5,767 research outputs found

    Educational intergenerational mobility in Latin America : a non-linear quantile regression analysis

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    This paper studies educational intergenerational mobility in Latin America in the period of 2006-2013. With the use of Ordinary Least Square and Quantile Regression estimations, it shows that the region still presents low levels of mobility. There are clear differences between countries, and for most of them, mobility has increased across the period of study, which goes along with the inequality reduction of the region in the last decade...Esta investigación estudia la movilidad intergeneracional de educación en América Latina en el periodo de 2006-2013. Mediante estimaciones de Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios y de Regresión Cuantílica, se prueba que la región todavía presenta niveles bajos de movilidad. Existen claras diferencias entre países, y para la mayoría de ellos, la movilidad ha aumentado a lo largo del periodo que se estudia, lo que concuerda con la reducción de desigualdad de la región en la última década. Además, las no linearidades son significativas tanto para el principal regresor (educación de los padres) como para la variable dependiente (educación de los hijos)..

    Systematics, Biogeography and Leaf Anatomy and Architecture of Bursera subgen. Bursera (Burseraceae) in the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas

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    This dissertation presents a comprehensive study on the origin and evolutionary relationships of the species of Bursera in Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and the Bahamas. The goals of the first chapter were to test monophyly of the group, revisit a recent transfer of two species of Bursera to Commiphora, and place recently discovered mainland species using the reconstructed phylogenies. Additionally, divergence estimations using fossils were used as independent tests of several hypotheses regarding the arrival of the modern biota to the Greater Antilles and Bahamas (GAB). I conclude that all endemic taxonomic entities of the genus in this region belong to Bursera subgen. Bursera but that two separate lineages colonized the GAB via dispersal. The genus diversified during the Middle Miocene to Pliocene, and the data corroborate several paleogeographic events during that interval. The second chapter presents informative characters from leaf anatomy and leaf architecture for the 14 endemic species of Bursera distributed in the GAB. There is evidence for some evolutionary tendencies in the group, among them a trend toward small, simple, amphistomatic and unifacial leaves, character states for which ecological correlates can now be studied. Morphological and anatomical evidence corroborates phylogenetic results in suggesting that a population of B. glauca in Cuba is a new species. Finally, the third chapter constitutes the first taxonomic account and description of all known endemic species of Bursera in the region and reflects the results of the previous chapters. The primary results are as follows: (1) a new species from eastern Cuba, B. yaterensis, is described; (2) five species of Commiphora are returned to Bursera; (3) B. nashii is treated as conspecific with B. glauca; and (4) B. ovata is treated as conspecific with B. trinitensis. A dichotomous key is provided using mostly vegetative characters due to the frequent lack of adequate reproductive material and the relative uniformity of most floral and fruit characters. Each species description includes leaf architecture (morphology and venation pattern) and anatomy, introducing characters that could and should be used for describing and distinguishing other Bursera in Meso- and South America as well as for African Commiphora

    Principales estrategias del marketing político utilizadas por los partidos políticos; para la obtención del voto en las elecciones locales de Julio de 2012, en el municipio de Joquicingo, Estado de México

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    el presente estudio se realizó en el municipio de Joquicingo, Estado de México, para conocer las estrategias de mercadotecnia política que utilizaron los partidos políticos en las elecciones de julio de 2012 para atraer el voto popular; de igual forma, analizamos las herramientas del mismo para determinar si el uso que se les dio tuvo los resultados deseados

    Implementation of COIL in mental health education: Outcomes of a collaboration between Spain and the United States nursing students

