348 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de factores asociados a la enfermedad cardiovascular y su relación con el ausentismo laboral de los trabajadores de una entidad oficial

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    Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the first cause of death in the world. This phenomenon is attributed to life styles, such a sedentarism, ingestion of high calorie foods, and alcohol and tobacco consumption. This leads to an increase in the rates of obesity, dyslipidaemia, and hypertension. These then become risk factors that directly affect the prevalence of disease and death of cardiovascular origin, which consequently represents a significant health problem in the working population. Objective: To determine the factors associated with cardiovascular disease and their relationship with work absenteeism in a government office in the City of Bogota, Colombia. Materials and methods: A descriptive study was carried out using the work records of 214 employees. Sociodemographic, clinical-cardiovascular, and work variables were also recorded. An analysis was performed on the independent variables and the outcome, and a logistic regression model was prepared using work absenteeism as a dependent variable. Results: The prevalences of the sample were: smoking, 13.1%; alcohol consumption, 35.1%; sedentarism, 39.7%; overweight or obese workers, 54.2%; and elevated total cholesterol, 43.9%. Treatment was being received for hypertension in 29.9%, with 4.7% for diabetes, and 21.5% for lipid disorders. Conclusion: The prevalence of risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease is similar to that found in other studies on the working population. The regression model showed that the variables marital status, obesity, treatment for hypertension, diastolic blood pressure level, and length of service, behaved as predictive variables of work absenteeism. © 2019 Sociedad Colombiana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascula

    The Free Institute of Education and Pierre de Coubertin: physical education to educate within liberty

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    Esta investigación analiza las relaciones entre dos reformas educativas: la de Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937), con la que pretendía “Rebroncer la France”, y la que impulsó la Institución Libre de Enseñanza (ILE), para la renovación de España. Con ese propósito, se realiza un análisis documental de diferentes fuentes primarias. Entre ellas destacan la relación epistolar entre Coubertin, Giner de los Ríos y Bartolomé Cossío (entre 1888 y 1899), y entre Giner de los Ríos y Aniceto Sela, representante español en el Congreso de la Sorbona de 1894, así como el Boletín de la ILE, órgano difusor de su ideario, y los propios escritos de Coubertin. Este trabajo, resultado parcial de nuestra investigación, presenta alguno de los numerosos puntos de confluencia entre ambas iniciativas de reforma social, promotoras de una renovación significativa de la educación de los ciudadanos, con una destacada atención a los ejercicios físicos, los juegos y los deportes.This research paper examines the relationship between two educational reforms: Pierre de Coubertin’s (1863-1973), with its ambitious “Rebroncer la France”, and the reform for the renovation of Spain launched by the Free Institute of Education (ILE). With this aim, different primary sources are studied. Among others, the following ones stand out: the correspondence between Coubertin, Giner de los Ríos and Bartolomé Cossío, from 1888 to 1899, and the correspondence between Giner de los Ríos and Aniceto Sela, who was the Spanish spokesman at the 1894 Paris Sorbonne Congress; but also the Bulletin of the ILE, the organ that disseminated its ideals, and Coubertin's own writings. This research paper includes part of our findings and points out some of the coincidences between both initiatives of social reform. They both promoted a significant renovation of the education of citizens, with special attention to physical exercise, games and sport

    Physical Education and eoretical knowledege: a cross-cultural study in Argentina, Brazil and Spain

