1,461 research outputs found

    Seguimiento de las poblaciones de ungulados silvestres mediante fototrampeo en la Sierra de Cazorla

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    El estudio de los ungulados silvestres se vuelve vital bajo un contexto de sobreabundancia poblacional en Europa debida al abandono rural, y siendo, por una parte, componente clave en el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas, y por otra causa de diferentes conflictos para los humanos. En este trabajo, se ha realizado una tarea de seguimiento mediante fototrampeo, usando diferentes recursos como atrayente, el agua y las piedras de sal. Se ha llevado a cabo en diferentes ubicaciones de la Sierra de Cazorla. Nos ha permitido obtener información relativa al sexo y la edad de los individuos capturados por las cámaras, así como su abundancia relativa, hábitos gregarios y patrones de actividad del consumo de recursos. A su vez, nos ha permitido establecer una comparativa entre el consumo del recurso agua–sal para cada especie, obteniendo una diferencia significativa para el jabalí, para el cual se consigue una mayor media de capturas en las cámaras situadas en puntos de agua. De la misma manera, se ha analizado si existen diferencias entre zonas del parque destinadas a distintos usos; como resultado, no se ha obtenido un valor significativo mediante el test de comparación de medias para cada especie.The study of wild ungulates becomes vital in a context of population overabundance in Europe, which generates different conflicts for humans and ecosystems. In this work, a monitoring task has been carried out by photo-trapping, using different attractant resources, water and salt stones. It has been carried out in different locations of la Sierra de Cazorla. It has allowed us to obtain information on the sex and age of the individuals captured by the cameras, as well as their relative abundance, gregarious habits and activity patterns of resource consumption. At the same time, it has allowed us to establish a comparison between the consumption of the water-salt resource for each species, obtaining a significant difference for the wild boar, for which a higher average of captures is obtained in the cameras located in water points. Likewise, we analyzed whether there are differences between areas of the park destined for different uses; as a result, we did not obtain a significant value using the mean comparison test for each species

    Determinantes de la experiencia de cliente en e-servicios: el caso de las universidades virtuales

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    The proliferation of online universities has open many questions arise regarding the competitiveness and long-term permanence of this kind of institutions. From this perspective, one of the aspects that can contribute to increase their long-term competitiveness is the clients´ experience, in this case, the students. According the last ideas, this study analyses the key drivers of consumer experience in e-services. Particularly our goal is define and quantify the influence that website quality and university brand assess have on consumers experience, when he/she is a student of a virtual university. Using the PLS-SEM (partial least squares-structural equation modeling) has enabled us to demonstrate how the university brand is the most influential factor in the student’s experience. On the other hand, it is observed how the influence exerted by the web environment is lower where the service is offered. Of the three dimensions identified, the quality of the system is the one that exerts a greater influence, followed by the quality of the relationship, which is moderated by the role played by university staff.Este trabajo ha obtenido el Accésit del Premio Estudios Financieros 2017 en la modalidad de Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías. El auge de la universidad online plantea muchas cuestiones relacionadas con la competitividad y permanencia a largo plazo de este tipo de instituciones. Desde esta perspectiva, uno de los aspectos que puede contribuir a incrementar su competitividad a largo plazo es la experiencia de los clientes, en este caso, los estudiantes. Teniendo como antecedentes estas ideas previas, este estudio analiza los factores determinantes de la experiencia de los clientes en los servicios electrónicos. En concreto, el objetivo consiste en definir y cuantificar la influencia que la calidad del sitio web y la marca universidad ejercen sobre la experiencia de los estudiantes de una universidad virtual. El análisis empírico realizado –utilizando PLS-SEM (partial least squares-structural equation modeling)– ha permitido poner de manifiesto que la marca de la universidad es el factor que más influye sobre la experiencia del estudiante. Por otro lado, se observa que la influencia ejercida por el entorno web donde se ofrece el servicio es menor. De las tres dimensiones identificadas, la calidad del sistema es la que ejerce una mayor influencia, seguida de la calidad de la relación, la cual viene moderada por el rol ejercido por el personal del staff universitario

    Caracterização de mulheres em risco preconceitual no CMF 24. Policlínica René Vallejo Ortiz

