4,272 research outputs found

    Effect of different micro-algae mixtures and rations in hatchery broodstock conditioning of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis.

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    Reproduction of the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in wild populations follows seasonal changes of environmental factors such as food availability.The aim of this experiment was to analyse the effects of three conditioning diets on the maturation and development of M. galloprovincialis. We experimented three different algae-based treatments: two Non-Tetraselmis (NT) groups and one Tetraselmis (TS) group. Those in the NT groups received a mixture of Isochrysis galbana (clon T-Iso) and Chaetoceros sp. (1:1, based on cell volume). Those in the TS group received Isochrysis sp. (T-Iso), Chaetoceros sp., and Tetraselmis suecica (1:1:1, based on cell volume). Mussels in the NT-1, NT-2 and TS groups received, respectively, 1%, 2% and 2% of the mussels dry weight (MDW) based in algae dry weight (ADW) a day. After 2 months of conditioning, significant changes between wild mussels and the NT-1 group were not detected either in condition index (CI) value or in gonad stadia percentages. On the opposite, after conditioning CI values of mussels having received 2 % ration were higher than those of wild populations and NT-1 group, and ripe female percentage was higher in the TS group than in the NT-2 group. As a conclusion, this study demonstrates that for M. galloprovincialis conditioning, 1% of the MDW in ADW is not enough, and that a varied diet is more suitable.This work was supported by Interreg Project 0251_ECOAQUA_5_E, financed by the EDRF (European Regional Development Fund). www.juntadeandalucia.es/agriculturaypesca/ifapa/ecoaqua.La reproducci&oacute;n del mejill&oacute;n Mytilus galloprovincialis en las poblaciones naturales sigue los cambios estacionales de factores ambientales como la disponibilidad de comida. El objetivo de este experimento fue analizar los efectos de tres dietas de acondicionamiento en la maduraci&oacute;n y el desarrollo de M. galloprovincialis. Para ello, se experimentaron tres tratamientos diferentes a base de microalgas: dos grupos sin la microalga Tetraselmis suecica (NT) y un tercero con esta microalga (TS). Los mejillones de los grupos NT recibieron una mezcla de Isochrysis galbana (clon T-Iso) y Chaetoceros sp. (1:1, basado en el volumen celular). Los del grupo de TS recibido I. galbana (clon T-Iso), Chaetoceros sp., y T. suecica (1:1:1, basado en el volumen celular). Los ejemplares de los grupos NT-1, NT-2 y TS recibieron, respectivamente, 1%, 2% y 2% del peso seco de la masa corporal (PSM) basado en el peso seco del fitoplancton (PSF) al d&iacute;a. Despu&eacute;s de 2 meses de acondicionamiento no se detectaron diferencias significativas en el valor del &iacute;ndice de condici&oacute;n (IC) ni en los porcentajes de estadios de madurez gonadal entre los mejillones del medio natural y el grupo NT-1. Sin embargo, despu&eacute;s del acondicionamiento valores del IC de los mejillones que recibieron el 2% de raci&oacute;n fueron superiores a los de las poblaciones del medio natural y el grupo NT-1. Adem&aacute;s, el porcentaje de hembras maduras fue mayor en el grupo TS que en el grupo NT-2. Como conclusi&oacute;n, este estudio demuestra que para el acondicionamiento de M. galloprovincialis un 1% de la PSM en PSF no es suficiente, y que una dieta variada es m&aacute;s adecuada.Este trabajo fue apoyado por el proyecto Interreg 0251_ECOAQUA_5_E , financiado por el FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional). www.juntadeandalucia.es / agriculturaypesca / IFAPA / ecoaqua. &nbsp;</p

    Polar coherent states in bilayer graphene under a constant uniform magnetic field

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    Symmetries associated with the Hamiltonian describing bilayer graphene subjected to a constant magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the bilayer are calculated using polar coordinates. These symmetries are then applied to explain some fundamental properties, such as the spectrum and the integer pseudo-spin character of the eigenfunctions. The probability and current densities of the bilayer Hamiltonian have also been calculated in polar coordinates and shown to be gauge invariant and scalar under generalized rotations. We also define appropriate coherent states of this system as eigenfunctions, with complex eigenvalues, of a suitable chose annihilation operator. In this framework, symmetries are also useful to show the meaning of the complex eigenvalue in terms of expected values. The local current density of these coherent states is shown to exhibit a kind of radial component interference effect, something that has gone unnoticed until now. Some of these results that have just been exposed are graphically illustrated throughout the manuscript

    The last glacial termination on the eastern flank of the central Patagonian Andes (47ºS)