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    Desde hace unos años, instituciones públicas educativas de diferentes países promueven la inclusión de contenidos teórico-conceptuales en los currículos de Educación Física. La formación de un ciudadano autónomo y con un estilo de vida activo constituye el objetivo central de esa inclusión. Sin embargo, se desconoce el efecto de estas recomendaciones, siendo esta cuestión, como se recoge en la cuarta edición del Research on Teaching in Physical Education, la menos investigada en la enseñanza de la Educación Física. En ese contexto, este estudio pretende conocer el resultado de la inclusión de conceptos en la enseñanza de la Educación Física en Argentina, Brasil y España, y analizar la posible relación existente entre el conocimiento teórico-conceptual y la frecuencia de actividad física (faf). Participaron 4.304 adolescentes de entre 12 y 17 años (14,2 ± 1,7), a los que se aplicó un cuestionario sobre conceptos (cacef-r) y escalas de faf. Los resultados indican que en ningún país se alcanza la puntuación media (aprobado) en conocimiento teórico-conceptual, encontrándose diferencias significativas entre ellos (p <0.000). En el mejor caso (población española), solo un 30% alcanza dicha media. Con respecto a la FAF, cerca del 50% de escolares no realiza suficiente actividad física para obtener beneficios sobre la salud, configurando una población con tendencia sedentaria y con diferencias significativas en función del género (anova: Argentina, F = 74.366, p<0.000; Brasil, F=169.024, p<0.000; España, F=248.616, p<0.000). El análisis de correlación (r = 0.198, p<0.01) y de regresión (R² = 0.039) revela una relación significativa entre conocimientos teórico-conceptuales y la faf. En definitiva, existe un bajo nivel de conocimientos teórico-conceptuales y un alto porcentaje de escolares con estilo de vida sedentario. Dada la necesidad de analizar los factores que puedan influir en un estilo de vida saludable, es oportuno señalar la relación significativa existente entre conocimiento y faf.For some years public educational institutions of different countries have been encouraging the inclusion of theoretical/conceptual knowledge in physical education curricula. The central objective of so doing is to teach students to become independent citizens who engage in an active lifestyle. However, the effect of these recommendations is unknown. As noted in the fourth edition of Research on Teaching in Physical Education, this is the least-researched topic in physical education teaching. This study attempts to ascertain the outcome of including concepts in physical education in Argentina, Brazil and Spain and to analyze the potential link between this theoretical/ conceptual knowledge and the frequency of physical activity (fpa). The participants are 4,304 teenagers between 12 and 17 years old (14.2 ± 1.7). A concept questionnaire (cacef-r) and fpa scales are applied. The results show that no country reaches the average score (“pass”) in theoretical/ conceptual knowledge. Significant differences are found between them (p<0.000). In the best case (the Spanish population), only 30% reach the average score. Findings on fpa show that close to 50% of students do not engage in sufficient physical activity to obtain health benefits. These students form a population with a sedentary trend and significant gender differences Revista de Educación, 356. Septiembre-diciembre 2011, pp. 653-675 Fecha de entrada: 07-01-2009 Fecha de aceptación: 17-06-2009 655 Velázquez Buendía, R., Hernández Álvarez, J. L., Martínez Gorroño, M. E. y Martínez de Haro, V. Educación Física y conocimiento teórico-conceptual: estudio trans-cultural en Argentina, Brasil y España (anova: Argentina, F=74.366, p <0.000; Brazil, F=169.024, p<0.000; Spain, F=248.616, p<0.000). The correlation analysis (r = 0.198, p<0.01) and regression analysis (R² = 0.039) show a significant relationship between theoretical/conceptual knowledge and fpa. In short, there is a low level of theoretical/conceptual knowledge and a high percentage of students with a sedentary lifestyle. Given the need to analyze the factors that could influence a healthy lifestyle, it is advisable to note the significant relationship between knowledge and fpa.Este artículo es producto (parcial) de los resultados obtenidos en dos proyectos de investigación, uno financiado por el Banco Santander Central Hispano en el marco de la cuarta convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación uaM-bsch para la cooperación con América Latina (investigación realizada en Argentina y Brasil); y otro financiado por el Ministerio de Educación, Política Social y Deporte en el marco del Programa Nacional de i+d+i (código seJ2007-67267/edu) (investigación realizada en España)

    Aproximación a las restauraciones del Real Monasterio Cisterciense de Santa María de Piedra: las intervenciones del arquitecto Joaquín Soro López

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    El tema de investigación del presente trabajo se centra en el análisis histórico, crítico y contextualizado de las diferentes restauraciones realizadas por el arquitecto Joaquín Soro López en el conjunto de edificaciones del Monasterio de Piedra. La investigación, por tanto, se centra en un único monumento y en las intervenciones de un arquitecto concreto

