998 research outputs found

    A non-cylindrical model of development of the Hercynian belt allochthonous terranes

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    [Resumen] Se propone un modelo no cilíndrico para el desarrollo del Cinturón Hercínico Europeo. Los terrenos alóctonos fuertemente trasladados que forman parte de él se componen de una mezcla de unidades catazonales y ofiolíticas, así como de fragmentos del margen continental de Gondwana. La disposición de estos terrenos y sus relaciones con la paleogeografía de Gondwana, así como las estructuras que muestran, sugieren que se emplazaron de manera oblícua, en una dirección que formaba un pequeño ángulo con el margen de este continente. El alóctono podría estar ligado al desarrollo de un arco de islas o de una subplaca con forma de cuña en la parte meridional de la placa Báltica. Con posterioridad a su emplazamiento, la convergencia entre Gondwana y Laurasia, que habría incluido movimientos transcurrentes esencialmente dextros, sería responsable de la complejidad actual del orógeno.[Abstract] A case is made for a non-cylindrical development of the European Hercynian belt. Far-travelled allochthonous terranes in it consits of a mixture of units including catazonal ones, ophiolites and units derived from the continental margin of Gondwana. Considerations upon the disposition of the terranes, their relationships with the paleogeography of the Gondwana realm and the structures in them, suggest that their emplacement took place in an oblique fashion at a small angle to the margin of this continent. The proposed allochthon could be related to the development of an island arc or a wedge-like subplate in the southern part of the Baltica plate. Later, convergence between Gondwana and Laurussia, involving transcurrent, mostly dextral movements, would account for the present complexity of the belt

    La participaciĂłn del bajo clero en el excedente agrario vasco y riojano (1545-1775)

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    This piece of work analyzes the evolution of the agricultural product received by the lower clergy between 1545 and 1775. To establish the annual income received by the parish priest, one must take into account both the quantity and the quantity in kind received as tithe, once all charges and the part set aside for the cathedral had been deducted. In the same way it is necessary to identify the place these priests occupied in the ecclesiastic hierarchy, since their incomes were closely related to this position. In this paper we compare the annual amount received in kind by an average priest and that received by a peasant in the same village. Eventually these figures give us the opportunity to determine how much the maintenance of the local clergy cost the community. KEY Classification-JEL: N33, N53, N93, Z12Tithe, Agrarian product, Low clergy, Modern Age

    El sistema linfático: el gran olvidado del sistema circulatorio.

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    En el presente artículo se analizan los modelos mentales y las concepciones alternativas que tienen los estudiantes de distintos niveles educativos sobre el sistema linfático como componente del sistema circulatorio. Se establece una relación con las dificultades que se salvaron a lo largo de la historia en la adquisición de dichos conocimientos. Los resultados muestran una deficiente relación entre los sistemas linfáticos y sanguíneos, una falta de conocimientos tanto anatómicos como fisiológicos del sistema linfático y una dificultad para ampliar el modelo explicativo del transporte de nutrientes en los organismos animales, exclusivamente centrado en el sistema sanguíneo. Se termina ofreciendo una propuesta de planificación didáctica de manera que se pueda desarrollar progresivamente el modelo de transporte intern

    The importance of corporate brand identity in business management: An application to the UK banking sector

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    Corporate brand identity management is a key issue for any organisation. Accordingly, its study is a research field of great interest. This paper seeks to broaden the understanding of this strategic activity and its effects. Specifically, it investigates the concept of corporate brand identity from the employees' perspective in the UK financial banking sector and analyses the link between brand identity management and employees' attitudes and behaviours. Results indicate that organisations should pay special attention to the corporate brand identity management, given its influence on employees' commitment with their organisations, as well as their brand performance and satisfaction

    Engagement in business simulation games: A self-system model of motivational development

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    This research draws on the self-system model of motivational development to explain how the use of business simulation games in class facilitates students’ engagement and enhances their learning. Based on a survey of 360 undergraduate students who played a business simulation game in a marketing course, the findings show that students’ perceptions of competence, autonomy, relatedness and self-efficacy have a positive impact on their cognitive, emotional and behavioural engagement. In addition, cognitive and emotional engagement have a positive influence on skills development and perceived learning

    The role of flow for mobile advergaming effectiveness

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    Purpose: Based on flow theory, the purpose of this paper is to explain why the use of mobile advergames can enhance players’ brand perceptions and purchase intentions, as well as the factors that affect players’ flow experience. Design/methodology/approach: Data from 212 participants who played a mobile advergame was analysed. Structural equation modelling with PLS was used to test the research model. Findings: The results reveal that challenge, interactivity, focused attention and telepresence significantly influence the flow experience while playing mobile advergames. Results also show that the greater the flow, the more positive the attitude towards the featured brand and the greater the purchase intention. Practical implications: The findings of this study are important for advertising practitioners and advergames developers as understanding the key game features that promote flow is crucial to designing engaging mobile advergames that persuade players most. Originality/value: This study contributes to the literature in two ways. First, it provides new insights into the effectiveness of mobile advergames, which is an under-researched area. Second, it offers a conceptual framework based on flow theory for understanding why the use of mobile advergames can enhance players’ brand perceptions and purchase intentions

    Encouraging intrinsic motivation in management training: The use of business simulation games

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    Business simulation games are one of the most effective tools for motivating and engaging players actively in the learning experience. In this context, understanding which factors promote the intrinsic motivation of players is of primary importance. Self-determination theory (a theory of human motivation) postulates that contexts that support satisfaction of the three innate psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness allow individuals to maintain intrinsic motivation. However, no previous research has applied this theory to explain motivation while playing business simulation games. To address this gap, we propose that satisfaction of the needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness influences players’ intrinsic motivation, which in turn facilitates engagement. This study also explores the impact of intrinsic motivation and engagement on the development of generic skills and perceived learning. Based on a survey of 360 undergraduate business students who used a business simulation game, the findings provide support for most of the hypothesized relationships

    Alimentación, carestías y crisis de mortalidad en la España cantábrica (1680-1860)

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    This article examines the food consumption patterns, the evolution of catastrophic mortality and the role of famines in the appearance of mortality crises on the Cantabrian coast from the late seventeenth to the mid-nineteenth century, before the start of the industrial era. Family budgets, burials and wheat prices are used here to measure how important the shortages were in the appearance of adult mortality crises. Though the population was generally well nourished, the main finding of this analysis is that on the rare occasions in which famines did occur, they were mainly a combination of local crop failures, a break down in the usual marketing channels or wars that caused situations of extreme food scarcity over the course of two or more years

    3D Analysis of an Ordovician igneous ensemble: A complex magmatic structure hidden in a polydeformed allochthonous Variscan unit

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    [EN]The basal units of the allochthonous complexes of NW Iberia represent a fragment of the external edge of Gondwana subducted and subsequently exhumed during the Variscan collision. The structural analysis carried out in orthogneissic massifs of the southern part of one of these, the Malpica–Tui Unit, reveals the generation of recumbent folds and associated axial planar foliation during their exhumation. These folds nucleated in irregular igneous bodies that were initially deformed during the subduction event and show east to southeast vergence. Down-plunge projection of surface data and a series of regularly spaced cross-sections have been used to build 3D models of the two main bodies of orthogneiss, of calc-alkaline and peralkaline compositions respectively. The first is presently a lens-shaped body folded in a recumbent syncline, whereas the peralkaline gneiss, also affected by a train of asymmetric recumbent folds in the south, exhibits in the north a fold-like structure which is interpreted as inherited from its primary geometry, that of a ring dike pluton
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