2,136 research outputs found

    Actitudes, dudas y conocimientos de los colectivos implicados en la atención del paciente con Alzheimer: resultados de la encuesta del proyecto kNOW Alzheimer

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    Introducción: La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) involucra a colectivos diversos de profesionales y cuidadores. Las actitudes y necesidades de formación en diagnóstico temprano, tratamiento, síntomas conductuales, recursos sociosanitarios y aspectos legales o éticos son desconocidas.Métodos: Estudio observacional transversal tipo encuesta dentro del proyecto kNOW Alzheimer, iniciativa de la SEN, SEGG, SEMERGEN, SEFAC y CEAFA mediante cuestionarios específicos. Cada sociedad invitó a todos sus miembros a cumplimentarlos a través de www.knowalzheimer.com.Resultados: Participaron 114 neurólogos, 113 geriatras, 275 médicos de atención primaria, 328 farmacéuticos y 858 cuidadores. Los retrasos en el diagnóstico se originan en pacientes y cuidadores, el sistema y en los profesionales, que carecen de medios o malinterpretan síntomas tempranos. Persiste el uso del término “demencia senil”. Profesionales y cuidadores perciben buena eficacia del tratamiento. Se apuesta por el diagnóstico y tratamiento en fase pre-demencia. Hay déficit de formación en el manejo de la conducta. Los profesionales afirman que informan pero los cuidadores se sienten desinformados. Los cuidadores desean conocer cuanto antes si ellos o un familiar padecen Alzheimer. Los síntomas conductuales y la necesidad de restringir actividades son fuentes de sobrecarga. Los farmacéuticos pueden contribuir a la detección y manejo, pero precisan de formación amplia. Hay necesidad de formación en aspectos legales, bioéticos, recursos y acceso a la investigación.Conclusiones: Este proyecto ha permitido obtener información sobre actitudes y dudas de los colectivos involucrados en la atención a la EA, necesidades de formación y puntos de mejora

    Títol del projecte que es presenta a la Jornada portal historiaenobres

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    El projecte ha consistit en la construcció d'un portal en Internet per als estudiants d'Història de l'Arquitectura II i III amb el doble objectiu de mostrar els treballs més destacats i compartir aquesta informació per facilitar l’estudi de l’assignatura. L’equip de treball Història en Obres va procedir a la digitalització de nombrosos documents emmagatzemats en suport paper o en diapositives, i posteriorment a l'ordenació i selecció del material. Tanmateix els treballs seleccionats van ser revisats, els plànols comprovats, corregits i uniformitzats, i es va incorporar un text descriptiu-analític de 600 paraules aproximadament a cada obra. Es van disenyar les diferents pantalles i camps principals (arquitectes, obres, emplaçament, data i paraula clau). Conscients de la utilitat del projecte que s'estava duent a terme es va proposar l'edició del portal en tres idiomes: català, castellà i anglès. Per poder treballar de forma àgil amb tota la informació va ser necessària la creació d'un entorn de treball propi del portal que permetés manipular les bases de dades evitant introduir errors i verificant possibles incidències en la sintaxi de les dades. Finalment, per facilitar l'accés a la documentació a través de biblioteques i arxius i preveient dues edicions a l’any es va sol·licitar un codi ISSN com a revista digital que identifiqués la publicació periòdicament (actualitzacions de continguts i ampliació

    A library-based tool to translate high level DNN models into hierarchical VHDL descriptions

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    This work presents a tool to convert high level models of deep neural networks into register transfer level designs. In order to make it useful for different target technologies, the output designs are based on hierarchical VHDL descriptions, which are accepted as input files for a wide variety of FPGA, SoC and ASIC digital synthesis tools. The presented tool is aimed to speed up the design and synthesis cycle of such systems and provides the designer with certain capability to balance network latency and hardware resources. It also provides a clock domain crossing to interface the input layer of the synthesized neural networks with sensors running at different clock frequencies. The tool is tested with a neural network which combines convolutional and fully connected layers designed to perform traffic sign recognition tasks and synthesized under different hardware resource usage specifications on a Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC development board.This work has been partially funded by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and European Region Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) under grant RTI2018-097088-B-C33

