3,957 research outputs found

    Atención Podológica en el Síndrome de Dolor Regional Complejo I. Revisión bibliográfica

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    Treball Final de Grau de Podologia, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2016-2017, Tutor: Rafael Cuevas GómezEl síndrome de dolor regional complejo (SDRC) es un proceso doloroso, clasificado en: tipo I sin presencia de lesión nerviosa y tipo II con presencia de lesión nerviosa. Habitualmente aparece tras un evento nocivo como un traumatismo o cirugía, pero puede aparecer de manera espontánea. Los objetivos son describir los criterios diagnósticos, el tratamiento y prevención, y la atención podológica en el SDRC tipo I. Para llevarlos a cabo, se realiza una búsqueda de publicaciones en bases de datos biomédicas PubMed, Scopus y Chochrane, sobre el SDRC I de los últimos 5 años. Se revisan también tres Guías de Práctica Clínica (GPC) actuales sobre SDRC I, con un total de 13 artículos, subdivididos en 6 revisiones bibliográficas, 2 revisiones Cochrane, 1 meta-análisis, 2 casos clínicos, y 2 estudios comparativos. En los resultados de la revisión, se observa que el diagnóstico del SRDC I es estrictamente clínico y el criterio más recomendado es el de la International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) consensuado en la conferencia de Budapest. Sobre el tratamiento se describe que éste debe ser multidisciplinar, incluyendo tratamientos no farmacológicos (terapia física, terapia ocupacional y psicoterapia) y tratamientos complementarios, como el farmacológico y el invasivo. Se describe el uso de vitamina C como una medida preventiva, para reducir el riesgo de SDRC en cirugía. A pesar de que no se encuentran artículos sobre la atención podológica en SDRC I, el profesional en Podología es competente tanto para participar en el proceso diagnóstico, como en el terapéutico y preventivo

    Community building and memberships realtions in spanish law of the nineteenth century

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    El presente trabajo se ocupa de la problemática del sujeto y su pertenencia a la comunidad política en el Derecho español del siglo XIX. Se trata de indagar la trayectoria que, arrancando del orden tradicional de la Monarquía católica, desembocó en la "nacionalidad" como institución fundamental para el Estado. Para ello, se presta atención tanto a la semántica de las relaciones de pertenencia, como al cuerpo legislativo del siglo XIX, problematizado en tres espacios -público, doméstico, y nacional (por oposición a extranjero)- esenciales para el Estado en construcción. En ellos se revela una intención de monopolizar el acceso de los sujetos a la comunidad política.This paper deals with the problems of the legal subject and its political membership in Spanish law of the nineteenth century. It wants to investigate the path that starts from the traditional law of the Catholic Monarchy and leads to nationality as a fundamental legal category for the new State. For that purpose, we study both the new semantics of membership relations and the Spanish legal corpus of the ninetheenth century, divided in three problematic areas that became essential for the State-buiding process: public, domestic and national (as opposed to foreigner). They reveal an intention to monolopize the access of subjects to the political communit

    Lands in the hands of the artisans. Agrarian possessions of artisan valencian families (1370-1450)

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    Artisans in the late Middle Ages often owned an important amount of land in some European regions, despite it was not their main activity. There are constant references about it in the relatively abundant Valencian data. Nevertheless, this subject has aroused only a few detailed studies. In this article we have asked ourselves about the importance of those agrarian plots in the little workshops' domestic economies and in the social strategies of these families. To explain all those matters, we have studied some examples along the country: from the professionals of the little towns, to urban centres and also the artisans of the city of Valencia at the end of the 14th and during the 15th century

    La tierra en manos de menestrales. Las posesiones agrarias de los artesanos valencianos (1370-1450).

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    Una parte del artesanado durante la Baja Edad Media poseyó una cantidad importante de tierras en muchas regiones europeas, pese a no formar parte de su actividad principal. En el caso valenciano, las referencias en la relativamente abundante documentación notarial y judicial son, del mismo modo, constantes. Este tema, sin embargo, apenas ha suscitado estudios en detalle. En el presente artículo nos interrogamos acerca del papel de las parcelas agrarias en las economías domésticas de la pequeña empresa artesanal y su importancia en las estrategias sociales de estas mismas familias. Para ello hemos tomado varios ejemplos a lo largo del País Valenciano a finales del siglo XIV y comienzos del XV: desde los profesionales en pequeñas localidades de ámbito rural, pasando por otros núcleos con funciones claramente urbanas y también los artesanos de la ciudad de Valencia.During the Late Middle Ages, in many European regions, artisans owned large amounts of land, though these were not central to their work activity. In the Valencian case, there are constant references to this in notarial and judicial sources. Nevertheless, there have been few in‐depth studies of this subject. This article deals with the role of plots of land in the domestic economies of small enterprises and their importance in the social strategies of the families involved. We offer several examples from around the Valencian region at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 15th century. This includes professionals in small rural towns, as well as artisans from Valencia or other urban centres