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    Few studies have examined in detail the sequence of events during the last glacial termination (T1) in the core sector of the Patagonian Ice Sheet (PIS), the largest ice mass in the Southern Hemisphere outside of Antarctica. Here we report results from Lago Edita (47°8′ S, 72°25′ W, 570 m a.s.l.), a small closed-basin lake located in a valley overridden by eastward-flowing Andean glaciers during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The Lago Edita record shows glaciolacustrine sedimentation until 19 400 yr BP, followed by organic sedimentation in a closed-basin lake and a mosaic of cold-resistant hygrophilous conifers and rainforest trees, along with alpine herbs between 19 400 and 11 000 yr BP. Our data suggest that the PIS retreated at least  ∼  90 km from its LGM limit between  ∼  21 000 and 19 400 yr BP and that scattered, low-density populations of cold-resistant hygrophilous conifers, rainforest trees, high-Andean and steppe herbs thrived east of the Andes during the LGM and T1, implying high precipitation levels and southern westerly wind (SWW) influence at 47° S. The conifer Podocarpus nubigena increased between 14 500 and 13 000 yr BP, suggesting even stronger SWW influence during the Antarctic Cold Reversal, after which it declined and persisted until 11 000 yr BP. Large increases in arboreal pollen at  ∼  13 000 and  ∼  11 000 yr BP led to the establishment of forests near Lago Edita between 10 000 and 9000 yr BP, suggesting a rise in the regional tree line along the eastern Andean slopes driven by warming pulses at  ∼  13 000 and  ∼  11 000 yr BP and a subsequent decline in SWW influence at  ∼  11 000 yr BP. We propose that the PIS imposed a regional cooling signal along its eastern, downwind margin through T1 that lasted until the separation of the northern and southern Patagonian ice fields along the Andes during the Younger Dryas period. We posit that the withdrawal of glacial and associated glaciolacustrine environments through T1 provided a route for the dispersal of hygrophilous trees and herbs from the eastern flank of the central Patagonian Andes, contributing to the afforestation of the western Andean slopes and pacific coasts of central Patagonia during T1.Fil: Henríquez, William I.. Victoria University Of Wellington; Nueva ZelandaFil: Villa-Martinez, Rodrigo. Gaia-antártica Universidad de Magallanes; ChileFil: Vilanova, Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ; ArgentinaFil: De Pol-Holz, Ricardo. Gaia-antártica Universidad de Magallanes; ChileFil: Moreno, Patricio. Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad, Departamento de; Chil

    Chitosan application in maize (Zea mays) to counteract the effects of abiotic stress at seedling level

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    Worldwide, the conditions of biotic and abiotic stresses adversely affect the potential production of maize. Drought or heat facilitate the infection with fungi such as Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium moniliforme, and consequently increase the production of mycotoxins. There are several strategies for managing the problem, but in the future, people will prefer the cleaner and cheaper technology. The use of elicitors for protection of corn can be considered a cheap and clean technology. Chitosan elicitor is a linear polysaccharide produced commercially by deacetylation of chitin. It has been reported that this elicitor induce phytoalexin accumulation in plant tissue. Application of chitosan to seeds in rice significantly increased rice yield. About this, there are no reports in corn. For this reason, the aim of this study was to determine the protective effect of chitosan in maize seedlings subjected to abiotic stresses. To this end, three treatments were tested (a negative control, a positive control, and a group coated with chitosan solution) under four abiotic stresses conditions since their germination stage: drought, moisture, acid pH and alkaline pH. During five weeks, the seedlings growth was evaluated by measuring their total length, the length of leaves, stems and the thickness of these and presence of fungi. Positive effect was observed in seeds treated with chitosan or stressed with acidic pH in dimensions of seedlings and there was no fungal growth.Key words: Abiotic stress, Zea mays, chitosan, pH, drought, humidit

    An overview of the lower cretaceous dinosaur tracksites from the mirambel formation in the iberian range (ne spain)

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    Up to now, the ichnological vertebrate record from the Barremian Mirambel Formation (NE Spain) has remained completely unknown despite the fact that osteological findings have been reported in recent years. Here we provide an overview of 11 new dinosaur tracksites found during a fieldwork campaign in the year 2011. The majority of these tracksites (seven) preserve small- to medium-sized tridactyl tracks here assigned to indeterminate theropods. Only one footprint presents enough characters to classify it as Megalosauripus isp. Ornithopod tracks identified as Caririchnium isp. and Iguanodontipodidae indet. and sauropod tracks are recorded at two tracksites. The footprints are preserved in a variety of paleoenvironmental conditions and thus display different kinds of preservation (true tracks, shallow undertracks, natural casts and undertrack casts). The ichnological record from the Mirambel Formation seems to be theropod dominated. This is a clear discrepancy with the osteological record identified in this formation, which shows a predominance of ornithopod dinosaurs

    Effect of microalgae incorporation on physicochemical and textural properties in wheat bread formulation