    The pine shoot beetle Tomicus piniperda as a plausible vector of Fusarium circinatum in northern Spain

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    International audienceAbstractKey messageThe pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda, is a potential vector of the pitch canker disease pathogen. The insect could transmit the pathogenic fungus during its maturation or regeneration feeding on the shoots of healthy pine crowns.ContextFusarium circinatum, the causal agent of pitch canker disease, currently affects Pinus radiata in northern Spain, causing pitch-soaked cankers and tree death. Although several species of the family Scolytinae have been reported as vectors of this pathogen, the role of the pine shoot beetle T. piniperda remains unclear.AimsThe general objective of this study was to determine whether T. piniperda is a vector for the pitch canker pathogen F. circinatum. For this purpose, Leach’s postulates (1) an association between T. piniperda and trees affected by pitch canker disease; (2) regular visits by T. piniperda to healthy P. radiata trees; (3) presence of the pathogen on the insect in nature; and (4) transmission of the pathogen to disease-free host material under controlled conditions.MethodsFresh green shoots with feeding galleries were collected from the ground, breeding galleries were collected from diseased trunks and insects were collected during their dispersion flights. A laboratory experiment was conducted in which specimens of T. piniperda were inoculated with the pathogen prior to feeding on shoots.ResultsIn the field, T. piniperda was found to be associated with both diseased and healthy P. radiata trees, and F. circinatum was found to be present, at low rates, on the exoskeleton of T. piniperda. In the laboratory experiment, evidence of the ability of T. piniperda to transfer the pathogen to healthy shoots was found.ConclusionsThe study findings indicate T. piniperda as a plausible vector of this pathogen. We postulate for the first time a potential relationship between the life cycles of T. piniperda and F. circinatum

    Performance analysis of persistence technologies for cloud repositories of models

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    The growing adoption of Model Driven Development (MDD) in companies during last decade arises some model interchange problems. Companies need support to interchange models and reuse parts of them for developing new projects. Traditional tools for model edition and model interchange have different performance issues related to the models storage. There are mainly two styles to organize the persistence of models into repositories: a complex and large model or a large amount of small models. This last approach is common in companies that generate software from models. In this paper, we analyse performance properties of different persistence technologies to store small/medium-scale models, the analysis results should be considered in the design of model repositories in the cloud. With this aim, we have designed and developed a generic architecture to evaluate each persistence technology under similar situations

    A functional data analysis for assessing the impact of a retrofitting in the energy performance of a building

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    There is an increasing interest in reducing the energy consumption in buildings and in improving their energy efficiency. Building retrofitting is the employed solution for enhancing the energy efficiency in existing buildings. However, the actual performance after retrofitting should be analysed to check the effectiveness of the energy conservation measures. The aim of this work was to detect and to quantify the impact that a retrofitting had in the electrical consumption, heating demands, lighting and temperatures of a building located in the north of Spain. The methodology employed is the application of Functional Data Analyses (FDA) in comparison with classic mathematical techniques such as the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The methods that are commonly used for assessing building refurbishment are based on vectorial approaches. The novelty of this work is the application of FDA for assessing the energy performance of renovated buildings. The study proves that more accurate and realistic results are obtained working with correlated datasets than with independently distributed observations of classical methods. Moreover, the electrical savings reached values of more than 70% and the heating demands were reduced more than 15% for all floors in the building.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. RTI2018-096296-B-C2

    A Functional Data Analysis for Assessing the Impact of a Retrofitting in the Energy Performance of a Building

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    There is an increasing interest in reducing the energy consumption in buildings and in improving their energy efficiency. Building retrofitting is the employed solution for enhancing the energy efficiency in existing buildings. However, the actual performance after retrofitting should be analysed to check the effectiveness of the energy conservation measures. The aim of this work was to detect and to quantify the impact that a retrofitting had in the electrical consumption, heating demands, lighting and temperatures of a building located in the north of Spain. The methodology employed is the application of Functional Data Analyses (FDA) in comparison with classic mathematical techniques such as the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The methods that are commonly used for assessing building refurbishment are based on vectorial approaches. The novelty of this work is the application of FDA for assessing the energy performance of renovated buildings. The study proves that more accurate and realistic results are obtained working with correlated datasets than with independently distributed observations of classical methods. Moreover, the electrical savings reached values of more than 70% and the heating demands were reduced more than 15% for all floors in the building.This paper was funded by the Spanish Government (Science, Innovation and Universities Ministry) under the project RTI2018-096296-B-C21