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    Collaborative International Online Learning (COIL) provides students meaningful and valuable engagement with students in another country to reach the goals of academic programs at the participating institutions. The strategy has demonstrated benefits for nursing students, including the acquisition of self-awareness, empathy, cultural humility, and leadership skills. The aim of this study was to share the results of the partnership in a COIL project using digital technology between a university in the United States and a university in Spain. The goals of this collaboration were twofold: to expose students in the U.S. and Spain to an international experience on mental health and to provide a comparative view of their respective health care systems. The chosen technique focuses on perceptions of mental health and how mental health care is delivered in clinical settings. A total of 166 students took part in this experience. The virtual exchange allowed students and faculty to share best practices in caring for people with mental illness. Nursing students providing care to COVID-19 patients reflected on lessons learned during the pandemic and its impact on community mental health. Small group activities such as icebreakers, homework assignments, and reflections were used to share and compare experiences. Students completed COIL surveys, which demonstrated that students from both countries perceived learning gains using evidence-based best practices related to key nursing concepts in a mutually respectful virtual exchange. The results show a perceived increase in the comprehension of mental health-related content and enhancement of clinical practice. Therefore, the COIL methodology is a feasible option as it allows for an intercultural exchange with an in-depth examination of content from the learners and teaching perspectives. In addition, it prepares students to work in international teams virtually.S

    Friendship and Consumption Networks in Adolescents and Their Relationship to Stress and Cannabis Use Intention

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    Background: Cannabis is an illegal psychoactive substance that's use is widespread among adolescents. During adolescence, many changes can cause stress. In this phase, the group of friends becomes increasingly important, being a situation of vulnerability for the beginning of cannabis use, either as an escape mechanism or due to peer's influence. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the structure of the consumption and friendship network, the intention to use cannabis, and the stress in a secondary school class. Methods: An online platform with validated self-reported questionnaires were used for data collection. Results: The sample consisted of adolescents (n = 20) aged 14-16 from a third-year class of compulsory secondary education in Ponferrada (León, Spain). Significant differences were obtained concerning consumption intention and the different network metrics in both the friendship and consumption networks. Subsequently, the representation of these networks was carried out. Conclusions: Social Network Analysis is a very useful tool that provides a picture of the context in which adolescents are located. In the consumption network, there are central actors who have not yet consumed cannabis; this is a crucial moment to implement prevention strategies.S

    Usefulness of web pages for social education work

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    Las dinámicas de trabajo actuales exigen, cada vez en mayor medida, el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Para ello, las TIC, y especialmente las prácticas formativas con páginas web pueden desempeñar un papel substancial en la innovación y la mejora de la Educación Social. Por ello, la finalidad principal de esta investigación es descubrir la percepción que tiene el alumnado universitario sobre el uso de las páginas web para el campo de trabajo de la Educación Social. El estudio realizado se enmarca en la investigación cualitativa. Para ello, se han analizado 68 diarios académicos del alumnado de primer curso de la titulación de Educación Social. Como resultados y conclusiones cabe indicar que estos/as alumnos/as perciben beneficioso las páginas web como herramienta de expresión, así como un mecanismo idóneo para la visibilización de la Educación Social. Valoran positivamente el carácter lúdico, motivador y las posibilidades que existen para la utilización de entornos gratuitos. En definitiva, reconocen el potencial esencial de las páginas web para la educación informal, como una herramienta interesante para la innovación e interacción social en el ámbito de trabajo de la Educación SocialThe current work dynamics demand, increasingly to a greater extent, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Knowledge Society. For this, ICT, and especially training practices with web pages can play a substantial role in innovation and improvement of Social Education. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to discover the perception that university students have about the use of web pages for the field of work of Social Education. The study is framed in qualitative research. For this, 68 academic journals of the first-year students of the Social Education degree have been analyzed. As results and conclusions, it should be noted that these students perceive web pages as a tool of expression, as well as an ideal mechanism for the visibility of Social Education. They value positively the ludic, motivating character and the possibilities that exist for the use of free environments. In short, the essential potential of web pages for informal education, as an interesting tool for innovation and social interaction in the field of Social Education wor