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    [EN] The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the incorporation of different microalgae on physicochemical and textural properties of bread. Four species of microalgae Isochrysis galbana, Tetraselmissuecica, Scenedesmus almeriensis, and Nannochloropsis gaditana were used in this study. Properties such as water activity, pH, microbiological counts, viscosity, and color were analyzed to determine the effect of microalgae addition on sourdough. The technological quality of breads was analyzed in terms of physicochemical properties, color, texture profile, and porosity. The main effect of microalgae addition was changes in bread color, crust, and crumb that implies an increase of browning and an evolution to more green-yellow tonalities. The textural parameters of breads such as hardness, chewiness, and resilience are not modified by microalgae addition.García-Segovia, P.; Pagán Moreno, MJ.; Lara, IF.; Martínez Monzó, J. (2017). Effect of microalgae incorporation on physicochemical and textural properties in wheat bread formulation. Food Science and Technology International. 23(5):437-447. doi:10.1177/1082013217700259S43744723

    Vanhempien, ohjaajien ja lasten mielipiteet liikuntakerhotoiminnasta Espoon kouluissa

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa kyselyllä ohjaajien ja lasten vanhempien mielipiteitä Liikuntakerhosta sekä selvittää, miten lapset arvioivat omaa ja ohjaajien toimintaa Liikuntakerhossa. Työ tehtiin yhteistyössä WAU ry:n kanssa, joka järjestää tällä hetkellä Liikuntakerhoja 24 Espoon kouluissa. Tutkimuksesta saatuja tuloksia olisi tarkoitus käyttää hyväksi Liikuntakerhojen kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää ohjaajien tyytyväisyys WAU ry:n toimintaan sekä vanhempien ja lasten tyytyväisyyttä Liikuntakerhotoimintaan. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös tuntien rakennetta sekä ohjaajien ja vanhempien mielipiteitä lasten liikuntatoimintaa kohtaan. Kohderyhmään kuului 131 vanhempaa, 23 ohjaajaa ja 250 alakoulun oppilasta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin mielipidekyselylomaketta, joka ohjaajille ja vanhemmille lähetettiin sähköpostin välityksellä. Lapsille kyselylomakkeet toimitettiin Liikuntakerhon tunnille. Tutkimus toteutettiin syksyllä 2009. Vastauksista kävi ilmi, että lapset ja heidän vanhempansa olivat tyytyväisiä Liikuntakerhon toimintaan. Vanhemmat antoivat paljon positiivista palautetta hyvästä ja tärkeästä toiminnasta sekä toivoivat Liikuntakerhon jatkuvan ensi vuonna. Ohjaajat olivat pääasiassa tyytyväisiä yhteistyöhön WAU ry:n kanssa, mutta Sporttis.net palveluiden käytöstä he antoivat kehitysideoita tai olivat hieman tyytymättömiä palveluun. Vanhempien ja ohjaajien mielipiteet lasten liikuntatoimintaa kohtaan olivat yhtenevät. Pääsääntöisesti niin ohjaajat, vanhemmat kuin lapsetkin olivat tyytyväisiä Liikuntakerhontoimintaan. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella tulisi tiedottamista niin WAU ry:n ja ohjaajien kuin ohjaajien ja vanhempien välillä parantaa. Yhteistyötä on parannettava Liikuntakerhon ja koulujen välillä, jolloin Liikuntakerhon tunnit saataisiin paremmin alkamaan heti koulupäivän jälkeen sekä lisättyä kerholaisten määrää Liikuntakerhoissa. Sporttis.net palveluita tulisi kehittää niin, että sivut olisivat selkeämmät ja tietoa tunneista tulisi päästä lukemaan ilman rekisteröitymistä. Liikuntakerhon tunneilla tulisi painottaa lapsilähtöisyyttä, jolloin lapsia kannustettaisiin, palautteenanto olisi oikenlaista ja heitä huomioitaisiin. Liikuntakerhon haasteena ovat vähä aktiiviset lapset sekä 1.-2. luokkalaisten mukaan ottaminen, sillä juuri he tarvitsevat iltapäivätoimintaa koulun jälkeen.This thesis examines the physical sport of children and what is the impact of free Sport clubs for children motion. The overall purpose of this thesis was examined opinions of Sport clubs at schools in Espoo by the case company. The thesis was made together with association WAU ry and the results were using to develop the Sport clubs. The thesis is made up a theory section and an empirical section that deals with the case company. The theory section discusses children's the purpose of motion, development of child with motion and the role of instructors. Questionnaires were sent by mail to intructors and parents. 131 parents answer to the questionnaire and 23 instructors. The self-assessments of children were brang to the Sport clubs and 250 child was filled the self-assessment. Survey was made in autumn 2009. The findings show that children and parents were satisfied to function of Sport culb. Parents were given positiv feedback about Sport clubs. They also were hoping that Sport club will continue the year later. Generally every instructors were satisfied to work with WAU ry but they were giving reclamation of internet page Sporttis.net because it is hard to use. Parents and instructors opinion about children's function of sport were generally similar. Partnership with Sport clubs and school should get better so that more children could take part in Sport club and then it would be easier to start Sport club straight after school. Informationing between as well WAU ry and instructors as instructors and parents. Internet page Sporttis.net needs develop so that it is easier to use. It is important to encourage, give feedback in a right way and notice every child. Sport clubs challenge will be inactiv children and give possibilities to 1.-2. primary school student take part in Sport clubs