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    Reproductive risk is conditioned by a series of unique or associated factors, diseases or circumstances that may have an unfavorable impact on the binomial, during pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium. An observational, longitudinal and retrospective study was carried out; with the objective of identifying the preconceptional risk factors in women of the Family Medical Office 24, belonging to the René Vallejo Ortiz Polyclinic, from Bayamo, between January and December 2017. A study of unmatched cases and controls with a non-ill relationship was designed. - ill (4: 1), the sample consisted of 128 healthy and 32 sick women; the data were obtained from an applied data collection form and its medical history. It was applied as an epidemiological instrument to have a measure that quantifies the forces of association, the ratio of cross products and Chi square. The age under 18, over 35 years and the size below 150 cm were the biological background associated with the preconception risk. Repeated abortion was the obstetric history associated with this risk. The conditions associated with it were high blood pressure, heart disease and bronchial asthma. The low level of schooling was the associated socio-environmental background.El riesgo reproductivo está condicionado por una serie de factores, enfermedades o circunstancias únicas o asociadas que pueden repercutir desfavorablemente en el binomio, durante el embarazo, parto o puerperio. Se realizó un estudio observacional, longitudinal y retrospectivo; con el objetivo de identificar los factores de riesgo preconcepcional en mujeres del Consultorio Médico de Familia 24, perteneciente al Policlínico René Vallejo Ortiz, de Bayamo, entre enero y diciembre del 2017. Se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles no pareados con relación no enfermo-enfermo (4:1), la muestra estuvo conformada por 128 mujeres sanas y 32 enfermas; los datos se obtuvieron a partir de una planilla de recolección de datos aplicada y su historia clínica. Se aplicó como instrumento epidemiológico para tener una medida que cuantifique las fuerzas de asociación, la razón de productos cruzados y el Chi cuadrado. La edad menor de 18 años, mayor de 35 años y la talla inferior a 150 cm se constituyeron en los antecedentes biológicos asociados con el riesgo preconcepcional. El aborto a repetición fue el antecedente obstétrico asociados con este riesgo. Las afecciones asociadas con el mismo fueron la hipertensión arterial, las cardiopatías y el asma bronquial. El bajo nivel de escolaridad fue el antecedente socio ambiental asociado. O risco reprodutivo é condicionado por uma série de fatores, doenças ou circunstâncias únicas ou associadas que podem ter um impacto desfavorável no binômio, durante a gravidez, o parto ou o puerpério. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, longitudinal e retrospectivo; com o objetivo de identificar os fatores de risco de preconceito em mulheres do Serviço Médico da Família 24, pertencentes à Policlínica René Vallejo Ortiz, de Bayamo, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2017. Foi realizado um estudo de casos e controles incomparáveis com relação não-doente. - doente (4: 1), a amostra foi composta por 128 mulheres saudáveis e 32 doentes; os dados foram obtidos de um formulário de coleta de dados aplicado e seu histórico médico. Foi aplicado como instrumento epidemiológico a medida que quantifica as forças de associação, a proporção de produtos cruzados e o quadrado do Chi. Idade abaixo de 18 anos, acima de 35 anos e tamanho abaixo de 150 cm foram os antecedentes biológicos associados ao risco de preconceito. O aborto repetido foi a história obstétrica associada a esse risco. As condições associadas a ela foram pressão alta, doenças cardíacas e asma brônquica. O baixo nível de escolaridade foi o background socioambiental associado

    Follow-up of late-onset Pompe disease patients with muscle magnetic resonance imaging reveals increase in fat replacement in skeletal muscles

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    Altres ajuts: This investigation was sponsored by the following grants, one from Sanofi Genzyme and another from the Spanish Ministry of Health, Fondos FEDER-ISCIII. Isabel Illa has received speaker honorarium from Grifols and Sanofi-Genzyme. Jordi Díaz-Manera has received speaker honorarium from PTC Therapeutics and Sanofi-Genzyme. The authors of this manuscript certify that they comply with the ethical guidelines for authorship and publishing in the Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia, and Muscle.42Late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD) is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive degeneration of the skeletal muscles produced by a deficiency of the enzyme acid alpha-glucosidase. Enzymatic replacement therapy with recombinant human alpha-glucosidase seems to reduce the progression of the disease; although at the moment, it is not completely clear to what extent. Quantitative muscle magnetic resonance imaging (qMRI) is a good biomarker for the follow-up of fat replacement in neuromuscular disorders. The aim of this study was to describe the changes observed in fat replacement in skeletal muscles using qMRI in a cohort of LOPD patients followed prospectively. A total of 36 LOPD patients were seen once every year for 4 years. qMRI, several muscle function tests, spirometry, activities of daily living scales, and quality-of-life scales were performed on each visit. Muscle MRI consisted of two-point Dixon studies of the trunk and thigh muscles. Computer analysis of the images provided the percentage of muscle degenerated and replaced by fat in every muscle (known as fat fraction). Longitudinal analysis of the measures was performed using linear mixed models applying the Greenhouse-Geisser test. We detected a statistically significant and continuous increase in mean thigh fat fraction both in treated (+5.8% in 3 years) and in pre-symptomatic patients (+2.6% in 3years) (Greenhouse-Geisser p < 0.05). As an average, fat fraction increased by 1.9% per year in treated patients, compared with 0.8% in pre-symptomatic patients. Fat fraction significantly increased in every muscle of the thighs. We observed a significant correlation between changes observed in fat fraction in qMRI and changes observed in the results of the muscle function tests performed. Moreover, we identified that muscle performance and mean thigh fat fraction at baseline visit were independent parameters influencing fat fraction progression over 4 years (analysis of covariance, p < 0.05). Our study identifies that skeletal muscle fat fraction continues to increase in patients with LOPD despite the treatment with enzymatic replacement therapy. These results suggest that the process of muscle degeneration is not stopped by the treatment and could impact muscle function over the years. Hereby, we show that fat fraction along with muscle function tests can be considered a good outcome measures for clinical trials in LOPD patients

