140 research outputs found

    Envejecer es crecer. Reaprendiendo día a día

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    Introducción: Las patologías de Parkinson y la demencia son de gran importancia en las personas de edad avanzada, de ahí nuestro interés en ellas. Este estudio trata de un varón de 80 años que padece ambas patologías. Nuestro objetivo es crear un plan de cuidados enfermeros para aumentar su independencia, además de su calidad de vida. método: El plan de cuidados se basó principalmente en ejercicios de rehabilitación, prevención del riesgo de caídas, estimulación multisensorial y en talleres de aprendiza-je. resultados: Los resultados han sido satisfactorios para los objetivos establecidos, ya que observamos un aumento de la independencia del paciente y una mejora en su calidad de vida. conclusiones: Se puede concluir que si se individualizan los cuidados se obtiene una mejora en la calidad de vida y un aumento de su autonomía.Introduction: The pathology of Parkinson and dementia are of great importance in the elderly, hence our interest in them. This study is about a man of 80 who suffers from both diseases. Our goal is to create a plan of nursing care to prevent the progression of the dis-ease and increase their independence, in addition to his quality life. method: The care plan was based mainly on rehabilitation exercises, preventing the risk of falls, multisensory stimulation and learning workshops. results: The results have been satisfactory according to the objectives set, as we observed an increased patient independence and improved quality of life. conclusions: We may conclude that if cares are individualized, an improve-ment in the quality of life and a higher autonomy can be obtained

    Evaluación electrofisiológica e immunohistológica de canales SK en ventrículo humano: expresión funcional en patología valvular

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    Se ha evaluado la presencia y funcionalidad de los canales SK en muestras de tejido ventricular procedentes de pacientes con patología valvular y en muestras de control. Se ha demostrado que los canales SK están presentes en todos los pacientes, pero únicamente pueden ser activados en los pacientes con patología valvular

    Contribución de los canales SK a la electrofisiología ventricular humana en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca

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    In this study, the presence and functionallity of SK channels in ventricular myocardial slices from patients with heart failure has been proven. In order to achieve that, optical mapping thechiques and the selective activation of SK channels with the activator SKA-31 have been used.En este estudio se ha probado la presencia y funcionalidad de los canales SK en láminas de tejido ventricular provenientes de pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca. Para ello se han utilizado técnicas de mapeo óptico y se han activado selectivamente los canales con el activador SKA-31

    La endotelina-1 aumenta la heterogeneidad de la repolarización ventricular en cerdos con infarto crónico de miocardio

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    Hemos comprobado mediante mapeo óptico que la respuesta electrofisiológica a la endotelina-1 (ET-1) del miocardio ventricular se ve alterada según la cercanía a las zonas afectadas por infarto de miocardio crónico. Estas diferencias electrofisiológicas no se observan en ventrículos sanos

    Feasibility and impact of online HIV/STI screening addressed to men who have sex with men and transgender women users of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Spain (TESTATE PrEP): a study protocol for a non-blinded randomised controlled trial

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    HIV & AIDS; Clinical trial; Sexually transmitted diseaseVIH y SIDA; Ensayo clínico; Enfermedad de transmisión sexualVIH i sida; Assaig clínic; Malaltia de transmissió sexualIntroduction The objectives of the study are: to design and implement a pilot intervention to offer self-sampling kits to detect HIV, Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and Treponema pallidum (TP) among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men and transgender women users of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as part of PrEP follow-up. To evaluate if the pilot intervention causes a reduction of the retention to PrEP follow-up among the target population. To analyse the capacity of the intervention to reduce the healthcare burden on the PrEP service. To evaluate the acceptability of the intervention among PrEP users and PrEP service healthcare workers and; to validate dried blood samples for treponemal and non-treponemal antibody detection using the Dual Path Platform syphilis screening and confirmatory assay compared with blood drawn by venous puncture. Methods and analysis We will perform a non-blinded randomised controlled non-inferiority trial among PrEP users on follow-up. Participants on the control arm will follow the usual follow-up protocol with quarterly face-to-face visits where they will be tested for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Participants in the experimental arm will alternate face-to-face meetings with online screening of HIV and STIs. The website https://testate.org/ will include a module for online follow-up visits of participants. Participants of the experimental arm will order self-sampling kits for HIV, CT, NG and TP through the website, will send the samples to the laboratory and check their results online. We will compare the retention to follow up and the healthcare burden in both arms. The acceptability of the intervention among participants and healthcare workers will be assessed. Ethics and dissemination The project has been approved by the CEIC-HUGTIP (Reference: PI-22-051). Subjects will be included after giving their informed consent. Final conclusions and recommendations will be shared with stakeholders. Two publications in peer-reviewed journals are expected. Trial registration number NCT05752643.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI21/01589) and the Ministry of Health of the Government of Catalonia (Spain) (no grant number)

