as for their chronology and the laws that helped to create them. But if we focus in their urban form, we can find another classification by Ali Madani-Pour, [1993] who divides them into four design phases, which give answer to different social needs and mobility. The analysis of the essential characteristics and strategies of each of the phases of the New Towns, applied to the configuration of the urban form of some of the New Towns, the ones which gather better the approach in each of the phases, will allow us to make a propositional diagnose of their different forms of development, the advances and setbacks; a comparative analysis of different aspects such as mobility and zoning, local and territorial relations, structure or composition. The conclusions of the article pretend to recognize the contributions, which come from their urban form and have them as a reference for new urban interventions in the current context, with new challenges to be faced from the integral definition of the city.Deltoro Soto, MJ.; Blasco Sánchez, MDC.; Martínez Pérez, FJ. (2018). Evolution of the Urban Form in the British New Towns. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 533-542. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.6484OCS53354

    Student Assessment of Problem-based Learning: differences by gender

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    Esta investigación pretende valorar la aplicación de la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) atendiendo al género de los alumnos. En numerosas investigaciones se observan diferencias en las estrategias y estilos de aprendizaje en cuanto al sexo que pueden influir en la valoración de un método docente concreto. Tras la aplicación de una encuesta donde se evalúa la eficacia del procedimiento de aprendizaje aplicado, se obtiene que si bien realizado el contraste de igualdad de medias en la mayoría de los casos, las diferencias no han sido significativas en cuanto al género de los alumnos en dicha valoración.This research aims to evaluate the application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology in response to students’ gender. Numerous investigations observe differences in learning styles and strategies as for gender that can influence the assessment of a particular teaching method. After conducting a survey which evaluates the effectiveness of applied learning procedures, we find that despite contrast was made by equal average in most cases, the differences were not significant in terms of student gender in such assessment.Administración y Dirección de EmpresasEducació

    Coping Strategies in the Spanish Population: The Role in Consequences of COVID-19 on Mental Health

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    [EN] The worldwide health emergency caused by COVID-19 is a new challenge for humanity which individuals respond to in a diversity of ways. The type of coping people use in such a situation could lead to positive or negative consequences to their health. Our objective was to analyze the use of coping strategies in the general population with attention to sociodemographic variables, and to test the capacity of these strategies for mediating in repercussions on mental health. The 1,160 adults who participated in this study answered the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-S) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). The data were collected in a CAWI (Computer Aided Web Interviewing). The results suggest that the coping strategies they used the most differed depending on sociodemographic characteristics, such as age, sex and education. Furthermore, two mediation models were estimated for positive and negative coping strategies in the relationship between the presence of COVID-19 near them and mental health. The “negative” coping strategies were found to exert an indirect effect as mediators in the impact that COVID-19 positive cases near them had on their health. The consequences to mental health of the impact of coping with adverse situations should not be underestimated and it is important to design programs to educate the population in coping strategies that promote their health.S

    Learning Mathematics of Financial Operations during the COVID-19 Era: An Assessment with Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all walks of life, including education. Universities have been forced to teach in a blended or online environment, which has led professors to adapt their traditional teaching–learning methodologies. The professors of Mathematics of Financial Operations at the University of Almeria (Spain) have created video tutorials so that students can autonomously prepare the theoretical part of the subject, leaving the face-to-face classes for practical exercises. This article aims to analyze the effectiveness of video tutorials and the autonomy finally achieved by students in their learning. For this purpose, a questionnaire was carried out in which, through 21 questions, the constructs Autonomy, Effectiveness, Depth, Format, Challenge, and Use were assessed. Based on these six latent variables, the proposed model using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) methodology revealed that students considered the Format and Depth of the video tutorials crucial for genuinely effective performance learning and promoting their autonomy. On the other hand, the variables Challenge and Use were poorly rated. This article presents an original valuation model, which has the virtue of achieving a prediction of 78.6% and, in addition, has high predictive power