    Starkeya nomas sp. nov., a prosthecate and budding bacterium isolated from an immunocompromized patient

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    Strain HF14-78462T is an environmental bacterium found in clinical samples from an immunocompromized patient in 2014 at Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (Valencia, Spain). Phenotypically, strain HF14-78462T cells were Gram-stain-negative, aerobic, non-spore forming and non-motile small rods which formed mucous and whitish-translucent colonies when incubated at 20-36 °C. Phylogenetic analyses based on the 16S rRNA genes and the whole genomes of closest sequenced relatives confirmed that strain HF14-78462T is affiliated with the genus Starkeya. The strain was oxidase, catalase and urease positive; but indole, lysine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase and DNase negative, did not produce H2S and was able to utilize a wide variety of carbon sources including acetamide, adonitol, amygdalin, l-arabinose, citric acid, glucose, mannitol and melibiose. Unlike Starkeya novella and Starkeya koreensis, strain HF14-78462T failed to grow in thiosulphate-oxidizing media and had a narrower temperature growth range. Its genome was characterized by a size of 4.83 Mbp and a C+G content of 67.75 mol%. Major fatty acids were C18:1 ω7c, cyclo C19 : 0 and C16 : 0, its polar acids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and an aminophospholipid; while the ubiquinones were Q9 (1.8 %) and Q10 (98.2 %). Digital DNA-DNA hybridization values were 41 and 41.4 against S. novella and S. koreensis, respectively, while average nucleotide identity values were around 84 %. Phenotypic, average nucleotide identity and phylogenomic comparative studies suggest that strain HF14-78462T is a new representative of the genus Starkeya and the name Starkeya nomas sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is HF14-78462T (=CECT 30124T=LMG 31874T).Financial support was obtained by the IIS project 2013/0437.S

    Machine Learning Improves Risk Stratification in Myelofibrosis: An Analysis of the Spanish Registry of Myelofibrosis

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    Myelofibrosis (MF) is a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) with heterogeneous clinical course. Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation remains the only curative therapy, but its morbidity and mortality require careful candidate selection. Therefore, accurate disease risk prognostication is critical for treatment decision-making. We obtained registry data from patients diagnosed with MF in 60 Spanish institutions (N = 1386). These were randomly divided into a training set (80%) and a test set (20%). A machine learning (ML) technique (random forest) was used to model overall survival (OS) and leukemia-free survival (LFS) in the training set, and the results were validated in the test set. We derived the AIPSS-MF (Artificial Intelligence Prognostic Scoring System for Myelofibrosis) model, which was based on 8 clinical variables at diagnosis and achieved high accuracy in predicting OS (training set c-index, 0.750; test set c-index, 0.744) and LFS (training set c-index, 0.697; test set c-index, 0.703). No improvement was obtained with the inclusion of MPN driver mutations in the model. We were unable to adequately assess the potential benefit of including adverse cytogenetics or high-risk mutations due to the lack of these data in many patients. AIPSS-MF was superior to the IPSS regardless of MF subtype and age range and outperformed the MYSEC-PM in patients with secondary MF. In conclusion, we have developed a prediction model based exclusively on clinical variables that provides individualized prognostic estimates in patients with primary and secondary MF. The use of AIPSS-MF in combination with predictive models that incorporate genetic information may improve disease risk stratification