    El impulso educativo, cultural, científico, deportivo y socioeconómico que significó el exilio español republicano en Colombia. Una significativa aportación al progreso

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    The Spanish group that set up the exile in Colombia, as a consequence of General Franco’s coup d’état and the resultant civil war (1936-1939), has some specific characteristics that have a close relation with the receiving country needs and circumstances. In the 30s, the tension between the two principal political parties in Colombia, the concurrence and social deficiencies marked a restrictive and selective admittance. The arrival of “Spanish republicans” was quantitatively low but, because of this selection, it supposed a huge effect in society, culture, education, sport, science, industry... Now that time has passed we can analyze the Spanish exile influence on Colombia and calificate it as a “big impact”, especially because the low numbers, between 500 to 700 people.El grupo de españoles que conformó el exilio llegado a Colombia como consecuencia del golpe de estado del general Franco y el resultado de la Guerra Civil de 1936-1939, ofrece unas características específicas configuradas principalmente por las circunstancias y necesidades del país de acogida. En la década de los treinta, las tensiones entre los dos principales partidos colombianos, conservador y liberal, las concurrencias y las carencias sociales marcaron una acogida restrictiva y seleccionada. La llegada de “republicanos españoles” fue bastante reducida a nivel cuantitativo, y sin embargo, propiciada por dicha selección, supuso una enorme incidencia en la sociedad, la cultura, la educación, el deporte, la ciencia, la industria colombiana... La perspectiva del tiempo nos permite calificar la huella que el exilio español dejó en Colombia como de una “desmesurada incidencia” si tenemos en cuenta que su número pudo fluctuar entre las 500 y las 700 personas

    Motor self-efficacy, physical education and physical activity in Brazilian and Spanish adolescents

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    La investigación estudia las relaciones entre la frecuencia de actividad física, la percepción de auto-eficacia motriz, y la satisfacción con la clase y con el profesorado de Educación Física, en dos culturas: Brasil y España. Se aplicaron cuatro escalas a 2.017 adolescentes españoles y 1.119 brasileños (edad 14.22±1.73). Los resultados muestran: baja frecuencia de actividad física; y relaciones significativas entre las variables estudiadas (p<0.01). La auto-eficacia motriz es el factor con mayor poder explicativo de la frecuencia de actividad física (R²=0.223 para Brasil y R²=0.226 para España). Los profesores de EF podrían mejorar la percepción de auto-eficacia aplicando adecuado feedback.The research studies the relationship among frequency of physical activity, perceived motor self-efficacy and satisfaction with PE lessons and teachers in two cultures: Brazil and Spain. Four scales were applied to 2,017 Spanish and 1,119 Brazilian adolescents (age 14.22±1.73). Results show low frequency of physical activity and significant relationships among the studied variables (p<0.01). Motor self-efficacy is the factor with the highest explanatory power of frequent physical activity (R²=0.223 for Brazil and R²=0.226 for Spain). PE teachers could raise perceived self-efficacy if they applied a suitable approach.Este artículo es producto (parcial) de dos proyectos de investigación, financiados por el Banco Santander Central Hispano (4ª convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación UAM-BSCH para la cooperación con América Latina); y por el Ministerio de Educación, Política Social y Deporte (Programa Nacional de I+D+i; código SEJ2007-67267/ed

    Technical practices used by information literacy and media information literacy services to enable academic libraries to handle the COVID-19 pandemic