    Campos Alanís, J. (2011). La geografía de la marginación. Enfoque conceptual y metodológico alternativo para el caso de México

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    A 0.18um CMOS TSPC D Flip Flop as an Arbiter for a low power 10-bits 200kS/s ADC with Adaptive Conversion Cycle Oriented to Audio Applications

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    This document presents the design of an arbiter circuit for a time-based SAR-ADC. The arbiter is a TSPC D flip flop. It was designed in TSMC 0.18 μm CMOS technology with 1.8 V supply voltage. It was tested at a clock frequency of 200 KHz, but it can operate even at 100 MHz. Simulation results using the typical process parameters shown a setup time of 5.02 ps and Hold time of 51.72 ps, the TSPC D flip flop power consumption is 62.61 μW@200 KHz, and the layout area is 368.284 μm2. The simulation is performed across all PVT corners that vary from a temperature of -40 °C up to 125 °C, with a supply voltage variation from 1.62 V up to 1.98 V and the TSPC D flip flop functionality is correct.ITESO, A. C

    Implementing a TSPC D Flip Flop as an Arbiter for a low power 10-bits 200kS/s ADC with Adaptive Conversion Cycle for High-Quality Audio Applications in 0.18um TSMC CMOS Technology

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    This document presents the design of an arbiter circuit for a time-based SAR-ADC. The arbiter is a TSPC D flip flop. It was designed in TSMC 0.18 µm CMOS technology with 1.8 V supply voltage. It was tested at a clock frequency of 200 KHz, but it can operate even at 100 MHz. Simulation results using the typical process parameters shown a setup time of 5.02 ps and Hold time of 51.72 ps, the TSPC D flip flop power consumption is 62.61 µW@200 KHz, and the layout area is 368.284 µm2. The simulation is performed across all PVT corners that vary from a temperature of -40 °C up to 125 °C, with a supply voltage variation from 1.62 V up to 1.98 V and the TSPC D flip flop functionality is correct.ITESO, A. C

    Offshore wind and tidal stream power plant

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    In this study, it will be analysed the feasibility of a hybrid offshore wind farm where both wind and tidal stream technologies are combined. The co-location of this technologies will produce more energy without increasing the size of the wind turbine. Moreover, this co-location will offer synergies of shared infrastructures that will help to reduce both capital and operational costs. With this purpose a simulation and modelling of the system in terms of generation, structural forces, integration to the grid and economics will been done. Firstly, we will need to evaluate the current technologies in order to evaluate in which conditions the combination of this technologies can be more profitable in an energetic and in an economic point of view. For this reason, it was decided to locate our plant at the north of the Island of Anglesey, in United Kingdom, due to its convenient wind and tidal resources for both technologies. Furthermore, the government of UK offers strike prices for the production of renewable energy, which will be beneficial for our farm. The election of thewind and tidal stream turbinesand a proper structurewill be determinant for the farm will be determinant for the success of our plant. These turbines need to optimize the energy in our location. Moreover, the idea is to use the same structure, with some variations, that would be needed in the case of the installation of just the offshore wind turbine. So, the tidal turbine must be able to adapt to this structure.Once that the system is defined, a 3D structural simulation will be done in order to evaluate if the whole system supports all the loads that act over the structure following the present standards. This simulation will be done for the case with the implementation of the tidal stream turbine and for the case were we just have the wind turbine. The main loads that act over the structure are the aerodynamic and hydrodynamic loads, they will be calculated to have an accurate structural analysis. Furthermore, the natural frequency of the structure will be studied to prevent possible damages.After the preliminary wind and tidal analysis for selecting the location, an accurate study will be done in order to obtain the wind and tidal resources. In the case of wind we will use both theoretical and real data in order to obtain the most accurate production. In the case of the tidal resources, the dynamic components of the currents will be simulate with Matlab. After knowing the resources, we will need to optimize the location of the turbines to reduce possible wake losses. Then, we will study the energy production for the selected turbines in our location.Finally, an economic analysis will be done in order to evaluate thefeasibility of the project and how the implementation of the tidal stream turbine affects to the LCOE and to the outcome of the plant throughout its lifetim