    Effect of mycoviruses on growth, spore germination and pathogenicity of the fungus Fusarium circinatum

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    Producción CientíficaAim of the study: To assess the impact on two mycoviruses recently described in F. circinatum mitovirus 1, and 2-2 (FcMV1 and FcMV2-2) on i) mycelial growth, ii) spore germination and iii) relative necrosis. Material and methods: Fourteen monosporic strains of F. circinatum (one of each pair infected with mycoviruses and the other without them) of the pathogen with and without viruses were selected for the assay. The statistical analysis, were a linear mixed model of analysis of variance considering one between-subjects factor (isolate) and one within-subjects factor with four levels (1=without viruses, 2=only virus FcMV1, 3=only virus FcMV2-2 and 4=both viruses). Main results: Colony growth rates of F. circinatum isolates were significantly reduced in presence of mycoviruses (p=0.002). The spore germination was also reduced in the F. circinatum isolates containing mycovirus as compared to mycovirus-free isolates (p<0.001). No significant differences in lesion lengths caused by F. circinatum were found in relation to the presence/absence of mycovirus (p<0.61). Research highlights: Reduction of the percentage of spore germination in the isolates of F. circinatum with mycovirus infections, as compared to free isolates, provides indications of reduction of metabolic activity and plant physiology are discussed. The lack of significant differences found in the length of the lesions caused by F. circinatum with respect to the presence/absence of mycovirus, indicates that further studies with a larger number of variables are required.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (projects AGL2012-39912 and AGL2015- 69370-R)European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action FP1406 PINESTRENGTH)Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (grant SFRH/BPD/122928/2016

    La intervención psicopedagógica socio-comunitaria en un centro educativo de secundaria del distrito V

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    [Resumo] A presente experiencia básase nun Proxecto de Intervención do Servicio Comunitario do Distrito V de A Coruña en convenio ca Universidade de A Coruña. Partindo da necesidade de analizar o sistema educativo e en concreto, o cumplimento dos seus obxectivos para coas necesidades socio-comunitarias, proponse poñer en marcha un proceso de intervención que redunde na participación dos suxeitos inmersos nel (profesores/as, alumnos/as, comunidade representada polas APAs e Administración educativa) na búsqueda da solución dos propios problemas e do compromiso persoal, a través da dinámica do grupo, para realizalo. Persíguese con iso a toma de conciencia das dificultades individuales e a xeración da autocapacidade para resolvelas. Xunto con iso trátase de educar ou crear hábitos de autonomía, cooperación e axuda, básicos e imprescindibles para o desenvolvemento na comunidade na que viven. Nesta comunicación preséntanse os datos recollidos a través dos alumnos/as. Neles se reflexan as súas necesidades e as solucións que propoñen para a millora da calidade do sistema educativo no que están inmersos, que, por suposto, redundará no seu futuro social e comunitario. Das súas sugerencias pode derivarse toda unha serie de conclusións moi operativas e básicas para a posta en marcha dun proceso educativo con mínimas garantías de éxito e calidad

    Thread-like tentacles in the Mediterranean corals Paramuricea clavata and Corallium rubrum

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    The occurrence of modified tentacles (i.e. thread-like tentacles) in the Mediterranean octocorals Paramuricea clavata and Corallium rubrum is reported. Colonies of four species of Mediterranean gorgonians were maintained in aquarium conditions for more than 5 months. The development of thread-like tentacles has been observed only in two of the four species. The presence of modified tentacles in other cnidarians has been usually associated with defensive/aggressive behavior. Our observations showed that thread-like tentacles in P. clavata and C. rubrum can also be used for feeding