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    This study analyses the techniques and procedures that were developed and the changes that took place in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP), both in Mexico, and the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD), in the United States of America. To face the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, librarians in these institutions improved their Information Literacy (IL) and Media Information Literacy (MIL) programmes. Design / methodology / approach This study has a mixed methodology with a comparative analysis. For this purpose, data shows the universities’ contexts: the communities of students, teachers, researchers, and librarians, and the e-learning strategies of IL and MIL programmes. Findings As part of the results of the crowdsourcing collaboration between the UMD, UNAM and BUAP, the study shows the different online learning communities and their innovations. Originality Although there is theoretical knowledge about IL and MIL in Mexican universities and University of Minnesota Duluth, the e-learning strategies used by their librarians in this document sought to provide technical solutions and other options for a virtual work scheme that responded to the specific problems presented by COVID-19. In this case, the framework for creating online library services was designed by their librarians for their communities in the context of the current crisis, even when online services had already been established for more than ten years. Research limitations / implications The technological infrastructure, the professionalisation of the library staff and a lack of knowledge of the new virtual teaching-learning needs. Practical implications Analysis of tools for virtual teaching-learning services, description of strategies used by library staff, results and feedback. Social implications IL and MIL strategies created in a variety of contexts can be enhanced by library collaboration in a fully virtual setting. Libraries with better technological infrastructure play a decisive role. &nbsp

    Creencias y perspectivas docentes sobre objetivos curriculares y factores determinantes de actividad física

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    The purpose of the study was to find out what relevance certain curriculum aims are given by teachers and their beliefs about the importance that several factors have on students taking after school physical activities. One hundred and seventy-three Physical Education (PE) teachers from nine Autonomous Communities were interviewed. The questionnaire was designed and validated by the research team. The results show that teachers think that their efforts must aim particularly at meeting �\supradisciplinary. social demands which are included in the planning of other subjects too, and they regard as less urgent those aims which are exclusive to PE (disciplinary knowledge and motor performance). Also, they believe that the factors with the lowest degree of relevance for boys and girls to practise after school physical activity are those included in aims belonging exclusively to PE. Teachers show lack of confidence in their specific possibilities to motivate the adherence of students to physical activity.El estudio tuvo como propósito conocer la relevancia para el profesorado de determinados objetivos curriculares y sus creencias sobre la importancia que tienen diversos factores para que el alumnado realice actividad física extraescolar. Participaron 173 docentes de Educacion Fisica (EF), distribuidos geograficamente en 9 Comunidades Autonomas. Se aplico un cuestionario disenado y validado por el grupo de investigacion. Los resultados muestran que el profesorado opina que su ensenanza ha de orientarse sobre todo a dar respuesta a demandas sociales �\supradisciplinares. de las que tambien se ocupan otras materias, considerando que son menos prioritarios aquellos objetivos exclusivos de la EF (conocimiento disciplinar y rendimiento motor). Asimismo, creen que los factores con menor relevancia para que chicos y chicas practiquen actividad fisica extraescolar son aquellos que directamente recogen objetivos a los que la EF contribuye en exclusividad. El profesorado muestra falta de confianza en sus posibilidades mas especificas de influir en la adherencia hacia la actividad fisica de su alumnado

    The Diagnostic Value of Onconeural Antibodies Depends on How They Are Tested

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    Detection of onconeural antibodies is important because establishes a definitive diagnosis of paraneoplastic neurological syndrome (PNS). The recommended method for diagnosis of onconeural antibodies is by immunohistochemistry on rodent brain sections and confirmation of results by immunoblot. However, in many diagnostic laboratories samples are only tested with commercial line blots. In this study we inquired whether this change in diagnostic methodology (line blot alone vs. combined immunohistochemistry and line blot) would affect the results. Among 439 samples examined by immunohistochemistry and a commercial line blot (Euroimmun, Lübeck, Germany) 96 (22%) were positive by line blot, and their clinical information was reviewed. Onconeural antibodies were detected by both assays in 46/96 (48%) patients (concordant group) whereas 50 (52%) were only positive by line blot (discordant group). In the concordant group 42/46 (91%) patients had a definite diagnosis of PNS whereas in the discordant group only 4/50 (8%) had PNS (p < 0.00001). None of the 14 patients with ZIC4 antibodies and 1/13 (8%) with Yo antibodies demonstrated only by line blot had PNS. These findings show a robust diagnostic value of combined diagnostic techniques, and both should be used to demonstrate onconeural antibodies, If antibody testing is performed only with line blot assay, positive bands should be confirmed by rodent brain immunohistochemistry. For ZIC4 or Yo antibody testing, line blot positivity with negative immunohistochemistry has no diagnostic significance, and for the rest of onconeural antibodies the predictive diagnostic value is low