    A systematic review of tablet use in primary education

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    The great social changes caused by the development of digital technologies have also started to transform the field of education thanks to the incorporation of new devices into the learning process. The purpose of this research is to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the state of the question based on a review of scientific literature regarding primary-school children’s use of tablets and changes that can be attributed to it. A fundamentally qualitative methodology with a narrative approach was used in this research to carry out documentary analysis of a sample of 163 articles indexed in Web of Science, Scopus and ERIC. This sample was selected by using different search operators according to the respective axes/categories of the topic of study. The information extracted was subjected to content analysis and contingency analysis. The latter made it possible to identify the relationship between the qualitative variables and the temporal perspective, based on Cramér’s V. This study’s findings show that tablets are used in the classroom and at home, although the types of activities differ. In the school context, it is worth noting the existence of patterns of practices connected to searching online for curriculum content and creating it, as well as communication and interaction. The learning strategies employed are linked to the individualisation of education, while cooperative and collaborative forms are not encouraged enough. The indicators of the impact of use of tablets point to an increase in students’ motivation during their learning, although at the same time it can also cause distractions.La gran transformación social que ha generado el desarrollo y la expansión de las TIC comienza también a irradiar el ámbito educativo, una vez que se han incorporado nuevos dispositivos al proceso de aprendizaje. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar un panorama global y actualizado del estado de la cuestión, a partir de la revisión de la literatura científica, sobre el uso y los cambios atribuibles a la tableta en el alumnado de educación primaria. El estudio realizado se aborda desde una metodología esencialmente cualitativa, enmarcada en el enfoque narrativo a través del análisis documental, con una muestra de 163 artículos de revistas indexadas en Web of Science, Scopus y ERIC; que fue delimitada a partir del empleo de distintos operadores de búsqueda atendiendo a los respectivos ejes/categorías del tópico de estudio. A la información extraída se le ha aplicado un análisis de contenido, así como otro de contingencia. Este último ha permitido identificar la relación existente entre las variables cualitativas y la perspectiva temporal, a partir de la V de Cramer. Como resultados y conclusiones cabe destacar que la tableta es utilizada por el alumnado tanto en el contexto del aula como en el hogar. No obstante, la tipología de actividades es diferente. En el ámbito escolar, cabe señalar la existencia de patrones de prácticas relativas a la búsqueda de contenidos curriculares en Internet y sobre su creación, así como para la comunicación o el desarrollo de la interacción. Las estrategias de aprendizaje utilizadas están ligadas con la individualización de la enseñanza, encontrándose poco potenciadas las de tipo cooperativo o colaborativo. Los indicadores sobre el impacto del uso de la tableta apuntan a un incremento de la motivación en el aprendizaje del alumnado, pero también le produce distracción

    Chitosan: Strategies to Increase and Modulate Drug Release Rate

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    Chitin is the second most abundant polysaccharide present in nature; however, chitin has more applications when transformed into chitosan (CS). It is biocompatible, biodegradable, mucoadhesive, soluble in acidic-solutions, nontoxic and nonallergenic. The main drawback of chitosan in pharmaceutical procedures is its low solubility in physiological medium. Chitosan shows physicochemical characteristics that allow it to interact with a wide variety of molecules. This is of particular interest when increasing the solubility of poor water-soluble drugs. For this purpose, chitosan can be used in oral, nasal and ocular routes. In order to modulate drug release rate and achieve a proper drug delivery in physiological medium, some parameters can be modified when solid dispersions or nanoparticles (NPs) based on chitosan are being designed. In case of nanoparticles, chitosan can be used as the main component or as a modifying agent. In order to optimize drug loading and drug delivery, response surface methodology (RSM) is an interesting tool usually underestimated in the pharmaceutical field, which allows us to optimize the parameters involved in the process simultaneously and not by different steps, which usually lead to mistakes

    Air Marking in Ohio

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    Este texto pone en escena algunas problematizaciones existentes sobre la investigación educativa y pedagógica que realizan los y las maestras. Se sitúan algunas tensiones que hoy se reconocen en el ámbito académico sobre la validez y el alcance de sus producciones y se precisan algunas líneas de fuerza que coadyuvan a su reconocimiento como “maestros investigadores”. Las posturas y reflexiones se argumentan con la mirada empírica a trabajos de investigación realizados por maestros y maestros que han participado en proyectos convocados y apoyados por el IDEP, realizaciones que los expresan como productores de saber y conocimiento pedagógico