    Pathogenesis and clinicohistopathological caractheristics of melanoacanthoma: a systematic review

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    Introduction: The melanoacanthoma is a rare benign pigmented tumor, characterized by a fast radial growth and clinical behavior similar to melanoma. Color changes in oral mucosa and dermis are consequence of increased melanocyte activity as response to an irritant factor. There is a vast phenotypic variety. It is difficult to distinguish between a benign pigmented lesion and a melanoma at its early stage. Due to its clinical relevance is crucial to diagnose possible malignancy of the lesions. Objectives: The aim of this article is to conduct a systematic review of all published articles, as well as update and evaluate etiologic factors and clinicopathological features. Material and Methods: We carried out a search in the Medline database (PubMed) using the key words “oral melanoacanthoma” AND “oral melanoacanthosis” AND “oral melanoepithelioma”. Inclusion criteria were all published articles since its discovery. Demographic data, histological features and immunohistochemical findings were extracted from the full articles. Results: A total of 56 articles were analysed. 114 injuries drawn from these articles were studied, a total of 115 injuries with our contribution case. The 74.78% of authors claim a reactive pathogenesis. The average age of lesión appearance is 34.79 years, with an age range of 5-87 years. There is a predominance of the female sex in solitary phenotype 3: 2 and a ratio of women to men 5: 3 if it is multifocal phenotype. Bilateral phenotype is slight higher in women of 2: 1. Conclusions: Histopathological analysis of the lesión is vital to diagnose malignancy. Therefore, any heterogeneous, pigmented lesion with irregular edges, raised surface, fast growth and abrupt appearance should be biopsied. More emphasis on the potential irritants should also be put to improve the quality of life of our patients and to reduce morbidity of melanoacanthoma, as well as, several similar clinical behavior disease

    Actualización del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la empresa Básico Proyecto S.A.S.

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    La organización Básico Proyectos S.A.S., para el año 2016, inicio con el diseño e implementación del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST), bajo la norma establecida en el Decreto 1072 de 2015 y la Resolución 1111 de 2017, la cual está derogada por la Resolución 0312 de 2019. En la actualidad la empresa cuenta con un SG-SST desactualizado desde el año 2019. Durante la investigación se procuró el mejoramiento del SGSST a través de la evaluación inicial de la situación actual del SGSST y de la actualización de la matriz de riesgos donde se identificaron nuevos peligros y se valoraron los riesgos debido a los cambios organizacionales, de tal manera que se establecieron directrices para la prevención de los posibles incidentes y accidentes de trabajo a partir de probables controles de ingeniería y/o administrativos.The organization Básico Proyectos SAS, for the year 2016, began with the design and implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST), under the norm established in Decree 1072 of 2015 and Resolution 1111 of 2017, which is repealed by Resolution 0312 of 2019. Currently, the company has an outdated SG-SST since 2019. During the investigation, the improvement of the SGSST was sought through the initial evaluation of the current situation of the SGSST and updating the risk matrix where new hazards were identified and risks due to organizational changes were assessed, in such a way that guidelines were established for the prevention of possible incidents and accidents at work based on probable engineering controls. and / or administrative.Introducción 1. Título 2. Planteamiento del Problema 2.1. Descripción del Problema 2.2. Pregunta de Investigación 2.3. Sistematización 3. Objetivos 3.1. Objetivo General 3.2. Objetivos Específicos 4. Justificación y Delimitación 4.1. Justificación 4.2. Delimitación 4.3. Limitación 5. Marcos de Referencias 5.1. Estado del Arte en Materia de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo 5.2. Marco Teórico 5.2.1. La tendencia de la telemedicina va en aumento 5.3. Marco Legal 6. Marco metodológico 6.1. Tipo de investigación 6.2. Paradigma 6.3. Método 6.4. Fuentes de información 6.4.1 Fuente primaria 6.4.2 Fuentes secundarias 6.5. Población 6.6. Muestra 6.7. Criterios de Inclusión 6.8. Criterios de Exclusión 6.9. Instrumentos de recolección de datos 6.10. Fases 6.10.1. Fase 1: Realizar un diagnóstico inicial de la situación actual del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en la empresa Básico Proyectos S.A.S. 6.10.2. Fase 2: Identificar peligros y valorar los riesgos por medio de la actualización de la matriz de riesgos de la empresa Básico Proyectos S.A.S. 6.10.3. Fase 3. Diseñar estrategias acordes a las necesidades de la empresa Básico Proyectos S.A.S. 6.11. Consentimiento Informado. Ver anexo 1 6.12. Cronograma 7. Resultados 8. Análisis Financiero 8.1. Costos del proyecto 8.2. Costos y beneficios 9. Conclusiones 10. Recomendaciones 11. BibliografíaEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el TrabajoEspecialización en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabaj

    Aproximación a la presencia de SPD y microorganismos en agua embotellada

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    Poca información existe en la literatura acerca de la calidad química referente a subproductos de desinfección (SPD) y su relación con la microbiología del agua embotellada. Por tanto, se evaluó el contenido de trihalometanos (THM) y de ácidos haloacéticos (AHA) como principales SPD en siete marcas de agua embotellada del mercado colombiano, al igual que la presencia de indicadores microbiológicos, enterobacterias, aerobios mesófilos, hongos y levaduras. Los resultados mostraron valores máximos de 135 y 140 mg/l de THM y AHA totales, así como incumplimiento del 28% de la norma propuesta por la FDA. Se encontró la presencia de alguno de los indicadores microbiológicos en el 69% de las muestras e incumplimiento de la norma colombiana de agua potable en el 30%. La relación entre la cantidad de SPD y la calidad microbiológica fue diversa, observándose un escenario recomendable de baja concentración de SPD y microorganismos en dos de las marcas evaluadas. Finalmente, se requiere mayor información para analizar el efecto de la presencia de levaduras como indicador de cambios organolépticos en el agua y su posible relación con la proliferación de otro tipo de microorganismos

    Ultrasonographic assessment of enthesitis in HLA-B27 positive patients with rheumatoid arthritis, a matched case-only study

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    Introduction HLA-B27 has a modifier effect on the phenotype of multiple diseases, both associated and non-associated with it. Among these effects, an increased frequency of clinical enthesitis in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) has been reported but never explored again. We aimed to replicate this study with a sensitive and quantitative assessment of enthesitis by using standardized ultrasonography (US). Methods The Madrid Sonography Enthesitis Index (MASEI) was applied to the US assessment of 41 HLA-B27 positive and 41 matched HLA-B27 negative patients with longstanding RA. Clinical characteristics including explorations aimed to evaluate spondyloarthrtitis and laboratory tests were also done. Results A significant degree of abnormalities in the entheses of the patients with RA were found, but the MASEI values, and each of its components including the Doppler signal, were similar in HLA-B27 positive and negative patients. An increase of the MASEI scores with age was identified. Differences in two clinical features were found: a lower prevalence of rheumatoid factor and a more common story of low back pain in the HLA-B27 positive patients than in the negative. The latter was accompanied by radiographic sacroiliitis in two HLA-B27 positive patients. No other differences were detected. Conclusion We have found that HLA-B27 positive patients with RA do not have more enthesitis as assessed with US than the patients lacking this HLA allele. However, HLA-B27 could be shaping the RA phenotype towards RF seronegativity and axial involvement.The study was supported by grants 10CSA918040PR from the Xunta de Galicia (http://www.sergas.e/MostrarContidos_N3_T01.aspx?IdPaxina=10142) and PI08/0744 of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (http://www.isciii.es/) that are partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European UnionS

    Bcl-xL inhibition enhances Dinaciclib-induced cell death in soft-tissue sarcomas

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    Soft-tissue sarcomas (STS) are an uncommon and heterogeneous group of malignancies that result in high mortality. Metastatic STS have very bad prognosis due to the lack of effective treatments. Dinaciclib is a model drug for the family of CDK inhibitors. Its main targets are cell cycle regulator CDK1 and protein synthesis controller CDK9. We present data supporting Dinaciclib ability to inactivate in vitro different STS models at nanomolar concentrations. Moreover, the different rhythms of cell death induction allow us to further study into the mechanism of action of the drug. Cell death was found to respond to the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. Anti-apoptotic Bcl-xL was identified as the key regulator of this process. Already natural low levels of pro-apoptotic proteins BIM and PUMA in tolerant cell lines were insufficient to inhibit Bcl-xL as this anti-apoptotic protein showed a slow decay curve after Dinaciclib-induced protein synthesis disruption. Combination of Dinaciclib with BH3-mimetics led to quick and massive apoptosis induction in vitro, but in vivo assessment was prevented due to liver toxicity. Additionally, Bcl-xL inhibitor A-1331852 also synergized with conventional chemotherapy drugs as Gemcitabine. Thus, Bcl-xL targeted therapy arises as a major opportunity to the treatment of STS